THE MICHIGAN' DAILY CALENDAR. Iordes. auspices of Cerce lDrmatiqe)o tyPormreBsA 3 5 A o t a d A b m io.Ade ucn e rancais, Tappan Hall lectue room 4 Every fashionable effect, p.. Alissi nfre:o tesao. SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK Mfiar. ,-Candy sale, a to 6 o'lok at o h esn Newblerry Hall Mar. 6-Varsity baid dance BarbourC P gymnasium. CAPS sar. 7-Fresh-Soph meet With every Album sold we offer Mar."7-"The College Widosw," moai h atetadms p ne and nigt.Thnatetndmsap free 25 cent's worth of post cards Mar. 9-"Little Johnny Jones." ion, faultless in finish, rea (you ownseletio). Yu ca fin .Mar.eto-Lecture Iby Bliss .Knapp, in (yor on slecion. Yu cn fndSarah Caswell Angell Hall, under Uni- seasonable. just the Album you want here and versity Christian Science society as this offer will help t iliMr 3DW .Foe' etr before the Deutscher VereinSrhCs w_____sell Anigell Hall. Reception and dance Mar. 3-Stetson's "Uncle TomsGamn Cabin." EveryGamn a fashi 6. E. CALKINS, Druggist. Ml'ar. 14-Varsity meet nMcia 334 out Stae Sreet Ma. 14Illni soke in ichgan6HE CMEI O F' Union clubhouse." Mar. 2o-University (oraorical contest- sit S. L. A. course. Styles here not to be foun M'ar. Z-Eingineering society baquet, Michigan Uniona cbhotse. Mar. 2a-Dc Paris ann Pyrenees," a LN E SH IT P A MS MN S lecture by Prof. LouisLieuo u lunsia tuniestsoversity, auspices of Cerle lDramnatique rascais, 8 p. in. Mar. 2-Ralph Stuart in "Stong heart." Mar. 21i-iest Regiment of Illinois meet. ALWAYS LOOK POP, MAJESTIC PENNANT ____________ For the Entre Week COMMENCING [UNIVRSTY NOTICES M1AJETIC .. M The regular Thursday metng held' ITHATRE ~ 2 ii MMillan IHall tonight will be led by,- Riley Morgan. The follwngg AtracilOtts will be There will be a Woman's League dan f sented: cing party at the gymnsasin riday fromt 4 to 6 o'clock. 16-overture. resitits will old a smoker Monday .- W ieto w ! F'r nol Word's teasst ifl shos.ight at the clbotse. Tickes may le . *.Weo a~ ~Faaei ordsgeaitrfl oob ttained from -eisibers of the commit- ofrite ap S."-EmmtaaIycS LaOkaye. Prima [DunaComedienne .-Desk ft Mae Goerdon~ Trio. Comedy Nvety Cycits It is imperative that all seniors r- fa-holaa !1.-Yajasore. lnstrumeitai Mimic tri their proofs to the photographer lutely fateaspga~ter imsmediately, its order that they isay be isithe lrighon. Mii- r ' 6.Th Dnon D~uhe io u WirwndDae S ale to furnisish us witt your picture. if hem and wear them. The wear are o T.-The Hay sn Famrily. SnstionaTight imtr Artists this is not dose, your picture misy be is there, and they oilonly a qarer If Yor 8,01a leetleeope. amosi,, the missinssg. igolf Mihiganet- a pair. Remember i. pair sill _________________________________________________________ ssas.MsK..s oe PIONEER OIIPGER PILICEO-Eenimgs 1o, 25. 500. 355..Bus Seas S0. Mtimees LOTLd'-os ac nt it Wedarday and Satrdays at '-:3. Admissotn Aduts 2.. Cilidreno113e. igmST-aysgl ac ihMc seal leather fob, about 8 oclock March 4, between io East lUitersiy Yo Cannot Ge t _______________________________________________and camspus, by way of Tappan and YoLet~ South Igalls streets. Notify iao East r Uiersity. Reward. 14-6 , W W it e he t e LOST-Adair of gold eye-glasses ii B O W L I Whitney i~ea~re tie case, between Curhi and Fifth. Re- uls lris 27 Church St. 14-5 ~5 uls yusply )ma- Aatssrda*, Mar. 7 Monday, M r - terial for repairing Mar 9 LOST-A pair of gold spectacles, Ma~e and Night The Greatest Musical 'Htilt ar. 2, on or near campus. Leae at muscular waste-for ____________________________ ambh & Speicer's. T *+*+*"R" _GO M. Co n' LO[ST-Pinch's cases on Real Prol- replenishing the energy l hER .SVG F~erty. eeaie at Daily office, or pone expended. Tehe humanN .SVG ITL 27J 41 [ egie us hae ilt.SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. Strength comes from JOHNNYr Studets, open for sumner work, call: a nitrogenous food JON[S~ and see S. A. Wiggins at the Cook thti dgee. HoSaturday, )larchs 7. i4-6 ta seasilydiet. -rYGo DA-e--SO 'N GiS FOR SALE-Trombone, cheap. J. C. SHREDDEDM WHOLE WHEAT - B E. I MU SIC Watts, 33 E. Liberty St. 12-i4' is rich in the proteids that repairt ~V I ~ I * ~ ldi 1GIRLS HEAR THE MICHIGENDA ITS daily waste of tissue and nerve for ___________________75c_,N$1.0S0 all thiswekath Theatoriun, East It contains all the body-building e Matlnee-~5c, 50c, 5cN$1.0 Liberty St. J. R. Gillard, Prop. I2-17 iet ntewoewetgan n l*lht--35c, S0C, 75C, $.00, $1.50 prices- 33, SOc, 73,100, $l15 ietbeb temcoig he ding and baking. . I No proces has ever been devised that will mob' We sell 'Makaroff, Ph. Morris, Nestor .oats or cr sntiiu r sesl eetda and Royal Nestor cigarettes in boxes whole wheat--lse food of the human race for of go's and zoo's at reduced prices. 4,ooo years. S ghnnr uii radeA breakfast of SHREDDED WHEAT SIS- W eb 's FVrHg rd a d e CT UlT with hot s asid milk or cream will ' 0 S " 'supply the everg~or a wNhale day's Workc. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, that It ls compressed laito -waf it Pkni$ i ' Ic Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid CIGtiARSa, C A N D I ERB ,T OBA C CO . uhse sI ObAS. frayellgrO #te* o Fasvrs for atll Occasioms. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted 12 5. stae . JlMyad TeN trlFo Web's Chocolates areUssuIrpassel 19Sa z te M ES B R E H PI1G A FAtS, .Y .'_le__ iniSt._69O'North Uiversiy Ave. evei provic Lsona lo1 ion pi STI d els FEL HATS ry color CAPS ed fash-= able and thing late VLE sewhere d& CO. For a limited time we offer a good stem wind and stem set watch at 89c Warranted entirely satisfactory. HOAGi'S tHOM[ SUPPL cTROF Beignst are madse of puretiC~lk ivelt Te patternts ate itet ,exclumsve-vmri- ety entough tt satift eri boudy.All mettl parts fiteavy nickel-pltedt beans. itdeal er ean 't siupply youa,a h e senittipon receipt of pret OBRBE FOR HANDSOME 1HOLIDAY 500ES rength from NG the ade i''1~ ITS U0 I TU SRRI~ s ALWAYS AHIEAD IN MILWARDB, TilE f(Il RTKE ESMA~iINTnO RY