THE MICHIGAN DAIL'"s G. H. Wild Company Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelies, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. Ii. Wild Company 311 South State Street TRY "Sheehan's Special" Linen Bond Writing Paper and youll agree with us that it is the finest writing paper to e had anywhere, at any price. Cotmes in folded sheets put up t pound to the pack- age for 25 cents envelopes 10c per package. Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores _____ HS PALD I N CTpO '.. & BROS. W The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Bal, Hockey Official Implements for Track and Field Sports Uniforms for all Sports. Saldin's Hadsomely Illustrated Cataoe o at sports cntaisss- mros sestiss. Send tor it- Its ree. A. . SPALDINO & BROS. New York, Chcao St. Lass, an Frasns, Minnepois, Denv-er, Bufalo, Syracuse, Pluts. burg, Phladepha, Boton Cncnnt, Balt. sore, Wastsn ton, Kansas Cty, Cleveland, New Orleans, Detrot Montreal, Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managig Editor-ARCHE F. Rtcune. Bucsssa Manager-C. E. WtNSTEA. EDITOS News................Hiram S. Codys Athletics..............Lee A White Exchange .... . H. John Wambold Music and Drama.....Roy D. Welch Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDITORIAL STAFF J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarland MNITEDITOR George 11. Hobart Leonard C. Reid Chauncey Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Visscher aRORERS M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft Lewis T. Kniskern Robert Moreland Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto-Engel Fred . Gooding Theron P. Cooper BUSINESS STAF John F. Wr Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: - p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 6x TUESI)AY, MARCH tO. 198. AN. All-SE;NIOR SWINGOUTc. Onle of our best college customs is the senor swintg-out. 'This is the foma spesosug of the end, whiten the seior fsr the ist time appear in their caiss 51115 gows'.s For seeral years the lits antietgi- nesectwere tie only departets Ito ar- ticipate. Last yer te late' fell ililne 1111 110w te mtedics ax-c votesi to jsi', Nilth hir classmttstsa tale tl-sxig otanal-enior affair.'Tis ltaes - onlyistie cassotf tiesdental, tpharmasccy and1 ttottottesetic depiartmsets outstl tf te folds. 'Teris tssvalidireasoan swly te snior-sf tesetres- desart- mes'shotl ti av1 tail tessselessf te oppotunirslsty tes isetify lthetseles a. metmbesrs tot of asy sonedeprtettt butts st tieeior class' of te Uisersiy. Inthiis mattter ote of te disavnt- tage-sof as ig unsix-ersiy cats be. its a mesasure, oercsoe. It is sot too late cresstowsrfor te seiors of all depart- sentsto- lay aside departmentals lises ansd lecotte ietified as smeners of ote setior class. Fsollowsitg te exattptle f te lit-engi- eer dattce, wx- tmay expect to ear as law-ettgitneer love-feast proposed. We wotder if te "oy-sttdy" recettly intsroduced at Vassar costld really e classed ao atsitnovation. LOST-Watcht fob during Michigenda at Whitney, or on State street. Notify Cushings pharmacy. t BLtUSHiES AND FRECKLES M\AY 13E REPROD)UCED) BY AM ATEURS Thse fsllowitg cmmunas~sicainttfsrns ant interestitag crsllary.tsVie Daily accastth e exeritmetts witt color photography laing carried alt ithie hospital: Editor of Michigasa Daily: Noticintg in The Daily ats article deal- ing withs color phlotgrahy as used in the Usiersity hospital, I feel that it wouldi otie saiss toacall thettettion of1 thosse potograpicially ittclied to the: fact thtat stis deightfstl irocess is ly o tmeatss beyth ie reach of the aer- age attateur. Trtue, it is tosre or less expensive thousgt ot as mcit so as Vise Daily wroutldiha-c us believe. Te opesrations itself is by tnc means difficult, thte ibaths whichla re really necessary beitng only three itt auber. All of te othters sare tmerely- tse t ittproe te brilliatnce of the fiised positive. Aty orditnary- plate canera may e used, ansi no speciasl plate-holders are reqired,the otly extra piece of apparatus being a smal piece of yellow glass, knowna as a ray filter, which is placed in f rottotf thse letns. VTae exposure -is tmade in te ordittary way, except that the plate is reversetd i inte plate-holder, withate glass ite toward te lets itstead of towardi te bac of tie canera as tsal. Thte letgthssal exposusre is determnitedl ly thae strettgths of te ligt, atd is atbot one attd sote-af secondss itt brigt suttlightsisutie lets at ttll aertr. A, portrait at a ueli ligted windowr shsossldihax-cfromtttfoutrtsix secottds wttit tl ataertre. After tec tlase ast ects exposesd it may be taen to a pro- fessiontal forsdeeloptett, or it tmay- ic fiise ity- ue atttatesr himtsef witot great sdiffiulty. Alexander is doig tworkin ttcolsr potgraphy, saidIro- aly trotsld fitishithte plates for a stttlli price. 1 swouldi be gadits cotmtttuticate- sitllsantsose itteretesd in this stbjec: Ptst,ts- .AtMSTRONGass. Ii7_NNETT 1, I,ETRE Oi\ \i:\NSl1Fii..aa:1.\RCH 27 Jasssc- 'Di-itsatelli Bentet, dramsaii eaditossfast- tseCihicagao l-esars -i erais. wsiii ietulasaosss"Richard-stsi Mansfieltia Actor asndi te Mat' a ss ni areis27 as Sarahsi Caswelci Angseii Hall Ai r. Betnnestt ietred is An tArtstr tartsyears ago, unditter te aspsices ofl t2 Ensgiiis seiatmsett. le is as Miciigas a tanan wasi ts a studsett at te Uier sity- f romss 184 tato pg. i-icasaxdasta conssierasise warkainitdsrasmsaticresearch. an ast ,aI\prisadse asvis-i-t to Stratford ot-Arvoss for tie patrose cal writing at articleasslnte Shakspteareanssfesial. w1et ,st trI ssr..sT ttsOGAZtNLS. .Magaines for cirsslatiota purpose. tare ieent addedes to te colectiot in te Barbour gymnasiuma reading rooms. VTey wiii ntabie placed ithie League tmsagante covers, but ay bae drawtn ot over ight or over Snday. They say' be otaited fromTors. Blackturn. Aty- otte sishinitg to dotate taagazites for this ptrpose ttay give tem to Airs Backbstrtn. Thte Myers Bros. line of cstotmt-made shirts and underwear. Phone 29-Black, and representative wiiicidl. 718 (Emustc anb Mrama htA3 statIC Sotmethitg new is offered in nearly every act at the Majestic tis wek.iLe Coamit, aizard of fre, is gosd. Sirronsji. Lasdy Raffles, till cange her act eery night. Vie chief of ipolice stas onanidsts ilast evetning, tut Iis tw-cabest ais of hancu~sitffs disd ot offer tmtuc resistansce evets rhen Strrtotti wsc sied itsas truttk. VTis is ote saltie best ills yei seen t astie '\iesttr. 'Little Joltna Jone" paed ta s crowtdsesd atdicttusistic audiece lasi tigihtat thae NeawWhistteyteter. Tfie chosrus, thotgh ot tprepossessng, tass ill good1 rolesaat titInoety sage effects sdrewe muschs tpplatse. Bill Se- tmourass 'Jonntty.Jtoes thdid stapttl life enoughintto te tsart.tHelesn eter as "Goldtie carriedl ec past el, ada WillisamtaKeoughtasac"te sutnknown"t isratseds as faxorite. Vise Utiversity orchaestras makses is. initial cntcert appearatce fsor tis yer Thusrsday, March 2, ithue IHighs Scool adsitoritutt. Vie cotcert is ote of tse regutlar Fctlty 'cotcert seties. Willh the -orciestras wil apaer tre- ofithe Schtool' of 'ttusc fattlty Te orchestits'. asnforty-t asregulacr tmettbiers. Itsassiionts fourlassi er sacwill be brougt fromttsDetrot fast teis e rt Thiss"organizationssise salfte Uiviser sty's grtaest sadxantaiges 11tssusicas ccit cations. Nos ttinl sis teoati yssiOf- fered tat teiperformsstos klscl te uelit- ercatresal ochtestrl compsitos.blats te pusblic as wellii ttay hitt andtsecljo thtese sworks, toss itsfreqisesly giaensas hitntg are iTis clacttrtdeseres spttst noltaollytt lacausistie rcestrat is as xwortyx tr gasizastios, buti beausec-its warkaitis gets itar-t siteiorious. Reearsasihase lbs--ntuindart waytssisce Tants-gving utidecr'lt-capjablse ladaeshitsofsamu~ssel PiersoussiLockwosod. Vie wsors slfit orhest ratlastslaeit rglar assdI tithi-i astcic. Mtir.Lockwoodaaifecels gratifie-dlstill thte-reslts of alhishartdlas-sils use irograst contaliss twoocrcestrast numbesiars andtth iree sltostacmpliantied loa thse orcestra. Thetsss ire iprgramtsswilt be annotunsscedi later. 1\ tntmbier of promtitentt"c ksir txill seak at te Illiti feed att smosksserj to beheled at the MichigatnUtintasteii- htotse et Saturtday nigt. Vie scili comtmittee ihas preparedi a prograsta of tastical tnuttters antd several ax-c ects invited to respotd to toasts. Joes atsi satires os promett prairie state cii- c7ts1axill be a fettre of the exesissa- AT THE CASINO THEATER. Somttethinig ews is what thc stdetst are lookitng for. We are sure to please tousthtis wseek. Miss M\adti lliatmso wiiibehe'sevaudexile attractiotn.Vie mtovintg- pictres are te latest. Latest illusttrated sotg tailssng by ;Miss Enttta Now Ready TEXT- BOOKS Forsallims f the Ills, rsirty, Axelass a atge 'stcf SECOND IHAND BOOKS Carltitr tricesitt Drafting Instruments and Supplies All kinds of SecondEland Books taken in exchange for cash. WAHR' S University Bookstore L. [. BARTII[[ Lw aneialestotBookseller IMPORANT LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS ttsal tropertiry - $3.00 W5iiam's-Retl ProetO. stis- - $3.00 Ot sisnis-.s alitss1aai Os-si Yroert-. - - - $1.00 5 ittises t l ,itsaa - - - $6.00 -'. tats . - $2.00 lcIii. ia-re tfatviendtce, $2 00 ti h,! ic-1of"i s l tisit. $4.00 Its Its e, ,iene- - - 3.50 M: at ait. latt at cat,. - $.00 T inita-.a~nttaarxoaaiO55c I a ti'rr~t a ~.aist. - - $2.50 I~rantiultio , - $.50 Rot 'i . I1 vcc , atsin sts. $.50 Rr s-t ^.ab- a lsl tt, aa-s. - -$600 -$18.0 xx sIn" ~ i~I c"o m .' i'ota, $12.00 MEDtIC.AL BOOKS Iiresi ae i a s-tI'heapetiie-.. $400 li eka~ , peafi v Srl'r. $.00 licails-.Sr-si tatsa-.oi.. $6.50 I'xtb li L . - - - - 5.00 oita-MtCat ati I~sA tlitas ttsi I Xt hoaaof zat tssistsats., $18.00 tsc-.,-'.-s D seas e xs sss-t. $6.00) and reamen. - - $6.50 Len e'S~weal .iedcal $6.5 X" os.. - - - $5.00 DtinreCompe5nls is t. C EBARTHELL Laws amd Meical Booksllr Tel 761 326 S Sae St. [Y[6LASS[S, lx ar ni -ace wit Sets of glas.thiattir-s-.c-mforalstdSeice tHatevrxa otpttical strkdouse at ARNOLD'S anti st-silt fit yuaeotm- fortably asd gniartste resut.ita.cttk RpairL-tses ]eousnd. EMIL . ARNOLD Optical Sp-ialit Wittt WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler tat Suth Mnn Streec IEsslinger. Is . Stylish More Stylish Most Stylish. -Are those that bey their Spring Shirts At The CoOp Store, March 12 UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA Will assist at Faculty Concert" HIGH SCHOOL HALL _. .. _..._ Students' Lecture Association P OIEREA D "King of American Fulamakers Friday Evenitzg, March 13, 1908, at 8 o'clock. Univeirsity Hall Simile Admission 500 1 I . ..._ 12, Washington E. The Rand-all Studio, Randall & Pack,'.Props. Phone 598