TIHEMICHIGAN DAILY $15.00 To $40.00 CLINGS &OSE W$ FIAT AMO SMM;7 70 McNEC/f SM007N SLFFYE HZIAO TNENEW NOl°UC OR P[AIrS fTS BOTTIFSNAI'FO SIiOULOFR n 4. r' NECK AND SHOUMERS ABOVE THE REST MMMPM CALENDAR. HENRY A%.W Co. tar. It-15-Ferry lectures. WIiliam T. Ellis. First lecture, Newberry Hall, TAILGK.S High Class V 0 C I Merchandise Miar. t4-Vqrsity meet. IA T RS )~ L Aplrle TOMar. 14--Ilini smoker in Michigan Lts t~sRg1SosSeOx 5Be TO Union clubhouse. ae Sy e 1S sSeOs=$3 itc Mlar. i7--Sophomnorc St. Patrick's* Dir ectly North Of Law BSulitdar lunchiconsat Barhour gym. 7971 N R H U IE ST V7 V $40.00 Mar. i.8atSenior St. Patrick's luncheon 709-711______NORTH____________________________________E Mar. -uo--Y. WI. C. A. banquet in New- NU N herry Hall. Mar. 2o--University oratorical contest SUSPENDERS on S. L. A. course. ti ar. 20-"Dc Paris aux Prne, a a wrillpoaivey eakst letrhy Prof. Louis Loiseaux, of Co- Worina'susendaere. lumbttia uiniversity, auspices of Cercle Quality unvuarytns5. lDraissatisiue Francais, S p. m. ADDISON Bufonhels nidestrueftle. MaI r. 2-E'ngineerinsg society banquet, NEasiiyajuseodai. oii5ooat k Michigan Union clsubhouse. Jtveygeiopihoea Mar. 2o-Ralph Stuart in "Strong- % SIZE COLLAR T4 CHGinOT5"TAXPI1HERq Rw. LCL Po. ar. 21-First Regiment o~f Illinois t1e ach;2 for25c STHEIMEN.aO~ltslifxs I- T H T H L SS118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MA] Mai. 2-Ben Greet company in "Ju- iss Caesar"2:30 p. um.; "She Stoops to tonqur,"8:15 p. s., University all. ai. 23-Bets Greet company in "Ro- soaid Jlie." 190 E N T fat do Address byAttorney-Gen- hrv fkI kU ) L.4M kieIrm at WiVde lis, tnder auspices of Taft mivii Rpsublicis club 8 p.i. sele _ cut new grs ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT UNIVERSITY NOTICES .For the Entire Week wu,;COMMENCING 'Tas Beta Pi swill hoist a receptioss for ~ ~ ~t e cigisicrissg faculty, st Bar or gymi,[ IT"EA REruscity sill give a scsnny social tii ess- ng.Alivtd The followig Atracions wl b hre w il ea etnho h eno rsetd its 'hlssrsday at 4.5, ii RosisisC. Ia- p surgeinss tiMscasrts oelyMsia ct O ASi i AUEss GIALS 8.- uls 11114- 'l'icAris an Mmi, fssr he sistulsi CNor girls s. Da .-TOhertCare. PArllc dycoiicmcodyisy leuouhtid 7.2 r rf. 1ckeye Tr i sssssrTikoa-A. ed rtoisMie os hesyltery a :.lPiernd Th a.-Majestiscope. wheinii1V. D.IHoswells' comsedy, "Te j Wednesssday and Sa turd'y st co 0 Amsissiui Adlts 25C, Childen 180. gousp. 'Tsclhe iee f the play is the frighstenisisg of a nssisier of helpless swo- iseis folks ly asniagisary musie, whlicls Y swas reored to tbe at large by the heart- less lover of osie of the fair oses who s tryig to csprove he courage of r~w Whitey Th ate hee osaikid -- Il e mbesisrs of he cast swere swell 1 EwwnHON Ey48 HOEaPHO E gosied ad as a large part of the per- ulni BELL hONE480 hME PONE 20 Isrisassee tool place while the frintic ss t icimsswser tperhed poii ables asdl ter W edne day, M arc a-8 chairs the effei was etreisely pitr- in esqie. Mande Miller Bissell-Voice Placing rep E zra. K en d all and; Song Interpretationis16 The Cut- ex~ LOST-An old Englishs gold watch In George Ades Latest Comedy and chain. Please return to 48 Church Str St., and receive reward.a The Land of CANES-Drop postal to Leo C. tha Kue, 3 E illiam. I can tell why Indian Girl canoes are best. Phone q Dollars 1 ___J SUMMER EMPLOYMENT ail Prcs'5,- ~,7c $.0 15 If a $ per day guarantee interests you It G Seatsal opns ondy Mrnig, O oc~ok a Bo Ofice see Mr. Phelps at Joliffe & Kitmiler's, Ime Set ae pnsMody onig,1 ococ a oxOfie over Co-p, State street. f dg When you want a pipe, see us whle 4.,00 Webb's For High Grade Candies A &- _ _______________________ IRIS DILLIARSS.BOWLIN, LUNCHES, that1 ;es Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid C IOAR S, C AN D IES , TOBACCO. ce Favors for all Ocason. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted 'A.M&stet Ji MayUd Nut Cases_______________ I MOE'S BARBER SHOP Webb's Chocolates are IUvsrpassee. 109 S. Main S1t. 705 North UafvraifyAva. 0. AMOL FOIL.YOUR CONSIDERAT=I°ON We offer our new line of woolens for Sprinailand Sosasuer 5consisting of a complete assortment of the many shades of n tones, modes and' tans-the very latest in pattern. We to your early attention to these choice fahrics, although your ctions can he made up later at your pleasure. To our regular -omers we express our thanks for constant patronage., and. to friends we promise fit, fabric and price on made-to-measure ments that will satisfy ahsolutely. very trulyyovurs, FRED W. GROSS 123 B. LIBERTY ST. w -E HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. i the coinplionsofutheursew buildings, iwhicih were dedicisted SeptenuberZaW shool now has taeiiities and eqiuipmntfoer teuaching and researich in the wart- braniches at medicine proablsy uneqiualed in this contry. Of the five bud- tour are deroted eintirely to laboratory teaching and research. Nunierous isals affosrd abundant oppoetunities tar clnical instrution in nuedicine' and iy COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. 'oue' years coursr, open to bachelors at art. literature, piiilosophy or science. ti ersans ut eqivaient stanuding, tends is the digree of M . The studios at fourthi year ate whoiiy electie; they include ilboratuory subjiects, general cine, generalisurgerynd the speal clincalranchs. 're next si-haulyear ds from Octobser 1. tuiihuito.June St.,s190u. tdiploma of the University oft lichigan is accepted for admission. Fuse detail- rnouncement nd catalogue, address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Basten Mass. t LEARN TO DANCE CORRECTLY. JOIN THE CLASSES IN DANCING at Grantr's Acaidemy, grontd funerMayniard Street.,aose slack west of State Street Stores. Tuitions payable in advancuie,$3.00term at twelse lessonis. Na enuburasssenst. visitors are nout adnittred during cliss hours. )u Cannot Get Strength BOWLIN,.G less you supply ma- rial for repairing iscular waste-for )lenishing -the energy pended. The human gine must have fu el. ength comes from nitrogenous food at is easily digested. SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT -ich in the proteids that repair the ly waste- of tissue and nerve force. r contains all the body-building ele- nts in the whole-wheat grain, made ,estihle by steam-cooking, shred- g and baking.' ao process his ever Seen devised that will make or camn as nutritious or as easily degested as lwheat--the food of the human race for oyears.1 ireakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT 515S- r with hot or cold milk or cream will ly the anaroy for a whoia day's work. CfViTla'theasam asathe Bsc,.uit,eept it is compressed Into a wafer and is aa a TOAST for any meal, Instead of tflour bread. At algrers. henatural Food Co. NIAGARA FALL7 iYr 'ITS ALLIN THI from 4 VI IS& ALWAYS AHE~AD IN STYLS M~IuL WAR 9, TUETAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN 'TAIL..RImo=