THE MICHIGAN DAYLA G. H. Wild Comfpany Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Doiestc.o IWOOLENSI Is now ready It incdes all the latest Novelties, Shades and UptoDate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respetfully solicited. G. H. Wild Company 31I South Stae Stret Our First Shipment* of 'Mcp hist o' (the new game craze) was quickly sold and we have just received a second aid larger oiie You'll find Mephisto the est game for outdoors andtintdoos, too that you've ever seen PRICES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Per Set AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores _ A. G. _ ll SPALDIN GTtr -, & BROS. .. The Largest Manfacturers in the World of Officia Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey OfficilatImpements for Track and Fied Sports Uniormes ior aii Sports. Spadigs Hadomey Ittstatd Cataogeoro aii sports contain fnu- erie, suggrstios. Sed fr it.It's free. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Obteg, St. Louis, Bee Francisco, Milenepols, Dever, Buffaeto, Syraue, Pttt- burg, Phlsde1pht, Bst, Cincinnti, Balti- more, IWashleg tn, Kanoas City, Ceowoind, Now Oresn, Detrit, Montra, Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing- dtor-Aocoue F. RITCI Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. EDiTOS News.......... ... -Hiram S. Cody Athletics..........::...Lee A White. Exchenge.....H Johh WVambold Alsic and Dramna... RoyD. Welch Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EITORIA. STAS J. W. McCandles Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarland NIHiT EDITORS George H. Hobart Leonard C. Reid Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissher REPORTERS X1. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Haimline Roert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. 'lowers Louis Kraf I Lewis 'T. Kiskern Robert Moreland Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding Theron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I- p. i., 7-8 p. M- daily, except Sunday. Both phones liRll)Y, Al ARfClHt0, 1908. Ie wsake of le recent Ferry lcee tres-usime iitesigg eiscussiiiis hae- been -mii eil.\A.fiirener instriictirt P'ekiniiioiv ersity niw clare t 10 isiimeiofthe letirersstate mn weelikely to create all eagger- itedimpitlresio-of-ithe Chiee peiplc. andtit il i. tEllis twitinthe iifew monthiichseijlite gae eer to sttiyitg lie soicioltplitial ni religiiiis cinii- sibliy hopie tiiexpress. ieitomte the general temner if teiiatiiin. Ar. Otlis is a priiiinn itt. ititist ii Pliaielthita. and lstrtedl iut with tieintetioiin of gaiiin g aiiunbiased toil as nearly tecut raa psisitinsicght itti the unier- lyiig condi itiiis wiIch iiirtmisinre hare ito cote iiitlinI the foreign fiel: it detemiiniig just whaiit goisi, if any. they iseec doing. atd what~t the future of the work might be. Any whon heard thelseturtes can neil hut feel that AM. Ellis sas as fair to his subect ias i sas possibe to be, and te eulogistic way ii whlicha lie described Chiina's future prospects in Satrday's lecture stowed no int of peidice. Is the uain hieiid not attenpt to generalize in his deiutoss s to elemental char- acteristics. Bthttis statemeits-thich re torogly agreed in by many travel- ers-as to the ow- value whlica the o- cistal pluces upntrueth tellig, te moral virtutes nti compassioni for the weak anid sufterintg sccemito bae bsyond cavil. .lr. Ellis sas perfectly swilling to recog- nize the fact that asty ate wrongftl concusions ciiitd teidraswit by any tra-- eeiof atty cuintry Ibut le did ittsist tat intChtintmnty standi~ards ofcot- dc were empilhasizei swhiciar nt here, and vice versa, atd that maty' ideals which are emphasied by Chrisian natioiso arc tayod the understanding of. the orental mind. Tte story is oftet tild of thse disingtised diplomat twho, out first visit to Cita, togt e cold write a whole ook sitsCiitese life atd mnotives; bt after a year's sojourt, de- cieid tha le-ciauld nt do jtstice to the pieople itsaty sch way. Mr. Ellis hanttleii his subect in a nmist lieral fashiot, etdeaeoritg tii poittouit te fact that foreigtn tissioaris lhte an entirely differett set f prbtlemts to face iii itty fireigtt contry atd thtl they tiusit be capattble tiihutndle it itt a differ- ett say, if the service swould te mate efliciett.'The maitty- ciintrsts swhiclih drwt as to te ieoples were fr tte pitrttite of ilustrating titl fact, tn ttitus withthte iitea f placitg itty stigtta tpoti the peotpe; ott the cnttrury,lits' trope sieid a most trilititt futtutre for tie Ci- tesetpetple. Discussint is aways eiiligttenitgati itt this tse addiitiota ight lhs beett throwsnt ot a stbiect wh-lict is bsegitttitg to iteres tte sehole ciilizel woirl: foe the fiture proges f the Far taet ttii the iirectiin swhich it tkes sill it- ftette,. tithintiatcentry, tewslue wourl's thistorylbeyindth le lpossiluilty o1 compnta ~tit.The problm isteatCris- tiantidueals gainth le controlligtplce its these niss firics whiciIhaie tegtitto si, ,tiii etin the ittflucec of Cristiati peiiessoreioiintite that the woisli ini its awsakenintgwit'll take a remtetdois ltpforward, instead o in initg tack into the lethatrgy frtiutictlei it was lieof. J. B, ais reiar keitttatnice iieiienarrestedh tuethe itetbers of theloal "flinet" we-igsis-r 125 liiintis. P'erhiatpstii-college uthteaticians ctut discovercva essliw estuulishitg the fact tt liability ito arrest it Atuti.Arboruu varies juter-el iasltoitih' seigt tROF. CARl-tART WILL,lThAL~K ABtOUT AFRICA 'T'ONIGHT Piiiif. Cahtuetwtsill giei-e itdo thii ''rtuvel 'Talk it the high shtool iitiii tniutgt. IHis shject isoili Africta. lreif. . S.Etarharitas se f a party- of scintists whii toik at ex- tentslee trip troiighi thetboriers of Africa iti the iivitatioti of the heltish goiverimetni. IHe took a large tnmber ofi ies shuting variusucondiitis aiii! talk. Thse lecture was gisetsiti Sarah Ca- sell Agell Hall soue tine ago aid was spoken of very highly. FERRIS INSTITUTE CLUE HOLDhS RECEPTION AND DANCFE The Ferris Itstitute cltb held a re- ception and datnce last ight in Barbotr gymnasiut. The Ferris Institteoltbs of Detroit andh Ypsilanti united swith the Attn Arbor organization, About forty cottples u-rc presenti. TOP SPIiNNING BECOMES A POPUILAR DIVERSION 'lop sintning is ottce more taitg the iown, by slorm. The warmn days of last week brought out not only the small boy but a number of collegians swith the little wooden top. _.A .walk down;-State street any bight -spring afternooti re- teals any tumber of groups of students renewing their grammar school days. Onr State street store reports that dr- ig the past fesw days it has sold between two antI three gross of topt.. The sport is within the reach of all, for the price of the paraphernalia ranges from but live to tetn centis. It is suggested that since the handball tournamett is over, a top spinning contest be arratged. Prizes might be offered for an '.edur- anie," test-to determine who can keep his top spintintg lotgest at ote try-and for fancy spinning. fUnuic ana Vrama Ini these daysiof proleit playctand itiidertt farces, thets'antotttcetmet tha IHetrietta Crusmn is appearing s 'Peggy-''itt that udelightft .ul slu c'sttt edty. 'Thur Cottitry Girt" smiy possibly tie costsideredl is a telcone itttoatiot. "The Cotttry Girl" tits bett so seldomiti perfortmedl it recett years that very- fete tteater-goers of tieIreccil geueratiot are' ftmiliitrttthithi'echarumtanitdsubtle htuimour of the cutitedy-tshict Dacid Gtr- rick proituced th tDrtry'Late itt176. Situce thtet its oitly impt~ortttuplreseuta- tiiin wsieittuh by Augustint Daly, iwiti Adati Rhutitt Ile title hrt lus Cres- tatils qite happy- ithisticroe. s it 'iely resenmbles the carcters cie tr. trayved int "Mitress, Nell," "Steed- Kitty Ietairs," etc.. andh gives hetec-itnore ipggruiit~iy' for the displuay- of er ta- enil ts a a suomedietne tatiany f ter Hiss Crostlituti t-lithtertuul otm- pany of careftilly' seected latlyes.uill applear it the Ness''White teter, out Thutrsdaty, bh _,t6(. BULE'TI~st'Nui~tsi uct o it thle recentt "Bulletitt Official" of te Alianice Fratiguise one page is gient to he udescrilutioti of this year's lectres antI dramuatic activities of the Cerce Dra- titdlus' langais of the Utiversity. 'The Cercle, which as the "Bulletin" says, "has msade most rapid progress, altought scarcely a year old, is affiliat- ed with the Alliance Franase, an or- gauizaion conposed of Frenht societies troughot te United Staes. Meb~euers tf the Cerce Dramatiei Frangais cin secure uBuleins"u from Professor Beziat de Bordes, the direc- tor of the Cercle. NOTICE. Part of Se. 8, relative to riing bicy- cles otn sidewalks: Any person or persons caught riditg ott any walk or any other public place sill be, prosecuted to the full extent of, the law. The penalty is a fine of thirty dollars or thirty days in jail, or both. By order of Theo. C. Apel, 123-8 Chief of Police. - Globe Wernicke Book Cases The kind that growswith yonr -library-tltat wii-ft-- practically any space- that- can be moved one unit at. a? time by one personi without disturbing the booksthat is practical, artistic, and the only perfect sectional ook case tuade. itted with non.n- ing roller-bearing doors; basent unse ihowt- ot drawers; and all made in a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any srroundings. Call and see them or send for catalog iofi wills inteior views showing arrangement in li- brary, parlor, etc. Price per section $2.50 and up. WAHR S University Bookstore SCRAP BOOKS Now is the right time to fix up that Scrap Book yon'e been talking about so lng My new (smooth cover) "6M" Book is best anid largest eser $1.75 Wth photo PresAgell Also Special Pittte Rate with hook. LYNDON BAILEY & EDMUNDS'1 sportfng Goob'0 121 EAs r LIBERTY STREETj [Y[G[ASS[S- Ileglasses ae become suck a nccesary nuissnce with students of lte ttat they. will wecome n ey- glass thtt gives comfort sd service. Hatve your optical work done at ARNOLD'S sd e will St you coo- fortably and gurnee results. uietk epirs. Leses (arond. EMIL H. ARNOLD Optical Sieelst witt WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler tiaO South Main Street SHIRTS For 69c Co-Op Store MAY FESTIVAL r vs Conersts SIMay. 13-14-1:1-16"' THlE THOMAS ORCHESTRA Frederick A. Stock, Cjonductor - CHORAL UNION (300 Voices) Albert A. Stanley, Conductor Prloelpe.. Chorml Werk " Creaton" - Haydn "Faust" - G otnnd _ Artists Mto. lCorinne Rider-Kelsey Thtursdayeand Saturday Nsveniings Mime. Ernestine Schuman-Hetnk, Cootralto Wed. anod Fri. Eventings Miss Janet Spencer.Cotrelto . Fri. Afternoon and Sat Evening Mt. FEdwerd Joheson, Tenor Thur,- Fri. and Set. Eveings Mr. tCleude C~unninghams, Bsritone Saturdey Evening Mr. Earle G. Kilieen, Baritone Saturday Evening Mr. Herbert Witherspoon Boss .Thorsday and Saturulay Evenings Mr. L. De Mere, French Barn Friday Afterenoo Mr. LO. L. Reewick, Organist Wednesday Evening SeasonTi Tckets tunreservedt $3, Season Tickets trmservedt 54,'$5, $6 For. Sate at Sechool of Musica - Oratorical Contest, March 20 Sin le Adtmission 25 Z, Bra nder Matthews, April6 Sligle Adnmission - 500 Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30 Sinmgle Adnmision - - 50. RESERVED SEAT TICKETS for these three attractions $1.00 Tickets must be secured between 3 and 16 P. M., Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, or between 7 and 8 P. M. Friday of this week at Box Office, University Hall. PLENTY OF GOOD SEATS LEFT the =tubentz' ecture Issocatton 121 WashIngton t. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pa ck, props. Phone 598