THE MICHIGAN DAYL - G. I. Wild Companly Our Spring 1908 line of fine imported and Domestic 'Is now read1r It includes all the latest us cties Shades andU pto.DatPtterns in Mose Brown, Carbou fan, oeather Shade, (rays and Fancy Blue Your 1patronage respetfulls solicited. 0. HL Wild Company 311 South State Street O-ur First Shipment of 'Mchist o' ( the new game craze ) was quickly sold and we have jtit recived a second and larger one. Youll fid Mephisto te best gale for otdoors and idors too that you've PRICES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Per Set AT Siheehall & Co. Student Bookstores A. G. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Bal, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OtficiaImplemenarts tr Trck ad Fild prt Uniorissfor clt Sport. Spadi's Hasdomsey tIiustrated Cataogue o atl sports cotaissa- merossugestios. Sondor it.-It'sre. A. C. SPAL DING & BROS. New Yorsk, Chicago, st. Lhus, SaFanisac, litiiiia olie OcDinir. huff aio. Syrase, Pts- buyg. J t < i i iceitason,.Cinicuat, Bslit- more.ic Wasi ton, a. Cassicity, Otaveiand, Nr, Oneii Oe 'i, iot-a, anada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. tManaging dilr- AcitE F. RcHet. Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEA. tDITORS News................Hiram S. Cody. Athletics......... ...tee A White. Exchange.....H. John Wambold Music and Drama ... Roy D. Welch Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarland NItHT EDTRoSs Geiocrge It.IHoart Leonard C. Reid Chauncry Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raynond Visscher REPORTERS N1. B. McHugh J. IH. Prescott A. L. Mainline Robert Mountier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinnei Walter . Towers Louis Kraft Lewsis TI. Knistern Roert Moreland Pact Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Eingel Fred E. Goodiig 'heron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wur Carl H. Adam Htarold P. Gould Address: MCHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1- P. i., 7-8 P. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96. SUtNI)A\Y, 1tARt l,ot. prtic te t'rce btcseenhe' liii cr cl i-il n rlaii tve te rshm.iaii io- 'st. his i ai iecietstetiniiailacs It isa trueepostioniiof tcaniwei illectradiitis arcbeinig preered sn ill le ture~sereibut ien hose lii lio te tnisverity the, ought io heablsishied.Whta is nre. they sto notin i that cs erted tpisitic legisa- 111io toatig aohir 1deat, ut wsill. if letlounue.sirtpeacifuly of Itheir ciii rccorud. T'Itaa etusi itomdefall itoi disuse is ustngidication iif=1' illcut - ctisivcreidencecthtitihias srecutsi pup s. it has citneiit s work:-ii-Ii let it rest in eac We\ ho' evstiiiieledin ihairit-cuttig a fisw yasago ei rcloaihlto ser e attrasi- tion takreiiout f the ist itfudergrad uattt sptttsuits eolt tave te cus tomtireintarteid? \We disnotent toi itfer tat the freshmant blt'aqutet rctis- tie are ill the sratie hoait attitatrillthe sceratmtenut, tbutiweiidotiiysthaitrif liat is foutntd to le their statue let the sameiCfate beticheir. Theia ttoisrn-ot cullege ets- tht, ie wiorn-ouftrtittre. crtth is eroeusi nte aualcusio'ets etustomsliwiltttpass itthte ptis- ile f the stunit tat bruught temaito'. initg. T'he stirt of oir fatier is tot 'us.Their tmtnnters ad swas of titik tng aer-t.suitiir s;neitter aeteiir attcse- incti srduiltheir rlsitir. As lng as at colcge cstom is wttted it wiltl prsreitslf; ltrtt t sosv signsif wrerakness ttitreds alteritg it wi-tllidie. I f we hair grownsutot of ther hait;i rf atio gcornbred, and into thre hirtiti f entt t ic hetibrieit let rs stoptigus-tng crnt ttid tretar the soil for grcowiing \isat Toiithose f us' ihoihiveibtechletth ie lck rsitysfor w'}'eirs or mtire the' newis thati i thetitnd cocers re toi le ri'ste ciitis inidted eecoragitg. T'i gaterngsolite camusin itfront of thei firr t eruitd to itg ilicligris sog'reafutful sutrc f college spirit. \Vr' havercall til ewftsoposirtrttities sig t'h ellowiandrl te 1111i." The fiiititt iri msinmeetingsginite frll art' practically te.conlyi oportutnity that miaiiy stuiitts hke rirto laststhe sitg's If iSvrc ~rtiliIo iu iut now iand uor te ani inis l aual nt rprtctsiec, se crllistet oiur f rusiedsiand slg t'sntgs tetiterc ii i i aynvrctoibec'firgittetn. T1, IIIItNEttit'ARft"AWA'KENINfG. (Contioued ron tage Oe.) liy Chise woimuses. Lecture hlls anit mn~warc beinig itrcdinii all the pi- f inisil cptiits "Chiii inahs curricd tiiugh an oiumttt reform moement th tts Esglassulto 'hame. cThesati-fiitininltg smsove lar tce prctially uswul. T'l'egrrphsyss-- Ias ndriway s arscitg ptttitialt ove rr tieemptir, andu iiit liy foreiguers hult lieinativers. Cinasriitetcities tre aii g themostactiseii ie eword. tti pon f tonug lng Riing is scotti "China'siisiuationi hiiivs'sr cainotiibeh grste'iuletsrsierealzer thar.tCina is iovuseitdltrough ,aiidI tirutghI sit a rs ill lidass is hug. Trear'rabotit ightthIndrieiiticitsretri-diiiyarstic sit cie ties. IThe quc1i oilthat is Stilritg evieryoniiii' whiiatiiwillharppenciihenictheitr preentempess li.s. icerevoltionaiiryss spit hte fuforeigiiers tindlit is atuii- iath iit usiltir iTh'eirregimeirof the aliehsafier Ithr lisr'rebellctint lwa sh iiefuit.tCIita isas Ilootd f romtnet eld to fieoiler randlunstpertkablieut- ragsrpecrtdiii. Sic tets foreigts corptionriiils lhave ginedcnt csrolt f littersild ter cnic ssiois anletloit- cdit hm withi no smercy to atiivses. le. IWer' lint ow1111 aifoiot f Cintese territiry cscepIt tlt' goundisi our ega- tions s'nd 'upon 'Theifolishs and slit 111111ictin f oius'' exlsioln lawss' agiais sudens andutetlt 'of thehiget' clriesshirs ciaed sitie idistet;tut altogieter our rs'ationsiere f te fried- lest." 'Te at f le series f errys e- tursati-ittbticgivecn toniigtiiinLniseriy trall at 8 o'cock. NOTI'CE.-Trakeni t'ytmistkle, r pair of italis fr'omtiCsitg's dauteoe. Plerscreturtisitie See our complete line of Michigan pins, fohs and souveiirs. Haler's Jewelry Store, 2t0 S. Main street. od MEusic ana Drama iUBtI05To IK'ciLtAY' I sexARBOR. Jrin Kuttelik, tte great Bohemiatsvis- inist, swho atpeared itt a joitt recital with Mark Hamourg, the Russian pian- lst, in Detroit last Decemer, will glse arecital on Saturday evening. Marht a8, at the New Whitney theater. Ritelik uill Ie assisted y Miss Berthe Roy, a niteteet year old French girl, s solo pianist, atd Herr Luwiig Schwsab, iis rccomnpattist for years. Mils Roiy is said to e a isoderftl and fa- cittingrartit, full of temeranelt atd titisicrl itelligetice. Se is a ppil of die trte Mrssontmtl, ofth~e Paris Coi- serv-rtoire. andi her lpreset etgrgeteti swithi Kutbelik is her Anericatt debtt. ToiherirKuitelik it recital at the bertu- iftl Ntis iWhitneythteter swill te rrare treert to oitr cintcert-goer, whoti selomt havi e pportnttiy ofi herrinsg a fatiocs mtuictanin 11so0comfortale adilelegat itt ruitioriutmt, atd rihuge housiee iill lii doubsht greet thispoturhrrBolettiat, wihl wiltle the last opportntity ts herim i for at lerist three years, as lie sails feotsVraicouvser, IB. C., to Ais- triairntsAptrl, fiitritoitof te iortldi. 'fhere is ll thit excitemieit of a regi- lae fisothall gatte its "Sronglterrt," te plut i'wtic tentryIB. Iarris sill tre- stit tRlphtStrrt oillsFridlay, 'Marth 20. at the Neiwri- histethteater attil oue gertiesveny it sitthe etthssirss os-c' he eucounuitrwicslt takes tlares in the secodst f this tlt, ferlitg' rlmsost as if inithe srcis is t si-rutdewat itgte il- Ietes a5sthes-go uti atid downi-thelr'gris- ruststcintsg for this al. It i iserast onse f the mtost trillitg smotetts sit the esstire lit'. atileserywsihersas ects conscededtesi'climaxr o f college realismi as ilhowti it the sage. Adieces gu wihl ild ne ttuiaismitouser this scese,rssu therr is little queistionlofitthe recetionut wih 1es1il. Strrt f/it reeitse- lure ii "Imis satt is ur the ibesteile its uthchtrhintas es-t'rtppererd. 'Ther'pha, ralhoughi serius ithleute, s set u in a sbacgroundtsrlof cllege life Coilsumbsira uniiersity, Ness-Yourk, wi-slt irs gvenste uthosr amptllse pportuity fr goodslcernt.genuie coedty, of wiich "Strntghertn" is sri ts e full. Altthouught college life ar beenuskethily touuchedue postaint seserrl oler plate.,ttae secondac telouf ''Strngleurt" is the r'rl tlittg its foostal siRxIittiiit ciss ttsxusosat' F. Si rrontj, the qulie, sletder lifle wo- tins si-Isislst sucessfully tdeied allloch' andsfsltinustgsnt te Majestic ts we-ek seecedeslthe lansosisettans rustshtec raudience siter te lperortmaunce last evenuing. At elery gentleman iprovef toi us' ter ideal Apolloiad createdt suca mserrimentss ly kissing tr laud whlen le rscenduesh the stage to receive te gold trie awarded hIita. Sirrotji has prvedu soi titular that she has ess re-tgagef fr unet seek, whenc tertosers-ill he tertedl itby acirllt costructestarskist Hennauing & Keels for bicycle repairing ansd isinog tickle of all kinsl. 23-f Globe Wernicke .Book Case. The kind that grows wit your library-that will fi practically any space - tha can be moved one unit at time by one person withot distnrbing the ooks-thatit practical, artistic, and the onl perfect sectional ook cas made. Fitted with non-blind ing roller-earing doors; has, units furnished with or with out dtawers; aid all made i a variety of woods and finise adapted to any surroundings Call and see them or send fo catalog ro6 whi interior view showing arrangement in li rary, parlor, etc. Price per section $2.50it and up. WAHR' S University Bookstore SCRAP IBOOK~ Now is the right time tc f fix up that Scrap Book yon'v h een talking aout so on 'My new (smooth cover) M"Book is he t largest ever $175s With photo Pres Angell Also Special Picture R at 'with hook. LYNDON rBAILEY & EDMUND zPortwog Goods0 121 EAs r LIBERTY STREE' I YL[6[ASS[ Eygsctseshtave ticsmeanucist ~ ncessaryunut is mut studunts c ilate tat tiy wllwst ece an eyes tgtas tiuati-cs c~uor asd svcee blues'yur opttct worti dons IARNOLD'S nwi ittt55you cots tartubty ad garntee results. stats' Reis. LssGrosund., EMIL H. ARNOLD oiptical speialist witti WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler mm south Main Street ; For 69c Co-Op Store. MAY FESTIVAL Five.Ctorxce~rts May 13-14-15-16 THE THOM1AS ORCHESTRA -'sedesrick A. S touts, Conductor CHORAL UNION (300 Voanes) Albsest A. Stleiy, Casnductor Prf1.sopea lChor-al- Work s "Creationt" - IHaydni "Fasts" - (ionsiu Artists Mrss. Corinnesa hidsr-ttirtey Thur'sduy acid Saursday FPseninsg Mine. EresteitrSethumaisn-bleinls, Ccntraltou Wedt.usndFti encinsg MisrsIJanetSpe'neer, Contralto bi. Afternooandi Sat. Evsenisug Mrs. EdwuritJabsns, Tenor Thiun.,Fri.indSaRt. iEenigs Mr. Ctaudss Cuninstgham,. Baritone Suturstay Ev-ening Mr. rne G. titleen. Baitione Saturdtay Eve'niug Mr. Herbert Wsitherupoon, Bus- 'T'hursd'ay asid Saturday Eventngs Mr. L,De Mare, Frenech Horn Friday Afternoons Mr. L L.iTfenitet. Organitt W~ednesdasy Evcnbng Season Tickets (unrsierved) $3. SsasonnTistiets (reservecdt $4, $5. $6 Vor Sate at Scshool of Mussc Oratorical Contest, March 20. Singjle Admission - 25c Brander Matthews, April 6 Single Admission -50Sc Gov. John A. Johnson, .April 30 Sirngle Admiussin - 50c RESERVED SEAT TICKETS for these three attractions $1.0( Tickets must he securred hetween 5 and 6i P. M., Wednesday Thursday or Friday, or, between 7 and 8 P. M. Friday of this week at Box Office, University Hall. PLENTY Of" GOOD SEATS LEFT Zbe !Btubcnts ' lecture tssocf atf or ._.! 1 j 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack,,,Props. Phione