The Mi higanDil Voi ,. XVIHL A T- ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH i, 1908. Net. 1 19. WA-JEFF. ASKS FOOTBALL DATE Pennsylvania College Is Latest Possibility for Eighth Game- Syracuse Wants Dual Meet. Manager Bairud arrives in town yester- day morning and is already busily en- gaged conpluetng the schedules for the years athletics. The tproluem of the eighth footal gaue is occupyig a large part of his attention. Mr. Baird uwill leae Ilhe city again alot the first of the month, but wiltIe ack in time to give his attention to the teams during the busy sring season. Washington and Jefferson cllee has written asking for a fotal game for net fall. This request somsewhtat con- plicates the determinssation sf the closing game. "I understand that te stdetoty is well pleased withs the condition of our athletic affairs,' said Mr. Baird "Well, I hasc mee a nottber of prominet almt- m isnce f left Ann Aror, ad all of them seemed tleased at our success sno arranging attractive scedles. I think we .ave demonostratedt beyodia dut that we were'igt in relsltig at the extremist:plicy of the Conference. MMichigan reftsed 1t e radical, iter in lierality (r reforom, anI the result' are sfficint defese of her cndct. The recent change in te Cnfrence attitude sows that'they realize te js- tice uf, or demands. I do not tik that the Coference membster wshlo spoke (f Micigan as ass ostructioist sas very consistent. "We expect son t settle te qusions of the .final gamse. 'The imptossiility of arranging a stisfactory (ate ssits Cor nell practically sifts he tpossile opo- nents douwns hi Syracuse, Neraska, and Washinsgtto ad lJeffersoniscollege. All of tese clleges are anuxiossso la~Iy' s "Of corsswe ave ot ieterminiued as yet wether it is avsisable to sed the umensinti a tiggamse. just a sweeb after the Penni gameu,"swhics of curs is the tig ttig(f tte sasos. itisass- ialy it wiould bte ass usnquatilei sccess but tere are oter tigs ti cnidser "Syracuse wats to play at homess. N- braska protoseiti play at Osmaa, but might e wiling to play at Cicago. i we played W. anI J. it swould probably te ere is-AnnsaArtor. 'Tese Irohlemsu are very perpexingad casnot be de- cidd off-hand. 'The cetire satter of schedules mst e gose over wits Mr Fitzpatrick and te coaches. "We wilt probably schedule a fe more baseball games, some of sshic will le played here at hose to keep thi tioys in good codiition. I beliesctata this seasons till be higlsy successful fo the nise. I uderstand that the pros. pects are excellent for a strong team and I think we has-c a schedule that wit try their mettle." YRAcuse sWOUs eAVO A DUAL MeT. Thle Daily is in receipt of a letter frost a prominent athlete at Syracuse in shic he states that a dtal track meet wit Michigan wuld be exceedigly atrac ive to the students there. "It is rumored here," he swrites, "ta there is a possibility of sheduing a da track meet with Michigan. I don't thik anything could hit the popular desir nuucs oore squarely. veryose I kno is mtsot heartily- in favor of it. Te fel lows here were with Michigans durin the football season, and would be might l in favor of any kind of athletic rela lions with her. I hope the proposition will go through" Manager Baird states that thse arrainge- ment of such a meet with the New YorI university is nt at all imspossible. BARD nOeS NOtT FxPegeyTO afSsux. "the rumor that I contemplate resign- ing," says Manager Baird, "has persist- ently popped up since I casne here ti 'take charge of athletics, and I supposi I might as well try to settle it for good. "While I reserve the rigt to resign at any-stie I deemt it to miy iserest to do. so, I has-c no itesstion,sor have I as any time esstertained any, of resign- inig the samagership. I ave beets forced to- atsent misself frostsAinn Arbor cos- sidlerably of lte, but tigs listse beets left i isordlr issitI list-c Iees itscot- stasis communsssicatiosnby stisil sitdsire withs the sffice. Perhasiss1ty- absecee gast- rise t he rmoitr, but I hsspes this sttetcwtsill lit teiisattie iorest. iThe sectonsi rossisitof the hadssllul tousrnsamsenthas ects plytdtifT suitdte drainsgs for te thirst roundsisavlist-it readiy-benses st. As ws suppsoltises, miost of te players whto semses to cisc si cthasice for te campttions-htii have not ects beatents isyet. 'Weler,Ihoseer, 551555tilt till yesterdasy semiel t cisce a stronsg hbisfor fist Ioors, Ihadt teimi-- fortuneitos uset IHog a itdstas betent its straiht gmises. Just at plresentl Hoag loosks to Ibe aost the est manusof toise left itste touirnamsientlbsthll by- virte of Iis victosry-oser Weller asdiis all rounsd f-a -sestwr. Its their miacses yter day- Weller swousld lead for te tet fe poisnts f ts'-gaitme stan t-t-nsHoag ssousldi forg sihed-. ttHasnsenta sit- other (f the bteter plyers eiminaisted. Its Iis smsathswitih LefusgtsetilI ieson the firs gamse esilyantu nsletosths~e lu-itfolswising gamsssbs y vry- isallsusi- Regulaitt gamies o if tlenspoitsatre nowus- beinig tplay-e sait wil te playe stduring the rmtaiuderf te sigles tr - namentctt, at lest. It is Ilt titisto itsism off the sisgles adithelistatthe sli Iles. Esntries fits-the dulsies swis tsc accepttedtsssil teendciiitisiteeit The setctndi riouI etstel -s fssllow,: uWalshs sefeatei Nels i '-?, ';-;I Its s sidefeatiedt Weller. 15-4 5-3: tlt stilt sefeutid 'Tpig, 4 5 36 tir (; Gin- tyefeatesd Ryas,.15-2,' 5 - 5 - fIncgts 1 iwellsdefeaedsi Itnsen,51,1-1,1-4 I,eitdy defeated'i :Meyr, s-Gs15 -s13 1 I'h'es- drings for the ~s thi sisruissesr Issidelast es-snig andsustltd1 ini sli followssing sarraungmssentul Wlshvts. Mlasslaris. Guty- ss. Leffingwvell, Vagln ss. Litty. It tsg sress this-. 'lesthiir rissnsdt witl uuommeunctissaftersoonss at 3:45 All miensshoslss ay ittody sossuld bei-st nsistnd promphtly sdt.:30. kNEW YORK ALUM~Nt I C s IBANQUETS DR . .Nt'l-L f The Mstichigans Aumsisi Ctsuts sf Ntc York City hettdits fiftiehs -snnualt Itin- quset at the Ihossel Astsr last Frday ight. Abottisis hsundrdclettuiasstic hgradtss wes-rc presets ts celetrats ePrcsidenst Aingell'-ss-csnt-nuintshtbith- It day,wsilie congratulsatory-leters swers rreceivedh frostsHos. Oscar Sras, secre -tary- of commuserce atnd labor, Presisdent 4Slsurusass of Cornell,Presisent Elo Il of Harvard, ad PresideutIHadley o XYae, std President N. Mi. Butler of Columbsia. Got-ruoeHuges, ishot a Hery' C. Poter. Prof. Clvit Thomsisu handilothers satcshor spechles,sats hPresident Angel thimuself ended tetro - gramssswhtsiatlddress oftaslandttchats preciation. ,t A hearty' greeisng ronsJpans sea drought by Dr. Y. Oo, of te Uiver ksity of Tokio, a graduate 'of Micigat e iHarsvartd andsMicigans tre fte onis NAmsericassunivssersiies, le sais, h siss -graduates liats-cbeets hrnore by beisg st-atdceimeubers of the ruyltcablie o -his counstry. -Ini his closisg address President Ag nli spoke modoestly of-Iis-work at Micth igasn and discussed the prsent tutufu -tare of the Unsivrsity. k The club which gave this reception tcI President Aigel has the snamses of busts fvhudeMihgnmnian bu- New York City, of whomusonec-hlf arc -enrolled memsbers. Thse officers arc o Sterling St. John, prcsidet, ansI Etgen.eC odnsceay CLARION DESIRES- WITS AND JESTERS County Fair Publication Asks for Contributors-Vaudeville Try- outs to be Held Before Recess. Thse Cosuntsla ~sir commuititee has decid- s-ids topublishs ts-etUniosn Custy Clarins ditnug th(lit'I i'ssssu1astsuhas issend snehimlfits- mer yearitis. johnstiF. N' sr.- liss)cellsap Isiste mtatnsassgiungs-lisitrsissdItLeonardu'slC. Rei t-slsisess sttsting0es. Thse C~ litio ismausie dtidssedsltil t te atfarasis shisisnt u'yte fset tt ovr isinesthuhisndtcoeuuist otf the twos issuses wstrut' soldI. This s-tir, us ties-u ssill upruobablly se tsrect issues, it is ex- pected thalits teistibrrsof coieis soldi sill1 reacts 52.000. The s'cossuuuiteeudsires th illttis yea's' Claris sIis li te bsttilt asuit isuuos tlihitinsastvsrsectspsblishiedillustheUCii tti stit Iideito1taccomiutsshthis, te manassgemncut trill teedthsie cot-opherntion if eveutry ssisstu t-isi s atsny abisiity titngs"hItsinsit 5Te.Clariois sill fsurnish allsescellet itpotluityfsliiiall sn t s uitsof toodfaulty indstd(st tkt--slts.' camustor sies, suit n lst 'sltsjokets. hos itlits sit' still trItso iste-c 55511 aii s lpossletinresgardsto tus -, suit ltsylisetshistsnobosdsiysill wtitstus lit isaprahdsints slit ct isi'h s hoshstoiiusrite someths'ings 1 soul se lisert'e manaiging esditor, thie lutesitse tssiange, orusel. F. Ritcies. TheClauurs t i tnh s-itengrat-stthis usesofiT hshe sly1vsboxssinthecap Isalis andulasit hsig wichltsI isitpped us thse tbonssasui uuarkeduiClartion"sittlit t esteitCareit. i,. I 1lit ((isds ille 5 su 1it (iities-htutu a ssit-l ill list nishtiatthelieuchussiie. t'ttais ele.I a ecidedss o ho sldi tryoutls ls tsss t ng sunig Vacatltion. Xlou - -seven acs still hits'i o iil. All 5thsintendingtoi st unt tfus e s'showus arsrqustd soloify- etsuso eieer if 1this tiitiitttt assoo sposbe 1 iketches, sonsigssi r ((sieltiles ist itus tskitdstill lit iit greast sdemandss. 1 Thie cuomuuuttestill spareicn550into~ i tiethe sltrcti sos o f ithis'stdpssile sirsder. lel I sll N. 'Truavis, chirmantuisofi ts-- coittuittict, stud: "iffty apiati nstti Havelits-elt-sitmtidil by prinssssssesuuuamuusstlntis for p'lasces its te shuuuw. 'Thsc odlusinug sos far its ash- Vansseeif lt-e re-gulasrtry outs swousldI nst- sit-sllyiteaiuon(stir elievides-cthunt tus'estill for truth and life. Jesus regarded evil as if it slid not exist ansywhuere, since it 1usd so existence usnItse perfect wvork of Gout. Ike unduerstuood the lawv is its tiefect forums, so that evil sad ito exist- estee for sits.'T'his is the stansdpoinst of Churistiams Scienuce." FIRS'T FERRY LECTURE TO tBEGIVE N 'IONIGHIT "Impcrincuc of Foreign Missions- a First-H-ansd Viewm of Nost-Christiams Pe'soplesssumit Faithus," will tie the first of thur series if Ferryleetures givens by Williamus'I'. Ellis it Newbierry 1-ail ti- nighti. sle. Ellis' iunsestigationus, as a unewspaptser mits,. of thmeumissionm field ins the EFast save seems freely reportedh in manusy unewspapssers smut periodicals. Sintce hiss returns fros thie Orients hue has seems d~evtiniig umuchsof Isis timse, twithsgreat success, so use Laymman's Missiontary '.ovemsenmt, addressinsg tathcrinugs mm the east,smiddlheswest, satu south. ?M.lE.lls conismut o Annm Arbtor to speaks srimaurily sumstime missiomnary props- gauushs-a subjicct that us itot osly vitally connsctdii tht ings religiosus, but has asosibeemsressponssmitlefoe much uf the proess strt onuly it this Orient sutin oisu sit-u couuut s is elsl. "'ThueAmeicanonct epsltionsif Ihe mis- sionausry-andsuhiss lift us, ottthe sshole, wrog," satys irlls liss "It is seldhosm lust yost hush outs us isis painted." Is is Mrh.Iisthisntuenthintso hell of time truss life of tse mtissiotmny anmd of thse false sattitudeuisnissshihteies hplacedt by Iis idiealizinug audmir es it homse. .lE.Itlls5is t e tliser fuseeIctures pertininguussi stsoussin shdmssonasres. Thsey- till hue "tress usNewsberry Halt, tegitituig toniughti at 7 us'clock. 'T'hese' lestures site shiesto huteis'pubictiansmthtie studttbilutiy-espeutctilly.- yx'1l,,OFsIP XICIEN'tA II EN G.sIEFI N ITEIY SET Thue -Michmigendul innter, twhich ws tlannsuedifur Thmursdasy, lussnsot esem definitely set furmmxlt'T'uesdasy evenming. Tihue dinnmer still hue informasl, andmullitof thue sipeechtes extemphoraeoteus. hut addsitionm t use muembers if thne casts, orehesrauthd cosmumittes, invsita- tiuius trill hue extendsedl to Mlessrs. Ste- svess. St. Joihns, smithScanmlans, of Detroit; Prosf. Scoittuof use Enuglish deptartmencts, suitProfu..iockwoodititandsh Ml. Hiowlanmd if thur Schooisl if :Music. A mesmbter of the coummsuittee yesterday saith that it sol beudrto thtti dinris sot tendseredt intthe stature of a re- nsumrautionm,suitissituattappreciation of uhese ndtidmsu stirit whtichs characterized SIX ORATORS IN FINAL CONTEST All Contestants Ar.exBperienced -Winner to Represent Michi- gan in Intercollegiate Contest. Michigan's eighteenth annual oratori- cal contest is to be hel March o, as a numbster on mte S. L. A. course. The winnser witt represent Michigan in the Noirthuerns Oratorical league contest. Six orationts, of the eight submitted. were selectcd 0il the basis of thought andu comsposition. The judges were Senaor Chares C. Simons, '8, 'ol, of Detroit; Prof. Dwight E. Watkins, 'u, of Akron, Ohio, and Rev. Reed Stuart, of Detruoit. Follossinug are the orators and the sub- jects of te orationsswvhich they swill udeliver: "The Lasw of Sersice," James W. M- Candless, 'off, '1o1. "Hlamiton, the Nationaist," Charles A. Ererest, 'off. "Crimes of Partisanshitp," Steen W. tDosvney, '08. "Otr Dumy to the Sioux," A. M. Lasd- mas, 'o8. "Internuational Peace," F. B. McKay, 09. "Time Hope of tie Nation," Miss ri- estine Moffet, 's. All of these studnts ave 1ud pre viouis expericnce and traisnimng iii public speauking, having had work unduer Prof. Thuomaus C. Trueblood, head of the de- partmment of oratory tumd eocutionm. Se- phecnmW. Dowitey'wssdelegate tIth le I aIsuttioscltib costest andu took secondu honours is the fials before tieItamuitons chit, of Chicago. Last year he was a nmemtber of te varsity debating teasm whichi uefeatedt Chicago. James 'W. Mc- Canduless swas a nmnber of tie winnsig debatlingleans againstsNorthwesterns last year Charles Everest has always takens ass active part its class oratoricl contests. 1st inns A. sM. Lndnman represented the '07 asw class in the Unsiversity oratorical contest F. B. McKay took a promiet part in puiblic speaking irste Ypsilanti Norumalu college, winninig first hoors in thse state intercolegiate contest sonisc years ago. Miss Ernestine Moffet has tie udistinctions of beling the scond girl mm eighteens years to participate in tct a coitest. White its the Atn Arbor high school she was interested in oratory The meeting of the Northern Oratori- cal league is slated ltit year for Iowa City. The Uiversitis of Michigan, Wiscosnsin, Chicago, Minsnesota, North- westernsanmd Ioswa, amd Oberlin college with participate. To encourage interest im public speaking and to elevate the standard of oratory its these instittions composing the Northern Oratorical league, the Host Frank . Lowden, of Chicago, established an endowment fund of $3,5oo. The anna interest from this sumst yields ass award of $too to the winner of first honors in the contest and a second prize of $o. Tieswinier of the University contest will lie presented with a brosnze medal whichs is offered 'annually by the Chi- cago alumni association, and the Kan- Smass testimonial of $ioo. The second honor mast will receive $0. 'MUSICAL COMEDY IS SUCCESSFUL AT CORNELL I"P'opocaterpillar VII," the annual mi- sical comedy presented at Cornell, was given with great stccess in Rochester amd Auburn. In regarud to this presenta- tion in outside cities, the Cornell Daily tStun saitd: "This inuicates that Cornell has opens to her a sew and larger field Ffor college dramatics. Upost the success of this venture dpended te fate of I- ture trips, and judlging by te results t there is little doubt that a snich more extended trip would also prove a success next year." hube an unuttaumbuliersitofs-esrabl e ts.'"Itest-trk itt every mmewerus ofsi mte pro- MAt I l' 1Il' l- ltDtihS'- th l1 iSt I .I:\S C'sF11INCtI IBissiSnapp, C.S.BIslectursedtinst ight us Sitritah .stsitllAnigell Stilt out "sTe hlingus lhistry sit ChrsistianttScuince." Thits uni ans ents itly iledltegallery- truss ottcupiedi hutaipastsyt shih ensue frs Dusshseto is by ua specialscasum AIle. Kitp uspoin usarst us flslos: Itiis this slemenut ofshelnug ehichs distinutttisheds Chists'sia tSiencefroststhe prevasilinug religionussioftosday-. If the huealinug somiteties ovtershatdowts tim e c- ligions s inte aispeauliothue strantger, it is becauuse ie huettssuits looketd beyond the estee to seek te ctuse or explanation fuse ltats-whicestermuinecs the rest ins- issue osf Chruistianm Sciencee is its theotlogy, tutu by wray sit applicarstionssthis theology exiitls sasystemsiofC heaslig smithreform necessarily msentalsantus iitlusi. We mstss realize thast Jesus' Isealinug is spirit- ual. 'Tha t-iltshisas givens Christians Scienuce issuilitanei vas l ue is its ability st explinitsatiisfatortiiy slot omnly-whast ste itt-er isst-hiletsensbldJesus to per- foumthue muiaces usfChsristianmuhealinig, buit swht the rule it fuse toinug those ut-srius. "Whl~en Jesuit heasl ste sick he purgeud thesisositcaurnsalthoughts swhich snake for diseasse tutu seath, summitleft thesisfree siuctissu. OFFICIALS FOR GIRLS' MsIET.ARE SELECTED As a mecetinug of tilelWomnan's Athsletie associatlions last eveniung in Barbuour gym- nassisums, officers wtere elected to take echnrge of the girls' anntuual indoor meet ho be Iseldi epril g. 'IThosechloseu nre: Genueral mtanager,.Hl~cen Jacobi; senior mnauger, Ellen Stark; junior muanager, Rebecca Rankinm; freshmssantmantager, Bertha Ammns. At a senior athletic committee meet- insg, also held yesterday, the basebnall officers were elected. Miss Helens Ja- cuhi was made captain, Miss Edith I tughuit sub-capaint, antd Miss Constance Fitchs manager. Alt girls interested in bsaseblusliasee urgetd to reposrtst oncec, as practices insue alreaudy'bcgunmmandu will be hseld twtice a sweek. cane. WIIUS CONFINED 13is,txgFSo. Prof. Wilgus has beets contfined to his siotie with a severe coldt sinsce last 'T'hiursday. He will proibably be able to meuet isis classes bsy thse latter hart of thse seek. Memubers' of the Union, who have not alreaudy signted in thue sembership hoaok, sre requmestedl ho do so at once.