THE MICHIGA N'DAILY . 1 $40.00 s~ l~~~ $15.00 TO $40.00 THAT HELPS SOME 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM Prop. AMUSE-MENTS Al-lw This Week SJIRRONJE Enthusiasm Demanded 11er Reengagement. Have You Seen Her? Then she has you guessing. 5-Other flioh Cluss Attractions-5 PRICES~ia:-I:i c. S e.s. 30c, 35..Bo'x Seats 5Oe. iatines 5 luesa andacS aturdays. at -2:0. Adisision Adults 25c. Childrenc 180. CALENDAR. H NR ~C O. Mar. 9 -Stereopticon lecture on South America. before Architectural cli,, 0 TAILORS 1111gbIlass ROOM 309, New Engineering building. F RN SH RSR l Merchanlise \lur. 19 Rock' :\Moiintaiin club annual ]VP0SER iomurinqet, Michigan Union clubhousie. HIA ER S Po1plar Prices Mfar. 2o--Y. W. C. A. banquet inl New- Latest Styles-Relgal Shoes-See Oar $5 Boot terry Hatl. AlIar. 20-Uu1i ersily oratorical contest Directly North of Law Bazldlnig onl S. L. A. course.70 -1 NO T IV STY A E E Mar. 2t-Enginleering society banquet, 7 9 I O T N V R I Y A E V M\icthigan CUnions clubhlouse.GE U tar. 2-fhirst Reginment of Iinos_ m et....... . Mar. 21-Beln Greet company in "Jul- B I SLSPENDRS ins Caesar," 2:30 P.i.; "She Stoops to a dpit'yun/~a Conquer," 8 :15 p. nm., University Half. -. three pairs of \T t. 2-Weste soiet baque, a -o- odnary sspeder. lr.i-ilitrscey la~iil t-n Webbing inmtable .\itial ill ~~ll~l .Qealafy unvaryn. , Mlar. 23-Ben Greet company in "R- Buftonhl naeedatt-stile Ilco and Juliet." AN ..ydaau.t altimhafat I :117. 24-Junior cengineer dn11011 UECeSRNKF ygeutnanparhasaa..t Barbour ll gynimasilll. CO LLAR ,FCu 6 tiaS ERnaite., Mfar. 5-Addtress y Attorney-Gen- Quarter Stzes, r5 eonc, 2 for a t..n id.~ CLUTT.PEAOOY& C.,oSTSHIMERBRoTH06RS k ral Wade Ellis, tnder auspices of Taft Dik-.C, uoaaa ner oa Shsa-,,.TBT PlwnLa Republicitn club, 8 p. tm. aoottnun.ttaset ' Ajar. 26-Henrietta Crosnan in "The Ness Mrs. Loring." FORL YOUR CONSIDERATION ___________________________ We offer our new line of woolens for Spaiaag oad aii e 1908, consisting of a complete assortment of the many shades of UNIVERSITY NOTICES brown tones, nmodes and tans--the very latest in pattern. We I lelilgli invite your early attention to these choice fabrics, although your selections can be made up later at your pleasure. To our regular 1,1 tgofthe iqosit class tolday at customers we express our thanks for constant patronage, and to 4 'clck ill Roomll it University H alt, new friends we pronise fit, fabric and price on nmade-to-measure Impollranit. garments that will satisfy absolutely. jit l iig of seniord antd juniollr enl- v'ry trl yours. iller classe-s illRoomll 409 at j oclck. FRED W. GROSS t23 E. LIBERTY ST. \ieting of sopomoilre 11111freshmnt ellgiterritlg classes inl Room,3ll 0) t o'clocek. ImIlportant. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SH O Impollrtantl senior lid cass metlinig this BOSTON, MASS. S H O flsrloollIat 419s, RomlilC, Univiersity wiLthillae utp letit i ite tesbitiding,swhiehiwetemdediated Septenaer2l, 1106, 11a1l. a ll.lobar, Fees. this scol ow has faciitie ad e'uiipmet ir teiaing ad researeh in the var- ous branches of medicine prbablsyaneualed in this cuntry. Of thin five build- Plapist Y'ounig People social 11111111011- itgs, for ae devted etirey in laoratory teahing and research. Nueaus teel show rall t Baptis chulrhrlo irrs 1111 hsitas afriauandant opprtnitiesnorfu'clinical instrctin finediie cnd srgery COURSE FOR TE DEREE OF M. D. Huo liralstreet,tonigt at s o'cl'ock. A four' years cous,open tc b ieirs of art, literatre, phtolioicr scinc. A min~allg f atletlass piesilfeils sill and to persns of eqialent standing, leads ts the deref M. D. The stdis af the forhariaecc whally le,ties; they include laarary sbjets, genera beeldi todlay at 12 :30 sharp ill athletic mediin, ganeatst srery ad tie pci a cl i e~l brn'hes. 'iThcnet shosl year assciaionoffce.Waler heisclil etends fruitm Ocber 1. t9ll, to Jane 2. 10110. ,ssllillillllibe. \'ailer ileiisllill. The diploma of the Unverity of lihgn is accepted for admission. Forc etai- .511 \ebsteresecre tickets for the eld anouceetant anti cataloge. address banqu11e 1to he lheldl Saturdtay edecnillg. HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boto Mass. Thle fo1 llwillg is a iparial list of tholse sellinlg tickets: IHarln, J. F. Andiersonl Reaonl. Nicholson, Counti ryman111, Bolse, LEARN TO DANCE CORRECTLY. JOIN TE CLASSES IN AlacRaslarls. fill. D A N C I N G O - Personis woci stnessed tie arrest at Gage's Academy, grundadflot Mayaad trteetite lckh west of whchllto a 01cc'Mondsay Inigtl dll Ann s tate Stet Stes Tittoanayableiniiadance.$3 0terma of twelee sleei ii frsnlof tle ~rec caislys~r, 1 lesocn 's. etaa t . isitsaasretnot dmitted dring class houas. oppo11site tile Nest \Whitney theaer, are requesd toi llrepolrt to Carlsn & el- ________________________________ Iero oess l i 1'66-J. NOTICE. You Cannot Get Strength from Don't be confsifled. There has been io diodra h HhTR~:o as ibrly slret. It is our consstant aimB OL N tos please all oir patronts, atd that in- unlessyo supplv ma- Joe Gil~crdp,'0, '07, terial for repairing ~ 4 2-6 Proprietor. ~' _______-____ muscular waste-for SUMREPLYET replenishing the energy If a $ per day guarantee interess you ex nd . Th hu a se Mr. Phelps at Jolliffe & Kilciiller's, ex nd . Th hu a ovrCo-op. State street. tf engine must have fuel. NOTICE. Strength comes from ' Sec. 22 of City Ordinance: No per- a'iro e ou oof sins or persons shall play any game of that is easily digetd ball, or throw about or bat any baseball,1rtrwokikayftblnor S R D E WH L W EA about any street or alley or any other S R D E H L 7HA puiblic place of this city. Fin-$5.oo is rich in the proteids tlat rcpar tlta , or thirty days in jail, or both.a By order of The. C. Apel, daily waste of tissue and nerve f rce 123-8 Chief of Police. It contains all the bodybuildinic cia> _ ments in the wholce-'what gra 1, in,.de / / digestible by steam-.cooki ngu'C - . ding and baking,. Ouir stores will be open Suildays this No proce ss a ver beco d ev isr4 1thNtl s. e year for sale of cigars, candies, etc., and oats or corn as nutiions cc as ca~a ly e1e'r~l S~ndy paers.whole wheat- -the fsofod A tlsuinoo y#ace r Suoa aes4,000 years.j A breakfast of SHREPE WHE;AT WlS CUlT with hot orcould meilk P or o ah il supply the energy for a who! lo y'S w@'ts TRISCUIT lsthe same Bosthe 11149M K, estsc t BIlLLIARDS, BOWLING6, LUNCHES, that it Is compressoed Into a wOIafermtl i§ CI QAR S, CADIE , TO B C CO . used as a TOAST for any moal, I nsteoof Y CiGRSCANIE. TBACO. whts flourbread. At ailgroers. s112 S. Stat. 11Mys- _______________ dTe Natural Food. Co. MOE'S BARBER SHOP IAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "IS L I .. HRD 705 Nerth enerolty Ave. O.A.1MOE. New Whitney BELL PHONE 480 Theatre HOME PHONE 200 Thuirsday, March 2 6 H IE N RIE TT A NAS -ROS MAN "Pedgy" The Cou ntry Ciri A Comedy in Three Acts Produced by David Garrick, Augustin Daly and Played with Great Success at DALY'S Theatre. Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c SEATS ON SALE TUESDAY Wulebb's For High Grade Cnies Ice Cream, Froit Ices, Puches, Sherbetn, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Fanny Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. l09 5. Maim St. 1 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILW WARBTHE TAILOR THlE BEST, OF EVERY THlINCIIN TAILOM~NO