TALE SICHIGAN DAILY Sam Butr~hfie1d's Fine Tailoring -Trade Dever The. Goods Sam Burclhfield 106 & Co. EAST HURON ST. BE=ST STOCK OF C-1 G ARLS IN THlE CITY AT . BRowIs 1rug Store 120 E. Lisberty St. Wt have Pipes to selltoo--lots. of 'em atlow prices. ALAR1fI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.S0 $I1.1y All the best musles and fully gutranteed. MICHIGAN PIN~ ANLq FOBS' 25cgpto $5.QQ- -FINE 5WATCII'iPAIIRINO A SPt3CIiLTY... Watch Inspector fur the Ann Arbor RajlrNit J.L. CHTAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. 11Branch: 304 S. State St. cigarettes' Turkish pinlEgyptain ALLTIIELEA~iN0 BRANDS' CASH ,PRICES I~c P1tg. --- - 2 for 25c 2Sc Pkg. = - - 5 for $1.00 It. E. JOLLY 308 S. STATE ST. MRS. J. R. TROJANOWSKI FASRIONABSLE MAIRDRESSER Hlair Goods, Hltdressjr z, shampooing Manicuring, Fate Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St.I(UP Stairs) Sell Phone 359 BANKS THE[ FARMERS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS. Capital, $50,000, Surplus aad Profits, $6,000 OGeoerar'BankingBusiness. 3 pee cent paid on. Timse and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards it. KKSPPr, Pres. W. O. STaVrts$. Lice-Pros F'. Ht. BuiseR. Cash. H. A. WcLLAs'Ast The Ann Arbor Savings Hand; Capital stolk, 150,000. Surplus. $260,00p Resources, ®2,0t,000 A General Banking Business Trannacted oreicussO:" Chas. 1E. Hlscoet, Pies. W:"D 1 Harriman. Vice Prets.: M. J. Frito.Cashier 'STATE' SAVINGS.;BAI r t iSTfo5O W. J. Booth Jno."V. Sheehan Win Arnoid, Dr. V. C. Vaging n Tas. H. Wade E.+P. Mills John Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry WV. Douglas Christian Martin Dan P. Zimmoersman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN AIWOR, %fsMt. F. D. KINNE, HARRISON SOULE, Pros. Vice-Pres. S. Vs CLARKS ON,. u0he...,t Capital, $109,000.. Surpius an rhfhs, §15Ao. FACULTY WoRITES NUMMEROUS BOOKS! Professors Contribute .T.xs Not only- to universities But to :Hig 1gbSchools. -.The .year _ qo8 swili probably mark a lest recordiIn -Micligan's literary out-. put.. I-ietury has shown'titat professors ill es.e'ry department. are busy at some sWork of research 01 original production so000 tn be pulblshedl Every year a great imass of buoks is swritten by the instrulctors in tile Unilversity. 'the vast vatiety of subjects is shlowil by a 11a1tiat list of the svorks that htave recently appeaicd and tee now in press or int process of cotiletion. A stork of a large. scale entitled "University of Mlichtigan Sttieis," tile expense of whticht has bteit largely mlet by Regeiti Peter Whlitc, is beitig planned. Tis 15 a long series 10 containl research stork in all tile deplartmlents., As yet only thte Htu- mtatnistic series has beenl announced. Volttme l:, "Roini Historical Sources ont -tnstitutiotts," by, Prof. Henrey Sati- '(ters. appeared several years ago. Vol- cniO VI itas jutst appeared, entitled "Atheniait Vases."Iby Arthur Fairbanks, until 1 1:st.year professor of Greek here,. iiitt uos director of tile BostoiaMttseum of Fitte Arts. .Volumes TI, iIitaid IV las-c been attntouitcedl, but are not yet toi tiedttthel .depa iniett, extensive ror,,un liteeecnplatmyd by. Professors Petirson. Canifield, ,N ovy. XWarthtinanti -cWiJl. blobbs lhass written oi thle sub- Ineiti.'Earthquakes aitd atn Introduction t,-a. inbsuoi Geology." Prof. Krauts is ,itssiidtg oik catted "Descriptive M 1itt- whrigpisiicli is-appaelhririg it periodi-' cab .seutitts fot cl1ass use. Si thre dtpatmntt of history thtere i5 ii 'less. actis its Prof. E. W. Dowv has _anitoitited the appearance of *a volume -.;cllid 'The RettaissanicIe aid eforuta- tioti,". which is otte of a series of his-. linbs by stpecialists- Prof. Dowv has h1o. lately issued ani Atlas'of European hstory,"atn. is edttitg a 'translation . o a section of Rautbotid's "Geiteral H-is-' tiiry,"_ dcalinigswitht the emanicipationi of meielitossns. Pofrss swill sooijiis~lsue aschool Itexl itt Entglisht histor'y. ± rof.VairT ytte, iiin oil thotatlon itstii; Plot Mcbatighlit, 01 11 Hr tcgo Ibiiverstytittibsy on a text itn t A teat iitstory for the grade -slitoils ' iot Pax-toit isitow 'occtipied sstts ta ssor k ott -Xttertcan itistory. "It1 zatds atttl"Recomtptenses of Be= fiesis thsettle -of a stork 'onithte pil- opthy of -reb-gaou ss-Nhicht Dr. 'Wehley stilt itiblitsitnext year..A' book by Dr. L loyd, "FTeXXWill to lDottbt," has re- ci thy appteared. The: philosophy de- patrtisntt is agatn represented by Prof. 'itllsbttrysswsork oit psychology, entitled \ttoetloti stitte1b iispronounted the most rettarkabile swork of its sort itn the fieldi. Prof. Scott of the rhetoric depart-. iticit stilt sooittpuihin ltpapiphlct forti his article ott "'ie Gentesis of Speech," which attracted -nuchi attentiott in philo- logical circles this stinter. He is now wvorking on a netext-Kook in rhetoric 'ard is (engagetd in. revising his old looks 10 the same subtject. Dr. Moritz evsi, hteatt of thti Frettel department. tat preptared a tiesw editiotn of M'toliere's ILe Bottrgeois Geittil- ltoniins" attilis lowt sorkittg ott "Mcr cadet,"a comedysbits Balzac. His article on "ThteHightlaitdsand Siolittides'"it ite 01115 ofILsopariillt-ttalso sottntic plaed n t h etthatnitsof teipiulishters. A ntotable ibiographly of Victiir Itttgo is it prosplet fiottt Dr. A. F. Cattfield, swho is tote ittharts ott leavse of abssetnce. I-Herbsert Vattghatn's class-roomt editioit if ' El Trosatote" is toss in tpress. Pro- fessors IHutgo P.Tieimie and J. R. 1Effiti- ger are issuinig a tesw Frencht granmmar.I Dr. Tiimse recently pittblished itn Paris' an extensive referetice stork etitled 'Guidleiiiogratpiqute ie la Litterature' Fraitealse teic too-igo6." He also lately issued "W~omn of Motderti France," a stork raingintgtrou thtie ttlt to 4th't ceitturies. tilaisy otber texfts for class- rooni work are binitg issued by thte n'ftt- tiers of the FreinchiaiiilSpaisisti deisart- niets. Dr. Witier 'of thte Greek departmnt bs swriting a-stiny of the tityibs of Her- etics antd Ctc'tts stiticht itill sooit ap- pear. Manbbookis ire ibi the msating ib the German dlepartbmebnt, btt fesw caii tie abnbounbcedl as yet. Dr. Florer still, issite 'a ibew editioti* of "Dii Jiiiglaiisott Orleatns,'anid a secoitdlvoliumte, a gidiie cobnsisting of Gerbtan: theories abnd ques- tiiois. He is also emsploy-ed itt the cotti-- positiobn of a collectiobn of stidies in Germtaut literature atnd latiguaige. Prof. I ilditer still issuie text year a text-hootk editioit of Goetbes "Gott voit terlini- get.' Dr: Bouicke hats receittly issued a book ott Goethe's "Cdiuceptioct of Pol- ity." LOST-Watch foib duritig tiichigenda at- Whitney, or oii State street. Notify- Cbisbibig's phtarmtacsy. tf See Henn~ing & Koch's itew futll line of Michigan fobs, pints aitd spoonsb. I1 Fast Liberty St. '' od Alarm 'clocks warrated for one year, $t.oo. Hallers Jewelry' Store, 216 S. Mlain street. god Clotinbgof' class' aitti nistibictiobt for youing mteit andimtebn that never grosw old. Spring' styles on s<-tie'liy Aueii, thte clothier, YMainb street. bb-17 See our complete line of Michigan pins, 'fobs and souveniirs. Haller's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. rod HEAR THE MICHIGENDA HITS all thi.s -eek at the 'Teatoriumn, East Liberty St. J. R. Gillard, Prop. I2-17 Tot vertook a Ooo~ binbr_ We think we are safe in say- ing that there is no Clothing selling in this town at the same s.- prices, that in any way, styles, y materials or workmanship, t - ~ equal Society or College Brand "o Clothes. They're in a class by themselves. - Also call and sec our Spring Hats, Caps and Furnishings Staebler ~ Wuerth Co. " OUT OF STYLE s The man who buys 2 at-.ier shoes each season is never out of style because 2f'a4s-Eer, shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- sirable feature that faahion dictates or fancy desires can be found in shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort and service, are contain- cc shoes. THE ACMH OF BASS Walk-wOver Shoe Co. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET 4 & Hart,-Schaffer &Mari w~ FULL DRESS SUITS e Clothier Properly Ted3lor. 4Jsdf~I!4 I SpigHat s The Newest Shades and Styles -. - -At Wadhams E Co. 121-123 S. MAIN ST. See Our$how Window I THE Palai's Royal 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY 'CURIOS and BRASS Front Every Country I I III __ , German A merlufit avioa Un AO .-.,arth DIRGTOR. get Comraa~rola~l end fie208 S. 4th Ave.:Phone 98.:,1" HothLvech L sslnsa~ 5Pateint Leather 8elts vt t eact Rest6deise4 0O2 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314' f Oacyooe shirt or Rloust,age. Send us a AS Txttle'e. 338 S. Stat. AMBULANCE ON CALL.. pieee of the dreem goods when sending order.________________ C iw.. Ms 1is aad~L b' r8t 3 tt' " w,- s w., .- - . , . - ELTCIA" TCO..,,DOSTON. MASS. lI I ST UQ 3RiNTSCULi.EiR; 1.East HrnStreet