'T HE MIC:B'fAN 1 A!Y ,1 ii B11 ~A11h1 1THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. . u. n. ffiiu Uuwpauy I Our Spring 98 line of fine Imported and Domestic jWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Cariboui Tan, Leather Shade, - Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Compally 31I South State Street DO YOU KNOW THAT The New (Game Mephisto Is the most fascinating healthful sport for indoors or out that has yet been devied Just now it is the craze the world over We have just received a shipment and swell gladly show them -PRICES-- - 75C, $1.00, $1.50, $200' AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores __ A.GO. _ ____ 6S PAL DIN __ tn~s & BROS. The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Bali, Foot Bal, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey official Ioplesment fo Track ad FildSports Uniformso for alt Sport. Spaldig's Hadsomely Ilustrated Catalogue ot alt sport cotans nu- meros sggestions. Sesd for it-It' free. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Ssn Francisco, Mnneapoi, Denver, Buff ao, Syracuse, Pitt- burg, Philadeiphia, Boston, ticinati, Bati- more, Wahinciton, Kasa City, Cevelsnd, New Oreans, etrol, Montreal. Cand. Maiioging Edidtor-ACHERa F. RTCMig Business Manager-C. E. WISTED. EDITOS News ..:............'Hiram S.Cody Athletics...':...........Lce A Whit Exchange. .....H. John Watbold Music and Drma.....Roy D. Welch Womns Editor... Louise Van Vooris EDITORIAL STAF J. W.. McCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarland NIGTEDITnOS George H3. Hobart Leonard C. Reid Chauncry Boucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Visscher RP'ORTRS M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Roert Montier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. Towers Louis Kaft Lewis T. Kniskern Robet Moreland Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Engel - Fred E. Gooding - Theron P.- Coopr BUINES STAFF John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam - Harold P Gould Address: MICHIGANDIL~tY, Press Bldg., Maynard, Street. Manager's Hours: 1- p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SUNDAY, MARCH 8, joo. HIGH 40CtAiRSS FORTHEi.55tAWS Ouri frietns, tirrowdy loss, eho ere onesc spjposed-to b e "ough' enosgli to endture ayiniig, are oss f- fectingte fastidious style. 1]laig ien provided with smoke rotmis, tlhey has-c turned a critical eyuos their library, and(1declare thatte itoiiy cxpeded !ptiit ie former luxury mighSIacbett aut iniitheir reding room. upos real ncesaries of .comfort. Te chairs ii hi rosim, it sens, are fasteed to te floS "o Andt they are located accoring t,, tir idealsad te grth mieasremieti :ft ., by-gonte geeraton, of a geteratioi swhicht cottnted years careftlly, amtong th lt-ualiicatittis for--a lawyer, aidipu men ini t legal raiiig who had giniedl exiterienlce atnd steight as ioliceme or tldern i. -etee it lhapes thatte sas are atogeller tot comttiodiots for tite striplintgs swho, in :tis goleti age of young ad shapely menet have occa- o~sir-o use ten. By sitig oi the edlge, they say, atd leaning far forsard,. tter 'ees can srely be brugt beyod~ te. etige of .the desk. Te sittaito is iot pleasati for te iiats.. : Tey long for he cmputls car- pesutr o comti, with his screw-driser, atnt shift ithe ses a foot o foresards. Untuil hiii..cotnitedoie, tedesice Iusel by ctuntr folk inielevatig teir clii- drnutataS-lektitghu te atle.o sere. A smtall chour or a stool, or a series of ctsionts placed on top of te large chtairasw11lsdo the work. This is offered only as a suggestion But whatever te waysomeag eltomutst e imade, or ot frieonds of good gvsernent toy resort o irtvolutioti. Ai tnERss5E Siet.' "Oysiers oysers, rat, raw, raw- Ve ry raw vry raw, CLAMS." Thac NI eone .s sugesion fr' a nt cry lit- the grotss."Ru-ro," supposedly naire to uiversity towns. OH iSitH \Withlu tr present sidesak conditions, tee miay tsocepedt to see a arsiy cretw prcticingosithelaccampus. 'T'he fresh-sophi meet tas a huge su- cess. Sill MilardI ws clerk of course. NE:WS OF 'fISE MEDICS. Friday tws a iantner day iite de- partent f gyecology ad obsietrics. Besides tnt clitical cases, four of which were major oeratithns perforned by Prof. Peterson, foitrbiits occurred in the netw maiernity wart. One of these tas tn energency case. Within forty- it-c minutes after Prof. Petersos decid- ed to operate ott the case, every seior mtedic lhat bent notifel and he ampi- theter filled. Howtieer, this is bt or examtpe of a frepuent occtrrence. D~r. :HugtFruid, of Detroit, adt, ftrmterly an, insrtcor i theory and ractice, sewas a hospital visitor Friday. While ini Ann Arbor heleaieided Prof. Dock's ciinic. , - Srof, Peterson, leave. tolIfy .for te eastsiand o ,will 01eet nloeof lst classes tis seek. lHe will read a paper before te New York Ostetrical society and wil sendc several tdays in Bostoi, while abtsent. - 'fle Atmericant Pathological Asocia- tiont, of wehici Prof. Warthin it- pres- dell, sill old its annuual meetg in Anni Arbor ont the Friday and Saturday precedinig aster. A baqtet to the vsit itors atibeei ilatned for that Friday igit, at te Michigat Uniot cltouse. T'he progranm sill le ot aotte first of April. The imembtersip of the or- ganiztionict is limited 1to ttwo hundred iten, amiog.sswhomi are the .pricipal ptthloogists ad baceiologists of te counlltry. Dr. Warthiut was elected prs- identlast .0ear atte Wasingtont utiet- ig as a. -s-gtard fr ilt researches car- riett ott inAttniA~lho turing te pst years. EM P1 IRE STATE STU ETS BANQU~ET, AT.CLBHOUSE The Newe 'ork eclubIeld its fifth n- nttalltaniqtet last ight at the Uioa cltbhtotise. 'T'his tas the itast -elaborate banquet he Ettpiire state students hae ever givent. adl the largest, sixty-fie miemibers beig present. 'Te folloswing rspoded to,toasts Prof. F.H. ItHiigbie, Prof. E. $. Kaus, NV. J. Dutpper, . X. Gardner, . J. tris, C. R. Gtudlac, H. A. Clark, andt S. J. Willis.- Thte citti sill gieitwo nmore stok 's aidttwso Sances thut senester FOR SALE-A fne "oise" -coepte Phone 949. t 7 fMUusic ana ]Drama iLrrtit JQBN-NY JOS. With a --cor& of -a six rionis' en- gagement in flew- York City. an, a four monhs'" run iii Chicago, "Litle Jonfny Jolaces" will be presented at hg~'Whgney tomnorrow night. The engagement prom- ises to be the most notable of the sea- son, for no musical production presented last year scored so emphatialy as this product of George M. Coan's pel. 'Lithle Johnny Jones" has been highly praised by the critics everywhere wholi write in glowing terms of its originality itt consrtiction and speak in the highest praise of its captivating and catchy mi- sic, of which there are twenty-two num- bers. Mtr. Cohan has been gien much credit for the consistent story he Shas writteni, whichi tells the fortuneandais ad- ventures of an American jockey, who goes to England to suin fame ott the Etnglisht turf. "AY n otsES" AT THEsMAJESTIC. Commencing Monday for one week a sensationtal noelty is promised at ttt Majestic by the appearne of Sirronje, known as the "Lady Raffles." Sirronje is a rather demure brunette, slight, quite titlike the picture one swoutd draw of a Iyoung woman who hsa succesfuly throswn off the irons and manacles witt sehich she has been bound, in special tests, placed upons ter by police antI petial officials throughout the country. Sirronje invites police, sheriffs, Or in fact anyonte, 'to bring regulation irons and test her poswers to free herself. The progranm for the week promises much in bot comic and "novel features. THE COILIGE WIO. "'The College Widow," ever sew, ever -clever, was heartily enjoyed yesterday at both performances. Good audiences sow the perfcrmances ad laughed and -appattded generously. The football scene stirreddtp real enthusiasms whichi broke out in a "U. of Mi." frmi(lie ga- ry. The company was uniforpygood. George, Ade's character work i,' to the point anid not yet surpassed. "i } c Col- lege Widowsesens to be the Vjosu per- massen ttigle -has written. LOST-Gentlemian's ghuh watch with fob t Hamptott works; ittuting :cate Lost March 6,"Notify 7o Arbor street- Pitoie 77-J" Rgsard. 17-18 Ladies' or gentement's ight grade Old English face calling cards, each protect- cii by a tissue seet, send .postpaid, so cents for fifty, or 75 cents for ii hundred. Record Printery, South Bend, Ind. " The Myers. Bros. line of customwme shirts and underwear. Phone ego-Bioe, and represrnitative will call. 17-18 Since i88 we' have made Wach Re-' pairing 'one of our strongest 'features. Haler'.,Jewgry Store, 2t6 S. Main street. °eod -HE«AR THE MICHIGENDA HITS all 'this seek at the =Theatorium, East Liberty St. J. R. Gllard, Prop. 12-17 Ready TEXT- ROOKS For all deprtme nto te Uniersity We tcaverer sok af SECOND HAND BOOKS Bet Os, tPo'ees tn Drafting -Instruments antI Supplies All kinds of Scosu-Hiand Books taken in exchange forcash. WAHR'S University $ookstore SCIRA'-BOOKS Now s the right time to fix up that Scrap Book youe been talking about so long. My new (smooth cover) «M"' Book is best aind largest ever. $1.75 With photo Pres. Angell. -Also Special . Picture R a t e with hook. - LYNtbON BAILEY & EDMUNDS aportin Goons 131 EASIr LIBEjTY STREETj Y G6[ASS[S F.yglsssts have iieootesictia neeesary nisacui with students at tte tat tiey wilit weone n eye- glass titat gies confor and serete. usaes'yice ptitiui work done t ARNOLD'S and tare wilt 51 you coo- fortahbl ant guisrutee restst. Quilt Repairys..Lenasetrotund. EMIL Hi. ARNOLD Optca Spetiaist with WM. ARN OLD, Jeweler 20 Suthrtain steet , . Stylish More Stylish Most Stylish Are those that buy their Spr~rig Shirts At_ The Comopstore S F March 12' UNIVERSITY ORCHSRA, Will assist at Faculty r ~ICISCHOOL. HAL students'.. Lecture Association OPIE RA Kiaig of American Funmakert Friday 'E nni ..March 13,19 08, "-at 8 o'clock.- U nive rsrity Hall SlujlisAdxunlslon 4w sow0 1L JI ===Una .......... 121 Washington f« _ Phoae 598