1fSZMIC~I D~ILY QVARR'Y's Dermal Cream Soap arnd QVARRY'S Dermnal Cream Make a combination unequal when using, hard or soft IF water. QUARRY'S Conr te t,. and sN. nv.Ae Money Loaned On Watches, mlions aw B Iooksnnt, or other pe'rsonal ppispeey. Watces and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residente o 11t+. Liberty St Ann Arbor. flours: 8 tot11 t)a. .1to :30 and ?to 9 p. m JOSEIPH C. WATTS Banniers an: Pillows AT0 DARLING & MALLEAUIX 224-220S. State St. college Steins NALLER'S JEWELRY STOt, 216 S. Main St. A HANDY DRUMJ STORL Stadtlis-ro olt.in!ot i ta t ido of1 D~rugs,'T'oilet Articles Stationery, Candies and Cigars. Try ourSonda Tho Best in the City. East University Phtarmacny Barber Shop aild Bath Rooms E'rytixin i Fhartieae~e Lam~est Sfiana i" t te City J. R. TROJANOWaSKI, Prop. Cr:,RCLE WILL IOLI) tRYO)UT1S FOR1 PISCES IN ITS CAST Tryut t foii, ir platets ini the Cerce lDrarotIii'e Frsitcais east for this year twill ibe hlin toSarali Cttswell Angell t eli te t lt d ttiv e t osc es ho n Irt he Mlt iI o wtlinte:1IttMisentthitie, acti It scene