TheM'i'chigan Daily VoL. XVIII. ANN AR-.OR, MICHIGAN. SU NDAY, MARCH 22 f908. No. 129 REGIMENTAL FLAG DROOPS TO VARSITY l'lichigan Wins Meet, 42 to 30- Iddings Fails to Establish Gym Record-Syracuse Scheduled. Alichigan again proved victor over the regimental squadl from Chicago, winning thc meet y a -score of 42 to 3. Te comtptetition was exceedingly close all tlesway. No recordsswsere estalished, though all the events swere rn in credit- ahle ime. Iddings and Kimaltried to reak the gym record in the pole 9 vault, ut failesd. The record is it feel 3 inches and sas esalished'tDvorak a-few years ago. Michigan started off weltl by taking eight points in the shtputit The regi- ment enterest lit one man., Carrithers, weho was expectedl to crowd his oppo- nents for fr1st ae, bt he failed to reach the forty mark and scoret lowest tf the three enteretd. Benrooksost the event with a put of 42 feel 4 inches to his credit ]n six tries his lowest mark was 40 feet 2t1-2 inches. Horner ws secotn, his heet lbteiing 40 feel 7 incies. 'thlesassent ti sVas-ons.sho ion first in his preliminary. Joe Horner! wonsucoundt for Michigan, anditD1eccfor the visitors finished third. Keck was frozen ouutilof the fials y an error of the ijsdges.IHec sonsfirt in ithe firs! trelimsisary against slieer Cicagoan;s btti the sficial schss sas keepisg track of the firsts disitsnotice himi. Isstead tDee sas given first asdtCissisis secondl and Keck sas left oust. The dsh sw sas wionsis le sowevst te of tr year. 4 2-5 scondiss. Only three sensessteres the igh husr- sies, Huslbert asstTattssssge fsr te Un'iviersity, ass Mscl?'assnsfor the regi- mnst. 'helseater sat Starter Ryan's gunsand intssisteevesst,-I Hslert isist- isgsi clsse sesosnd. Tht't imev as 5 3-5 secssndis. 'Tseile-vasult.- as-as aticitsates. went Iso the solsirs. tLts Idsigs nst Kiimstal tmade . ii feet. Saser asltes sell, b'ut the casge f rssssto fit Cs itches tss is feet ssas tloss sssctsfor Iimi. Levinsssstn isnt reasitsthe fosrsmwhlihs wsonitheusvet for si lst swek. Capt. Fetcher the sissy high ispsller of the visitors faisedtso isosip sant onsly. Kirkpatick asslndlcannifor the regimentl snitR kestr is for Michigai comspeted so the is ct 11The maea start- edith-ilsthe dstsy nai l sipping015 te dry floor a lthinswich is a a'measre accounits fors Mc~at'asss failure toi reacts 5 fee. Krktpatrick trus the jumtp at5 feet 7 inctes R kst ast adslSmithiisfo- lsowisg inthIesgvess orter. After winis- iuisg the jumpat Kirkpatrick rnsth~etar tp to5 feet g inches ad cleares it. Merritt prosed the est man its the quarter-muie- fnishing welt aheadl of Larson itt 54 2-5 seconis. Director Fitzpatrick osly entered Merritt ads Warner antdohsscored, Warer takig thirdl hon. At this hpoinlt the' score stoodl 28 for~te regimet adsi26ffor Michigan. Coe attilmhsack walkes away fronm 'their olponents its the half-mile andf scored the mich eeset eight points. altatchet did not rusn. Wallace fin- shed third for the militianmn. Coe thtought he had the record and slowedl down a little at the encd, htut when the tme was 'asnonnced it was s1:8 -- itst 3-5 secosds over the record. Co could have smashed it easily. B_1ohi- stck did list distance its aot 2 :2, run- nintg an exefedingly pretty race. It looked at first as thougt Michigan was going to lad the esstire score its the mile run. Disl atd May cinched first and second early in the race asd left Saxtons to figt it out with Plait, the Chicago" hoy, for third honors. He ran a game race hut, lie puilled in abont tswo yards hehind his opposschf~ May tried t take first frona"Sleepy"ss the Ol"ITIP stretch. btihle could't rsake a go sof it O I T E MAY GIVE Keee aveKeck achalce to 'gt ack at tihc Cicagoans wies thte call A CO IIBIED SHO sent out for 1th relay teas.t Against WIasson,'tDee, Larsons anldiWallac i pitteid Keck, Ne zoeg, BotlnsasCkand C(sic ulyMnFvrIe fCs runnig ill the order gire. Keck betittFclyMn avr de ofCs his mumnIy us good twto yardssad gsve mopolitan Vaudeville, Though Netzrg us goosd start fr the secondu Impossible at Present. three latis. Netroerg fiishedabiout a fifth f a a tapto Cisc goodh e-i n, .,.. - The ies f a cosmaooitansvaudsevile stretcedclthisIito abostus tirdi. etertainmseit, ediorialliy-siggestet in The criwdwnct up iitieair owhnyeterday's Daily, wsareceivedl wits 'Spider' tookc te tousehlantslstartedl out varyiig degreesof isterest by' retr- after the acos. Eseryoneucwas howinsg setatives f te differenuttlguge iso- for himstoisachethis san, anttid sCfor ichies. Nothiing idefisite toatsesssaid sitzpatrick's signsalCe smight ae doe s yet, uitttaaes wilig tistkle in it. Thec s-ay teunted si thie track actie prt if the plan is ctarridruit. wsua us"caution,assdl te crossedtelie usroFiftBeiat its Bourestisinks ila the ttree-qsurtrs of u atsp saeas f the ieais a godoetose avii iosred u t Wissdy City-ite. The tinme ivas 3:03 2-5. fr the future. but sys tat the Cerce 'Te relayraersdsid litconut ill tie sm- Froais is tioiesgrosseu wits prepara- silaetzilng of poits. Cic.s fr -L'.\iarrI u-wics it swill pv- 'iisc attenisansce was sasl assdlte sest ioni isy' 8, toconrisiier aisy scsipeo- spectatossdecidedlycaptateti sdurisg jesit lprseit. lit'suis, howuever, "I miost sf tile seet. hssite tuatu it cits te tkestip sex yetr, Thte summssaries : adsuic rnoiiireasnstswhy it tsuldtt ts Shsottsst--hhcsstsrook (i),'ftst, 42 ft Civice a success. I hai aismttewht silii- 4 It.; Hornser (M~l), seconds, 40 ft. 7 i.; lute tilt for smemb ters f te Frenc, Carrittlers ( IR) thirs, 353 ft. 10 in. GesrmaniantdiiGtr'ek ittisrts i-sis. G'resk Ple usesslt-Idduiings (lR) asdssimbis~altpayshaive tirs' nii seditsuta. imodellshby' (R'), ir frfCst; Sansers'( NI ),Citird. Frencud -uGt srtiitdrmatits, tandC imy reigt-sitfeel. iseas-a ii ~s' ive te'ucrrspsondshing IHighitimpst-Kirkpastrick (R ),- irits cne s i tultulIngugettu snted'uto'h - Rskestrass(;4'), se cond;tI. T. SmthltherCli (Mi), hird. TeDe hi ertsltVc6sruittis is ithtes 'T'hirty-fives'yrdl ss-Wa'sssons(R) , 5same5stituttin s thei' resrhi scity, first;Hornisuer' (M1, second; Dthrec,siceit hli"inn6asisiscsitlsut'uhtrts''til third. ''imstr-:04 2-5. its lutis isd suitdiptroibstbtly dslithulig Fussy' y-rsh igth thurles-.'Irtannthi sis er. r.I yt suttuuhu', uuhusurecnty (R),,fist;: IIulust (M1), seconTih'aliorgantii izdteScandiainsVcei, sih usssssge (1), 1 tird. 'Tint-:05 3-5. liii. iea assThe aisIsly soutlineduit is Qssarter'-ssile 'utu-.Iet'itt (A,61fis-t:isisry ideinitluts I tikauitesres- Larson s(R), second;t \Warnter (i), 1110 entrtuasiet csutlii'be tmuade'froms thirdn Tm-us - i.I hdo not kow whustat Cle Saninahiu- IHalf-mie listsCuss(M), firs;lBohn- sitsn Verse s~in'cd. W6e sive onusy- stck (NJ)5.ssussecd; utaluceI(),t hid. h tlt-f iuiui's-s teshndcussl ishardly' Time-. I st-,.cmspte ith sisstsh rectath Germuanu Onie.stitu rusts-Dhit hI) , fist; MySlubds-'I asit sotrus',ietiher, susow smanty (Mh), secondui PaIt stsIR) , tirdss. 'imiesaoC suits ssussssus ttu's sisy'histionissic tau- --3 -5 n.luts I ti)theisy' wisoul he giadi to Relay racs (11usdeu lats ip'r' tus)- ciioperatet ws it it sthotersoc sities,'' Sichigait ( Kck PNetzorg, itslisack, IFrsin1ki.Luzascretaury-ofife Clue isit- Cias)I defeathedhFirst lf,gitsueut ("Waiusn,politantubsut, wissmuchuleai selwsthlthie lfcD'e."uWallce Laurson).I Tlimets-3:0'oh-;.iseasntusasil tt htIis felows mem'behurs stius siset icsi-:s;s t~Gits. wordittlulsutltutluily' te gladh ut t ilt'ti ' icign il paySyacseunv sstudtss-ust't'en tis. 'hekosmopitantius hi chuguut itt sssy Syarssesusisssiyluts gvea'lsuit euuutaitus'st lst y'ar tau ethis esewstashuugriudirtitusNo tis. 2.whihsisisinsut a itacia scces' s, ut 'lTe iguss'scIntrctsssonly-uauwiait tio- I9lr. isuci fee) thasut, husskut bytuhs catiout, andushManausget' Bauirulhassissuedl iii'ligsl itiitts, s'sit t th cominastion sh iows thu stateusuntsthasut tir gume' will he ususul us' its scry ways ucsecssiusl. thf payed.'This iill he thai'last guusuof alsithItslanuassge ltbs, ts' UtratusMuss te seasota for Michiguan, adsith sissthuse ucsel i tu sss stsss.sisty exceptions of te Penusy- gmie, its out-sa l is eger t do sluthitait it cans towasri comess' sill Ce Cle most interesitg. frfeigli rjc.OcrWlsn 'Withs the Kentuucky' State gamae te- fslsrisst teh'dtiofethe o e ntitfo termsiued, onsly' NoreDaa esainsasthi hu sossstt si or itiissurgnuiecaSpansi cdubsts pusirmsisel be chdued A bfoe taed his sty'yle stmatterlbelsrs' tat suiety 'guime isill probabsly' suplathtsCita- asits irsi smerting .hsusssay' ights. tirety arraungedlganesits Waash. coeaInuad1 f IYIS f-ued-cxSd:tOC',t~. Arrangemsensh ave heeronade for hOTk't(CVICRF IN WILL dlual tenns smeaet iith Coruel, o he S''th 11A'Al'VOT Y Fplayedl at. Feryfilsd, Saturday after- "Minnast sitsltsrshtetu," uscosatruir by oon, "May 23. Negotiations havse ert I tessig, sissohe sagedlat te Nese I uder way for sonic tisse, boths Cornell Whitey ite star stsr fuissie hy he andu Michigans sesiritig the match, uittWheutirVerein. "Mfintivans-sthes tboths wishinagto tplay.away froni)ome.hus" s us say'f lierry mitun I toweser, s Cornell au l arecdy sche- genealtiteretwill udouttdly te en- used to gamssat hone for next sea- .tausiusticatyreceicru. It is a play quite t on, it wsndsecided io play here this diferenti frnt tsatt sf all oiler coneties Sspring atd a returns-gamse at ;Ithaca in (erussits 'druaa. Gus thaut accout it next year.isaiasi'titesuthscr'ovn- Iast year Michigan pilayed Obelntis alwaswlcm nth - r'o -' *~~~~~ ~~~~ Oletn nite as lyusc y s iell as fuse its sprkle, its peculiar Itwo. year's_ agzement, Oerin will be Germiana ooring, ash its eteraining seens here this year. Negotiations arc plot. -also under way for several other natches- andu in tll probability us fine schedule M'NULT'IY WILL TALK - wilt e secured for this year's team. ON MISSIONARY WORK * The comtpetitionC for the tenis teans will ntouhthe sery keen, for three sA. I. Xeuty, chaiman of theStt' iof last year's team are still intschool, dets' Missioar assciation , will de- iand two niee of varsity caliber, who liver its addrlests at Barrci Hall at 4 - were ineligibule last year, are now able p. ilt. todsay, iinissionary swork among 1 ho play.. The ,fall' tournament also stsudlents. Mr. MscNulty is now on a b hroughit to light several players of abil- tonr amuong the colleges. lHe comes ity, and 'wvitlt all this material .Captain here frons Toronsto university and will t1-bag can be counuted Ohn to. tusen osut ass speak at Obserliianasd Ohio State -next r excellent team. week. WE1STtRS HOLD FORTY- I NINTH ANNUAL BANQUETI 'lia Webster literay society hel their ausnsua anquet stte Uniuntcu huosue ast ight. 'hisiswas the foty- ninthanualan ssqute of Cle socity adul prelimuinsary- steps n-reItakens to osere properly Cle fiftieths ansniersary of the society at hic baquet to he held uneh The toastmsater fr the evening wsa It. I3. Harlan,ltar presitdent of the so- ciety. The folowing usemsbes resondu- eel t toasts : N. I. Andehrsont, L. M. Letpter, F. HT. MRosert W. L. Cou- trymansu, V. J. Tidhat,Thomasa Caty, J. C.-lossel, 'Thomtas Becrft, KT(. ' Fooste, and Thomsas V. Bird. 1HUGH ALILEN, 'o, WRITES CONCERNINGsMOtNDhAY'S RIO~T Thec spirit itswihl thurMihtiganu alsumnui are reeiving the currenut sews- uauper couissifthicdistrbacueriofa neeck uagoi snsownsesby' auleer Insist I Isgh Alhen, 'o6, whichs uas nrinsts ass official of thin MichiganUnt Lionu. Husghu Allen, darinisg his esolege carsse, wats usresident (fthess'Unions suit prmti- stnte isn t isisUuivesity- affairs. lI tterhll- ru-sisas fosllows:' C kleveslandus, 1., Miss. u8, 110a. I iao sendting a donttribsutionu of $500o s unuceuss of us fuudthisget us goodu Deroit lawyer and get us fair seal fir use studusensiwho see arrestedh So- dasy' ight. Xty knouwsledlges of this'facsis limsitedh t Cleunewspaperauc acountss, ut I kouw fruits sy ioi-usexperiencer thatus studsents hausissbutiassmsuchtshclster its ans Anu Arboruncout, fory even Cle slightest of- fenssi, s a snowbslall has on asprnsay. Aliothatsut heumncarresed sreusualy thur bysandsers whit tre drasggud fromu thus edge' of te crowdt, uusully' by'the sipecial puoliemsen. I learned tsate Cle poice so cordially- its Aisi Achiv hut it toosk seseral weeks doigtpolie fr lheIV. ID. hbefore I wsusaule Ctioseak d centslty tsuseoften. 'Te newspapher accountss this str- itou sale thaultilhe twun oficials are thrateing o snaileudsenusluts his thin sworks. I shuldsh suggest that youC gt us goodsl sats ike' Jimmusy iMlurfin,sr judsg Keenau, sunsrsomeonu-us Mihigant umaa of orusne-siho sill atutalusthun dase or secure's uschange' of senue- HlcuAsses-s., FICENCH IACTO(R WIL HELP IIRECT'L'AVART" FOR CERCLI( "L.'Avree," the comedy to le gires Misy 8 tsp the Crece rausastiuje Fran- dais, sill unudoutedly'lucoue of har hust saged productiosns so far giveu. . 'T'russier, anu actor of the Theater Fran- cais, te ational FrenchthIleter situaesd iC Paris, iill furnishu alt the iformsa- tions as to the costuming, scenery, ansI genseal arrangemnts of 'LAvare" as it is staged its France. Preof. Andre Beziat de Hordes, direc- scum et regisseur of the Cerce, has re- ceivesd a letter to this itent from a frienud, . Tiersot, awho is one of the leading muen its the National Consera-- usry of Music andl Dramaic Arts. M. 'Tiersot, to whom Prof. Beziat wrote, referred him to M. Trussier, who gladly oferest to furnish all the information that might be wished, Under the ale directioun of Prof. Beziat an excellently presented play may he expected. PagISuMg'N PHSICAL XAMS STAT. B eginning Monday afternoon exam- nations, especially for first-year men who are required' to take gym work, will e held from 2 1o 4 o'clock daily in Direc- toe Fitzpatrick's office. Thse hosur for the exansination cast sow be signedL The senior class of the tUiv'ersity of Oregon will present as their play Ibis year Sheridaiss's ptuuction, "The Rival' GREET PLAYERS EXCEL IN COMEDY Two Performances Presented Yesterday - "She Stoops to Conquer" Most Satisfactory. The lBds Greet players see seen in tn-i performnces ysltedy. This is the inuith appearance of Iis conmpany its Ants Artisteand osuse uof thin least stis- factorcy. Their work lues ot deeat uponusartifice but uputonssut, asd hiieta hat is lackingCle performanatce is sot susssfiul. Is is trie that the lckt of trappuings s sut atways cnspsticuosusat that usn matns' places-laces n-lier equip- usd15 wosudsot he nostiedus'sen if pres- entu-there arened tutu "scesnic effects" ho muakse tCisctaingsutre covincitg. M. Greet's vrsautility i ss noe exepttionausltaunsIis aubility. IHe sas seen its ists-hpdiffere'usnt ss yeterdauy, Sark Antotyuany' bon'~uy Lussstui, std thughs decideudly hess Greet its each, was successful isi t. Its Cheluatter erule, whils e lishsuits look iss' pat,Iis proaiyfte ett h hrce n was cunsesquenty tisse acsucetable. "She Stoopsss tuonquer" wssthes'Insre satisfactohiry- (f ystserdauy'usClays. "Juliss Caesar" slraggedsanstashsssuiot covic- tug. Lines si-es'drotptesdl assdthitches marneid than performnc. '11ere sere planes,lhoweer., us shics thus'atisg wais tehistsosf ansyhing tionyste- dasy. Isthi'eatssit'taestur'alushAs- louy's saddress the udusience's'asarruunidi wits tsr sitsuatioun its forgstting'this inconssistencies of hElisabethanssscstutmne anduusubslstanutialh togas cmbuaiiatioun sat thin ike absurduitiuss wicheldcuthu etr- formanssce eehsnter lioit to ert. hut thin othue play- thecomednsy'ivss hiriuous. ('omedruy'is slur l-hI of the Bll G retuuplayes, fr the cruditis at- tendsing their pereformnusces-edio not ss jare thi n sses wshens Cle audsince is ust goodsh ususuus. Wuhen lassuced io a funnsy scuss- thusin payingags in imnitable. ''heir stagebuhissis clevderly'aransgsd andu this-side-laty' is hiiuuutiusuthIoug ofen'ohrusive. Thucesoe l ussusoiftu sthe smp yny thas c'hanged't iss' sitnc it t ppearantc'ses'. Sonicue (f Cle iest sayers sun'etmissing andsheuir places hlu tist'u en 5 enreliyts fild thRs. tuut ViianutanuduIrests' Rooke smsde favsorablie impruuessios. 'te cmn- sassy plays 'Romeossuand ul Jit" .\osuiav night. yIICHII(..NNSI.(N t(LICTIC)N WE'ILIBE 1H1(,13APRIL, 4 'her Mihiganenusianshoards ofucuonutrol has fixedt Saturday, April 4, as Clesate fuse thur elections Of studetutmeumbes to thue hoarsd for next year. TIhere are tenstsudents o le chosesn froms the junuior classes, to act as mcii- tiers of this oard-two frost carla of the liuerary, las, ansi engineering tdepart mntss, one fronm the medical depat- ment, oune fromu the other depamnlsauts jointly, anth two from thur fraterniies. As Ithe so8 MSichiganensian is ging t press and with Clue elections oly swo weeks distant, the candidates foe next year's nmanagement ae actively egaged in ookitig after themirssnerests. Six mesa have enteres the race. They are as follows For msanaging editor-Chasuney S. Houcher, 'o9; SM. B. Mcliugh, '00:;1. D. Morgan, 'op law. Foe business manage-Leonard C. Reid, 'op law: William M. Casey, 'op enginsee;A L. Hainline, 'op law. wassauxis lOTESaS nessuwMONAY Prelimsisaris in the wrestling contests begin Mtonday. Alt who wish to enter must have their nanses in by 4 o'clock Monthay. These contests are open to the University at large and all weestlees are urgesd to come oust.