THFE MICHIGAN.D AIL.Y - -------- - Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring T 'rade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burcilfiek O T 106 & C. Coo EAST HURON ST:. BEST STOCK OF. ,CIGARS IN THE.CITY AT vn BROAWN'S;, Drug. Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'emi at low prices. ALARI'1 CLOCKS $1.00 ,$1.50 $1.75 tAe pebst ol:.ces' a dtfully ute 0 MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECI ALTY~ Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor Railroad J.L. CHAPMAN 206 S1 MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. Stato St. ALTE LEADING BRANDS' CASH PRICES 15 k. - m _ 2 for 2$c 25 k. -- 5 for $1.00. KEo JOLLY t08 S. STATE oST. MRS. J. R. IROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE' HAIRDRESSER Hair (foods, lHairdressing, %hampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St. (ITp stairs) Bell Phokae 359 IY.AGCE GIRLS WILL PRESIENTI XV. D. 1OW bILS' "MGOUSE TRAP~ "TIhe Mouse Trap," a comidy by WV. D). H-owells, will be presented at Saraho Caswell Angell ;Hall this afteroono at .l:I5 o'clock,, by a Woman's League group uinder the direction of Miiss lDoro- thea Brotherton. After* the play the its tal dancing in the gymnsasium parlors eit 1 follosw. 'The cast is as folloows: MNr. Campbell .......Rhoda Starr Jade.. . . .Mu~riel Gray Mres. Sumoner .......listen Barhse Ales. Miller..... l.. argaret .Xdamts lit s. tettito . . GucliE ly- t icrs. Corcint. . .........leletn Rvan 'NItrs. Roberts.. orothoeatBrothertono ocuptot t4iTc'Rvu iNDaDANCtE. Prof. XW.\W. Florer of thte Germtan diepartmnttwsill deliver ai lecture in Ettg- lisht this eventing at 8l o'ctock it Saraho Casswelt Atogell Hill, ott"Thoe Attittode of Contenmporary Germtato Poets toiward Etliteatint." -Thoefact lthat r. Ftorer will emtbodly itn this lectttre lhis extensise researcho worktott this plase of Gerioano edutcationoiltl :iddltarticttlar interest to it. Thte lecttore, swhicht is gisven totider toe aospicks of the lDetttschoer Ve rein, is free to tll. 'Tte tocembers of the\0ereiot tiill assemblle later inthetlo parbors (if l ar'ooor gyooiuasituon for tlet'osuoal too fteorooal recepotiono:anod danoct'. 1"arlo ioem- ocr of tilte etiir tteoi's sectiont oas tho. orivilege of ionviting a genotlemaont:wgeost, acecortdinog tiotte regolar coostiooo. Iou. o~ofooxoIot s ItIC CCR :. Plootsie- is a Spiritiual force ooo tife'' was 5thoe sublject:to) thoe talk owhtich lDe. EI'ildlter- gav-e Tuoestloy at thoc regoolar ontocitog of, thoe 'a.. V. C. A. ito Neo- erry SI-]al.t!c.. trtildoor toutliooedl briefly oooosical -loistoro-, citintg as extitooties of its- intluteoce ion thoe past, its loigho place soitlo tlpatocieootSteborewss aiod Greeks. tie ilso t sifke 'of it~sfitoore todcerot pohase;, it s L-utloe 4rs. liTg.54ior it. ainid o) its rcc laititonto.liireligiollto1 r1gloitsemootiotnal tonwcc. CVIteCetualr 4 "I rSM ' eoe'uroo. Alicitigoto's Civicluitto t ye:sterda~y antdi decidetd to poosstpone thotir baotqoet ndl lecttore utttil to th idtdle t)of ttet oweek. 'Tlot clotbohail itontede to giv .tteloaot~jttet- tiomaorriiis eennog. IlItoto. Ch'larles. Jtsttio-ohis loectt sectored by to1e cluoitb pore o.1Il't;stotot ontbodyinto Untiversity 1.hall, attilintohele'enoinog Ia .baioqttet still lie giveno:te.cUtn0o000cloob- hotose. t ocheCivic clotbomotoetrs. 'Tle tate foot-thocetotertaioooeool osill toe ether WVeolooctoan or T't'to drnightollo. W50'.N1.SH LS ttJiis.i:SOx Officers owere eleceo,.aood a daooce tooto sotooker trovidletdfur, at a oteetito of toe Jaclasot club held list toighot it N ter-rca la. ite tollowinlg so-rc c-a ot P~residenot, W. J. Nash. 'ottol tic - tr's- itlett, 11. N. Phoelan, 'IIo; seceryi- too Praue,1. Coos, 'isgot. 11iJ.N1I 550ii0. Thlot liti -ooooker totilfeeodtoottorrowo ngtpriomisisto to:betit clotb's greatest i-soiloil toeoytir. Sri-erail ptomooinett membs w oill oakes.lacesonithet pr1o0 grant. 'thde affair osill take tlace inthelo Nichoigaot -L'oionoclttbhlouse, thoe dicpoer stoog scrod ito the dininog roonms. 'Sick- ets madtt e lobt aiotedlft-oomotthe social ctommituttee or at teidoort. i1t 0-ttNNT'ti tORTOSett .sNtQt-t:-. 'Te 'STastmoatsters' eliot: heldol an qttlast onightt it ohloc eigat: S'oioo clubouseooto. Georgs- Elt's. 'o8t. actted is otostomatster-. Nttlltory t.. tltoeronoglts.' an000 Rosa 11. Welchloo :, so-rc oititedo. A)Vtt'l'ISCH LV C'l'CS. Alint Arbor,.Mitch.. .\, tpol. Crante \lrs M\ary, Gale _Ales hell, Greeon .\frs FaotmIttoreltc, IHaroeya-bMiss Loutise, Cloter, Krtueger Miiss Miotnie 12).,lKtametr _\lr HLaffotd AMiss Jessie, lstntloiiit C ( I, ILtttotn AIrs Gliter, litsotftort:it IrJPoere'lila C, Pelshoer tDc N I', Russell1 Mc Charles, Root Afro Nantcys',3:Rotz AlboerttJ, Shecar George, SheroodtooiMros Xi ttos W, 'T'homp:son tMAr IDorolts: I lcoot:::\Itrs (C, Newnt .lotr S \, l's oooo tot biss Iatloarinte. Tootwsttt totls-rIeto t eoiorttrit 11 .Pettyttatn, P. 1\I. LOST-II'I Choa titoot ticktets. NottfyoC.S.IsRoboonsonSMt.lo aGst Antoo SlINIl\ICR SIIPL0YA1C\ET. It: $2 per-: day gttaranttt'teintrests yotu see AMr. Phlpts at Joltliffe & Kitzotniller's, lv ostc-oo.S tate street. tf See Hietttittg & Knelt's neow full line of Alichigatt fobs, pitos atnd spoons. 003 East Liberty St. end Alarmo clocks wacratled for one year, $too. Huller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Mlain street. -cod Fra~teronity Hiose fo~r Ret-Large houltse stuitiable fior frateritity or cltob, on NortthDitsisito: street; inspectiionoinovit- cod. r.'A. J. tHttll, Laureonce Bldg., conr ,outotavto:nutes'andtlAonnostreet- IIl 1 potte 751K cotd See otor cotopleteelioe of Michigan titos, folas atod sotuenirs. I-falter's jewelry Store. 2t6 S. Main street. end W'on 't 0vertook_ a 3oo6 Chu~3 - -n- W e think we are safe in say= g t a h r s n l t i ga selling 'in this town at the samea prices, that in any w ay, styles, ma ei l r w r m n h p equal Society or College Brand ' Clothes. They're in a class by themselves. Also call and see our Spring Hats, Caps and Furnishings Staebler ft Wuerth Co.' I " OUT OF STYLE The man who buys %6at-ever shoes each seascon never out of style because '2kiW- C'a' shoes keep abreast. of shoe fashion. Every de- sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort and service, are contain- shoes. THlE ACMENIIL EAS13 walk--OverShoe Coo 11IS SOUTH MAIN STREET I 4 SI It- II E'RPItI. to art, Schaffner &Marx Mab dast e Nvlts oitt: JottiffeKt:- Etuollco U l E tot ottefr tetypi eritintg atutothlbs1tisbndFV.L DRESS S V ITSK Uooistres ge-ttitg ittonito io:es..A o:-op.The Cl0 1iote toth tpltoo::s. soil-If Properly Tilored to BANKS THEt FARMEtRS AND MECHlANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $00,500, surplusl and Pofits, $65,6000 General Bankine Buosiness. 3 percent paid on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety aDe- pos Boats to cot at $2.100 and upwardis iR. Kzmprl Pros.. W. C. STEVENS. Vice-Prois 1. B. SaLSEn. Cash. B. A. WILLIAIIO Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50000: Surplas, $200,00 Resources, 12,200,000 A Genearal Banking Business Transactad Onoleans: Chas. Et. BHiscoch. Prts.; W. Dt. Htarrimsan, Vice Pros.: M. J. FritoCashler' STATE SAVINGS BANK DRECtTORS: W. J. Booth 3n0. V. Sheehan Wms. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Mills John HBaarer Jno. Koch Proof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Marlin Dan P. Ziosoerosass Il. -a i- ~ - Spring Hats The Newest Shades and Styles - At Wadhams (Q Co. 121=123 S. MAIN ST. THE Palais Royal. 209 E. Liberty St. U. Of M. PILLOu'6WS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From Every Coutotry OF ANN ARsoRs, MICsH. Pres.ViePrCes See Our Show W indow Si5, W.(ARKSON. Cashier. ________________________________________________ Ctapital, $100,000. Surplus anodProfits,ยง1000. _______________ German American Savings Bank 0.mlM. Martinl DIRECTOR. FeUNERAL~. 5 Commercial anrd Office 209 S. 4th Avo. Phone 98. patent Leather Belts vetmdatwhbckot H ot Lunclh - SaVinse Residence 302 S. 6tio Ave.: Phoe 314 siateh your skirt or blouase, 36c. Send us a At Toattle. 338 S. State AMBULANCE ON CALL, ptece uf the dress goads when sending order. ________________ Cor. 8,11 andTHE BELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. ..r.. STUDIO--R-ENTSC ULLR, 319 Iiast, Huron Street