.... .... . - - - - ---- ----..C. ...AN ..D...... Sam Burchfield's Fne ;'ailoring. Trade Can Deliver The Goods, Sam Burchfiel ca i0 6 & C.EAST HURON ST.. BEST STOCK OF ICIVGARW.S IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E.'Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. CLASSES- UNITE .TO AID :UNFORTUNATES Stuidentts Iespond .Liberally to Call for Money-=Business Men Thanked. +Aimeeting of the class presidents of thte different deparitimets was iteid yes- terday in Rooin C. to discuss tte deisson- ' stratibit of last Miotnday ftigt. Variotts mneastires ssere takentiptt, anti it teas fisnalirytdecided to sttart sttitscriittioistitt te severati iepatentsforSte putrpse of aitiittgte sttttettts atrtested. Titest sublscruiptiolt listo- tere tiacedinits ie cisarge °of.ste clssepresitdets andsidsill bc started immsnediately. Severali of ste ciasses asl s eldi isect- ings yesterday: afternooni for tite samie tptrpotse. Tite tirst store static by mst tf tite classes isas to pass a resoliontt sisaskissg tise lsssissessttteitrihosvet maii fttr thniten. Tile classes srreeme t diesire titstihey isigist all srork its sItissots ts intemtter. Somess of te stilt criiitiot lists sad alreadly beets preipared. The stiudensssserc taritiuarly re- issestedi ts keep assay frost te eva ia- inthlissmuornting and istereasked taid tt sitiler ints aissitg funs;si spcs~ia tlls to trite ti pttsotps ientsds amoniig list iittti aissiask tli~mt.fIri ,oinsuts its ot te reaifacts itdtc-iists oite ist.i 'Pie - ss itr jand tttr '.sgsttr etg jon itiisg adtutu isissstsc WaXtlte Rheit ildt t a ke- risirge.iii tuhe :i AlIiNk S s-k RFi A NY 5T1 DI,'bi i'1Pi S NTATiCS i r ,,-Aicliii 5 Aii Vtnittts is ptianning t lig -is-ri tittint aipig isfirtthe Sprinig vastasti.trots suan sitthe lowssissaisi cities Nitici n-at lie reached. ha sludentC of tet Ott tsil-y t ss te aimasof the msanaigemetsto5isstre isvtraihundfied sit testsosiliits 1iseestthlstMichigain graduiate tst e.towsduring: thse sAa-tijnS treek. Scotrts of ,stttdents hase ipt')iitdfi teIsreitory-ittsinte past teoas. oattd' ctits- it lista, itOihio, iii suitsIPesissylvis itti-- tiic ok atd Mlissour i i tt enit t-siited.I lie lers- tor is ami u nltimsitedihoievers ti itnd si"ti-stattes itestill lists aist- ppica- siit- firts hit slts still lit rtttvdts todaty agaits di t )p, it, i. it lithe'blisuisrsus Ci~isis ettic AilAW"'Iit - - 5 5)06 Isms Mtie Otto :Ilitie liMst J P, isA s-s r Jck.r'i', a -iitey :1l i -itisstBust lie rWililats. Corns- Ailt rJohnis sst tds lit Flset-c Airs P 11, Fetrowt- \its isicua Gre-ntet ie 11,_JonssiMssitA.DB ~cc F 15 Aichityic lMi s\I, ansiser Paac: Altllear" lcasrtnety Joephtl, \t etibliss -lits t Ssssssstit Nr(I sit Cop -MrisAis 'X\ieSir XIus its iDrttps :C61-raitlt S ' S I' arptente ,1r Denis P Cal-shre Miss Aiss-acet S M iilter :liss biesAl suitsrt-inle-, f lse- akrA-i1-k siasilil lit 1iS, :Sitl 1 11; allitl i _,tns s t. i-srisci -i Ft- ( bu, ixon ltrJams! i-c-tierniiiy I iise fr'thettiLatge stilt sssuiali- for frtlernity or rlu, ott -orths lirisisi stiri-Iet;ispectiois ssit- ii. iDr. 'A.' J- Ihaill, I aiteciteBldg., elitei6itofiiFoturthsues1iu -bussstreet .;;i phonetir7'S: - essd Sitnce t8 5'se Stave.snadi, iWatc#yRc- -tumring onle if our stronsgest features. ,f ller's Jewels-y Stoic, '216 S. Main street. . od Al IIISIS DAAE, AP1MiL1.7 Mlake a littlewstll Jollifer & Kitzinsiller titner foe iyptrss s-it ig yourit-si-s, antd ,,)uegettisig it ti ttle.Absove Co-op.. othliphons oil-if Aiarmn clocks waarranteti for osne year, rfot on haliers Jewelry Store, 216f S. am street. god See our complete lune of Michigan ins, foist and solentirt, Bulier's jewelry. Store-16 S.5 ain ;street. eooi (OLDT)TOWN CANOES. Order your cunoe in tinicjfor spring -usons; ,80ocansto tthand. Orop .sisal to AW. I1. Triplest, 104 5. Thayer _ t, for cutalogue. - f Spring 1'908 CLOTHRAFT(All Wool) Society atvd College Brand Clothes Now ,ONSALE Eagle Shirt from Loom to Wearer $1.00 to $2.50 Fine Line of Negligee Shirts at 50c and 75c Full_ line. of IEXTRAG~OOD Children's. Cloth - ing. All kinds of Underwear, Union and Two= piece. All the spring styles of Hlats Staebler (f Wuerth Co. 211 S. MAIN STREET i #.ci( Ilts. ALARfI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 '$1:75 Allthettbestsumakes andifutly-guaanted MCCHIGAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 F~INE"WATCH REPAIRiki" A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor R~ailroad J. L. ,CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST.' Branch: 3045S State St. -T :a et~urkish and-Egyptain - ALL TIi> 'LIADING BRAN~DS -CASH PRICES - 35c Pkg. - -a - 2 for 25c 25c Pkg. - - 5 Sfor$1.00 R.. E. JOLLY so8ti. STATE ST.- MRS. J. R. IROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hlair Goods, Hairdressing, %hampooing Manicuring, Pate Massage "a Specialty. 322 S. Stale S. it p Stalest Hell Phopne 3511 01,O u ndiseits I isissilifty dolslarstis slit iaoutt liseioriseliwssreporiitd sas-isig raikedi sitfafit itltegensertl und.ttii ATc ,sssssssitts nS titdi:iasre workinig in coit - )scrati vtis sswith ts es foesisstestilts- itisses ts astcta1 intte exat a tsssoss(f tltaiit~s andisssiittnsre isropel1--eiyiist l 'Ifisa- lie stilists. Tise istitiss]it metinsg iwis rttt lilymrk ssalliiis;sosly tswenty-,nine- islet -lsstts-e up. sits ats tiese.lstwents-stulle .ci- -isoiiies, stot etIII -i ss sssssey- by, ettei Slgitugitiusseif tgise 'filty bts-i. SCANi)I NAkViI Nt E lUlt lAthr;Sctsiisstssitsss cisbisiI is 7tit sb iittt tseAipittiNit esotis ip 'rii:%eosity i ia~i. Itotiies stere sees- cit, r. lie. 1.' 17 -lisuer spokre-i "- Fist-Vikintg Shtipss,"irst trcinuglt-e w-tndserinsgs osthlii-Notsemensst andstututen iisciltiig thseir t es tl. - . iBut sonsr Viing sipisitias-i-er st foitt in goit pcetsersutiss. Thsis was ueartedIIIitsIo its ti-issssitil siundusion a jisr netir Cisrissiassia, Norwaty. SUIMMER, EMPLOTIVIENT. If a-$a per day. guarantfeeinterests yotu see Mr. Pheips at Joiiiffe & Kitzmilers, over Cozop, State street. tf " OUT OF STYLE f Teman who buys Gl ft-.Coier shoes each season is never out of style because 2lct-Ov~ter shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- ksirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in 1i4(-iGe, -shoes and the other essentials --- of satisfactory, shoes, comfort-- and service, are contain-r¢ THE ACME OF SASH Walk-Over Shoe Co. 115 SOUTH MIN STREET Hart, Schaffner & Marx Aill wool'-Hand Tailored iJTZ SPRING CLOTHING he Clothier, Ready wheri yoxs are. k- B3ANKS THE FARMERS AND M[CHANICS BANS MAIN AND HURON STRI3TS I capital, $54,t00, Surplus and Profits, $65,00 General Bankling Business. 3 perecent paid on Titan nod Strrngs Deposits. safety lilt pouitsBoxes. to rent at S5.00 a~d upwards iR. Kixapsb Pita. - W. C. Sw vils. Vice-Pres F. H. BI~zsa. Cash. H. A. WI tiA~a Ans Tbs. Anu A r ~r s~rlgs Bagnk CIp~tNIstper,9$§,OW. Siptiso, $200,100 une-4ose, $2,200,10 ,4 Qneetel P1qnkin.5 I"eteoa Trennanted orypao' Cues. E. socr, Pres.; W. D. ff a .mian, Vice Prets, :51. J, Prtt Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK. W. J. Booth Jo. V. Sheehan Wam. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan las. H. Wade E. P. Milm John Snarer .Jno. Each teaf. B. S. Carhait Henry W.Douoclas Christian Martin Dan P. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN Anson, Micg. E. D, EINNEI, 5jj4R#t5OXfSOULE, Pr"oTss- ic e-Pres. -(V. CT A ItlSON,Cashiter. I. Capital, $100,t00.Surplos and Profits, §1a,50,0 German. Anierluan savings Bank 0, CoianmercIt.lA ed C - avtngs Rei *515f Spring Hats- :,The, N.ewest ShdsadSys - At Wadhaixs Ce).Co. THE P alais Royal. ,209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. I LLOWS AND - PENNANTS. A SPECIALTY CURIO:S and BRASS From Every Count~ry See OurShow Window - -- I. MatillDIRECTOR. idenee 302S5. 5th Ave: Phone 3114 msateh your skirt or blouse,, 35. Send, us a: At T-,attlas'a, 336h S. State AMBULANCE ON CA.LL, - pieee of thottresscgonds wh a sending order._________________ THE BELTCRAFT CO.-. BO:STON, MASS.i Con. i. aeanad LIlorty Streest; ST UD~IORKT$CULLJ?, 3ji9 East Huron Street