The. Mi.chigan Daily ATNN ARI3Ok, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY., MARCH 7, 1908. No. 1 16. VOL. XVIII. MEET TONIGHT WILL BE CLOSE New Entries Raise Soph Chances -May Be Best Contest of the Season. At te eleethtthour a nmter of athletes whao arc to take part ia totigt's fresh-soph meet wallowedl throgit the slush to the gytttasit attacltd their ames to the etry lists, witthtie restlt that some of the evets will be more interesting thasi was antiitatet. Thirty- (l itestenartttttredlfor comptitioo itt the 35-yart rttt. Tte .5.S. U relay cant will arrie its An Alor aotst nnto rday a0(1 will teey(ott ott the tract tiis afternoon. Kenneti Arthur, sto, whlo is ale to putthIe sot arottsd 4a feet, sigoe te entry lists for tis eenl ad may tpset the (lope of te freshmeit ly taitgfist in it. Earl Smitih has entered te sopho- mtore ranks aittl sill proaly place it le igh tittit. Hercitt ttttps5 feet 6t inehes preettts iseitly. If the itn- ixpeceei does ot occur, titletilltitt himtiseontd llacs,itnigTtp'ore Io beter hiis height. I,eger, Ptllak etttlSuitt, alt filitut are redtablle recrdss ith~e srinits, stilte euteredlte tuirtyfve. Stutll, Posllak andulSehuu haveeeri-ed ts Itutedlessandtutttst le reckonitedwi thil. Smtitistuneiof te tchuest rles i cot- lege oaust sill sprilbably place. atI least itt the Iight sticks. It the preimiary etet last year le tksecin isthe hiss ais fis-t itt the hghhlurdele Its the' fresh- sophit tteet ittott te hits it 5 2-5 sec mots adi the itgIsitt 3- secodss, pre- ciselyte smtte tie it shich Torrey wonthle toiesets litst Stra igt. If Smtiths dusplctetsIis secotdle; snmay landtlftst, aistis almotittcetaitot suteeeouitt CtaitfomIsnuwihtott the first- year e tnt expe ts Isch. store's chlicter tescaptuue thue hutlls swsill alsi lie i- tttrbedl by hitsts sce,'Mc~itnnonsa- texeuite 3-yrdsrit lst year.tatu situtu'McGegori, whIsi iwas scond uitto tt, still cmtpette fr the sphsls tinigt. Thereult of le llftesi ss. l-sosih elay annt sicpledoilce ithis-stsystrdei gree sit acsuracc. Craig, fr te fresh- lin hs thelsbest icirl ofte usencshsltfor asitgle lap~. Sit clisey tire le tit teasssmachedsthlits sslip uon te part f al) maini will meats the sdefeat sithisi teamts. The sesmi-fials in te slass- relay erie till le rnisofjust litfore tireappea- titce of te arsity adilO. S. U. qiar ets. Theclsises seledilito rnut are te piaritics tatd t908]ils, spitS adi 190 sits, ads te (909 atdl 9i egig- seers. Of these onily te lit atse icket as certains of wininsig. Mieigat's canittes to swiss sie rela sih Ohio are stot so rosy as te fast presuimie. Inthsirdusal otdeoore meet last year Ohio gate telsal teams a terrific rnm. Mfihigan is weaker now thashli was then, says Keene Fitparick, and it Ohio is as strong(ote as then, lerate may win ost totight. The Ohioan art acustsometd to a shorter track thathesk one itt Waterman gym and will e as an advattage raller thans a disavantag onthie local course. Michigan's quarte is cottposed of Coe, Warner, Merritt suit Dull. The Ohio entries for tke es-rnt have not een annoned. Following are the ettries oe the meet soPUnvu. Sops-Klingon, Legg Immel, Carer Riley, Prinea, Hansen, Arhu. Fresh-Longksse, Honer, Benrook Pesderson. 35-YAD DAttL Sophs-McGregor, Tanner, Myers, McKinnon, Reek, Jokttson, Williams, :McNair,. Vosburg, Immel, Lewis, Moon, I iiran, Leger, Pollak. Fresh--Flynn, IHorner, Louderback, Goez Wright, Peek, Smith, Lante. 40-YtR LtUD rsmsuse. Sop-Ktnapp Talnadge, Smith, ol- latk, Schnr. Fresh-Weight, Craig, Melorsay, To- rey. Sopuht-tKnapi, Ttlissasge, Smitih, Fresh-Craig, Melornay, Tsrrey. Sop-Ktnapp, Leisnsot, Alledle. Fres-Kertis, ater, Page. H11G555JtNtP. Freemsat,Sithtl. Fres-Craig, Cotoer, Smithi, To- re, Saretsky. Soph-iMyers, Crane, Sasyr, Kek, Mills, I t'odsot, Ligh, Nezog, Polak, Pierce, Vosburtg, tBohnsaek. Fresh -Paltatehet, till, iDavis, Flynt, Fiszgeralsd, Goet, Latzt. six tAPSt'. Soph-Sawyer, t-odson, May, Mother- sill, Siafeoti, Nezog, Bohtsack. Fres-Balhtatclit, Hall, Eatns, Mlik- sell, Stthii Ioegas. NtNtE tAPS. Sittil--See:,Bosoth, Lctg, fay,tBon- Fres-Brllodersont, 1Hall, Bahatelet, Sare slet, Ne-sn, Nltiesel, Smitt. Mo- Stijlt Ntzoitg, Mlyers, Lege, Ctos. tFresh--Craig, 'T'reye, Ryasns, ek. it tNIDtt.\,lTOURNAMENT iDl-AWS MANY IENTRIES' htssiy entries havue beens hattedesinittfit use handbstal tusrtattet witeh opesi Matc setg. Folwisg are teftst etieis: Sisigles -Gitty, Weller, Gottld, Lef- fiutisel, Pratt, Mead, Rgard, Fous- tauu, Andsersons, tsHl, Neks, Mee, Vauighni, Rogers, Ryan, Feemnt. Doubslles-Nelis atd Meyer, Gitty asd Weller, Pratt atd Mead, Vasghn atd Roiges A. Ryasn assd F. Rytat. Ribbositusnill tic giets for first three pslaces intsh sinstges atdtdotbses. Et- riessisill close Mares 6. NOTICE hONE'S PROVE EI5ICi ENT' NEWS GATHERERS TheDtilsye totice oxes whiet were recenty instaleud in the usilitgs aott lie camipus5 ate proed efficient aids'in thur gthering of Usnisersity sews. Al preset tere are three of these boxes, oeinthie muaitt orridor of University Hiat, oithie east roomsiof he lirary, antu antheris inte NeseEgiseering builditg. The theoary ansi Uniersity IHtll bisxes seemtsaout eusaly popslar. Severalstiuses, asnouonements of meet tgs asse short iesms of general isteres -are usualy fountd amsong the mast oh wss-te paper and penumtsels whiehs is remtoveed frsussthe oes by the reporte every eeenitgct 5 :30. A commusnica- -tion or Iwo, acompasied y the nase tof te austhsr as required, have asit tess plaed in the boxes. A haringes of sprisg was found in the University fHal . ot,.tle-tmt. r - eving, swhesn a lpoens was drawn forth. WINTER ZEPHYRS WHISTLE tTHROUGH UNIVERSITY HALL tA phesomenon has developed its Uni- tversity H-al. On the ocasion of neariy eevery performanee that is given there, ike stage is swept by a strong draught When the Adanoswki trio gave thei eoncert Mosnday night, the draft was -so strong that it was necessary to od the music on the piano to prevent its b eintg hlown away. The draught can probaly e attriut- ed to the fact that there is a large empty spaceeehind the organ. The air rushes from sis, through the spaces etwee ithe pipes. It has een suggested that a large cassvas screen he put in place behind te pipes, thus remedying> the edifflettlty. , .- SOUVENIR SCORES OF MICHIGENDA OUT Red Cloth-Bound Edition Con- tains Special Articles and Nine Songs - Purchasers Register. Ssusvsetnirasuteographi bookuss f tieii- lishime lituhigeusa tussl ens-rthonsumslts thus morneingpatTRitls msucs tre out Libiertystsheet. 'lie lutis is-ntauinumsarti- cles xy inespromsissintl iseutilics sit thur success of ls the era;s cets of te principias, impes nau ts, chouus, smit ecomumittees;summit ie songs, icludig "Tie elowsranutu ilue." Thtesuice- Iousmussmubhessof this-tu. chorsus, C'-esMiic siaff su mmit ssotc, s isse mdollasr:tosotes, 1mm-. Theeciii ists is limitedsansumitesare st-srsatic sile after purechasersc incie eisereed. TI-he spseial ticlne p larsiof thurouth s pinutedhm tii s wno usf umunamel ookusl paper;ticeesfiti, tfts-nhest four pages, is sum thiepsgustion issttule booku ,papser. Timh su se bo s udt its iedullsh and tstitcedsisoasicto suiesflc t uontie pash.sT helcoveis btias he liiguis uml eardboardss. Smlitiiulis a f .ieilsisthast on the irsh tsg othis ok r pivt-s-unlme;c-is-of sl t hi ss- ,chor iu-s, esstise stchfsummtndi smmitol Theiseislrt m ticsun theisfotilsiu ipe s his hy eisIcshil, this compostie;I Albr Lokodo he its os depart- mtenil o5 thi schoousl f . 1 ts:Wlls Mit-stitt, general h uhusluss uscfsM ihi- gs-id u; isHerbertCsetk, tpresident of te Uition; iH. i Sushid, teasurmueof this opera; smut\V. JmSanlns, tiesinelsi. Ait% 'ielshtshiss tuis-Ittsketcheduethtie Igrosstim f Sicsitupsmus, frosumth time u Itiei Ummis- gist tlanning ptle pius istim thins atmistr et l so, t hut time ite l oiperas t-esntedis. Prof.ILoekwos uticlais nc appre-s~u eiatsu ion timte' emtotser , Roy ick1 isonst Welhi, sumithis wortk. Time pesnutalchairmanA. Its - fi-nt, hasi-oestibiutedl sumsartislh.suilthitsli-i tess maagm enmmst s-itthe pea. ].'resuu(si is-hlrkexps~lislie umpse tof tie UntioniIsitsi s uiungsuch smtis- t tiles. Ite summisit up preactically -ii titu sesstessce, whicish, apasrt fottuits iselatint his Miehtitems it, isntsewmt-tm-st- pisu - minsg thisspurposse (f theUnuionisteslf: i'o liming lie studesnth body t ahemalsuia- imitsosiis ower aalu issmis, to umassist its r tieir deeloptmeis'nt, adto ivle te for nsuumdsirestionm sl miss iipa ttut- ' htreeasurers.reiot issustanmtily' Itie ssamme asuethast pisted iThIe Diliy last ueels-eceipts, $4,r5.35; expenses, r $1,979(x); et posis oUnios, $2,36.35. M. Setanlsusmhis cnutisutel aimeet tecl ent setice praising tie swork of tie east asndlchorus."I neverceregettedi see- r tig a fisal umrtasts fall as I idtu Sitray p afterstoosn,'lewsrites its eonclusion. aThere are fifteencu ts inthie ook-- iwo of themssseen-incsuci ts. Oustder te ect of the imspersonastors tie names asd the namues of tie chasrscters are gies. Of the sie sous, "When Nights Fals Dear" ecomes fis,"oe's Gifts" last. "Tie Yellow asndi Ihh," shichs is in- cistuded, is aranged fuse solo asd acos- passimntm,std also foeequartette Tie souvesirsas pulisihedy Root's. r twas ompied and copityrighted y Hah sGossud, 'to. ' I wanted o iae a asting memorial sof Mihigenda," is he way Mr. Gould puts the rsasosn Str the swork. of geting t he hoosk together. a Presidtent Angel is attending an ealumssinieting in New York City. I-I h eft for te east Wednesdtay afterssoon antI till retusrsnSusnday. BIRtD LOVERS FLOCK TO - CLUB'S FIRST MEETING, hiosc eeef55nature loers gtheret its testmuseums last evesisg at tie first meetisg of te Birthelusb. N. A. Woods, tie Uniesity taxidersmist, oduceted this' metitg nsislecturedi'outhsie ili- grpn~hy of bisdstudy andtoutined met- otds sitwrk. lie emphutasied tietneces ity cof studyig irds front hbos and spreimens as welli as frostslife. Thin econossumi ands aesthetic sspects of indIes lift u-eecossiered.I 'liestems-cemitsis amno-msenbheshii orgngsuiatisonsand leveryoneu it-ested il liritssillle trelconmeshtohu me eetings,I st-isles till le heldi eevety Friday evesingt ct 7 oclosckethrousghmosutie srinisg. 'Slum' biredssinre studuisesideuing liemigatry sesson ustdsie udesribed as thecx-comeuc itothiss vicintiy. 'h l b shpants to moi stme conucetedhfirish sor:stlistseson, as techasicdsirecting individuluefforts. t OLD5ISRhENI't'it'-ii:23553 55 III! RA5H !tRIL Xli \ICIIG.\N A smaltiIlimt sinthutsitic grepuofsi rootesmgatheredabustitthis-resipienti si thit mstcerious letetes,summithildthuirts Ins-sutswhilelhe utpenedslit mush dislosed its suitmut.'ThenUicliuxsosutrd tns tins-is thusis hatsi ls iethsai. hInureality lheres'is nouthigiparsticuarlyt muss smuabsusit thosse ecabalistti mie'rals. 'hent hissesnotshisg hthusmuwitYosts uswtrinklet yitxnmut siethey sllies thil iace tameolterysdoeex 155'seetuse smut'y slume tutuom sit gaitmling un othieslt I r-5 " tush this iesptutnse, "23559,' summ i siethsit tst Wsmcenin.iluss oenedu time slumallitske tsinalsmesssmnt smth i ih- igamndtuhaism t iestomittuist formanc- hinis hes"Otdourteenuth"The ,''lsthump is smpltt~ o 5a5pointtofiabsuity.ili C. N ' eitti 'ohutW , bantsue o and F. 1' I it-miis, m'oc)eucomosiesNhlchi ia s tsmutatuh cie opposisedtoliDI. S. hhumeh, I h. Wiebster nd Ri i. . Mrter inm thissutdhursnamedss. I-astsof teuptayeic is scedledste o tmeet tie three Wiseum- stiittiin msuessin.T 'he turunamest mayt lus us-nwheefrom twiso msothss hu teendiosithlie present semsste. detn- sulls theme rnmt-sssent i poIting y this is s-ne uss sitstle i specialu sellsent- I1luihe this at sits-eamcm is cssmig ceserenauthrioes, t1. Ai.-Cossm, G. tP. P'mutam atutui. i.Stiff as uteagssig summthlen hist us Badtgers, IW. J. 'latteni. C. iH. Steisnfeortsuet C. A. Giswod, its acessm toumenst. Neither of lie unsivestie recognies eneavorsu-n isthis feistof atlhletc snsse- srving f this'honsuor insminia of tie it- siitiuti. ''le smle restanti of etl gxumnaustics is vitory to the ess team, oust there are no spos. Time loca teamssues a (Itroit teas ins ci inital tournuamtent hst year, suffenisg tefeat at their hands. I is possiheeSial Lanue till aptains a trai tsoeet thirst agasinm in situcdamr to retrieve lost otos. Mheanwhilie all interest drters ott the mautil pouch BIAND) GIVES BARN DANCES IN BIARBOUR GYMNASIUMI Sevenuty cosupes danced o the nussic of tie Cniersity and in Barhoum gysm- osusiusum ash evening Despite miiserabhle measler the second bandi dance poetd as successfsul antI as popular as the first. 'Ihe and nnsic was thin feature, the hrn dances, which were used as extras, heing particularly enjoyed. Mrs. Jodans and Mrs. Lane acted as haperons The and expects to retain its organi- ztion until the end of the year and is plating o give another party shortly after ste spring recess. ?).5E.RYMAN CAL,5SeuHOML. Dean E. Ryman, 'op, has keen calletd zto his home in Fitzgerald, Ga., by the sheath of his father. REAL ACTORS ON TIJEATORIIJI BILL Welch Plays While Bazley and Students Sing Opera Hits- Manager "Just Looked Wis." Siciengcuus was reerved for half an tisue at tie Thuesusuuinmsslast unight 'The etvsers werec Buy Dickisson Welch, J. Roblert Bazleye,hDatt Symons, Paul Cogs-- well, smithcabosut twro hundred other lusty- tsugedt studsensuwsho happened there e- itens I suit9. With Welch taking the phacersofIlierergular piasistad Baley digstlts stuts, assisted by e-Misi- gertin c sh other vounters, it made mus differec ihstiltie daisy said-the audsirere wis ivcus Michigesda muusic tilt it couldn'ut atplutt nay losger Time hatt hour engaglieent of Welch, Baslnhetna horiusmwsas as suck of a surseiet o tie umammgnmusest as it was tin thesinslmgenes temseeves Wen the en- Sihligenssionssarriedl early in the eissng luny founds thin opera's music a feturieointhinlierformaunucsue, ad immse- diaitelt pitcein itoinshuwte tmenaties litus this eat liesetrefolks" ;ii thing. 'limitshotse. They old about "Whe it Wel Wlee itsCollege," sng liut issLook Wis,"''"henin itLtov Thtstie WatoumDos," snt all thur ithmi-nomushlsummitetulistlt a doens itmus. (smutthe usdumiece likedut isanti stauyedifusemutine. 'Withitfifteens sminutes the hosess' acktces. Movisng pitures cme sitse-s uliIt iligestilomutisi didn'tssun. 11 ketee rightssu. lie slg- ers usresbhltheyxcarinhtg '"WhensWe Wer en ins('slls e'tiasti market 'otons am c-ninsit normssuthemsru tly -spited a worthy coei tumit et eral pigs into te depths limte sscrei.sAtusomient later 0on the saumsesanal thit ee usnscmfunera-hether tht sof lie saidwthys outesteor not us mcii exptltti nsistan m a slong liseof linusse cmue aloting bueaig tie coffin ans usmuene. t limos precise msouet W~elh al tey- tnselcoruts seesigng "some summitBe Sociablieswithm Me" itimuilyITlileyt sas hoisted up outlte itginmtoth ie oval of tie sotighsoust C'og-srel muosic tsedsi p alog witt litu. 'Bis-t Bazlre=sasitu '"Ihen Nights FalltsIbear" n mma snesettingmanst 5 mi-e Shin s Chatperne." 'I-laurusted it. [Afterea parutingp"God night, ladies, werenpuling sinsleae yonmu nows," the real tueuites elittofoksequit their kiddig, andiii wau-sesalt over--that is, allbt his ie ('hV ll. SEiPVI('t COMMSSION A NNOUCNCtfS EXAMNATIONS Tsr United Siates civil service ons- mission anntunuces exntmiatiosoutAri i, andito i, o to secure elnigihles from whislet to titke certifctitoss to fill vacan- cie inthie positions of scientific assistant ini tiesdetpartment of agriculture, at sal- aries rouging rain $840 5o $,ooo per annuum. Also the conimission announces ass exnastions on April 22, upo08, to fill vacncices as they may occur in the posi- tions of assistant i grin standardization, bureoum of pant industry, department of Agriculure, at salaries ranging from $rtooo to $,floo pee nln Inthinsslt inataion thur sujects in- chide a geneal educatiosn, with special reference o cemsical, physical, or botan- ccii lsboratorymethods. 'Ihe applicant is also requiresd to write a thesis on the kinsleand cases of cereal grains grown in Ike United States, and methods of maeketing saume, with special reference t cotmssecially grading grain Uniter thn auspices of the Woman's League a dancing party was held in Barbour gym yesterday afternoon from '4 so P. 'Ihe party was sunder the direc- tion if Katherine Douglas and was well aittended. A,