THE MICHIGAN IDAYL . G. I. Wild Comfpally Our Spring 198 line of dune Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and UptoDate Pattern in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Arrays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. Hi. Wild Comlpanly 311 South State Street DO YOU KNOW THAT The New Game Mcp histo Is the naost fascinating healthful spot for indoors or out that has yet beni devised. Just now it is the craze the world over We have just received a shipment and we'll gladly show theiii -PRICES- Z5c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores .. A G.SPALDING ____yC & BROS. ". The Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, (lof, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OleIrI Impementsforto Track and Field Sports Uitorms to, al Sport. Spaldis's Handomsely Illstrated Cataloeseoa all sports containsson- sserous segestions. Send tor it-It's ree. A. . SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, an Francisco, Minneaolois,rDenvser, Buff ao, Syracuse, Pts- bur, PilaelpiaBostn, Cincinnati, Bati- morn, washinton, Kansas City Ceveiand, New Orieanns,Oet roi, Montreal, Canada. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IAdto-AciRtF RTCI: Business Manager-:'I:' WINSTA. Ncws...........Hiranm SCodyr Athletics ..........Lee A Whit" Exchange. If..... . John Wambold' -Music andDrhma-.....:RoyD. Welch Women's Editor... Louise Van Vooris EITOIAL, STAFF - J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams Russell McFarlaind NIGHT tEDITOtS' George 11. IiHobart Leonard C. -Red Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Vischer nrXORTgntt H9. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainlir Robert Mountier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Walter K. 'rosers Loos Kraft Lewis TI. Kiskern Robert Moreland Pat Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto Enget Fred E. Goodiig T'teroit P. Cooper BUSINSS STAFF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam Harold P. Gould Address:MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg, Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : I- p. i., -8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96o. THURC tSAY, StARC1I p,1)8 MICIIG.AlxDAIIY NOTICE BlO. The otttion of sudeonts ond facolti is called to The Mcligott Dily notice loxes~ recntly placed in Univemrsity Hall the Lirrand the ANew .ngieerig lbuilding. Items of University news, no- ies of inetings, etc., may be plced in the bores ding the dy, ad otle collected at 5 :30 each evening. :Sg- gsllons s to news stories till be we- camn. .All dvertising moter, howevr, nost be tbroght to the ofice as hreo- fore. f ntVttrCtt tRICE OttUItON 'tEtiitt.5 Or corresptond(ent tday nwke-. suggestion(itcshh the Uiion ay snme- time he aile to tni to accot.Iiile discover s an anaogy bteseneia fnc u- tionis o te Athletic Association aid the Unon,atnt a coiitrast betsseei their says o dealitg sitttmeitblers. 'Thr formter alows a reiedueprsee to its memitters for niny gaites and meets. titeretty returs tieni the 'wotti oltteir money,' and makes joining a matter of poicy as sweti as of loyalty. Snli a campaign desice mlight be utilized by tite Cniosti andtsdhe justice of some ind 01 discrimination caiinot tbe overooted. We~ theefore pass tie sggestion 00 to the Uion, withs or seat of approval. One or tswo facts, however, remain to be noticed. f te Union men paid full price oreAlichigenda, the ninstrelshowss sort te county fairs, who wiit estitae the expense of tose who participated it britigouat tose enetainments ? In terits of liour-abor,, heir ottlay woutldl exceed tie price tf membeshihp in the Union seeral times multiplied. Yet ther paid for teir seas. lilce the 'rest ofl nt,,,ecause it was all for te good of the cause. - There is a further distiiction between Ite two oganizations compared by or essrresponedent. A memsbeships ticket in the Athletic Associatiots amonmts pra- iically tso a seasont ticke foe games, and, beyondtthr sigt distintcion swach goes, swith the sffcial pii, it gives notiig core. It sells these seasois tickets, as a to-atier does, in orere to iisue a large regolae atteitdance, al to avoid n- ntecessatry aborefotettegatmes, sitipe- tle wo tsosultd go anysway. The only inducement it cats offer to prosective purchasers is a redued price. lTe Uniost, onste otther ad, offers the privieges of the cluhouse to mseibers exclsively-a constant source of pleas- ure forte stciabtle tman, and, if other cltub rates are cotitpaeed,iot htalf paid for by te atttission fee. T'hee is dis- rittttintio ee thtat ges homse isore strely thatt it cottld in coitietion witt thte fesv atttitfreqtett sttsngieis ty 'lTere is t ttip ittitse by the Atletic Ahssosciatiott, osweve, snisiehimight be adoptetdbsy-te Utiitn, as a matte of gtttstlpolicy, if foeto oler reasoi, and thtat is of setiig asitete fist day of thte saltertf seats ftr iioti entetaii- imertts for mtemers exclusively. Otto iratetrtfessor twhot vaitly tried to stssrtt teie-cltd slideconitN'est talls selssesy atly likeied te to ttaskedtl teries. "Because," lie said, "whe wtttse least expect it, tey sid is brtttadsites. ' itANI) \VII,, GIVE SECOND lANCE tON FRI~DAY NIGHT 'Te secontttofcth ie series of dtces givetn by te svirsityIattl sill le held at Bartblottrgy-ttiassittttm ttooss- night. The botys treswkitg liatd to eclise thteir fist effotr, totpitg to itake this onte cf thetmtost etjoyablse social events of lthe seasoni. The ftll hatst of tirity piees twilt octtpty the ctte ofthe flo saenttt wil lterntste swits a fifteei- tiecrchetraaittte retititionitotf te protgrami. Thte proramtt silt coisiyt of sixteen tdattces andttswso extras, swalte anttwtso-stepss slteratitg ftr the reg- tar prtigramt, twithtbaan (stiattes as extras itterstersed tlttntterals. Thse tatttl as ieetsreearsitngdth- gettly otnt newsmttsic receitly ptrcaset for t'e soccsiontt Leader Fische is workitgston ttnsrratgemieit of sotme of ttte 2hichigeticlisotgs ss-hih lie opes ttt comtpllete ettre Fridasy. so that att excellentt trograit is asstred the dan- cers. 'Te rece of tis dttce has bects placetd at seveity-ive cets pee couple antu sitgle admtissions foe tie gallery at tsweinty-ire cetts. Tickets may e pro- cretd iast Wate's ook store, aid wit be ott stle at Babotr gymnstasimn tomo- rost ight. The daice sill begin promtly at 8 :3, and will be preceded Ity it sttrt recepiott int ie parlors. FOR SALE-Fox typewriter, cheap. J. C. \Vatts, 331 . Liberty St. 12-14 NEW SERES STARTED IN FRENCH LECTURE COURSE Scettes froms Racie's "Aidomaqte' swillhe the 'frst ota seis of Tlursday afteritoots -readiugs to be given at 4 oclock if I apSan' Hall lecure rom by Prof. Bewi>at d Bordes. This eiet of dramatic' readings will be taken from seventeenth century literature, incluting the -mdh'tdfjpies 'of' CrOtile, -Racie, aindh5Moiere. "Andeomaque," tefist of Racite's great plays, is ist tpyical of iis art itd of Fretieh tragedies. - Itsprodtctiots makes .Ntos' 17, 16, one of ithc great dtaesnin the history of te Freinch stage. A profotintd impressions sas created ly it atid gret centusiasiti sas aotsed. REPUBI.CAN STUDENTS TURN OUT IN FORCE A Ittge nuttmber of te rpttblicatst- tentts inthie Uiiversiy see preseit at the ota eit teiing tf te Taft clttbtltst ight. 7,. V. Enserusisi, sfter giing a sort history tf the life of Taft, introdtcedl jttdge HI 'W. Neswkirk, whlo spoke tst thte poicies of the republican party attd is pro.spets in the cominsog electiot. Over one huded iew atines swere aitded to te origital roll. Watde f. Ellis, atorney-getnertl tf Ohio,ss-ho as been a potitinent figttee itt fiii Standsrd OilCt. prostecttion,sill sieak ieore te clutbt!Marrlt2,5. ItGRO O(SFTHlESKY PILOT" SPEAKS AT NE VBERRX' IHAL iDr. T. C. Mofat still siesk itt- Nes- berry Bal . thiseeig i tt 7o'clock. Dr. Moffat is te ern of Ralph Cttuo noe's ook, "Tihe Sy Pilot and uill talk of his work atmong the Nasjo Itttians. _ 'this is the secotit of tle Thrstay eveetiitg series. All are cortdially-itvit- etd to attend, Jack Lonins :"''he rons tel' isa tmixttre tI stcialistic teory, socialistic prophecy antt socislistic fictioi. It is tots hyritititattre to bea amarketd success in any one tdirection. Stptosetd t be wriltt tiabott 2700 AD, it traces thic progress of seeral stcitl reolt- tions-resttltinig from coititos ctttsed by fattal oser-prodictitn-tutinhg ther idtdle of te tseitiethi cetutry. Ott te tlioreticl side, te ook says oth- tng sew ; it is ini fact iferior to "'Tle hlodeeti Utopia'swritetibyisyf-. G. Wells. MIr. Lonidont relises' to tke ito ou- -ideration thte cool Sanity of the ttasses twhich prevets the social paroxymts Miacmilantot ., Nest York. $.o. Basebaltm: if you wath the latest in baseball goods, 'see Spalding's lue at Cuhlilg's. I Soovenir edition of Michigenda songs t1;outtd with an autograph fit-page n- =ert, at Root's abou Thmrday. Price, $,-.0. Ediion limited; tumbered copies reserved for all who sign te book at Root's Music House. II-14 Now' Readya ottal dtepartent of ts tts'i'Tu,,,ty,,.- We Aave atlargestno'k of. SECOND HAND BOOKS GtttiOsr Pricest on Drafting Instruments: and Supplies All kinds of Second=Hand Books token in exchange for cash. WAHR tS 4 IUniversity Bookstore C. [. D ARIN[[[ Low asnd Medical Bookseller IMPORTANT LAW AND MEDICAL - BOOKS )ittays Histtoty sc ttest- sof iteatPrtpteta - - - $3.00. '4ilittis teattl'troterty - $3.00 ttrotperty _ - - $1.00, Ihtitutt rctrionttusstittd taro CrmnuaActis- - - _$6.00 ol.- - - - $12.00. Rteytntit's Theouy'of vie nt'uce, $2 00 Stephen-'s itgest ofEviet'tte. $4.00 Nettit t-ys iEsviettt't.- - - $3.50.. Miarshatt s Corpittratiotts. - $6.00 't'tuiri' ut mmt~ttsaryedftihe Lawitt iCorpotra titots.- - $2.50 Wrellmantts Aet of ross Examtitnuationt. - - - $2.5s9 Botstwitct's Laittyt'rs Maualt. $6i.30 lltrttsiy'raAtbbottsF1+srms, - $6.00 Rasttt's Plingitis, Pracieidt fo~rtts t tilts. - - - $18.00 Wisttw'st'CoiehForts, votts., $12.00 MEDICAL BOOKS haret'sPracrtcalt''htrapetie,. $4.00 ltrhauttstOperati'eStiraeery. $6.00 hoitirut hs 5ti rcrt listiis. $6.50.1 tatietto itost.-oets patthotloiy. - - - - $5.00 Ststhttta-Ms