THE MICHIGAN DAILY PHI BIETA KAPPA noost havxerecceived ino cxnditions during ELECTIONS AMAOElxis college coxurse. If your air isaAltlxongix the iAtxclxigxxxclxaxlter of Tao if ourhai 1Sa eta lPi is.yoxxog.lxeixng establishledt in (Contixned fromn Page One) xxxox6 it- strexxgtlx is icing recognizexd bother, or you have WideroxxxnJohxn H. Nead, Willianm 0. ocaslosecdsyr. lctnso any trouble with it, Mason, Joxeph P. Clune. itxxce lbing soaght after mtore eagerly The College. bu odOf thexe twelve men all xcece juniors eaci yeac. Men may nowtebegio tixeir Standard bu odexcept Joseph P. Clxxnestho is a seniorstcixxhsepronttihtsepxoe intshle xepartmenxt of mechxanical enxgi- xxixxin of striv-ixng for Tani Beta Pi, in NHai[ Bros h nseering. The first sweek its April, penis- whiichix txcixeroii is an ecidensee of suxc- ably April 3, these men will be initiated ccxx in lteenginering professiotn and AT into the Michigan chsapter of else Tan ixssxtudxits. Bet-n Pt associatiotn. Ths initiationa will Tixe insignia of thxe Taxx Beta Pi also- QUARRY'S bse tihe occastots of a hansqtuet to beheetl ciaxtionxssi a "bsent" mxadeit is tefosrm of thse satmscevenxing at tihe MicixigatsUtniotsnxxadseyxxcsorsaafo. and get rlif__lboue._ac ___ o e on _s__fb Next Monday evesinsg thsetmembhers, xf tts chas-pter swill tenxder a receptionCIsi) CLB\tJNO xin Barbour gymnasssiumn to tihe faculty of IRSPN POOPA W te enginseerinsgdepartsets. Pollowcing - ___________________________________tissreceptionx a dance xiii be htel. Thtose -"No morcc Comxediy clubiperformsancsec ~ -xeiexxlthsg thse receptions andeidancec arceissyear"xx xwa steediet of tieseitt M on~iey Lo ned sot ottly undegradusate mstseme-s, lbxxicotxtmi5tt seeintg oxfltsai clubix'Tihouxgh On Wtehe, Dimans. Lw Bous, also ltefaculty xansdtalumnxxi mxiees oftsintentxiesonsisxxi beetn to prsoent a lighxt OnWths DaodLa ok, Taus Beta Pi. Every twxo wecekss ee mt i tc wortk tan 'The Recsruxiing l s nr othxer pnrsnnltproperty. cihaptiehs aadinsnsr asithue Unsionsclub-fix cer"it5somtimescl1teerxx tixe yea,th ie J s Watchen and Jewelry repaired. toxetsls e yxxixsxcsxxeis.clubi lhxasno eisci intopoxsponealt Bargairnsn Watches & Diamonds hosfloe- ya uiesmeig ____________ A part of the isas of stork ofxthtisxchsats- tltlextxiit \3-asrcxxts' Office an rnsidence 331 E. Liberty 'St ie is tox havxe enginecers of tote addxress probly ~iv te -x Isitt dramsaeatty to use AfnaxS ntttan..rbnor, dto it. Theitt icers of use local chxapler of sxxtI efiot x yaetxx xe 9.p m. Tatt Betax Pi arc astfsllos : Presxidtenxts, isthereasont atsens by Prof. Strauss ALL anatnao c~ne-toonI.;. E t. LSittsx; rice-president, G. IB. fx itxetxt'ntas usp-y WOhhC.WTS teler, recordting secretary, R. K. Thexttxe"x-x xxxxtnefwtaxat IHollantd; correspsonsdinsg secretary-, C- N. effortxsswhihishase tlready ibtens orswilhene - Rakexistaw;-treasuxrer, Mt. I.Baldinct. Ibe-madeixstie Univesily oxrganizatixons tory of the Tau Beta ix 1wtas fiest esiablishxexdatthsite ar -xmak es it inadvi-saletforsthxe ~ f r Ieighiverxs xit- its 1883. 'teresonx Cometxsdy cissxb stosdetkeis anythx ing purchase of 4 f fr foxrisfoundsinxgteas a sdesire is affordemre.t in-hand, in to exngxneering schxools suchisans honoraryan in llt on all stamped goods, including society as Pi Bets Kxppa is to literary sl ICG t)X SONGSan in llt inxsttutionxs.lTixputpose of tte associa- Ai-ElSTILL POPUARI The new MICIG(AN PILLOW TOPS tioxn isstoxsmarkxis -xfittinxg msnxnersthsxe ad a stho hvtatcedstx highxg reicsccotf isi.cxi Si -gonsar-es elinxg aap- andthey a ATchlasrsip xasuder gradsits t- ho xisxtlt auxircOe ealrteporix a sale in Hats and sALN M LEU ave xxthse etn-x013,xxx0tcspies, o f hichsshalxxe ibeess DALIG ALEAX gixtecritsixroftesixonafter le-aving co-sold six c uda.Bsidest is, 200 of 224-226 S. State St. lege. I tots cx e r extsholarshiisxt xnoxt thx .s e ss ti*esitiosss. Coll xxxtai i i l a It the ottly requireenxttwhsichtentetixtles - a st-siisxi xx dat-sxco-nnsc ted itt x thesopera. mailxxxto eleteexxitothohix t is tepimaryxss\xxx eXINiss-lit alls-ar" ssill leads-,ithe requctixsits for eltiiilty. Si-xxcx lti - ra sc, isWit all iest oi n abu evn . CollUIege tionss xxe snecessary, foxr xaxsmansxmust be- Aboust halsf x tesxcossl r sei its-ede sisopedxsociallty-axstxellxxasiducationx- throsusghliithexmail. Anther ealetwh Ste s asly.lxx tisxrespet T 'ats ietasti is iit has had ssa-slsong aststidet- is e in je ti1 tt rtxt ftromxSigxssa Xi. I Itmuxsttalso. Aisnn Arsor, clasism-s thases sng-x ar HALLERS JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St. shoots- etsees whein x college of ices1- lte sest selles ie iasevr hctncle title siuccess intthie ensginseerinxg profes- -_____________ x...xxr... ixn.C fliNJI ifSTONE WIL____________ W e c o rm e Ecnisysertdurixig lte Tiianoiiit lIE1,,U1 N JE;NI' sieito I xai Beta IPi holds xanxannulss--- nastionassl conssentions, to shil ets riy Ist xiswxcertait teconei toi That is axwordt xcixwe wanit youx chapter sends, xl least onetepeist- of stheits eoialss buxilig tsixelxis5 sxiiito ytxxwhten youxnnetrSa e 015 stat-c. itioen' ttttrwtxher list. Lsst -eaxrltecoot-s-tionxsstooist s Junesoil tsim xs Theformer ,youxcoeito ibuy pxxsx - itt axp. dnugs. slaiet at Purdulxe. Next falli St I tixex planxse-si she ixdatsdsinthe I he ritfsav x e eiption otxe atue n xxiersity still lhavse it.svailisst thes ssst tteist ecide htAT I teephoneon-xr wxcei ssxxtoyoun is ixtx ''su Beit Pi5publtisxhes a xnaitina lix ritii .sixdvibis 1sBdt hessixesxecssa assnee Is-ely-knosnxsxx-s "x'Ttexte it."hAitcht-satits ists xxii moe xi ttttlxbspresnt. ot again thi East University Plharmacy i-sdt lrsaeseaec s )(tmx.xex o ay. Unxiversity Avee. rancatrsascaeeiois\.I1 Pr. 'Ogisowncrepnd Hi. M. ROYS, Pharmacist Glrscicwt eea aosmn oeo xx tis unxivesity electiosissare mtdeitisr Michign rautetolex oba itnx _______________________________________ by-ltethapter frists rece ndtastinsttSpeisakers fteritemonsiy.-No dsilite V.* of M sutssitedt ly steteadt lsoftesifletretnt arrattgemetslhoweer-,cc e e atx it-s-t stub-dep ~artmsenss ts iteenettxer t inde- s wideN. Barber Shop and Bath Roomfs psrinent. Those most hglyy eow m itSI Iittxtt- 10 M5tONEYth A Laret 8-10PFi.-s5-1lnCity the records of ltestwodk ein-esx'car- n Avs.ttnb tshd onsrecasonsable Twondoossonttxotf C R5 . TROJANOWSKI. Prop. filly itsvestigatedi. A mtotsbeItsliib:titt s ttApply it 303- S. Sitte St. 15-20 Conklin's Self -Fillin Fountain Pen ADVERTISED IN THIS SPACE ON TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS Sold in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES ... AND... SHEEHAN & COMPANY i'Touch of SPring Spring Scarf as a special introduc= spring, we are offering a special beautiful new Spring French four= new correct shapes with open ends he handsome spring coloring. Spring Shirts make their first low~ 'e beauties. The new spring styles lCap are here for your inspection. e, Conlin & Fiegel At MACK'S f Carpets and Rugs LESS THAN MILL PRICES year will yost find prices so msutchxin youreLisor MACK (ft Co. L AN D 1St atctxs tix ixtihCasC atteiad Clt:i