Th Mcian Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, TMICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1908. 'No. 1-?0. FAOIJS RUNNER ARRIVES TODAY Haskins Trains to Meet Coe Sat- urday-Race Proves Drawing Card for Varsity Meet. Guy Hfaskins will arrive in town to- day and commence final training for his ace wills "Spider" Coc next Saturday evening. Nuneros reports have gone Ithat le would not be here to take part ins the meet, but they were un- founded. Reserved seat tickets for the meet will go on sale at the athletic associa- tions office at a o'clock today. There will be no extra charge for reservations. The entries are open, to all the atletes in the University, but the lists nmst be completed by 6 o'clock this evening. With both varsity athletes and the large namber of iseligible freshmen competing te meet ougt to excel that of last week, whirls was remarkable for its ex- cellence. The feature of the evening will be the cotet bewee.Itaskins and Co. Sa- kins is proably the premier middle dis- tance runner in America, and is the holder of the collegiate record its the nmile run. 'this record of 4:20 4-5 swas made ins completitin wills Co at the easterntiercollegiate meet of last year. Inth Ie same meet he finished first in the half-mile event in the fast tiue of x :57 3.Its botsescts lie ended stronig. Indoors, hosever it is dobhtftl if the easteeser cans excel Co. 'The varsity record for the sile sas made by te latter onthle gymsnasiun runing track 'Thle timse was 4:24 4-5, dangerously near the otdoor oark estabishei by Haskins. "Spider" is practically as good indoors as out, and cata~ke the corners like a straightaway. The race is to be for tono yards, a little oer a half-mie, and cnssidering te speed Co ias beets showing so far tis year e has a re- oarkably good chance to wit. At the Nesw York Atletic clbshmneet Tuesday ight, H-askinssswsas beaten its te special finn yards evet by Hillman of the N. Y. A. C. by boit Inn yards. Thse tine was I :20 I-5. 'Te admtission to temetoe Saturday evening will be fifty cents. Novae DAMtE MAY LAY' IdE ",NO. 7. Notre Dameacuiversity, wih has been corresponding with Micigan for sone time coscerning a football game, nmay yet land te opens date of Nov 7. While three or for other colleges are trying to close for a gate, the Catholic istitution sens to have the first call. Suchs a gamie swold be msore tasa satis- factory here, mosst of te rooters expect- ing In see a xvarsity-ausnsi cotest. Notre Damse Ias mset Ie reqtiremsetst for a ganme. Definite news of te pros- pective game will be published tomorrow. wRPOTLNO N#IET INCEAI . The isterest it wrestlinig s groxing daily. Last Tuesday afternoon fully twenty-five mens turned ut to practice .fr the tournament which will be held its connsectonsswithi the atletc carnval Marchs 28. Anderson, Welsh and Parks, who have charge of the lightweight, welterweight and heavyweight classes respectively, want more big smes out. "We want heavy men who have isstetions of try- ing for the football team," said Ander- son. "The tricks of wrestling wii help especially the men on the line. All men who have ability and strength should come ot every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 4 o'clock, and get the bene- fit of the practice and instruction. very mast reporting will receive attention." The semi-finals wiii be pulled off March 21 to 23. The winners in these will represent their respective clases, and wrestle for University honors on thse night of the 28th. The championship basketball gamewxiii also take place on the night of the car- nival. The junior engineers and frsts laws will oppose each other, and a good fight is anticipated. The juniors are very seriously handicapped by the ab- sence of their star forwsard, Nest, whlo was compelled to retire early is the seres. The laxs are praticing cosist- ently. Athsough they do nt claims vi- tor, they purpose to gie the uplper- classmsens a hard battle. HANDBALL TOURNAMENT NE ALY CLOED. The handball tournamnest is nearing a close, and withs te semsi-fials today ensme the first of whlat should be somse of the best miathes played oni the courts All the players except I-oag, Walsh, Guty and Vausgihan have beets eitiitsedt asid as the smsn left art all players of atbility, the costests should be fast ones. The third rounsd resulted as folows:s Ginty defeaedt Leffitgiell. 1-5,715, 15-t2; Walsh defeated Manlardt, ISS, 15-s1; Vaughani defeated Leidy, 15-7 15-13. As shownt by the scores, Gity ad Leffingwell played a fast satch. The ster tssocontests were not so good. atouigh at tittes te losers furistihed healthy oppositioni for the winsers. T]'is afterstoots at 3 :30 the semit-fials wilte platyed off, at wsiici timte I locg sill play Vauigan,whtile' \ast ctti Ginity' silt ouiose0i'0ic'th iler. t'ritav bththtie wiiters adthtie losers will plasy, so as to iecde firs, secodilitid thirid hosors. Rititonstsstill e gie for ttese threetplaces itt sitgles. Jst at present IHioag Washt adGity-lionic in carry- awacy tiese ribios, tiogt it ssoutl te liari in guess te orerini swhichthliesill iish. 'I'he idottbles itornamient sill le ployed off ext is-edo aitall etries ust e tiandtedli itoeciaely. CLASS SMILORIAL IS E:ARNCSTIY lISUS~Si1,l A cuibied memioral for ite.nioti sas givens usserious setackcyesterday afierstoonswhent a fews sesior mie, sup- pnrtecd by' te majoriy' of thetwosmeti of the class, voed to devote ithe lit mm- orial inoiliher thon Union pturposes. 'Sis tecisions sas reached at ue cottltsions of a heatedi cstdlproracit tmeeiing itt whtichs stronig feelisigsas cdislaye ott b~oihsitles. T'he seior girls ad agreed in suplport the cntioiittnmenorial foe the Usiots at tteir recetstmieeiing i Barbossr gytnasiumt, ut deserted this satiduhess a fete of the senor men atackeid the propositiot, adtidihemeias- ire waus domed. I is itcesed, however, that the qiuesioru -wil te repenedclt the seeting next Thursday afernni. A mtemsirialto ible sect, o tiec iliariati gift to te esitire Universiiy-, a disiincly lit miemioria, or a tonation to the S.nio, were srontgvydistssetprtosindcot. M~any exressetd decited opisioss in faxor. of a miemtorial wshichs thee cold see ansdlto whlihs they culd "pointsitheil pride" whets they rettsed as aimnsi. Others took a more utiiarians viese of the natter and supported a pr~tical gift After te seetisg ciprosmiesstseior spoke as fllows: " do ot think ilsat the actions takess by the class today sas represesstaive of the geserl feeling. There wot but a small sminrity of the men of the class presett and this was not representative. Feeling ii this sot- ter has been aroused tn a great extent and many of the toots wish cisc action rescinded ansd plots to do this at te sex meeting" POFBOEUTZAT TAKS TODAY. Prof. Asndre Beiat do Bordes this afternon at 4 o'clock with give readings from Moliere's "L Misanthrope." Be- fore deiverig the readings Prof. Beiat will discuss the play as a classic its lit- erature. The sutject of "e Misas- thrope"-thse man-hater-teas taken tp ins the Greek theater ad by Shakespeare. Prof. Beziat will show Moliere's treat- mntt as different from formser ones, for lie createdi an entirely newv subject. ME Rl::\D. OPIE READ TALKS TOMORROW NIGHT Famous Orator, Journalist and Author Fills Engagement on Lecture Course. '_tiltte.humortisiti, the kittg of .Amner- 5 icn'fu-mers --hi s t stu tt eai osiitiunc- still cit-seii ts'cinex tsberontthilkStu- denits' iLeciture .Ass-octitin citutse to- ntieio it- viettitig. ot nit itsi'x feet tuu ini li.tli, atndiblitdciniii proporititon. lie is a-. liege intellieciiially s-ihle is phiy- sicatlly.Ile would atitria lctienionsaiv- itheee,bui tiite platformhits pcirsont- clity at otice foecily stopsresses his hear- ers. S-lit reproedutctioni of the spteech, mannitert tud t m itosphieie of chic.rural south tnt the ruteatl west is sauth to lie almost perfeci. Mri e.Readi is calso aatcywisright ioftn miecitiacility.- This is periatis his last teipt through the swest foe scotte time, as lie is tundee cotreact inosvelte plays fur onie cit the lig theateicil comibines. As a jioitrnclist.e Readi shiowedc hits abil- ity- fioe somte yaes as a leadlitigswritee ott onid of the Chicago netsspotters. Strictly speaking, hits lecture is tnt a lecture cit all, bitt ailihet-to-ieart talkc thact stites the emuotiotis of hitsiecieres. \VilIi,i.\X1'I'. I,"UIS OlItNS Fl,' RY i,I THt'sisi-;SI R1ticS WillicmiTu'I. Ellis, of the Phliaiielpiac Cs ettitg tBulleti, opetuei the series of Ferry- lectures lost night ini-Nessberry Hlttl. I tIis subtject wst"Impertiinence of Foreign MSissions-ci First-Haond Viese of stoti-ChriistanSeoples asid Faiths:' Ms. Elhits spokte front a journalistic stitdittu rclattting iessby' word its- steiad of tage. 21- instetrest itt tmissionis," soul 'She. Chlits, -irises fromu my'isnterest intshie itorid. Otis cinceptioni of foreignit sl- sionss is enutiely werong ands has to be cliaitged. Our t 'tittuhdetosward use Orienst is Orientin i its self-scitisfactions. "Otis chief reaisoni foe helpitng thetm us that tihey 'ite cdifferettt frosms is. We imaugine that because thsey weaoridifferent clollies and hove differenst costumies, toil ihecy needl the Gospel. S ami very stich conviticedl that the foreignser is a niuch m-ore sightly spectacle weithi hits cheese- choth coxerinig thans se Sih itsAmerica. You weill fitndi ti Chintese weaorinsg an array of usncosfortable garmoets, as the mcii are weaorinug here tonight. "'T'he smissiotiary weho has Ott unsym- paitetic, self-cestered cooception of the seorld is utterly idisqualiiedh foe the weork of a msissiosnary. Except see hove a desirecInohhpreciate the otlier n-an's viewpoinst, we canntot possibly under- stanithbins.,Reahizing that thie uns- Chiristians sorldthssmutch ho teach us, ste can ossly see clearly sehsen ste see sym-patheically. "t hase all sy-mpattty and respect foe thue Orienit, bitt I save sno respect for thue white mants inthcle tEast, tiecausse of tis atiuiutdec lits-arh thue Orienut. 'Thsrought- it Chitihue sswhitetiaustis imsperiledi todacy, huecauuse hue tastireatedthue Chi- cit asif lie tail snorighc intsissstorld. "Blooks ott the religion of thse Orient cure swrittets by mestsho spenmtore moniuey- for bookcs thsath ley do for trasvel. 'the workcsudo tuot accord swithth-icsituta- tutu as it us. St is a journaulistic trop-i sitionutatthe Orienutal beliefs are to be _ determtinedth hy'goitug there." 'Silr EPllis thenu, frost the relatisng of persunal epeiteeus, Isrought out four xevil charceistics of theitin-S.hristiant civilizatuioun. "First of cull, SIswish ho say ilac the tutu Churistians religion hstprioduced ass it- suifticietnt civilization. Secondly, the 1Orienut sos produced a race of meonu- sentasiar lts. 'S'he Oriesnt can't tutuder- standithlse American's regard for the trueth. Its soscial struuctueis baseudons 'The selfishness and hack of cosupasiton of the Orienutal satiotisseere then point- cii t. 'St. Ellis' fourthisudictmient itas clue ismmoircality of the uni-Chtristian civ-iliilotn. "SThe suit-Christian worldh does not Lunduierstanc or u-au-t Christianity," said MSr. Sulisits conclusion. "What iituneehs us souse supernuraecilinswedchat wsill huccl itstdiseaises. 'Shuis was the first of a series cuf five lctiure s Mr. Ellis still deliver, on "Amo- eriecasInternational Religious Obliga- lins, fromt a journalistic Viewepoint." 'fThey swill be giventits Neswberry Halt Eevery night foe the rest of the seek, cusu l b egiss promptly at 7 o'clock. ' The tine atud place of the Sunday lcc- lture xwiii be annousnced hater. JS.'N'IOR VERCIN HOLDS TRYOUTS 'Tle Juniorus Deistseher Verein hlucd a buisisness meuetitug its Roomt K, University SHall, yesterday afternoon, amid decided lto presenit tweo Germuan ploys in She s eat future. Section3 of thue society weill give the tplcty, "Eigesssinn," in about a month. rAs the ploy is one that requires much iecuarsisig, tryosuts wvilhbe held this iafterinoon at 4 o'clock, in Room G, Uni- versity Stahl. 'There are a number of strong charactcrs in the ploy ands the Scliubesires alhite soembers of the see- tionsito be present at today's tryout. 'STe girls' secthon of the Vereisi wilt give a short German farce, whichillih be selcied by the commoittee having charge of. She procston. T'he cast for the farce with ahso be selected this after- toots at the tryout. Considerable time will be placedul pon the two productions andh rehsearsals will comncce as soon as thie players are selected. PHI BETA KAPPA ELECTIONS MADE Tau Beta Pi also Elects-Liter- ary and Engineering Societies Announce Selections. Twsenty-four niembues of hic senior lierry class have benselctced o the hotorary society, Phi Bea Kappa Namues of the seweinittues weec givers out le lst evemnimg after the hst of a series of specicalneetitgs othe local chapter. 'Thiose chosens re: Schuser C. Adamus, Elsie E. Akits, MS~ay t,. Bakuer,SHetry 't-.Church, SHirmoS. Cody, Rsonal S. Criti, NevciR.SDear toff, Eeasnor Bettiuisci, SHartiee . Dia, Lewis A. Estes, MSarore Fentonu. David Friday, Persis AS. Goescthel, Jmues Cs. Htarris, Francis G. Kate, Jautus W. McCandless, SHerniao L. MSeyer, Aleid J. Pietees, SenriettaiYS. Roscntiai, eel S. Shively, Margaret Sttcikbride,-,johnt H. Stoloes, O1il-sc'S. Sutuhecrandt, sbcla i-. 'ta'tt;l anidlfromste clcss of stun7. 'ttulle K. Graeucr, suit Ilice Dt.'SMlotitc. Thue Phi Bela Kaipa society iastorus gasnizedu at the Colege of Willicamuanl Mary, Williamosbureg, VSa., SDe. s, 1776, at te beginntinsg of the Retoutionary- is-r. t wsatfounduedifuserte ecuur agemencut of patriots, suitschotlrshi, stud especially of literaturse' t is thue oltdest of the so-caledt "Greelctlee fraturniies. W~ithintivtuesc-rs aotir its ftundting, chtaptes swere establishuec H arv55teed, Yale authbeftoreethecdoe f thu cnI tury, at Datmtioutth.I ctnt hiaseity - onsse acivehaites. TShec -cuer-itcts- loguecontas nmsadadesso srioo embers of te society. Its 1841, at ticnsstance of the Hacrvarci chaputer, delegates mt-, and after some pselimisary discussion ,a cltas issuit foe a geoeal body wehuichiconesnsect i Saratoga onetSept 5, 1883,Deegcate frostssiteens chapters swere presenut. A constitutionss satioued auth provisisi maduue foe a tnational councsil, conssing of twenty senators, tansd deegtes sota ecceetlig three intnumcsber fromt the sv- eal chapters of clue tociety. As the timie of the anti-'SMasile agi.a- ts the secrecy of the originalu chapter was abandonedt. 'Te motto, tanslated, recads "Philosophiy- the Guide of Life." fMost of te foremoist speaers of the counry sore appeared at the ceera- ions f the society's aoniverscres. Amonug the senators of te "unitedi chap- tees" durisng the years 1898-97 wee Joseph I. Choate, L.D., Seth SLow, L,.t), Hamilton W. Mbie,, Ci- used Everett Hae, LD., Sa tessets, tLL.D., and Betijamisn de Wltheler, LtL. Michigan's chapter sas gantedl its charteer ct a nieeting of the general cou- cii helc iloutSept. 12, 907. tFormua it- stallatioss took place itsScras Caswelli AnsgelHall on Wednuesday Nov 13 1907. President Edwin A. Grosensor, MSA., mode the instsalation addrhess. According to the society's rules ut ten per cent of te senioe clcss muay be lected to membershiip. 'T'here cre xi' mesubers its the preset sesior duas. Txweny-one nembes of ts1907 ltesciy class were elected hst y'cr std fonmaly isitiatecd at the instalioniuu sev-lets hst fol. TShe Michigans chapter of S'.unSBeta Fl, the honorary esgineering society aonosg the insticustions of the Uitedl Scaces, elected twelve net o its nmem- bership at the spring election 'Fle nanses of the new nmembhes sere gives ho TShe Daily hst night. The foloxwing were hiceengisees chosen: IHarowseNoblec Davok, 'Wat- s ots G. SHarmon, Bert G. McCarthy, Charle. E. Stilson, BesnjamntHi. Tt'hill, Arthur S. Brodhead, William sC.lBsh- mue, Mark A. H~amimoncd, Theodhore W. (Continued on Page Three,)