THME MICHIGAN P)AILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring; Trade Can Deliver The Goods SamBurcitfied 106 &:Coo. EAST HURON ST. BEST STOCK OF C I GAR.S IN THlE CITY AT BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'em at low prices. ALArI fCLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Allthe best mak en and fully ~as: inteed. MICHiIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH- REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch inspector for thfe Ann Arbor Rairoad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. Cigairettes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THE' LEADING BRANDS CASH PRICES 15c Pkg. - a 2 for 25c 25c Pkg. -- 5 for $1.00 R. E. JOLLY WSo S. SLATE ST. MRS. JI R. TROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER Hlair Goods, Hairdressing, rShampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. Slate St. (Up Stairs) Bell Phone 359 JUDGES ARE EXAMINING INTERCLASS ORATIONS Oiii of town jndges arc, now exanon- ijog the eight winning orations of the interclass oratorical contents. Six will he selected on the hasis of superiority in thought aind -composition1 and their anthors w-ill compete. in the final, coitest of MaIrch' 20, two weekn 'from. today. 'this contest 'is a.-regular nunmheir on the S. L. A. course. The eight orations 11oss uniter examination are hy A. M. I aninau, 'oft, S. W. Doney, 'o81, J. W. McCandless, 'of, 'tot, C. A. Everest, 'oh' Floyd Olds,.'o91, F. B. McKay, 'o,. V, 13. 1*ilu to,n.ant Ernestine XMoffett, Michigan's success in oratory tinsheen scarcely less mnarkers this year than in: that of- :9o6-7. In arousing interest and affordting excellent practice to tine speak- ci's. class contlests havise helped not a tittle. Thne nest triangular system: of con- lists used in the Central Debating Leaguc ins prnnvedi popular with Michi- gan students. Inl it each of tine three u'niv-ersities participauting minitains an affirmative antd a negative team. A large nnmb~er of candidates turned out this year and, owing to their consistent nwork, another double victory wnas credit- edl 1(oMichigan. 'he question "Resolned, 11hat all cor- porations engaged in interstate coin- merce should he required to take out a fe'deral charter" ws dehated itUB anns- loin, Chicago. and Ann Arhor, on Jan. in, iqo8.. Xichig in's affirmative lenzi, ttBihdlebated "here-ag'inst Northwnest- erni. was compoisedt of .F?.tG.Fuller,, *t. C. Knieller anid J. I i~ncer. The de- vision wu iinnioiustor Michigan. T'lineg'ative teann M.1I Bturroughs, George Eves 11111S.J. Wettrick, faced the Un(ivners.ity o:f Chicago's repreentta-. ti\-evs iln thy loig city."Tine decision ~ias ::na:nmous for .-Xichig'ui. Winning 1:othi th'ese dilatns nit onily gavee Ilicini- gal: ai seco:nd clveir clhamnpionshnip ins de- bate bu. it enab:lledl nerto set a nenvstark ill -inercollegiate ,idebatig my winininig dolel victories.Inwo years is: succession. AI icligain's recorid is ltne more remark- illv sshen: it .is remnemibered thtln he nr vitorie-.snwcrc gainneidon: bothlnsidles of li me::'questionis ander see obtainnedl itihotn a dissentiing nole of tine' twe:lve judIges ifidebate. In liii'fiull series of senenter:: cointests Michigan hl o si: nnine flest lhonors, oine iveonil. andlfoun' thirds. One'firstlhonioir iind two lseconids inane lie:eniredin i:thne liv: II o::ilion clibcontests, andtiwnenty- hirer of ltneithirty-tnwo innercollegiate dlebiates hasvc been: credited toi: iigan. Flvenof thlese idebates sm-rce woni inn sccession, andn eight of the' last ninny him v' lie::nmson:. In: thie'fifithYiannillon il:b conitent, heli t:iiChicago. on: Jan:. in, n9o8, 'S. W. IDowniey, if Mielnigan, wsn-nmsecond place. lFirst honoinrs niece taken: by XWisconsin. Ai r. l)isi-ien's sublje twans "H-amilton's N tinalismi." AI)VI'I'ISI) i L'TTE'RS. Ann:: Arbo:r,Nfich:., Ml in 4, 11)07 Aun'i.Dlr IHowvard Clivert C\XX Baker M\r Jam:en. Cunnin:::gham::FI'e:) Crane Master Sidney J,,1)ean tics Ari villa, Dempster VMr G(ch'Dearing irs it N, Eddy Dr WiillardI.I sorts I D, Frank iMr j XW. Flin:: Dr 'Mmdl: aC, (Gree:: Miss Maudle, I chic Di Lewis -i. I lailey :Mrv'']I. laniei tlns I, C(2), M ines tMrnsiR SRiiiiicnoai n F-,. sells .lair I-ILKennieally AMiss. Kiornall tc Mforris NMrs FVdnia, Pay-e M' II i.P'rr ker MlrtLloyd,. Pierce.l r hGeraild, Strat- liii Xwin, ''alliniaigc j. 'ivatson Dr, Wo~odis Mlr Franicis.. White XMr G'.J. ket. D. -I.0 C.: Diylie' tics Ainia, Painis Dora. Foreign : Lampkuiski'MXi's I .iliv o-.ii timelyPearl. 11. IT. t'rettymiani, IP. Xl. The Ann::Airbor' lisi::ll Par'lor' will openi Frida:y een:in:g, Maccl: 6,.in:the' Reifuis lblock, 206 . . .shlicy. All gaimles free- oinuatdae Joss. 'S. Ruby, Oper-atuir. FOR SAlE,-:Relisidlence' :503 XX'osh- tenaws-Ave. CIn be had' nreasonabl termis. Appily' :t305 S. Siate Si. :5-20 Fraternity 1House for Rent--tbarge liosmse. suitalelifor fraienityor rcliici: North Division: sireed;in:spection isit- ed: Dr. A. J. IHall, Laureiice Bldg., cornier Fouirth:avenue: and Aoi kn siredt. Bell phoneic-78. rind See our complete line of Michigan pin, fohs and - onveiliro. Haller's Jewelry Store, 216i S. 'Main street. eod See Hennaing & Koch's niewv full hine of Michnigain fohs, pins and spoon:s. t13 Rant Liberty St. end Baseball men : if you scont the latest in hasehall goods, see Spalding'n hune at Cinshing's. tf See our conmplete line of Michigan pint, fohs anid nouvenirs. H-aller's Jewelry Store, 216i S. Mainstreet. eotd IE.R 'll l' l IIIIGENDA 111TS all this wi-ek at Ithe '1'eaio~iium, Easi Liberty St. J. R. Gillard, Pint:. i2-i71 Postalt of 1Miclligendalo (iid lFinaol'. Lynndonn. The carriers' lists hat us:' bru)it re-cv chseckedf. An:y e'vinidei:li'ivry shuf bin r'eported':latlonce tos the busine.s fice' b.heteen 1:nud a p. frt. :'ach day. Both: phoimes 96o. - I5:si:ess jMonoger. a oo Chibnoe We think we are safe in say- ing that there is no Clothing selling in this town at the same ~ prices, that in any way, styles, a y4 materials or workmanship, equal Society or College Brand Clothes. They're in a class by themselves. Also call and sec our Spring Hats, Caps and Furnishings Staebler ( Wuerth Co. * OUT OF STYLE The man who buys 2tWd40-zte,rs shoes each season is never out of style because aWlt-tle,'< shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- sirable feature tha t fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort and service, are contain-p shoes. TilE ACME OF EASS Walk-O~ver Shoe Co. I1IS SOtUTH' MAIN STREET I 4 & sHart, Schaffner & Marx - - FULL DRESS SUITS uaZma TeClothier Properly Tilored a BANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS HANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, $50,t00, Surpius and Profits, $65,000 General Banking Business. 3 perceet paid o Time and Saviogs Deposits. Ssfoty Oe- posts Boxes to rent at $2.10 and uspwsrds it. Kass Pres.. W. 0. STEVES. VIce-Pres P. H. BULSER. Cash. H. A. WILLIAMS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Banff Capital ntaek, $50,000. Surplus, $200,00n Reosoures, It,2t,000:O A tuanral Banking Business Tranaactnd Oceasat tjlChas.E.H.iBocnk, Prets.: W. 0. Harriman. Vtce Pres.: M. J. -Frito. Cstt STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRETORS: W. J. Sooth Jnn. V. Sheehasn Wm. Arnoldf Dr. V.C. Vaughan los. H,. Wade E. F. Mlls John Haarer Jo. Koch Pest. .S.'Carhart Henry W.Donuglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman, FIRST NATIONAL BANK -OF AxttoARBOR, MICH. i. 0. KItuNIt, iti .ftOON tOttLIX P feS. ':e-rs S -'W- 0IOARRSON, Canhier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, ยง150,00n. U r--- Spring Hats The Newest Shades and Styles - - At Wadhams (Q Co. - 121-123 S.-MAIN ST. See Our4 Show Window - THE- Palais Royal 209 E.. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From- Every'Country German American Savings" &ink 0. M. Martill DIREICTOIR .Ya ae eai at leomgpaeo.l e 4 0Offce 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98' Patent Leather Belts made with vtl- H ot Lunch $avinsig f'- Residence . 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314 I naih your skirt ortblose, 55e. Send us a At Tuttle'&' 338 5. Stat. AMBIJLANCE ON CALL I piece of the dress goods when sendiggorder._________________ Coa. MalIm asad LIberty $tsa'.ta5 TBE BELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON. MASS. I STUDO~~iUTCtIE,319 East,-Huron -Street