THEY MICIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Cany Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl & Co EAST HURON ST. 'The het FOUNTAIN PEN ilt the FOR ONE D2ILLAR ait Brown's Drug Store 1201E.Liberty St. ALAWI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allth itst makes-i atdtifutlyu 'ot-til MICHIIGAN PINS ANI) 10135, 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRINO A SPECIALTV. Watch Inspector-fotth ie Ann Arbort- Railroasd J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN SI. Btranch: 304 S. Stat t. WHAT'S THAI? PIPE THE PIPES aniLtl l;att .101 1V'S MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSII WIirLffOLDfl I OR RI NI-A piresant tutet [ ' L Othree roo1s, with stationtary staslstoti gays aod toectric light. for light liton- Plans Will Be Made for Gymna- LOST-A pair of soft gray glort sium and Outdoor Sports- fR.J.D). matrkedf tinseacht giote. F f lanagers of Teanms Will Talk. 7 iunt too DILotx ffice. 12- :1d ,n OP NOTlul OF STYLE Alil ii ott a itlteioot t o.t eIte tr ttiy hidof gtmsiitta '-1 oiareireiuested Cto ttttt o 1,1i ,I r t. ititt-.n er th aupiesof the ott i' t hlettic it so ciation at i p nl.. iirtia , t ra Itt itwel lgIl Hallto t li ase hY the0,-i iT s -ifi t hettlt0t-aimil i ls'sot -i t yt -m u wor ill he an- alo tet,1 e tlliti t lonn- let o -moter urpoe o themee igistt it it\\ litit a r ihmnrereef i f orth Womn'sAtheti s\\it itt tet tot tt t ll andt o n g 1 b11 lI1lrcice it a ma- e it thesetwo in"i tbtyAt% OcanJordn', titnlilcet1it to the in- rst w- it:a ,101 w it a / i 'O ail otto- hefesma ifirs a it it ito- . aitillttfromOliitoio'ctoaki 'fthe toj o; l I eoll ed Itint e &rCoh. itnoftt fesma nto tit ottn t he"lerlafar o h icasfo LiST-Platini goldbracelt-, itittirtt 112.11. andtitileot. JutotoX20. 1907, itsitdo. Ri-hitnt i to t1Stutth Intgallso stroot. Rt- -\NNOI' NCI tIEtN'' Fou r ofuregto awling allovsarett floor, t1-14 ituden iits wshngtiooftell fohoalUontt ottd Lttito ol-Sotitotcet tketstoas Libeoraltcomtmttissionalottd.tittoof- matst bintg toforne o'fitotisonticO c- pisifito person.ttoi JitCfK 121'S\1 EiTlIRS -Jutt r00 tit flotfWatnr l Ct., Stoato Si. 1ii -t Thto Koititf'ofsitoStuitoios-Ptiatno, voietifitittgot, cottositiotti,.312 5. Stete our cottitlete litte of Micligan pitno, foitsandit souvetirs. TIaftlor's it-itr oltStoro, 216 5. Maint street. soil work tii ppIiif i tit t O t 312 S. Divisiott treelteod-t8 FOR)1 RENT-Twso large hoaset sait- 'fble for clutblhottses. George J. Haller t oC.rofreal etfoaoelndinsutrance, 216 Maoin. tf All latt fottoks foor rent at Footer's, if O) II.Ltz, Alatrtt Clocks, $t~oo. 2035 iastWaoshintgton. tf I Latd latmttered jewelry at Footer's. Ki.OLLIAUF, THEI TAILOR. Ito E. IHarotnSt. If-32 Try K'rusope's homtie-noade catndies. 615 Eaost Woiliamu streot.,1-8 fItNOS TO RENT at Schtaeberle o.: Sott. Allitmutical tupplies. New lo- caiott,ito 5, Maio street. tf fPfItNOS FOR RENTr-A nutmber of cotice nte piiontos at Rootos ffasic Ituioseonit easy terios. Free tuning, if Weo toy yout to come downt towo for -otir lafoorotlory sttpplies. Goodyear's ling to ~reo 1-ta --As New Yorkers know il-is embodied in.. College Bratxd Clothes Co~llege uten, andt other youngtiRmeni, attil toungish old maent,find int College Braitd the clothes which are beyontd thte abtility of nine tailotrs outt of ten Io design. Extrenie in cot, yet genteel-ireatdy to put on --and imoderately priced. w e.r e.wrwreAnir r h ' Z 4 yy 3 } t 1! t p9 N? , "IMnoc n N i oust C rx ~i': W C'be tr t pt H44Y.M t. "T.n& A lallu Line qf Piz cishl rigs, Hats, Caps arnd Chuildren's Clothing IS#aebler (goWirerth.__ Walk=-Over Shoes Men and Womren Special Styles for College Wear This season we tire showing an unusually large assortitenit of Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display ftor a Corn- pkete Line of Fall and Winter Oxfords. We are showing some especially ntew styles in Brown Cortdovain, Blocher cutt, three soles to heel, aiid a Heavy hrasit eyelet and large cuff reinforcing the top. Also a large assortment of back anil tan leather in celehratetl FrenchloCalf Skins, in Buittoii, Bltucher, lhaitnh/ace anid Strap and Btuckle effects. If' not acquaiinted with our label ask youtr friend howv they wear. Prices, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.50 WALK - OVER SHOE CO. 115 SOUTH MAIN ST. Hart, Schaffnler & Marx ALL WOOL CLOTH=IN G T IVA Qi1*hwy A Im. I[-- fY N1 YiltlilY+c C r n ! 4. FASHtIONABLE HAIRDORESSER ___________ HaiH 1053, IHairdlrsing, sampntg fSeour10111 i ttit 11citofotMitohigatti If ootysoutwat the best foutain pen in Manicuring, Face Massaug aSpecalty. 1ito,, ftos atio tltotootir-. I tutor's toeocty, go It C'tshiog's, 336 South 322 S.Shate St.11['j)it .s BelliPhone 59 NI-V tro Si ii,21116 ,0 'titut oI t ot.;oo tStsroet. tf THE FlAIRES AND 'MECHIANICS BANK MAIN ANO HIURON STREEtTS Capitl, $50,000, Surplus and Profts, $65,000U General Basktng Butsitess.tatspu--itent id anTime anatngs vetaotuttisits. Safttyit pi. o KEMPF, Prest, 0. C. 'otEtoss, Viot-Tes F. H. BELSER, Cash. it. A. OtIiAMt ss-iAo The Ann Arbor Savings Bank' Capital stoca, $50,000O. Strluis, $ti300,000 iResaurcs.tX1?.:00,000 A General Banklinguiness Trasacted3 OpiCtis:itChss. E litosotut, 'res.;5W. iD. Harrimtan, ViTr~ 'es.: t 1J. 1 itoICastttt STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Baoth Jita. V. Sheehtan Watt Arniald Os'. V. C. Vaghan Jas. H. Wade E. F'. MittsI Joho Haarer Jntt. Kaott Prosf. H. S. Cothart hiettry Wf. Dtuaglas Christian Mtartist lDa1F. Zimmtetrtant f W h rn (t o.For yoxr ISweaters, in, all colors and sizes. We have all kinds of underwear, including the Oneita the Grand Priize, and Dr. Demiel Linen Mesh. A large. assortment of Night Robes and f Pajamas. All the latest In Neckwear. U , III SE-E The Palais Royal 209 I. Liberty St. For the Latest Disigns in U. ofM. PILLOWS AND BANNERS-1 ASO Banners ofOther colleges Cozy Corner Furnishings in Japanese snd Indian Goods Everything in Bric-a-Brac. V ~ ~ ~ W AV£ ww AM- FIRST NATIONAL BANKITI 0' ANN ABR MC. A aq lssVVkZmP AdkLiM 6Lt4 J R. it. KINNE, tARittititti ' L tt i Pt-es VV- Pres.tit Fa~.shion Store 121-123 S. Main St. Capital, $100,000. sursanittoftits. tXo1 t5000 German American Savings Bank 0. lM. mart illFINERAL. a h rs od we toi0a-o- ye~s Casa ¢gt e%. Cormmrhelml.rad Othoe 295 . 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent Leather Belts maewihsel- Hot L~unch 8evlrags taes eaee 1102 S, nth Ate. Phone 114 tviarht- t iset ate.baendo 5 A ati'.58S tt Cor. Maen atnd Liberty Streets AMBULANCE 0O1 CALL TH BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS. e _ ,1 Will Soon Open MICHIGAN UNION CAFE-- Watch. For It