THE MICHIGAN DAYt? - 0. 1 G. H. Wild Comfpally Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It incdes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in -~Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, ..ZGrays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. I Wild Company 311 South State Street Oxar First Shipment of 'Mcp histo' (the new game craze) was quickly sold and we have just received a second and larger one. You'll find Mephisto the et game for outdoors and indoors too that you've ever seen. PRICES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Per St AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores o A. G. ,.o' a____ VĀ°SPALD I NG (PL NAKM & BROS. KA0 ) The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Spplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OficialtImlesmets for Track ad Field Sots Utifsitotr al Sports. Spadig' Hadsomely Ilustrated Ctaoue of al sports cnotaes u- merous suggestions. Sed for f-Its fe.. A. G. SPALDINO & BROS. Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, See Francisco, MintneapolsDenver Butl, Syracue, Pits- burg, Phlaephia, Boston, ftoetnat, asl- more , Wahtug ton, iKasas Ciy, Cleend, New Oreas, Otrot, Montreal, Canad. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing idifor-ARCHER F. RrcciE Business Manager-C. E. WNSEA. News...........Hiram S. Cody Athletics...............Lee A White Exchange .....H. John Wamold Music and Drama.-Roy D. Welh Women's Editor... Loise Van Voorhis EDITRIA. STAlIr J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarland rIGHT EDITOS George IH. Hoart Leonard C. Reid Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vissher . RREIR M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountier Lowell . Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis T. Kiskern Roert Moreland Pal Greet Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel Fred . Gooding Theron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF. John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Managers Hours : I- p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96" SAlURD)AY. MiARCII 14 190. THtAT' tvtIo-uAv 1iMOtAT,. 'We are in receit of two conmnica- titns front malte memnbers of the enon literary class, earing onite meorial quesion. Both of tese men are apar- ently ins close touch sithl reentttdteelop- metts in the class, ad swe accept their cttrrecltis gratefully. Their otly mis- take is it cotfessing surprise" attt "smtiles' tat otteitrial sholt ie "partisat," altotgh their own state ttents are partial tthie opocsite side. Argttttentationt is it secies of discourse characterizetd by partisanship-as tie swriers ate illstsrated. Atd tie virtue of i is ot tiat i covinctes, tt that it ctttpels the thitg opposeto i explore tite groundt it statds ot. Ottr rearks ate eidettly hadthaitt effect, itwtos cases-ste hope it titny umore. If ste ate htareted the class itnt its cottvtc- tinis, sothlat it sill do vigorously anti whotle-lteartedy whiat it titks est, se till be ietter satisfied tiat if it hat swsallotied otr opinions whlole and o- cedtllInotttriesire sithoti cotsttint prinicipes Wet sotly wshts to point out tiat ttr first uditorial ititicty reat, assttttes notting aboutthew'throes of a civil war" tttvyttotefltatit assttttes bott excessive amty. It sis, to put thie mti- ter stiplyitt gtls re girls, atd mnet arc en i n dorttthieseittcotvertilte reasonis tte orsite presett state nesstot tie Ution-re tmore likely ttt trefertadttintoInteUniersity ot- side the Union stitle the metmigti trefer otte throttgh,,rcint, te Union. Thatt this is no at priori theory is shown bty thte statttlof te ntbieore ttttd tdtr- ittg thte first clss tteeittg. Like "S. G. I^^." hittself, they hat "execedl tt favor thte Utttit prtject.' Bit the girls ex- tectetd to favticsmttething else, and the meni tisely tdeferred ttt their wises its the secotttd meeting. It ws this defer- etnce swicht twe :tinttec ott atd om- mietnied; the ittprobaility of "civil twar,'"lecatse te tunustal giod setse of thte wittly cass etittld reconcile nat- al differettces, bymtuttal cotcessions. With regard tithe Ution project, there is little tttore to be said, anti the senitor csses are prtbably'it possessint if ettoitght facts to jttdge fsr themselves. Otropnitntit s Sthat Othe etorial sholdtt go t the Utiersity as a wole; but thttt it touls go est trotgthe ttte trgttiatiott whiose ideal-hoswever tistattly aiproached at present-was to coimttrehend tewe tfcUtiversity it its tmembuershipmadt its activities. If there is atoter stcht orgttiatiott "for Mi- igatt ttetteverywthere"; if te "Utiver- sity" tis t whol, potn swhict it is pro- ttosedi to bestowt the gift, otets itself to betteftictioti itt attybetter oay, se cat- tnt see it. The geteral lirary anti Uniersity Iall re the tttost distitcly Universitytbiligs. :ollare strongly tdepttrtmtetntal. 'PTt e isclarsip ioject whiichi stromngly alpetls to itsstrotlmc- qitie sttme ittritate mtaciimery to et- attic it to soser its blessings evetly utpotn all te specialties. If at eqitale rottional seeecottl e tdevisedntoth- ittg coilid le miore happily presetted tatt a sctolarsiit, of whiich tie Utiversity tat few, ancoutlstuse sitmaty. Ruiti it tobjectiott totter rises. If the scolarship is toi go ittsitccessive yeirs tdifferenttdteartttents, whiat is thte itsetoftll casses cotmbinimg it t i? Wh~iy ot eacht departmmen start its owtt schluuarshipifuntThl'tie ntelreslttwsotl le exactly the same, aini conplicatios wouttl e tasvoided. Our corresodett ishiis tkes o excepiotn to our is that "all setitr classes ought to comitnte their separtte futtnts,' bit declares that lie (or cters) soult "srontgly support" thti-schtoltirsipi proposal, seems it his latter Clause ts exploie the sone firtt fonti onaisi of the formter. Te itwo good reastits for cominiattioni tre () to tin somthinmg whitc the ctsses cattot tdo separately, ntl (2) to act ii tccordttc sith,tatd for the purotse ofi fosteritg. a sturit f tutity. Wie ae areaty ttt- fottntded the fortmer, attil as for the itter we udtre prupesy that a rtatiotal schol- arship wouldi dii aout s tmttch for the cautse of utileas tt iterdeatrttetal jatitor. 'Thecote getuitite Utnversiy itstit- tioni is tie broadI ftce of the catiptis it- self, cr perhaps the cetral spot, some- wthere tnetr the flag pole. The Utiot seetms to is to represett the ctampts,- bit sicare admtitedy lparisattotithis poitt. Perhaps stttesill citmtt other- tite.-andt if the tre supplied witihira- souistie sill ole wi-tt them for a batd- standtinithiotor f te campups,-twhict is the ontly tatigible, aplrotcatble titg we cttn itettify sitht the "Utniversiy." hut our patisatnship is perfectly catdid. We are mut rooting for te Ution, ex- ccit ittcidenttaly. We honestly believe te way to tnake a gift to the University r ihis toike it to the Utiot. This is trite of the professiotna departtents if tot of the literary. 'Tttll-a t',tRTH0-THE"ctCOtl tOMANC. The local atdl letroit papPrs hae againi brtketi into printitwith sit article calculated to dii harmt to te iterests of the University. It apiears that oe of the individual- dragged- 'into the liice light andt labeled e-college stdenti never witsitt college itsaty sense of the word. Were the University so disposed itmight perhtaps take action for such defatation, tt smal good it tight do. The most atty 'ifis can do probably is to cot- demon as strotngly as possible sich in- justice ont the part of ottside pubia tiotsand to do Ouritm iiost to take them feet the weight of our displeasure.. stile atntoutncitnglotdly to the world rt large that the stuff they pitt as tness, amit iwithlichmilsthey deludme their read- ers, is untdisgitisedl calttmny. Wiie strsotgly resent titsiort of hitg. It is untfair to all cotcerned, to the pub- lisers subiscriers, Inomitr state utniver- sity, antt especially to te wotten st- ietts. It is a seriois breach of godt faith,mnt tot say of newspaper policy, In publish stories of a scandalous nature withtout first ascertaining the truth of the satemsents imade. Im its issue of last tight tie local pater attetiptts to clear itself by pointitimg omt tht in i its story it referredt to the partics as "stumdetnts at Atnt Arbor," whtichim fcitoutrse ma imean sttdents of any ottesf several itstittiots. How- ever, the imtlication is tmade cletr y tie itseif thete lrti "co-ed" ii its head- lne. Fturthermtore, se sitbtmit that whet referrimig to stiudetts at Atnt Arbor a speaksrotsriter is supposed to neatt Utitesity stuetts, ittlesslie stecifies othlerwisie, tattd especially' is tis so wheti lie idesignates temt as college sudets. If ani apology is felt lt e dute, the story calls for a tmore defitite anti cer- tain explaniation.m MUuic anta Vrama .131;N G rttC iKVt S NSAIXTOD100. flits imorinmg at 9 o'cck tie seats fumo t theit Greet performnmes sill go ott stle at Barbomr gymnasiutm. After today- they will le ott sale at Wair's Sttte street tore, each iday fromt 4 to p. i. "Jmulitus Cestr" will le presett- ed Saturuday afternoon, Marcit 2, ad 'Site Stootps to Conquer," Sttrday Evemimg. 'Ronmeo anmilJuliet" swiltle givemstie fot ittg Monday' ight. 'UNCP,,to' tLAEDctaTO 0000 OUSE. Little Es's spoke a fete childish poly- syllables and expired to a large and ap- preciativie audience last night. 'The big- esh thing abioit the shso'sas tie taudi- etnce, unless it sas tie sie of te ice cakes. It wsl a typical 'Uncle 'lTm's Cabin" performance, played ittwhtta mnowetadas is a typical say. Ezra Kedall ini George Ade's ''fis Lamd of Dollars," is the next White offeritng, Wednmesday, March t. Globe'Wernicke Book Cases The kind that grows with youlr lrary- that will fit. practicalfy ay space - that can he moved one unit-at a- time hy one- person without disturbing the ooks-that is practical, artistic, and the only perfect sectional book case msade. Fitted with nonbind- ing roller-earing doors; ase units furnished with or with- out drawers; and all made in a variety of woods and finishes adapted to any surroundings. Call and see them or send for catalog 106 with interior views showing arrangement in i rary, parlor, etc. Price per section $2.30 and up. WAHR'S University Bookstore C. E. BAIIIHtLI Lass and Medical Bookseller IMPORTANT LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS titabys History mofi-theuLawo Reat Properly - - - $3.00 Den i Otetin's Edition o1 Willimi Real Propery - $3.00 Stnninge Outlineut Riat Prprt - - - $1.00 CrtinatActionsi' - - $6.00 Bsh isCriminal Procedture, 120 Beynold's Theory iii Evdnces,$200 Sepihen's tigsI of1 Eidenree.$4.00 Ott'evrf's Eidece,- - - $3.0 Marshalt s Corprationis, - $6.00 Tompin's Sumeary of th Low of Crporaiots,- - $2.0. Weloman's Art otCos Examinaion. - - $2.50 Bosuwik's Lawyers Manual, $6.50 Birdsey's, Abot's Frnus, - $6.60 Bate's tPttadings, Practice and iormst,3vots. - - - $1.00 Winstlos'S Code Frms, 0 os.,' $12.00 MEDICAL BOOKS Bare's Proctical Teratuutim', $400 ittekamn's Operative Srery, $6.00 Etetdrthi Srgicaliagmosix. $6.50 Cattel's Post-Mortetn Pathoogy. - - - - $5.00 Sootta-Mm'Murrtet'i Atlas and TxtBook of Anatommy 3 vols. $18.00 Crossen's Diseases f otuen $600 Callt'sDiftferentatliagnosis and Treatment- - - $6.50 Ltue's lSpeiaiMdidla Diagntis. - _- -_-$6.50 Oouds ligraphi'Cinis. 5 emis. . . .$50 Ditionaries, Cuipeds. eli. C. E. BARTHELL Law and Medical Bookseller Tel 761. 326 S. Stae St. [YUI[ASS[S. Eeglassis hae buicimne suet a ncessary suisantec itu studettt. tlte that they witsweome an ey- gtass that ites comfort and serviu. Hare you opial work done at ARNOLD's and le wiltfit you cot- fortaby atd guarantee rsuts. Qiolk Rpairs ,m'ses Grond. EMIL Hi. ARNOLD Optical Spiaist with WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler t20 South Main Street SHIRTS For 69c Co-Op Store, MAY FESTIVAL Firve Coracarta May 13-14-13-16 THEt THOMAS ORCHEISTRA Frederick A. Sloth, Conduetor CHORAL UNION (300 VOICes) Albert A. Stanley, Conductor Prtnap m.1 Choral Work a 'Creation" - Haydn 'Faust" - Gounod Artists Mrs. Corinne Rider-Reu sey Thursday aod Setnedaoy Evenings NMse. Ernesttne Sehuetan-Bieink, Contratto Wed. and Fri. Evenings Miss Janet Spneer, Contralto Pet. Afternoon and SatL Evening Mr. Edward Johnson, Tenor Thur., Fri. and Plat. Evenings Mr. Claude Cunningham. Baritone Saturday Evening Mr. Earle 0. Killeen, Haritone Saturday Evening Mr. Herbert Witherspoon Hess Thursday and Saturday Eventngs Mr. L. Dr Mare, French Born Friday Afternoon Mr. L. L. Renwiek, Organist Wednesday Evening Season Tickets unreservedi $3. Season Tickets treserved) $4. $5. $6 For Sale at School of Mmcsl. Stuetslecture Association* O PI E R EAD Kiing of American Funmnakers Friday Evening, March 15,. 1908, at 8 o'clock. University Hall Singile Admission 5100 i 121 Washington f. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598