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March 10, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-10

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The Michigan Daily

Advocates Vigorous Training-
Championship Wrestling Con-
tests Soon to Begin.
Coach Yost dropped into Ann Arbor
for the week end and held a few ex-
hortation meetings. About sixty of the
veterans and prospective candidates
turned out.
Under the coach's instructions the
suad will enter upon a season of rig-
>rous indoor work until the weather will
permit going to the field.
"Every man in the University," says
the coach, "ought to have at least an
hour of daily work in the gym. Basket-
ball, handball, or anything else, it doesn't
matter what, as long as a man works.
And as for football men, they owe it
to themselves and to the University to
train from now until Nov. 14. We can't
play football if we're not in condition,
and we can't be in condition without
working, and sacrificing. Any man who
isn't willing and anxious to work has
no business on the squad. lie is a
detriment to the work.
"But above all things, I don't want
any man to let anything interfere with
his class work. Sacrifice everything for
the eleven excepting your studies."
Director Fitzpatrick has provided for
practice hours at which the gymnasium
door is at the disposal of the gridiron
men. Basketball and handball trams
will be organized, and perhaps tourna-
ments arranged to add to the sport.
The second semester's work in the
wrestling class has begun at the gym-
nasium. Twenty students have enrolled
under the instruction of last year's light-
weight champion, R. Anderson, 'to.
During the first semester the work
was confined to practicing preliminary
attack, but from now on attention will
be given to the more difficult work upon
holds. In about two weeks the tryouts
for the University championships will
commence at the gym. The contests for
the feather, light, welter, middle, and
heavyweight championships will be held
on March 28, the night of the champion-
ship basketball game. A cumber of
men has already entered in each class
and more are expected to join the squad.
The entry list is at the director's office
in Waterman gymnasium and all men
expecting either to join the class or to
take part in these contests should hand
in their names at once. The contests
are open to all students.
"The football men especially ought to
take an interest in wrestling and get into
the contests," said Dr. May, who has
supervision of the work. "I believe
'Octy' Graham is the only member of
the eleven who has entered so far, but
it wouldn't hurt the rest of them to
know a few things about this game.
The challenge is open to everybody in
the University. In the east, you know,
they are making a great thing out of
dual wrestling meets. Yale recently
beat Pennsylvania and Princeton. In
fact all the eastern colleges are strong
in this branch of athletics."
There is a possibility that if Michigan
can show strength this year in indoor
athletics, including wrestling, meets with
other colleges will be arranged next year.
The first regulation mat for wrestling
work was put into the gym only year
before last, and the first wrestling class
was organized last January, This class
met once a week, The present class
meets three times a week-at 4 on Tues-
days, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The
men are divided by weight into five see-

tions. The following are the men al-
ready enrolled:
Featherweight, 115-125 pounds: C.
Manhardt, W. S. Palmer.
Lightweight, 125-135 pounds: E. R.
Law, R. Anderson, D. J. Heyfron.

Welterweight, 135-145 pounds: J. H.
Payne, C. S Price
Middleweight, 145-158 pounds: H.
Cary, C. P. Crook, R. D. Heitch, F. W.
Welch, G. A. Anderson, ;. D. Vosburg,
H. A. Lyon, E. D. Wenn, Howard S.
Fox, N. Parks.
Heavyweight, over 158 pounds: F. B.
'anner, W.~ E. Davis, W. D. Graham.
The annual handball tournament is
now being played off in Waterman gym-
nasium. From the number of entries ini
both the singles, which are now in pro-
gress, and the doubles, it is evident that
the interest which has always been taken
in handball is not lacking this year. The
caliber of the men entered is high, and
several good players showed form in thec
first round played yesterday. Hoag,
Loell, Walsh, Ginty, Hansen, Weller and
Ryan are players of exceptional ability
and should furnish each other some good
The opening games resulted as fol-
lows: Tapping won from Van Zile, 12-
6, 12-4; Hoag won from Fountain, 12-2,
12-3; Hansen won from Gould, 12-2,
12-2; Vaughan won from Reighard, 5-12,
12-8, 12-7; Ryan won from Pratt, 12-7,
12-8; Ginty won from Gernert, 12-,
12-2; Leidy won from Anderson, 12-10,
12-4; Leffingwell won from Freeman,
12-2, 12-2; Weller won from Grossman,
12-4, 12-4; Manhardt won from Hall,
12-3, 12-8; Rogers tied Meyer (unfin-
ished match), 12-11, 1-12.
The drawings for the second round
have been made and the men will play
as follows: Ginty vs. Ryan, Leffingwell
vs. Hansen, Weller vs. Hoag, Manhardte
vs. 'tapping, Leidy vs. either Rogers or
Meyer, and Loell vs. Welsh.
Rcgulation rules are followed in the
tournament, but in order to rush the
matches through only twelve points are
played in each game, instead of the usual
fifteen. The second round will be played
off this afternoon, starting at 3 o'clock,
when the baseball cage is raised. The
semi-finals and finals in singles will be
fiished by Thursday, and at that time
the drawings for the doubles tourna-
nient will be posted.
Editor The Daily:
Presently men will be asking its to
vote for them for Miciganesian and
S. L. A. offices, presidents of next year's
senior classes,-and also asking us.1to
"promise," under their eyes, to vote for
them or their friends. I want to help
put a rock in their road, or in ours, that
we may not go downn bill too fast. Here
is the rock.
"Certainly I'll be glad to consider you,
but I can't promise till I've seen the
other man also, and his friends. Come
to me a day or two before election and
I will tell you, if I have made up my
mind. Then I shall know why I am
voting. This election is a Michigan af-
fair; I'll vote for my friends, if it is the
best for Michigan. Please give me
plenty of time to find out all about it."
This kind of thing makes a peanut
politician's hair stand on end; do you
think it makes him respect you less than
if you'd promised him right off the bat?
And here is another rock :
"About your friend in the other de-
partment, I can't tell till the day of elec-
tion. It makes no difference with me
that he is supporting you there. What
I want to know is whether he is a better
man than the other candidate. I want
plenty of time to find this out. These
political 'deals' I don't like, especially
between departments. Besides, I am a
Michigan man first, and a lit afterwards;
I'll vote for a law ahead of a lit if I
think he will make a better manager."
This, also, is the sort of thing that
eliminates the unfit. I am not sure that

the better class of office-seekers d not
like it. I am 'sure that there is 'Mich-
igan spirit' somewhere in its neighbor-
hood. CARL, H. PARRY.

..........- _

Educational Societies Hold An-
nual Meeting in Ann Arbor
Next Month-Program Ready.
The programs for the annual meetings
of the Schoolmasters' club and the Mich-
igan Academy of Science have been ar-
ranged and plans for the meetings of
April t-4 are rapidly nearing comple-
tion. According to the present schedule
the time of the visiting teachers and
scientists is to be occupied from the
moment they arrive until Saturday even-
ing, when the session comes to a close.
The feature of this year's meeting of
the schoolmasters will be the considera-
tion of historical research. Each year
the club makes a special appropriation
to be used in a more thorough study
of some particular subject.
The time of the club is to e divided
between general meetings and confer-
ences. The former are scheduled for
Thursday and Friday mornings; the
conferences on special topics, for Wed-
nesday, Thursday, and Friday after-
noons. On Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock
will be held the jointt session of the
Academy of Science with the School-
masters' club. This is to take place in
Sarah Caswell Angell Htall. Lectures one
special subjects are to be given Wednes-
day, Thursday, and' Friday nights, while
at 5 o'clock on Thursday a Faculty con-
cert of the School of Music will he given
in the High School auditorium. At 4:45
FridayI the school teachers will see a
gynasim class in action.
Under the general topic of "Formal
Discipline in Light of Modern Psychol-
ogy" the subject of the first open meet
ing, papers will be read by Prof. James
R. Angell of Chicago, Prof. W ,t. Pills-
bury of Michigan, and Prof. Charles t.
Judd of Yale. Ihe subject f "History
i the Schools" wil bte handled by Prof.
George L. Burr of Cornell, Prof. J. A.
James of Northwestern, and Principal
Charles L. Spain of the Detroit Normal
Training school.
Prof. Jacob Reighard Of Michigan will
present the principal paper at the Friday
afternoon meeting of the Academy of
Science. His subject will be "Parental
Care of Michigan Fishes." 'he opening
address of President \l. S. WV. Jefferson
will be oi "Maui in West Norway."'
After the public lecture of Friday even-
ing, the Research club of the Uiver-
sity will hold a smoker in the histologi-
cal laboratory of the Medict building.
Besides these general open meetings,
there are to be "section" meetings Thurs-
day afternoon and Friday morning. Sat-
urday morning is to be devoted to a
general business meeting and the elec-
tion of officers.
There will be presented, in all, about
seventy 'papers before the Academy of
Science, and nearly eighty at the meet-
ings of the Schoolmasters' club.
The officers of the latter organization
are: President, William M. Greeson,
Grand Rapids; vice-president, INrs.
Florence Milner, Detroit; secretary,
Louis P. Jocelyn, Ann Arbor; treasurer,
John P. Everett, Mt. Clemens. The
chairmen of the conferences are:
Classics, M. L. D'Ooge, Ann Arbor;
physics, N. F. Smith, Olivet; chemistry,
B. W. Peet, Ypsilanti; mathenatics, C.
B. Williams Kalamazoo; modern lan-
guages, Max Winkler, Ann Arbor; his-
tory, Mrs. E. W. Dow, Ann Arbor;
English, Mrs. Cornelia Hulst, Grand
Rapids; biology, S. D. Magers, Ypsi-
lanti; commercial, W. N. Ferris, Big
The Maroon athletic association has
definitely decided to play Cornell next

fall. The game has been scheduled for
Nov. 14, the date offered by the Ithacans
to Michigan.

fOrer a thousand Micigancstsudetis
went In church last Suneday mornitg.
The total number of students at five
churches alone was 992, and the number
of townspeople at the same churches was
3,365. In other words, 26 per cent of
this atteudance came from the Univer-
sity. This was 19 per cent of the total
student body. The number of towns-
people was but 17 per cent of the popu-
lation of Ann Arbor.
These figures would of course be in-
creased somewhat, were statistics obtain-
able from the other churches of the
city. But judging from this, Michigae
students are better at church going thai
the good people of Ann Arbor.
The churches at which statistics were
taken were the Catholic, St. Andrew's
Episcopal, the Congregational, the First
X. E., and the Christian Science church.
At the Catholic church three services
are held Sunday mornings and the total
atendance is 1,500. At least 300 of these
were lstudents. A strange fact comes
out in connection with these morning
services. More students attend the mass
at 8 o'clock than the service at o:3-o.
The number of University men exceeds
the number of women in the proportion
of about eight to one.
At St. Andrew's Episcopal church the
total attendance was 550. Of these, 160
were students, that is, 29 per cent of the
congregation. At the Congregational
church the attendance was 750. Three
hundred and seventy-five, or 5o per cent,
were students. Five hundred and five
was the total at the Methodist church
One hundred and fifty-one, or 33 per
cent, were students.
At the Church of Christ, Scientist. the
atendance was 60, with six students pres-
It woull seem then, that the college
mian isomething of a church-goer
With statistics of all the churches con
sidered, the student lead of two per cent
over the townspeople would probably be
increased rather than diminished.
Bliss Knapp, C.S.B., will deliver a lec-
ture on "The Healing Ministry of Chris-
tian Science," in Sarah Caswell Angell
Hall at 8 o'clock tonight. The lecture
will deal especially with the relation of
Christian Science to physical healing,
though it will necessarily touch on the
theological aspects of the subject.
Mr. Knapp was graduated from Har-
vard in soo, and has since been a practi-
tioner of Christian Science. Ini 1903 he
studied at the Massachusetts Metaphysi-
cal college, which is an institution of that
sect. Ihu i904 he was appointed a mem-
ber of the Christian Science board of
The lecture is given under the auspices
of the Christian Science society of the
University of Michigan, and is open to
the public.
It is reported that Vassar girls have
solved the problem of securing that ele-
ment which is lacking in a non-coeduca-
tional college. They have gone to the
extreme means of rounding up the boys
who play "hookey" in the public schools
of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. They assemble
the truants in the Y. M. C. A. at regu-
lar intervals and entertain them by
"studying," or trying to find out the
causes of their truancy. Sociology at
Vassar is undoubtedly most popular,-
so also is truancy in Poughkeepsie.
"How to Study English" is the sub-
ject of a talk to be given by Mr. Mor-
iarty in the physics lecture room on
Friday at 5 p. m.. This is the first of a
series of four or five lectures by English

instructors of the engineering depart-
ment. These lectures are open to all

Three Senior Classes Will Prob-
ably Unite Funds-Iledics in
Senior classes of the different depart-
ments are now considering, and will
soon decide upon their class memorials.
The sentiment among the senior laws
is in favor of a gift to the Michigan
Union, provided the other departments
will combine their funds for the same
purpose. The senior engineers are said
to favor a combined gift to the Union,
with a small memorial for the Engineer-
ing building.
Among the senior lits the majority
seem enthusiastic over a Union memor-
ial. At a meeting is Barbour gymnasium
last week, the girls expressed themselves
in favor of leaving something to the
Union provided the other departments
would join them, but if this could not
be arranged they felt that the memorial
shouted be for some other cause.
With the senior medics it has been
the custom to give a donation to the
University hospital, although there are
a few medics in favor of a Union gift
this year. The medics will probably dis-
cuss the subject at their next meeting.
If, as it is stated, the general feeling
in at least three departments is for a
Union memorial, the question still re-
mains, What would be the most fitting
outlay for a combined fund? A fund
was left by' the s9o6 classes, a part of
which was to purchase a fireplace for
the clubhouse. The new building, how-
ever, will need several such fireplaces,
and since a large one would furnish a
whole side of one of the best rooms, the
idea is thought to be one of the best
discussed thus far.
Another suggestion by some of the
senior engineers is that the classes pur-
chase a memorial arch for the campus.
A meeting to discuss the memorial
question further has been called by the
senior its for Wednesday afternoon,
Municipal politics was the subject of
discussion at the Alpha Nu meeting
Saturday evening. Prof. Phillips spoke
upon municipal ownership. He said in
"The administration of our munici-
palities is entirely different from that
in Europe. The towns and cities of
Scotland and England are far superior
to our own in ownership of public util-
ities, but this is due to their more effi-
cient and stable administrative system.
The councils of these cities are more
conservative, and more rational, for their
members are chosen from the wealthy
"In I9o6 the National Civic Federa-
tion of America appointed a commission
of twenty men to investigate municipal
conditions in American and British cities.
They recommended several propositions
to aid cities in regulating the railway
systems. Finances were to be regulated
under the supervision of the cities; em-
ployees of the street car system should
be put under civil service rules; and
state authorities should give municipal-
ities power to issue bonds based upon
utility and equipment of the railway
"Although our administrative systems
are inferior to those of Europe, still our
municipalities have not been a failure, as
many would have us believe, and as Mr.
Bryce intimates in his 'American Com-
monwealth.' We have been successful
in our fire departments, our waterworks,

and our educational system. Our parks
cannot be equaled by any of those in
the old world."

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