T{Z MICHIG~AN DA L . :.... - ; G. HI. Wild Colipally Our Spring 19oil line of fine Imported and Domestic /WOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street First Shipmerit of 'Mchist o' ( the new game craze 1 was quickly sold and we have just received a second and larger one. Yoti'll find Mephisto the est gane for outdoors and itiuootrs too that yot've ever seen. PRICES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Per Set AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. tlaS PAL DI NG S & BROS. : ' The Largest Manufacturers in the World at Official Athletic Sopplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Offica Iment ortTrack ad Field Sprs Unioros for att Sports. Spldig's Hadsomey Itustrated Cataoeeof alilsprsicotans au- meous suggestionsl. Snd for it.--ts free. A. 0. SPALDING & BROS. New Yorz. Chicago. S. Louis, Sau Francisco, Mineapolis, Dcoer. Buflo, .Syracuse, Pits- cr, Pliatlochiatoso, Cnsenioosit- more, Washington, iasas City, Ceeand, New Orleans, Detroit Matreat Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Edtor-AcHVIZ FRTCHI Business Manager-C H WINSTEA. News. ...............Hiram S. Cody Athletics...............Lee A White Exchange.I..... John Vmbold Music and Drama. ga.. Ry D. Welch Women's Editor... Loise Van Voorhis EDITORIA, STAFF J. W. MCandles Elmer C. Adams Russell MFarlan NIGHT EITORS George H-. Hobart Leonard C. Rid Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissher RORTRS M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mounsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Water K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis T. Kiiskeru. Roert Moreant Pol Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding Theron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAF John F. Wr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAIY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street.. Managers Hours: I- p. i., 9-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SA\'iTRDAY, MARCh]2, itoo. rITOlmI, cicco. lie cewaiesotisideleociAiicArtor alovthroem ccx cca great amun of edriacoment upon ithe receit.local icturibance. Thes- sax--what no one ii hpSenses oul cone.iwiat, appar- en-lyt. -i cue i is liseses, ccrcou, has contletcd -that "tlecriot aool destrucio of lproplery wasea igrace.' liii they g ontoitreate truthii iuilof fatcy, ii le ati-uen cifalllhe igreiiets cn- trstlt eel tier iestmetod lreas thee-. '"liretuet--otiasejecti ledr iter- upigtce-esrmante egct siata sdu t irlielieiwax th lrasiet" how, onice leflace iofit.Ino onie at ia dslinceeel a huniedmtel etshs te ight to make-such a -sttemenii t s that. I- fraislett e c-ihes such ai iquatei would undiiereitttest circumtncces ee ieceii11L svague iio rig-rs tothisi affair,tte ejecien eel the stetwsa risot retrtedl utulie te ere slic- ta-r episode uehihcaetwo desiteays eiter;tandirs e y aconteeschat-c read iis dictposed it e iia hrlsaet snmrssv. atgip,wsiIch slidnite attleimpttoiigeeietohic istoricl eetais. Whattile ba sis oeelheiinfiierece is,tei. wecano eterine.i1- -Eseth~e- Aut Arbr per di stepureumiue cupss noonili tile meits ofthe eection. 'fTe o ly estimonlly isvitaelie is ilaceefMi. leynolds oni the elie sie. adthIlactaf tesudet llaiidtwitcesses oi the ter. T is isdiettiedly neilcoclslive i he stdet'stefitilr; ut it itroutrestasnt eeiment of elsiotfittiess whtici stkes etegmaitic judgencsts frmt the outside highly absurd. If the liters hae et eel literature ito ilt their cluitniss.let ithm ititeiuese iof syndicteefictio. Ciii let thteitiresevetheirt eitorialtittleit lee titd the omeating of knofaicts. Filee lintls-te oi the setline iterary class onithtie memoirialitqueston is aou 15 lair in alt sides as ciy settlement one couitd coceive of. 'lThe division of the fiuid in auy sal-wets highly re- gretablte. liut its divisioninii such a es-y-tuat the citis is ntlblroken i110 separate frtgments, so thsat everg- class- ilitire cnitributies tee the stecitil class gift, tatd eery elie tee the tUnion gift is ak- inig tileieresccloee a perplexiig siua- ie-n. The cteseetiis its integrity as a ctassio les tre deawtleteeneniic tinle woenel.tile Utonis isitpiheld Iy ia goodealtiaice eeltie entire cless seti- meet.cand leg-its fititencitel ai. 11 sii- tie difiult~eites erise il the oler classes see referteitoleehistsptrecedenet, whici Iitsideithasc ss m etehrdethtistitng teseattb- litt.,cantdswhichi is,ontewic holine, so ijust tee friielyg-but contendeicgItctiouis. Aid snwtatilte litertargclass toe exendedt tile brthierilyiatoIstie,-seitos o the siller deptetis it is uptolee tlatter leo tke te treeffeeseriously. I the c-i see fititoicomin ie a ariesr tll of teremoey wi-testilhue $00nowicss--itedl, ice a joeit git lee the Uini they ewilt iever hatve cause ice reget i. The ae cie ietsithle- form-itiloi oeel -ewisSiacnishe citbbricgs tolindttie a trecticaltehoutetghtregtreiig the es-ric ofi tiel itgnige sceietieis i tlie ULis- versite. Tierclibs ctictaia evest tmout f it tutu r s wellt ai5ligistic il eitty. ciry itshiniis eiitnt tossibeler l eel therilltee uite ii tprdcig atktnd eel vaudteevilliehnItaimtucaiipateofsw-hici wuildt te cliiiasteritic f etehi efithe coresiies51w11rtlangage, cisteihend tt isisaerutsp llegytie repectie cls' ihey-smighit sitaliiete ictie trcees tos tile I.nionestceic\csiu u-iLetgue tits alirally sse. 'Tle encteeprise cle lee- egitie eredi isthe tTnitiocn, ornotel,ac- toringastile-cleebs wse-ideeto eel i- detpendetliy, or s iher-neecesities eel centralizationrs ittitseemcciii emt-tade 'We hatele adyuig-stoke itiltriete sti11citiee ofee t elngatge asseciatins. ceitetrrctee;sc. Lati. e-es quie s-gos ihtaber liiiliemteo chile. eili CirculoeEspanl, ties teegrait iiictisiiito. Sot eudaiel esitee poereos see. tillerntositecollie-elite rato etqic cutaetecie. Now foler te"Circula Itatlitanat." REGENTS FAIL '1- APPERAR FR -MFET1NG fwin-toeetile tact thatn qorlumws Oi tresent the meueting of the Board of Regents swhichc sas In have been held yeserdtcy afterinoons sas pstoned. N buinces esas rainsacted. Te next mieeinig xwilte held icc the midle of next April. Kubeik. who comes i-ee Saturday eeing of next week, at the New Whitney theater for one recital, has with im as a solo pianist Miss Bethe Rot, aniiieteeis year old pupil of ti-i late Mcarmuntet of the Paris Conservalire. A-i a girt of ten, Miss Roy asonisheet Ptaris witi her extraordinary mutesical intelligencee. After two- seasons of ca- cce ork, as a prodigy, she retired for serious studeyg at thur Cosersatore until lost winrter, nhen shic appeared at may proinent recitals ii Fors ade thectii Nese Yrk City. Miss Ropes present eicgtageimen isthltKubheik is.-therenre, ter Amesrictanidebtchatsi a matuure ats. Site is desecribede as a yng swomait f soeicle temph-erumiet comiinig .the charcm andetgac eelfPrencehistyleuihi reumarcktbeatualttundier-tanduing of the deetec huigs i uic t.Mie Reupceuuues ntuiraclglybericc ususicact gifts, as sie is ai dacugtr of A. P. Rog, fo rmsery or- ganuist of S. RKoch, ii Quebeuc. Hier Ludwig Schwcab, iwiho sills Kubhelikc durng tileIlas Americnitoe. tutu indcee tits en is lut siy accompnc- ist fue suumie- sears, esittluals se-cs-c in the saute cap~acity- on he presenth teour. 'fle udemand feoler seats atlthe ciw 'Whtitntey-tuu-ibeen far ahtedet rf expeca- tionus, and tehe omanagemenuh twishes to -hole thatt the seats xiiile paceu out stle 'Tiehu-aymorintg. Mrchel26f, t in o'cock, ai the box osffice. Mcaii or- ders wsil reeisve prompitancd careful t- esntio swheni tccomtpuaniedh sitimnue -enter cevering tile- trice f seatts, tier scae of elwh-iichill e :it ue Ptrque i.o.0 ands $.50 t ibtlconty, $150, $100 tn itut7 cents;t gtalery, 50ocintt-.bomxe, $2.0. "Sroghear"'ws greee tug- airatter sititiho ueuse atthie Whitneyglatshs-cu- lug. Rlh uhsiSeurtitie title coe plydt int tihighly acceptble imatnnitr. tilstu- hochuasegoutdi. The footal scene ctusted t the elustomarythug iisieatut ewas J'N It IhR~iIN TO PLAeY "EiIENSIN\" "Ei-igenuiiuw'illsoon b01 te plaiyedI le ther Junuior Vrein. The Germanutti u- sirutrsl initie engineeig depaeniut has ielecedithe cast tandutare tnos ii- cectutrg tile reheaorstal. 'tlieurmay he somte cancuges ii te rashtcalrady selected liutuose ractic intg ini thee treecit cmpniy are: Alfred, "Abetic IL. 'Weeks;Risuso, Helemi Jnes; IHreiri, rthur A.1..7iscti Lisbeh, Cota .ce R ix; Ausdof, tLee A Wit; Ktohtariu, Vera Polasky. ElI~geuisiuui is a snge act Germuan1 farce. Last year the Junior Deulcter Vereict gave "itter imuss Hieraten.' SUMMER 1EMPLOYMENT. If a $s per day guarassee iterests youI see .M. Phelps at Joliffe & Kitmiler's, over Co-np, State street tf Try the GOOD BOARD oh Mrs. Laura Honnes', flu Church St. 27-32 Globe 'Wernicke Book Cases The kind that grows wt- your liray-that wl l fit practically any space -that can he moved one unit at a time hy one person without disturbing the ooks-that is practical, artistic, anal the only perfect sectional ook case made. Fitted with non-bind- ing roller-hearing doors; base units furnished with or with- out drawers; and all made in a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any surroundings. Call and see them or send for catalog ofi with interior views showinsg arrangement in li- brary, parlor, etc. Price per section $2.50 and up. WAHR'S University Bookstore G. [. DARIN[L Law and Medical Bookseller IMPORTANT LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS tfigbyu tiHiitory of ciitecu eelf mual Pr1-cy - - - $3.00 Dean c hifinui Ediiioni cc xsueu.-lcu-e seattrpert - $3.00 Mininig's uineuiofRlut Pisuierde -_ _-_- -$1.00 Bishop's Dirciocnid Forme, CrimnialAutou- - - $6.00 isicocsCrimnalrcci troceui, vels. 2 - - - $1.00 Relcycid,TheorofelEidence, $2.00 Stephues igectco itEv idc. $4.00 Ocirlv,-etVs Evdenh-tc,-,- - $3.50 Maorsfuialldorpo~raionuus.. -$6.00 Toopkinesuary ccl ciii tin, uof furmortions. - , - $2.50 WellmansieArceefrus Eint~i,,con., - =- $2.50 Bocstwic's tawyerseMauacl. $.0 Iiriie-ye ,Abboutts Fiormis'- $.00 Rtecis tPl-adinig.1racthcacd tormsc;cl.tt i. - - -$18.00 Winsh mini hode Formsi, 2 vos, $12.00 MEDICAL BOOKS Hae'rs Practicl Therapeuti.,, $400 Richccucc opertve Surgr. $6.00 iiseodruthu surgicaltDiaugnosis $6.50 Cailele Post-Miortemi T5et iook ofltliomiy 3 iolst, $18.00 Croen'-usDiselaesiof A omeni'o $6.00 ijaitie iitlercucial iiagnusie ascdi'treatm,ini - - $650 icuous Spueca Mdica Diai'nosiis, - - - $6.0 Coulds RithgraphiceCimie. suitls., - - -- $5.00 Dictiontaries, Couuicuds.-. C. E. BARTIIELL Law and Medial Bookseller Tel 161. 326 S. Stale S. [YEGLASS[S Eyeglases hve becoome scorka necsrsary nisance muh studntcsice late that tey with wlcome an eye- gass that giers comfort adserrvice. haver your copticl work dor ac ARNOLD'S and ie wilt fOt you coo- forctbly and guaramnteresrults. Quick Reupairs. LenseGround. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optical Specialist witih WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler 220 South Main Street monow For 69c Co-Op Store MAY FESTIVAL Filve Concoerns - May 13-14-15-16 -_ THEt THOMAS ORCHE~STRA Frederick A. Stork, Conductor~ CHORAL UNION (300 VOICCS) Albert A. Scanley, Condouor Prlnaclpal 1Choral Work 'Creation' - 5Haydni Faust' - Gocunod Artists MssCorinne iRider-Kelsey Thursday and Saturday Nt~enings Macc.Erenestiae Sciumas-Heish, Contralto Wad. and Frt. Evenings Mfihs Janec Spencer,Countralto j Fri. Afternoon and Sat. Eveningo Mn. Edward Johnson, Tenor Thur, Fri. and Sad. Evenings Mr. Claude Cunnaingham, Baritone Sturday Evening Mr. Honle 0. Killeen, Baritone Saturday Ev-ening Me, Herhert Witherspoon Mass Thursday and Saturday Eventngs Mr. L. De Mars, Frenecm Horn M.I HeirFriday Afternoon Wedntesday Evening Seacon Tickets (unareserved) $3. Season Tirhets (reserved) $4, $5, $6 For Sale at S1ool of Mueio I-' Oratorical Contest, March 20 Sirai Admission - - 25c Brander Matthews,' April 6 Sixgle Admission - 50c Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30 Sinugle Admissison - 50c RESERVED SEAT TICKETS for these three attractions $1.00 Tickets must be secured between 5 and b P. M., Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, or between 7 and 8 P. M. Friday of this weak at Box Office, University Hall. PLENTY OF GOOD SEATS LEFT Zhc Ztubents' lecture t8sociatfon 121 Washington C. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props Phione 598