THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burc1~ield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burch~fiel Q 1 0 6 &C VO. EAST HURON ST. BEST STOCK OF CIGARWS IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to soll too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALARfICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the best maskes and fully guaranteed. MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A 'SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Ann Arbor Railroad J: L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. lBranch: 304S. State St. Turkish and Egyptain ALL THlE LEADING BRANDS, (ASHi PRICES.. 15c Pkg -. - 2 for25c 25c Pkg . - 5 for $1.00 R.. E. JOLLY MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER flair Goods, H~ardresing, Shamapoing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St. (Ip'StCairsl Bell Phone 3591 STAiTE, M4EDICAL EXAM TO 131 1 f11 1I) TIN ANN ARBIOR Thie examnan111s give11b115t11wstasle be held in Anarbor duinelg 11hettlle between the close of. scboolianel corn- mennernent: They1w111 conOsist (If Ihe primaroy andllthle combinedl primaory andl fi1101 Cexaminat111011 rieIfiormer11may lbe token iby eiher ithejui5oror01tile 011110 mlores, tile laller onliy by gradualt es. Tile primalry exam~lination includeIs 011- olgy', cemlistry, ltoxicology, an11dldcer- (logy.Th111ilus1examlinaltiOo Iivludtes 0111 subljects ltaughlt illrecognizeedia111 listed mledicl isclhools. 'T11osewhwol) have5 quoiredI to 111a1k 011onlylthse stllhfe-s ill tile fooln l iswichbthley love 11111 ieen examnled Ilefore. MN-ieligoll 0is110o 0 lalmember oIllthle Amlericanonlfedierationof Reciplrocat- ilzg S1at1s wolse mledlicallloors e cx- chanl~ge lenell po bs 0lOis (If equality (of standards1 a11111dlmutul irecognitionlI of certaiqualoifications'. 'Tis enabllles 11 phlysicianl registeredi illthle stolee(If 11011- i011 Itopractice lwithloutlfulrther exam~i- 1111at ioit]ltwenty-wo other cstates of tile clofedleraon.of whlich onlyIndllhianaoan01 irgilllo require a0s'a101111 lOO1It:oUIf Iprac- lice piorilleto registrationl. iIdianadoe- lololli'( tone year a111111Virgiiato llyears. it 'isqulite iprobablle 111111several(tiler (Isate 111i 11011 ent~er this confederationl. 11in 110 Indlianal, NewI'3Y1r1, I'New Iat011-= ls'. '1, May'land, ; ainle, \'ermlonlt. New Jersey. SouthllCaro lioa, Virginlial, ioool Gorlglia, Kansasol, Nelrcoisko. iinncoea :1iss1111 i N'evadal. (10(11, Nortli)DaklIoa, 01a is