TrHE MCIAt DIAtL~ * ----" . - 0. Ho Wild Comfpally The Iargxest Stock - in the City " o Exclusive Styles iii W O LXFor Gentlemn's Wear Everything required for Suit, Olvercoaxtsx,lancyVe tiog' anld 'Trouoerings, ad of high lassix fabirics anid specialxstyles. Full Dress Suttts a Specialty Go H. Wild Compally 311I South State Street negettttga 5 eP en T1 E lii 1tICHI iJAN DIiAI L. tl )xxxi xxx xx xi xx "tx xxix. xx0xtxbxcalxxse wh xihlxth itotal lpopuiioxlnxoxf the cxxxi- .lxlxxxagxxxg = dxlor- Cxxx, SCuxT'x' 7xoxxR>ux us iiilithe xxi xitixl lxxxt lecxusxxiti 13tl'x ssxx xx I'fxxxxxi'x' C. I. WXX boTh xix pr iiiiies I r teilietxxrt 'x bettexrxequa lity ofxfoces or toxcolxixxx txixx nlniixxx. Xx,..... .A. C. Ritcic csioutlix i xrindlthe ecxnomicsxof b ru- ixiting..,, ....xClaiixxcexx"T. CxxEllxdxe xx ,xttxlxxxaxexxxi le gxxxxieoflxxtti- xlxxxcagi'. ii.., . John \Vxxxmxxbo ld xxxrx little xalxxxfxxr txi.xo«xxxnxsaxkxes. NVO xxxxxx'Ix' liiixr.lxxxiiiLouixanVoxoris EIiiTOiiAi . x'oxxxix x iii xxxii tlrxiii xlpeiesix ofspiiiler, J..VMxcxCandxlessx Rixir C. Xilxixxandxindsixnoxxxilxxx ur'Otheriseixx'--tliiy 7161111 X'xx' xx iixxxi ii popl halxxxignie xxocha feihem Ii xxxx S. Cxxxiy' Gexorgx 11. 1 ba I 'bisxi 'is lxxxi xxx ixixuiig xlix' ,t \ ) T CC"' t)1> , C) -107 ii) nem ercal \-()oin the coi i ni ngi xxiii ;lx xigxxxicxduxisx f xix. pid. Aiimeetingiill xx stuen boy indfixulty teCc: h, xiinx.'i i iin order to make)iii all lx~ti .iixlxi i'x'ixxxionei)fthexxix. aier i xxxix '~e~ ws ienlthe (lsrvn, wn t tswr adtl pident tox'i gexxi lixixlxl plxxice startedx'x " t , v v s 5 l e " e t c e _l r, i CASs: HL)DS VARSITY 'hO RAGGED I C'TO(RV (Contiued rim Page Oe.) ieeiibylx brlx lixixt gini by XWinixix'oxi ai forwaxrdxissi da'"xiiixx-yxxd run liy Mille. XWxxmnxl ontrihutedlthexmot pxxcxaular pity of thx gme, rtuxinig ful. quirmxing troxighx axbioknielxii. After Miller lxxxi xxxrixd thx bllxxito tlix -taru lxx, oli xesigixe exi alli xxxii xxxi xshovedxovxrxxxelinexxfor tlhx xxniyxxtouchdoxwnxxof xlix gxmex. Timeixxwa laxle ' Ithree xiex lxtix witlie lli inx Cae'ix e ssxiionx inxtheiir ownxxiteri- tory Thelineuixip: 'Xiiligan--q.Cxse-.x ICxupcer.. L.xxT. x........Ziegler XX xlins-x Pxxxxxxxxx IL. G . .... ...B r'n lGrahaimxxi ....l. . R G. . . . Rssell I oxel l-he i il .T . I. . .. xitixi Ieanxxx i re R.x R.xr ......I,..A lei 'xix d.... Qx.iixx . Lx '.....Ox'r \' M ilr.. . . . . I . 'liitelxl Rhexiilolxl F. 0111.1.... . Qiigex l-Gxraxham. 'xix. ofxi lxxii 20mixnuxte. Refereex axdiii ixiixxe-Rxoe I(lheiiguxi andii Eldridg ( ichixxg'n), xalt'rnaxelxy. I xlea xxxilinemn Kiltrik (xi xxii- xii) Attendancxlxxxe p-t3i0o0(estimatxxex). ence ruinxg wichixprexxinxxix ixxichexxxxii offiiil fromx gritingiixili exxi x xixoxx footblxli gamesxx Coxachx Fogg, xof lxe restricionsxu, however'x, xxxii wetlxxxirec- ''"'Coxins idig xlixfxxct lxaxifoxur' xx lre of thex. lxxiixxxixwxxext xxin thexix game xisid li, 'I tinikithex'texiimmaxx x gxeati'hoinxx g. I amxwelxxstisfxxiiedi' tiix thlix'sxoxxxxoxl xxix'teami, xxxiiialo- geherit was xxiixxgoodxifxsxxtimforxxthii Profiglix. 'I . ixlirel f rincexxitox xwilxe, ''Somexixi ctx' Trt hxx lxii" lxrxif. Miler'lfild xaIxate at: Mci'Xillanxx[Ialli ea'rli' ix e ssexr lsti year, andx of i i th eimpressiiion heiii adex' upon iiiiixxx . xc.xx'x~w~.x. xxxi jixixixixC. Elwel, 'MI, folxihelpas tw yeari's'ii'axsxixxdent iie L'icifixiiii antiiaiprmixxnxxentxixexmxbe xl te Rocxk Miox'tiniiic lubx.died x'x'xixxlxix'txI lii hominix Pxuxieblox, Coxxi. 'lxxaccountxxof hi, 'reenti lleixi Iexwasi notiableiito xre- turntoicolegethisixyexxi. Origial xxxxwxxnd excxusixe e iigixi inx fiefxigxxxPilix Cersx''tx issliii xi- el's, 332 S. Sixatestreet. Sn-tfx Alarmxicloeksxxaxxrxxntexfolonxie yer. $i~oo. IHaxlle''r 'xxwlx Shre, 26 S. :Plixiistreet. coxd Fox Lauboxratory Supplies, buy where your profexsoxsido. ooxfyeux'xDrg Books Wihy pay full prices? GET THE DISCOUNT We allow '211 ier tent discoutt on Drafting Supxifes. 10 per cent dixcouixt oni Drafting Instrumoents. 10 per cent discount on 'niver- sity Text-lxook::. We Ixiugixi x large stuck of Second-hand Law Books and will xciil at underprices. Writing Paper by thne Pound 20c 25c 35c Wahr's Special Fountain Pea, $1.00. IEvery ine ix guiaraintee.d Wahr's Book Stores 719NOTH NIERSTYAVEr I xxiii ~s Iii xx Iti n s iiii . :y( iI Ii xxx ,r i ixxlix xsit li . -m e r i mebes re ntaisfid ith whaixxx has uxixxux xxiii xixforiutheiiiniwiiii'l play in several of the large-uxix it isliof Frenchi xli i ticxlliixlint toido tis they i Terci^ iiixi it ilixrui'ard xxi financia aid.xoter 'riigxmentsihaling been i more ixxisiy m d. 'i ilxux iof ' hx Arciiileiohaveinvigatedithispx ered. M xiichian asuich l xxi xi inter-x esein heri i i xxiii ii lxiiiAmi ranxiaffordxx toiii xiii' ust the supportx thati itx deeded, but th x l'n'iv'ersiii wich theyxxxiepreselxx. xI a troup isi sentxtoirance,1tte Uni- vers'x xi iii iiity of 'uii. i ii iand x'ho 'eiint 'reste in he affirs wiiill e heganer b hv A' Siheelhall & Co. Student Bookstores SPALDING'S I OFFICIAL FOOTBALL GUIDEI - l ' Containingthte New Rites -t -! Withfllxax gexae xpilanatoxxy pictarex. Edxiitibyxale tami.ii 'lii'lximest lxxxi- b; uxia everix ipulisixed. txuilxxfootballxinxorxatioxx rev'iews, foriecatecheidu'x'lesxecatis. rec- ords.. ixierioifxx ov ex000plaiy'ers. Price tOc. A. Ox SPALDING A BROS. NewlYerk, iChicago. it. Louis an xxiIrxnis'c, Mi xi xiinnoi.iDenvexr, flaxiixx.Syracuse.Pitis- hurg. Phlaidelpxhiai, Bostxon.xCiniaixixaixlti- or. Send iyourxxxmexxandxigetxaifre'e 'cxpyof tSpiailinxg xxix xxan tiitr Sot Cxataloigue.,xcontxaininsg piturandixiciesxxtofx 01x the sewxseasxonablxe xuiletcxgoods. IlleINo'i'gyi 11111(ihois frs a;;olx"'iixiig xil xxi'apnHl.iPride lnt nlin I ill xxii 'heldtruhuti txii xxxriii hichxxii pers wxill ibexxreadxxiand irepirtsx(mxii iisa i u1. iu i uix ixhixsix ologxis x x''ts ill heisecuredii Iit thei yxxr'toxleture xiiiforexxiii xlcl uxii 'liii'ihoaxrdl ixnIConxtrol 1of Athleicstxlxxi uxxxxuiuxxxxx'i thex' foxluxuxiii xxmen flux tlix xxxii x''uxx'xibyi the' fxilurei'of 1". N. it. XI. XXxxiei . I.IDavxuey, A. Leni- lxxiii, .. ii . Coexxi Thei'el'ec'iionx, xxhicht i open to i student'sixofiall xde'paxr'tmen'tsi wil ocurx'uit ixii cte. 11,.atxx i'ix i I I lxa11. 'The' udooris xwi l x.he xiop 'en'ed xat o''lc andi closiediuxx a'i 5:1-ip p. xx. doxing:' of ec deexrix'xi x stx iuudeini thel Uiesix xuty, xuchanxes of addriessshul hex ' replirteld xx toihimxbefe complaxiinxxxts are madxeix 1ei'ausexx. of nxxx iii eryif't'' atx l t HEADQI AitTliliuiFDR Camaeras Photo Supplies AMETi I ItDIVEXING AxNDXx BAILEY & EDMUNDS zpOaiflG Gooas 11EASUr LIBERTY STREET Arnold'siJewel ryStore Alarm Clocks, $1.00 \%aiteioglet year.xi MICHIGAN PINS. 25c Up llMICHIGAN FOBS. - 25c Up Weimire it ialxix ofxix xxxiii , jeveix 1w ntS 4 'r ~ ; t.r , I F I C. Report of't ' repixttixin Q'l schooui lofluixltinduicatex'a growthxinxx x that d t xxxiii las ixpidi andiionistexntxi as in thelotherxilixi' egeslii he pianoland the xiu xix li vioin avethidtees'taswit'' asx the 'xcompassx xxxiand ix'txe mw i " i s is tf J Porxtrait lframes'i xt lixstr t IF YOV KNIEW How you would realize by the Co-op plan you would always buy of us. Ask any member of the Co-op Association he will knowe or call and let us explain how it benifits you. Cooporattom is better than CompetItIon Books, Stationery anid Engjraving~ of all kinds Students Supplies, Flags, Banners and Penents. Gents, Furnishings and Athletic Supplies. IF WE HAVEN'T GOT IT WE WILL (JET IT FOR YOU The U. of M. Co-o0p Store 310 S. Stakto St. Look for the Bltae IFront, r (CHORAL UNION TICIK[IS Now on Sale $ 3.00 EACH Oct. 1 8-Siekesz Nov. 11-Gadski Dec. 12--Flonzaley Qt. Jan. 28-Charles Clark March 2-Adamowski Trio FIFTEENTH FESTIVAL May 13-16 Che Ztuaentse 9lecture 1ssociation Season 1907-108 Premier Lecture Course} of the WXest SOUS.A'S BAND Emil J. Hirsxch, D. D., TbI.. I). Johnt Temple Graves Dr. Wam. J. Dawxsonx(Lonidoni) Dr, Brander Matthews beland T. Powxers Hon. John Barrett Opie Read Gov. J. Frank Hanly (Ind.) Oratorixal Conlest John Graham Brooks Open Nuxmber See "Prospectus"m for dates and explanation of Open Numbxier S. L. A. Office, Main Corridor, University Hall. Treasurer's Hours, 4 In 6 dailye Saturday excepted. Mtceto for Entire course, o: to e $2.00 Secure your Season Tickets from student caxivassers or at S. L. A, Office. ,ii y 121 Washington F. RANDALL, THE PHO TOGR 4PUE.R Phone 598