THE MICHIGAN DAILY Post Card Albums SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK With every Album sold we offer free 25 cent's worth of post cards (your own selection). You can find just the Album you want here and this offer will help to fill it. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 Susth Stte Street. AMU5EMFNTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For the Entire Week COMMENfCIN(G MIAJESTIC M ~ r c h THEATRE9 Te following Atracions will be Presented : 1.-Overture. 2.-Bucskeye Trio. a. mdv Trick HoreAt. 3.--Jean. Cu~on ioi.han. TLagebut Gr atl 4.-Musical Harts. Novelty Mia a. 5.-Julies held. CraonsAtst adMitiat 6.-The Carters. Alt (oidy Duts 7.-Sirronji. Lady Raffltt 8.-Majestiscope. PR.ICES:-reninags I3. S. 30a, 33c. Bx Seats So. Maineets Weadnaesday ad Satatrdays, at 3 Adms'son Adults 25e. Cttilde 130. New Whitney Theatre BELLPHN 480 HOME PHONE 200 Friday, March 13 MAT INE E AND NIGHT ~TEC(IT'C Maouth STTONSProdutin UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, WATCH FOR NOON-DAY PARADE Matinee 3 P. M. Prices:-10c-25c Might 8:15 P. M. Prices:-10c-Z0c-30c-50c CALENDAR. IMar t-5-Ferry lectures. William 'I. Elis. First lectare, Nesberry IHall. 'itealaestlay, Mar. a, 7 p. n. Mar. t2-Facatlty cotcert witha Uni- versity relestra,IHiglh School auditor- Mlar. ta-Senior lit-etgineer dance at (;ranager's. Mar. t2-Readintgs in Fretch from 'ltlieta's ILe Misantthlrope," Prof. Beiat dla lurls1Taapana Iall lecture room, + a. t. AtdmIissiona fre. Maratr3-1Fisler orcestra party at G~rager'acdemty;itformtal. 'iiat t13-Opic Read, S. L. A. course. lat.t 3-"TieAr'ttitute of Cotemt- porLry tatmat Piets tosara Edca- iota" lectre. by Dr.tW. \W. Florer, underi asics iiitae lDeutscer Verin, StrahiCaswell 'iAgell IHatll, 8 1p.tat.Ad- tissin ftee .Aiar. 13-Receptiot anad datce of alhe IDectscer parlor of Barbaor aptatta siu, 9:30 P. ta. \lar. 3-Jataior etgiter smtoker at clatbthouse. .\Lr. 3 -Sarasot's "Unacle To'loan Mar. t-Varsity tiet. Afr. t4llliti smtoker ito Micigatn Unaiona cltbhouase 1\lr. t7--Sotahittmore St. Patrick's lattchactat at Barbouar gym. -ta r. ttl--Sctittr St. Patrick's latateaota ;it Barbiour gymt. Mgar. 2o-UTisersity oratorical cotest oat S. IL. A. course 1\lar. 20-"De Paris aux Pyrenees," a lecture ly Prof. Lotus Loiseaux, of C- liamblia auniersity, aspices of Cercle lDraaaatiqae rotncos, S p. tat UNIVERSITY NOTICES 13roclubaltlrcticetoaigta at 7 otclock int Tri'atagle clutb rioms. Cushana. Junitor Deuttscher Vereit, Sectiont 3, mtet at 4 oclock.toayin tRoottaG,. Lni- versitaIll. Jaicksoattclubl asill tort attle 'Y. M. C.. :A. 'Tursdkaay ctiutg at 7 :30. tat0 aptatatbutsiess tat le trasacted. All A tacitClass Pipe Rack. Satatles sill lie reoay lote this afteraton. I will take trders far a fear days. Lndclon. 'T'HESIS DIA'TE APRIL 15" A\lae a datea witha Jolliffe & Kizmsiller at ontce for typewriting yor tesis, atd itsare getitg i timSae. Aoe Ci-tp. Bot phones o-f FOR SALE-Residence, 1503 Wauh- tetaw Ae. Cat be lad on reaoable terms. Apply at 305 S. State St. a5-0 Baseball men: if you want the lateul itt baseball goods, see Spalding's line a Cushing's. tf See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs. Hallera Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. ed See Henning & Koch's new full line of Michigan fobs, pins and spoons. 113 East Liberty S. ed Alarm clocks warranted for one year, $1.o. Haler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. -od THESIS-Make your dae for type- writinag tesis a1 otce to assure getig it its to timae. Jolliffe & Kitmoiller. cod LUNCHES DELIVERED. Phtone Bell 892 or lJ Homoe 951" BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. .u12 S. Staes - 311 Msyaard MOE'S BARBER SHOP ?OS Nertk Utvett~y Ave. O. A. MOIL HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS The nattiest and most approved fash= ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. St ein-BlockClot king: Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE Styles here- not to be found elsewhere LINDENSCIIMITT, APFEL & "CO. r°' ,, ',ti " . For a limited time we offer a good stem wind and stem set watch at 89C. Warranted entirely satisfactory. IOA'S IHOM[ SUPPlLY STflDF The grasp B lrighatonas of the lavpa .: art' tattleof is easy. It's a - patre silk:wela. flat-thesunlyasoa- .Tte patteras are lutelytlatelaspgarter - new, exelusve-vari- is lhe tBrighlsto. Miwn. Rs . ° ery enosgha tssatisfy ams of meat knotw this-auy sp, c.0 eerybsaly. All maetal parts them anadawear alarm. Thae wear are ofiheavay niekel-platedl brass. is Ilaere, and they east only a quarter If yosr deal er can't supply ,yotu, a a pair. Remember t. pair witt be setraiupon receipt of price. PIONEER SUSPENDER CD .718 M5355iS... PWI&s55. NI EXTRA CHARGE FOR HANDSOME HOLIDAY BOXER MAKER Se FPIONEER SUSPENDERS You Cannot, Get Strength BOWLING unless you supply ma- terial for repairing , y from muscular waste-for replenishing the energy expended. The human engine must have fuel. Strength comes from a nitrogenous food that is easily digested. SHREDDED WHOLE "WHEAT is rich in the proteids that-repair the daily waste of tissue and nerve force.r It contains all the body-building, ele- ments in the whole-wheat grain, made digestible by stearnwcookjfsg, shrepd- ding and baking. No process has ever bern devised that Neil make oats or corn as nutritious or as easily degested as whole wheat--the food of the human 'race for 4,000 years. A' breakfaat of,5H4E00X WHEAT BIS- CUIT with hot or' aold mi'lE or orearns will supply she eneRry forH a .919Rdp,)" w~r%. TRISCUlT YstheRssnieasthatD a1sslt, exsesst that It Is compreased into a wafer Rand is used as a TO)AST'for any' moot, Instead of white flour bread. At ai Grocrs. Th au NAGAR FALLS,- N. Y. "ITS ALL 1 Seats on- sale Wednesday, 10 A. M. -. -. Webb's For High GradeCade Iate Cream, Fruit Iees, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut'Caseu. Webb's Chocoates are unsurpassed. 109 8. Malin~ St. IN TllI~ SHREDS" IL. -1 - ,e ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAR'Djo, TUETAILOR THlE BEST-OF EVRY TliN IN -TAILI:O