THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERE THE BE DISCREET WITH .WINDOW PIPE, SAYS DR. MAY SUPIFOR hT Statistics of Michigan's Smokers SUPPLES TNCompared with Columbia's and HOT WA TER K Yale's. BOTTLES AND siismokiiig injurious to college stu- AND(enits,01o15ittallthe (discussion about ,it R ibb er Goods ouch )tatk? Dr. George L. ' Meylan, phiisocat director of Columbia niver- --AT- stv atrareccot uriestigati n in. wtiict -ratcae 5a taken, ctaiims to bave QU AR Y 'S cmtowo signiicaut conclusions, ttiat cx iig oe ot affect the tiing capa- Caya eerally supiposedl, ior does it cceaii to bave a effeet upon the beighit ifaniniidividoal. These results eontra- M ~oney Loaned iettoa reat exteint tihebfinigs of 1).J. No Seaver, physical cdireetor' at Oii Watiches, iamod.LayBox s ae.11,iln a recent series of siiailar or otiieripersoal potO y. ,ss icredl that the use of tobaaeeo Watches and Jeweliry repairod. : ioly ededi to stut the groswth of Bargains to Watches & Diamonds ithe unidergradoate;,but also to retard office at residence a331FE. Liborty St ihcir mentIal developoaent. Anii Ariaoe. The ciinclusioiis of, these twro iieo go 9 p~8ui~O. M.,toi3oppostuie extremies, the Ciiliimbia mao ALI, BUSiuiS CONIDENIAL, iliigiisioiiiig dilelterioiiixin the mod- JOSEPH C. WATTS crae ev of tobiaccii,swhille laeof TYile (0)1111sits use ini eiurfiorimi or degree. liii Dr. George A. May seemi s tii have trck ih atity- ieidiumi. trom lis rclteaiiatioiis if itie freshmaonu lsw f clas ie ascoeiio th le eiionclusiiin that a lcc MWh i iei, but it must lie used on all stamped gosiciiigtmoeai. eiiiilthe' iegree oflijuiry guods, ncluding ieiriomliiisicuse idepeiids eotirely MICHIGiAN Pi[LLOW lO PS rinlie ;oiiker'scoeiistiiutiioi.lDr. 1has '.i it is impuiosibile for isto' get ATliv reailly acuerate results froiii these i.isigatiiocs the biest ire can hopie for DARLING &C MALLEAUJX :,ecueieral concluos. But to discover 224-226 S. State St. i' effects if tobaacco, it idies us nio good tConsidler caclassivweimustI take thiise r 'r r deemi the ise ii~f tidvuevaoff-hant,taut liclieves it caiili e used ini iialerctixotiand ERN KS JINK haeve noi exit effects. hut o i si edilltoIK v~ets. its eivuges arc vciiarkalftl great, L K A E tthoigt' 1raliiicgc itbticI ac' to FTi da tiContktin FouniianPenjust dip it in any eliiniate these almuost citrelt. ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own 'It all depemnds onihe cotustiteutiien of The College. tang like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all there thse siniiker. Tlake a big hiisky filhowe, Stondad mus to it!I No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it and lie cain cotole ai Ieg iofttabacco. It eanywhere-any lime. iltl tue hard to 'discixv ticit be it it. S L E tot Incitect soimue ofithese iiiii, little FILN chiatis, that the iuff iii a pipec is likely C SENS F LF- N EN io kniock over. It i notivl lxioruthi "THE PEN aITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" iei smute;tieir ciutioc annii:istaed i canbe filledinstanittymaithiout the least inciinveiaiene You it, NWhaicit iii lev~tei'c iitiigfor could fil itwithvui vbitc kid gloves on swthout danger of itoger Wren is voccssiv forvtlice little soiling. Besidleo its conveniciice, is the splenid writing flloxws ."qiualities (if the Conklin-thic pefci feecd. teadieg deaesuuindl h o klin.Ifiours doexeuot, oder IRCIlTl'CIC'h.\l.Cill E>1 1)1,1)?, daredtrcesD.0 ndup "I dtonIe fortuehan xi nw atilog. SI? lit ON NI I I 1;I c?Gt cl Iti The Conklin Pen-Co., '40O Manhattan Bldgi., Toledo, Ohio f t r f 1 S 1 " : 4' s v t e r I' 'liv tArchiiteciiiral clubini ithir ciii .i ixil e l eteiio sletdtic eilicii It off ccs yeu sicia :liii detE1. h ecretarF.Fe i r eaure, I-".C. Stiles; c r;eau ai a t, . .1iirs JUIt R lO IllS S titlIt STING lit ,iiiokic i lihe Unoi cut o is crvxii aidu themembes fiiivi r cc itieiiieiviccXx~h ii -s ;11(1i spc hes c . I:{>: it. ii eli iitiii is am mb roft c. iii ldB rn o is i hi nla m i. Wci .I P. c I iii 1 ia r le in ofii ass and lis iitioiifo ltStiiiiiope c fior u me okcl hIuse.Su rday, Mi rciii .ii. cI- t a Just a Touch of Spring The new Spring Scarf as a special introduc-. tory of the spring, we are offering a special purchase of beautiful new Spring French four= in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends and in all the handsome spring coloring. The new Spring Shirts make their first bow and they are beauties. The new spring styles in Hiats and Cap are here for your inspection. Reule, Conlin& Fiegel r College U Steins HALLRS J[WELRY STORE, 216 S. Mlain St. cclii ii tobuy irt t s ail , c cii~ ii ;z'li lcx aii iiiculii lino oii s a East University Pharmacy .1 ' ivtyAvu 1l' H. M. ROYS, Phiarmaist Barber Shop and Bath Roomfs' Eveoeytb'.int gFirs-eitni.o Lares hop uinn the City J R. TROJANOWSIt. Proip. f "etntalke thile atchiif 285 iieii," hu si, onig lix soiie recorids lying tilehisles. "Oiii.iof thatunuber, 1 ye xcisay here are iiit iiore than ltventy liiihoiuse itibcccitlxxexcess. Itowr do se xI -wlien ai iiiais using it to excess? thatlii's the pciiiil you uisiiaily van . it by lis tleheart. tie doesn't neces- vaile hve lt oirae' 'heart troule' either, btlie:aiis ue lto have heart irritaibility. xxiiiwibe iiiire'ocxvless tuervoxus, aiii l i ssutgenerally xs eakeiieit." Dri. t ay thiiiighitticattheonty xsay tooet liii acciurcute statistics swas to euuiuiv the seniorvs. fiiir rears after theirfirs exainatoiionentering the tI ivii B oigthis it swosutldtie pihl to se jstwat effect the tuse of obacoihadioithe Iiir systemis. TNTaum i theiici xxetii e teexaitet wvheii ii celiiiivi hase list:tieiginiitosmokhe. Dii tir cvnittiiiionistobciaco cneato eehail liitlic eftidfOthers imay have used the \cit ecesivxelIs befor e coiiig to vial Ii cv. Whlaiitiiliihir systemi shixowat liiltheiwhiiie. III i iv ihixes iiot conu- II L FSti Ni-Rbesidce, icc(),iii\55 lih- tonlai Av. Cnh n ticii Ici v a 1)iC' A~t M C IC'II S iiix. ahl ttill S. Stae S. 52 Bsblme:if youwatihexxi es Sale of Carpets and Rugs iit basebsall goodsl, 0c Stalin1' ea Iuhnis f AT LESS THAN MILL PRICES. I1 tAlZ T11 Ik \l1OCt[ 1tI?' I )A III 1S Not again this your will yomu find hrices sia imtirhinyutr favor all this week atcii tie Tluecei iiii, lus Litertys Si. J. R. ilttaiue Prop. 12I7i 0 IO MACK t('' Co,. NyOiIfC1fIt S sIliA1) Thlii carriersa' 1lis atci jstii cn re'N iii 'nfatches)Iiiiiaods. tewiley, and all fcecl td. An rrorv i ll S r1 Sou lvR Iii11ei ;hClas i atelan Cl aie 'eur- ii ui l ssii ici h coufidential. b,, re'poirt'ufat iiiic othis lxii sfi .u i iioi'I(iiiiurs ii5: iito i11:30. i1ito; iito1. 1),t~'ceft Icate . P.J1t.c~rcl cct . l~ttl 14 oi t h Aviii e ;iiA oipii or;ii ie court husu . b'1iuuitwiiifo]i dooriilsi. tI iiuusox uuthu of Cttiy Y. N. C. A. W. J. LOURIM p sane 965to. Buiins.lO i u ,eu. _______________________________ Colorings in W1oolens for io en'se for the coming BLAME YOURSELF If you Miss the Rowe's Laundry E LE CTRI C ITY BA G INS I H E AT 326 N. Fith Ae NewRGAneINS Iehh SHOEiS eA37-kSpplied to College Men V n..d NewPhone_457_ HllPhone_467-1 Wormen for All PaarposesL'S 4"PUR1FIELD'S" SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY oth Sate Streel WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. -36Case sSatsiday. 10 A. M. a..-d 7 Days Only 7 730 P. M. 200O ehst Wm.shirigtoxn Street Assembliy itoiciiikA Begnnng atrdy, eb 29WAl KING 1OO0KEEP YOVR DATES Begnnig SturayFeb 29 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant ,:u i ryimic a ey it the MICHIGuiAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due ChineselFaney tDi's ,Amerne n cbLsui ofisi IAN1i)iIoitiinmyiiuripocket. Sae or ii n-u -__ .all tinds Exverythin' fistilas foi eorand, calendar, special eetts, Uniesity Seeie'Window'sle119n5.SMAINipST.ns taeniby malln hehk., driftore Dm6See Widowsw119 S.cAIIN '171 " aalndariinmuis pigeoboekeGivedrawte lip Stairs, oe door sHutoiinBs,3148 Stie S. MiiianHol. , STUDIO-RENTSCULER, 3-19 Last Huron Street