THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4' CURIOUS LAMP IS PLACED SEE THE ON FACULTY READING TABLE WIN D OW Several imsprovemoents are uder way in se osagazioc room of the geoeral library. An additional newspaper rack F0Rliao been provided and a effort ia ben SUPPLIES IN made to secure more papers. Thte ma- joritye. ' E S. art of the papers at present on file JEOT AT ER are donated by the publishers, but some BOTTLES sdifficulty is bseing encountered in obtain- inggsothers on similar terms, the Cleve- AND land Leader tiring the only ooe yet se- K'ubber Goods cared. The list of popular magazines is also -AT- to be extended. A sttpplementary rack has seen placed on one of the tables to Q T irovide count for the additions. Popu- v lar scieotific works.,svhich have been Money Loaned Ons Watches, nDiasunds, Law Bucks, er ether personat pruperty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at restdence 331 E. Ltberty St Ann Arbor. Horeas8to 11:3u a. m.,i1ito4:30snd7to ALL BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS lon all stamped goods, including MICHIGAN PILLOW TOPS AT DARLING & MALLEAUX 224.226 5. State St. * College Steins NALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St. Wve 1corn e hat s a wrd wbe wewast yoss itifelis sito ,ycouswen youentie our stosre. 5 lesei t mater whethler you cometo buy posare stamspssdruigs. cigarst eave a 5sesriptiossssortouse a telephiones-.r slm tos 5'yc ou isist as sicere. East University Pharmacy 1:115 S. Univsiscuty Aves-ss. H. M. ROYS, Pharmacist V. f M. Barber Shop and Bath Rus Everyhi.ยข First5-aose Laz-IjstSinop Ira the City J R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. kept io the pigeons soles and so were ruttier inaccessible, will be placed in corers on Ibis rack. Assliinterestinig curiosity of consider- tile age, which Librarian Koch picked ip ini an antique shop, has beets placed sii tse faculty reading table. It is a drsotilight, the shsade of which is a globe if the sworldt. Nesv "tantalumo" cusps have beets in- -Islled ini the east semuissary room, and cc sa decisded imsprovemoent over else old isellirds sf ilusminsations. They are of tswenty-twso canidle-power each, arraniged i series of twvo, asid give a powerful -luite tight. They have proved so satils- .sactory tisit others are to be placed in 'is- csisslsiguse oiot. The lighting probs- -i!i if the lirary as a swhole tics not etseensa stisfactorily ivorked out. The let gas fixtures are at presenit utilized, it -smsselsangeosissistesventually tie LibsrarissnsKiosh imisw endsesasorinig ;ocimpilete the tiles siftieriodicals. Prisntest lists if the msissinigonumbsers ar-c it toi libiraries.,siwIo are requested to :sud itle,-nieesestnusmbers isa exchsangel sr sdsplicates ini the libirary. The nest- it svssntssierr takess ip last year and ,.iistissily gsosd retursesasecured. The i s Iitse enginecering files are binog I Ilest in tiessmssway. Reqtuests sie :soin sg senitIso slate assilguovernment 1casiall over the cousitry for msissisig reports. I O0SPITAIS AND UNIVERSITIES OFFERR POSTS TO -ME-DIC GRAD)S Gradusates of the medical departmenst aire iss desmands. As is usual at this tose sit tie year, large hospitals from all overj tie counsutry sends offers of intlernieships Iso the msesdicsat faculty. IThese offers ansi she requiiremienits msadle are posted ini the sesdicssl buildings in special cases ac- rsangeit for this purpose. InI most cases essssissnatiosis isn laboratory and clinical sijets insst be passed in order to oh- tin the hosts. The Rhode Islandi state hospital at I'rovideice offers six intersieships,cacti coveriig sa period of luwn years. Last y,-sir onie of these places seas filled by tic. F. N. Bigelow, a Michigan mass. Ie Natiosnal Jewvishs hospital for con- sisptives at Densver siants a Mbichigans mni for intersie. A suissicilsal bsacieri- ologiest is waistesd stSssvsanisssh, Ga. ) RIN iSINI( Several pusitiosis as tessehers are of- L K A E fered. A sossihers ivssersitysffers a ptare to a Michsigssssgrsadusiseis assist- Tla oki onan ejs i ti-n ant professor of tpharmsacotogy cud phty- snk, presa the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own sogiachmsrtthLties- The College. taut like a camel slaking itts thirst. That's alt there of Illissois places sire upesi for twso clissi- Standard isu to it ! No dropper--no mess-no bother. Do it cat assistants asid a bacterisologist. The - A'anywhere-any lime. governmsent medical school *at Mansila wassts a -Michigan msao to ill the posi- rFF tiusi of assistanstlirisfessor if bissteriol-CO K I ' FLIN PE ogy. Becsidtes thsese, muansyidesirabtle posi- "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" Liusis arc offe redin i private isnfirmuaries, can he filled instantly without the least inconvenience. You antI as partners is gesieral practeice. could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger of iSIlNINCA I.AW AUIJRlh ThhtY soiling. Besides its coinvenience, is the splendid wi-iting TO GlUE lELCTERl," COURSE; qualities sif the Conklin-the pereet feed. Jsssgc lssyiusg. o i~ossi it, siillbe-direct. Prices, 53.50 aesi up. Sedat once fur handsome noe catalog. gisn Iis series of tectssres o ir rigastiuon The Conklin Pens Co., 710 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio and iinsg siaw .\Mosiday. .\issrchlb f. Theresvitltbetiiensletiuhresintecus suit they iwit coesis c perido bu itwoiweekss. Ihis cusire1sospca interest to sstuensstiso ect oprc lice in any -o0f ihe usesternsiaes Followssissg is the prugesi u________________to_________be____________given____________ bsy the Adtelph~i literary nxtI ia sight: Talk-Prsof. Spruilng Bee-captssiis'Futer 1 dan The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc- Debates Resolsed, tihstlteLsnstsed tory of the spring, we are offering a special States governssmentsisoslssostab i~lishu a purchase of beautiful new Spring French four= systens iiiparcels tpot s. t iasiascomponet tart of our presenst pstsal systscin. Af- in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends lirsaiv-Rckasiltissssesei Nga and in all the handsome spring coloring. tive-MeNeat anid, 'Marshll. Critic's Report-Ssyder. The new Spring Shirts make their first bow I-si-soss~s-s s lii and they are beauties. The new spring styles Alsiisiosse hundiredsdtir-iii s Milen in Fats and Cap are here for your inspection. attlendiesthlus ist ssiokii -wessltiiyIth fris-ot Illaisss l sss i eni Ilat Ith e tsch igass Union cditi issi s ber I ts iGusetz wststastesslr. 'Thesa sle~so Camp s-ies hIss oie asssacksssnumbers. ;Agas cstios s ssinoiiii posletdIimselftasithit,-gysinsi i ty tr tnsbw iog-asey Rwaifi R uetuonrin& Pi ge toi tDsily office. FOR SA LE Residlense, 1o3Wah Sale of Carpets and Rugs tsenassAve.('ass le hdsnuit onbl tersms. Apply sat 305 5. Stste St. 15-20 AT LESS THAN MILL PRICES Baseball mcii : if yons waist the latest Not agains this year will you find prices so nmuch in your favor ini baseball gooeds, see Spaltsig's lsie at asnw Ctsshings. asnow MACK tt Co. SUM MER EIt't.OYM1llNI, If yot are lookinig for summeriin- Onm d l UbAI ~ SisWatchsDio-esnds, Jewelry, asid alt pomna d s$2 pe dayiguaanteeEIILOANED ii555;lsClass Chiattelsane ColstieralSeaur- ploysieittus 55pa ier Ii ii 5 Slt . V UtLE I.FlIIEL ity. BuHstnesstrictlycofdestial. will interest you, see Mr. Ilhei t Jol 0 I ut Avnti;opoiecor o sice ficurus: 8:30tis11:0, .to5ya, 7tc 8:15. lie "Ktssles sr 00 i sS0c t csusspuslrsetsue life& itnnle', ve C-o, tae Two sdcars south of City Y. M. C. A. W. J. LOVRIM street. tO ________________________ BLAME YOURSI3LF If you Miss the Rowe's Laundry E L ECTRWI C IT Y 326 N. ith Ae.. BARGAINS IN SHOES AT Ne ise47 Bl toe4LS applied to College Mien wn~ctd ,, _________________Women~ for- All PurposesafSw SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY "'-PU~R ELD"S" 320 Suth Stato Street WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. 7:30 P. M. 200 Ea.t We~shizigtozn Street Assembly 59 o'clock._____________________________________ WAI KING Loo KEEP YOUR DATES -Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant uBye rt, a copy of the 5515)505 AN Daily Subscriptions Now Due Chinese Fancy Dishes, Americas Lucehes of IiANDISOOK Sn oyur pocket. Spae fr mem-rn_ See Windows 119 S. MAIN ST. laklead gEetemrssesnu. uacsedrswtovisoi&vmlySubsrptonstaebymlhekdrtus -Chinese and Japaese Brie-a-ka. to sudens ae the Univesiy Y. M. C. A. Mc- musy cder. U0pStais, one diem S. Iuto rs,314. Sle i St. ilian Hll. STUDIO-E1_NSr'CCULL R,31r91East Huron Street