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March 06, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-06

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TheMichig an Dail
Vo;.. -XVIIL- .ANN AiR)RNTTCI A-N, FRII)A, AR(7I f>,: NO. 11c.

The Real Test of Comparative
Strength will be on Running
The Fresh-soph meet which is sche-
duled to take place in the gym tomorrow
evening promises some rattling good
contests. Several of the spectacular
events which it was thought were to
come off last Saturday night were only
postponed till class rivary forced the
issue. An unexpected complication
bobbed up with the entry of Joe Horner
for two of the events, the 35-yard dash
and the shotput. Dr. May says his in-
jury Aught not to debar him from these
events, the injured arm being his left.
TIte. reaL tests of comparative strength
will take place upon the track, as the
sphomOres are weak in the shot and
the jump.-
The pole vault is pretty well cinched
by Allerdice, but there will be a lively
contest for second place. Knapp, Kerns,
Wright and Levinson, all of whom tied
for seloud at ten feet last Saturday, are
If Horner enters the meet he will be
expected to land first place in the shot-
pus, with Benbrook, the big freshman
en ineer, a close second. Arthur, the
be't weight man in the soph classes, may
noa enter the meet.
Torrey will ;probably land thli high
juip honors s 'he did a week ago
Sn4ith and Orser, both 'is engineers
whi tied for second place the time men-
tioed, are entered again.
.he,-yard dash promises to be
asy. McNair, Craig and Keck, who
placed in the order named in the finals
at the preliminary, are matched again
The three were scarcely a foot apart a
th end of that race. McGregor and
My'ers, both of whom won their pre
lintary heats Saturday, are also en
tered. They and McNair will represen
the sophomores.
The three-lap race, which is practicall
a qtarter mile, will attract soic atten
tio. Netaorg, 'o, who ran the distance
in #6 '2- seconds in the varsity tryout
Wednesday, has a good chance to an
rex-honors in the event. Fitzgerald
'tig' rat 'the distance the same day it
46 j-5 seconds. Hodson, fresh law, i-
good in this distance when in any kin
of condition. Flynn, who won the event
last Saturday, andI Hall, both of th
'i engineer class, are also entered.
The interest in the 40-yard hurdle
will center about the comparative abilit
of Craig, 'i, and Tallmnadge, 'to. Botl
have good records. Last year the lat
ter came in third behind Johnny Garret
and Hodgen.
One of the best things of the mee
will be the contest between Bathatche
for the freshmen and a quartet of sopho
mores composed of Bohnsack, May, Se
and Shffroth. The three first names
are entered for the nite-lap race and at
are entered to run the six-lap distance
" ay and Bohnsack won their racesi
the fresh-soph meet of last year, but i
is utterly impossible to make an accu
rate. selection for the coming meet. Ma,
seems to be generally considered to ha
the best chance in the-longer distance
Candidates for the freshman and lb
sophomore relay teams are out stron
this week. Keene Fitzpatrick is }rep
busy timing the ambitious ones, man
ef whom are doing laps well under 1
seconds. Craig, the former Detroit Cen
tial star, has made the best time so fa
having circled the track in 13 2-5 see

mrds. The following men have run th
lap in 13 3-5 seconds: Torrey, Ryan
eck, Mitzorg, Myers, Leger, and Curteo
The 13 4-5 seconds men are Knapp
McGregor and Wright.


This year's activity of the varsity band
will depend largely on the success of
the benefit dance given tonight.
The plans for the coming year include
the construction' of a bandstand, upon
the campus and the giving of weekly
open air concerts. The realization of the
proposed attivity depends entirely on the
reception given the benefits by the stu-
dent body.
The band took no trip last year, in
fact received no reward for its labors.
The finances are somewhat depleted, and
the benefit dances were planned to re-
coup them.
Tickets for tonight's dance are sev-
en'ty-five censt per couple.
Municipal politics will be the subject
discussed at the 'Alpha Nu meetitg Sat-
urday evening. There will be talks by
different members concerning the recentt
elections in Milwaukee, Cleveland, Cli-
cago, and New York. Prof. Phillips, of
.the department of government, will de-'
liver an address ott municipal problems.
?A city council session will be held by'
the members of the society. W. D. Lane
'will introduce a street car franchise
measure. Henry Isenberg will lead the
opposition. The meeting will be called
to order at 7:30 p. m.
A special souvenir edition of Moliere's
"L'Avare" will be published by the mem--
bers of the Cercle Dransatique Francais.
'Ttis ediitonhowever, will ble in charge
of Mr. Hamnilton and' Dr. Charles P.
W agner. The book will be illustrated
as was that of last year by appropriate
S views of scenes asid portraits of personss
. connected with its ititial'production. It
t is planned, if possible, to make the vol-
I rume even more attractive than that of
- last year. Seven hundred copies will
- ,be printed. The cdition wilt be ready
t by April I.
s Prof Andre Ileziat de Bordes dis-
- played considerable dramatic skill in his
, readings from Raine's "Andromaque"
n yesterday afternoon. Possessing natural
's bility, reinforced by strength of techni-
d cal accomplisshmets, Prof. Beziat gave
it the' scenes he had selected with remark-
e able effect.
As ass introduction to the "causerie"
s Prof. Beziat traced the classic literature
y of France from the days of the abso-
h lute monarchy to the climax reached in
- the seventeenth- century in Losis XIV's
s court at Versailles.
e The social committee of the 'o9 engi-
d neers has made the final ^afrangemetats
1 for the spring dance. This willie held
. in Barbour gymnasium on Friday, March
n 27. Judgingbytlieir uAshism of the
it class, the dance promises to be very suc-
- cessful. On Friday, March 13, the class
y will hold a smoker at the clubhouse.
g Dean Reed's office was crowded Wed-
t nesday afterhoon between the hours o
y 3 and 5 with students making their first
4 report to the attendance committee
- Each individual case was looked into by
r, the clerk, the students presenting their
excuses to the registrr. 'The com'-

e iittee will meet on Wednesdays and
a, Fridays of each week and will n doubt
be striefec with the "bolterg" than they
, were reported to have been at their fiyst

Woman's Athletic Association
Decides to Hold Annual Meet
on April 8.
At a meeting of the Woman's Athletic
Association yesterday it was decided that
the fourth annual interclass meet of the
girls would be held on April 8, the
Wednesday before spring vacation. This
date necessitates that the meet continue
through one evening, instead of during
a Saturday afternoon as heretofore.
A committee having arrangements for
the meet drew up certain rules and qual-
ifications which must be followed by
the girls of the four classes who enter
the meet. The most important of these
is, that to more than three events shall
be participated in by any one girl. The
other rules are in regard to certain re-
quirements to be fulfilled in the various
Thirty-eight yard dash.-Those enter-
issg this event shall be divided so that
four slsall compete in each dash until
the number of contestants is narrowed
down to four, who will run in the finals.
Shotputt.-The regular six-pound shot,
to which the girls are accustomed, shall
be used.
Horse.-This event may le entered by
a , large number, the class gaining the
stiost points winniig it.
Newcombe.-In this contest the upper-

Sophomore girls: Captain, Louise
Miske; sub-captain, Eloise Whitman;
manager, Ruth Cochrane.
Freshman girls: Captain, Ada Dietz;
sub-captain, Eleanore Hague; manager,
Violet Stevens.
Besides indoor baseball, regular class
work, indoor tennis, swimming, and
track work in preparation for the cots-
ing meet furnish recreation for the girls.
Two hundred and eighty girls, of
whom one hundred and fifty-nine are
freshmen, take the required class work.
Of this total number sixty are corrective
pupils who are not strong enough to
take the regular gymnastic exercises.
For these, Miss Ethel Perrin, who has
charge of the athletic and gynsasium
work, has prepared special exercises for
their development. Fisding that many
of the girls had round and irregular
shoulders, Miss Perrin had made in the
University shops a piece of apparatus
for the correction of such deformities.
Indoor tennis is proving to be popular
with a large number of girls. When
the floor is not used for classes the
courts are often filled with enthusiastic
players. Tfo hours of each afternoon
are devoted to the teaching of swim-
ming, for the girls boast of a swimming
tank, which Waterman gymnasium lacks.
In the spring outdoor work will take
the place of gymnasium work. Cross-
country walking, which was discontin-
ued last November, will be resutmused.
Mshiss Perrin is trying to have a recre-
ation field procured for the University
women, where they may play basketball,
field hockey, longball, tennis, and other
outdoor games.


class teams may combine against the
freshmen, on account of the latter al- STUDENT CREATIVE TALENT
'ways entering more girls. PLANNING NEW COMIC OPERA
Traveling and stationary rings.-A
team from each class will compete in That Michigan is not willing to rest
!these events. on her laurels in the production of
Rope climbing.-A contest for indi- comic operas is evinced by the fact that
vidual members of the different classes. plans for next year's play are already
Relay races.-Two relay races will be under way.
,run. Each team shall consist of four Roy D. Welch, composer of "Michi-
nemibers, each of whom shall run one genda," has several plots in mind and
lap. plans to develop one of them between
Swing jiump.-individual entries to be now and June . 'This year's experience
made will, hue heileves, be of great help in
Running high jump.-No doubt the creating music and plot which will far
running high jump will prove the most excel that of "Mitichigenda." Others are
interesting event of the whole meet, as working along the same lines. 'There
it turned out to be the most important is much creative talent in the University
last year. Emily Stark, 'o8 medic, came and the recent success has helped to
within a fraction of an inch of breaking bring it out. The president of the Union
the world's high jump record of 4 feet will soon appoint a committee to receive
2 3-4 inches, which is now held by a all contributions of plots, lyrics, music,
'Wellesley girl. However, Miss Stark, or original ideas. In the meanwhile all
by her jump of 4 feet 2 inches. set a students are urged to have next year's
tsew mark for 'Mhichigan. Since this is pay in mind and be ready to submit their
Miss Stark's last year to compete, her contributions in the near future.
entering the event will be eagerly looked The sale of "Michigenda" music bids
for, after careful training and consistent fair to run on forever. It is planned
coaching. now to publish the "Drinking Song" and
the class winning the most points in finale of Act II. The souvenir edition
the meet will have its numerals engraved wil be ready tomorrow unless some-
on a silver loving cup presented to the thing unforeseen occurs.
Wosman's Athletic Association two years A picture of Prof. J. B. Davis (the'
ago by Dr. Fleming Carrow. impersonator) squirming to free himself
The following executive committee from the fond embrace of a charming
~Wit'f repiesentatives from each class soubrette has caused much amusement.
vd -eheege- of the meet: President, The photo is one of a set of "Michi-
Margaret Turner; vice-president, Myr- genda" pictures taken by a local pho-
tle ,White; treasurer, Catharine King; tographer. It is said that Prof. Davis
secretary, Olga Bridgman; basketball was greatly amused on seeing it and
manager, Eliza Stark; tennis manager, ordered a dozen prints "for keepsakes."
Helen Jacobi; indoor baseball mnanager, The likeness is appallingly real. The
Crystal Thompson. impersonation of Prof. Wenley, taken by
INDOOR BAsEALL. DeHull Travis, is as lifelike in thine pic-
Practice for indoor baseball has al- ture as it was on the stage.
ready begun in Barbour gymnasium.
Because of the great interest shown by BIRD CLUB WILL HOLD
tIe girls in interclass games this year; FIRST MEETING TONIGHT
the indoor baseball season is expected-
t6 be most successful. A series of four The first meeting of the Bird club for
games will probably be played to decide the year will be held in the University
the championship. museum this evening. The object of
Team captains and officers have been this club is to bring together those who
chosen for three of the classes, the senior are interested in the study of local birds.
election having been postponed ott ac- It is not a membership organization, and
count of the illness of last year's cap- anyone interested is. cordially invited to
tain. Those elected are as follows: attend the meetings. The club will meet
Junior girls: Captain, Lillian Hodge; every Friday evening for the rest of the
sub-captain, Nina Henderson; manager, year, and each meeting will be devoted
Florence Stone. to the study of some phase of bird life.

Best Displays In Parade and 1n.
tertainments with Largest At.
tendance will be Given Cups.
The co-operation of some forty or-
ganizationss of the University was as-
sured the Union last night in making
the County Fair a success. A meeting
held in the clubhouse at the call of
General Chairman Winstead, brought
forth a representative from nearly every
fraternity, state club, and other organi
The attractions this year promise to
be original, only the best of the shows
in the past being retained. Last even-
ing many of the representatives of the
organizations spoke of repeating their
shows of the last fair, while others prom-
ised something new and original, the
nature of which was only divulged to
the committee.
A large silver loving cup will be given
to the entertainment with the largest
paid attendance during the fair. The
executive committee, composed of the
chairmen of the various committees
usust approve of every show before floor
space will be granted. Nothing of an
offensive nature will be allowed and the
requirements for each "sttt" will le
much stricter than it has been in the
past. Last evening lots were drawn by
the various representatives for the selee-
tion of places in the gymnasium.
Besides the individual "stunts," two
continuous vaudeville shows will be
given by the Union. The various acts
presented will be the strongest that the
campus talent can furnish. Deiull
Travis will have charge of the selection
of the acts and will conduct a series of
tryouts next week, and any having any
talent along this line are asked to appear
before the committee.
The parade this year will be in keep-
ing with the carnival. Chairman Boucher
of the parade committee announced last
evening that a loving cup would be pre-
sented to the best display in the parade.
An attempt will be made to have the
parade displays advertise the shows in
the carnival, and in fact each organiza-
tion will strive through their own means
to work up interest in their own shows
besides the general advertisement con-
ducted by the Union.
General Chairman Winstead expressed
the feeling of the various committees
in regard to the success of the fair. "If
we may be guided by the turnout to
night, there is sufficient interest in the
coming event to assure us of a success-
ful carnival. It seems that practically
every school organization and fraternity
is back of the Union in the enterprise.
With the success of Michigenda to
equal, with the opera attracting such
large out of town patronage, the carni-
val comes at a fortunate time for its
success. Still we want every organiza-
tion to take part in the fair and parade,
and any who were unable to attend last
night's meeting should see Chairmen
Boughton or Bouher at an early date.
Yes, the Union expects great things of
Michigan's county fair and carnival."
Theodore H. Hinchman, of Detroit,
will speak before the Engineering so-
ciety tonight at 8 o'clock, in Room 3og,
New Engineering building. His subject
is "Railroad Valuations." Mr. Hinch-
man, who graduated here as a mechan-
ical engineer in 1893, was Prof. Cooley's

assistant that year in evaluating the De-
troit United railways, and later was em-
ployed by the Michigan Central railroad.
He is at present a partner in the firm
of Field, Hinchman & Smith, architects
and engineers.

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