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March 05, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-05

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The Michigan Daiy
Vot. XV f ANN ARBGR, IfCHIGA, T URSDAY, MA C 5,t Qr9W, 'r14.


Defeat Pharmics in Unexctinrg
Game-Record Time Made in
Varsity Relay Tryouts.
In a one-sided game the fresh law
basketball team defeated the pharmics
34 to 8, thus establishing their right to
r play the junior engineers for the cham-
pionship on: March 28. During the first
half the game was fast, the pharmics
guarding closely. The laws played to-
gether well and shot baskets with con~-
siderable accuracy. The score at the
end of this period was 12 to 5.
The laws started out with a rush in
the second half, scoring repeatedly from
close range. Most of the time the ball
was directly beneath the pharmic basket
withicthe law forwards busy piling tp
scores. Every time the ball approached
the laws' basket, their guards rallied
and sent it far into the opponents' terri-
tory. It was mainly the work of these
guards that prevented the pharmics from
scoring a single field basket during the
entire game. The latter teanm worked
hard and fought every minute of the
game, but lacked the combination work
displayed by the winners. At times they
showed flashes of form that brought
yells from their supporters, but the ist
guarding. of the laws quelled the hopes
of the faithful ones.
For the winners Ismnel, Hodson and
Ely starred.- Immel played an especially
fine game, scoring repeatedly o ldifficult
shots. Hodson, though much smaller
than his opponent at center, played a
shifty game and figured prominently in
the scoring during the second half. Ely
also outplayed his man and scored sev-
eral times toward the last of the game.
For the losers Peck played the whole
game. He received little or no help
from his team-mates and had to depend
largely upon his dribbling to keep the
bull in his possession. This he did well,
often running the ball the wholsle egth
of the floor only to lose it directly undete
the law basket. His foul shooting was
also a feature of the game. le scored
every point made by his team in this
cuainer. Skeels played well, but was
given few chances to throw baskets. A
small-sied crowd turned out, consider-
ing the importance of this game in the
series. Following is the lineup:
Pharcics: Forwards, Pierce, Skeels
center, Hammond and Drolet; guards
Peck, Drolet.
Fresh laws: Forwards, Immel, Luth
er; center, Hodson; guards, Ely, Spal
Sun ary : Baskets-Immel 6, Hod.
son 3, Ely 3, Spalding 2, Iuter Free
throws-Peck 8, Ecther 4. Referee-
orneal. Timekeepers-Schulz and O'.
Connor. Scorer-Barry.
Judging from the time made by the
candidates for the quarter-mile relay
team yesterday afternoon, the Ohioans
will think they have bumped into a Kan
sas cyclone by the time the races are
over Saturday night. Harry Coe, who
with Ramey established the indoor ree-
ord of 45 seconds for the three-lap run
last year, ran the distance in 44 1-5 sec
onds, clipping his old mark four-fifths o
a second. The team which will mee
0. S. U. at the fresh-soph meet will bs
Coe, Dull, Merritt, and Warner.
Walle Merritt was the first of the can
didates to try out and covered the di
lance, which lacks but a half lap of bein
a quarter mile, in 45 2-5 seconds. Shenk
ran it in 46 4-5. Netzorg, winner of th
quarter in last year's fresh-sopic meet
shaved the time to 46 2-5 in his heat
Coe galloped about the track in his rec
ord time, and Dull made the distanc

in 46 flat. At this stage Netzorg was
conceded fourth place upon the team,
Wamer, howevr,, was dissatisfied with

hs previous mark and, despite adviceI
against it, ran the long sprint a second
time. The result was that he stripped
the old record of a fifth of a second,
running in 44 4-5 seconds. Consequently
lie will be the fourth man to represent
Michigan Saturday.
What Ohio has to send up is uncer-
tain, but Keene Fitzpatrick is able to
put the fastest team turned out in years
on the track to meet them. Both Mer-
ritt and Warner should be able to lower
the time made by them yesterday, and
it is barely possible that the new record
will be smashed.
Candidates for the all-fresh and all-
soph quarter-mile relay teams will be
tried out by Director Fitzpatrick this
afternoon. The victors in the trials will
represent their classes at the fresh-soph
meet Saturday night.
Any men who have already been timed
for the distance, and who are satisfied
to let their records stand, need only en-
ter their names according to the rulee
of the meet.
All entries for the meet, for any event.
must be in before 6 o'clock tonight.
Si Perkins who reigns over the locket
room at the gym is somewhat under the
weather with a badly sprained wrist,
sustained from a fall on the ice.
Wrestling classes will open next Sat-
urday at 4 o'clock.
"Minna von Barnheint" will be
Given in April-Arrangements
Made for Costumes.
The Deutscher Verein of the Univer-
sity will present Lessing's fanous con-
edy "Minna von Barnhem," on April 8
or ', at the New Whitney theater.
In preparation for this presentation
cis members in the cast have been re-
hearsicsg their parts for the past three
eweeks. From now on the rehearsals willi
be held daily in order to secure a fin-
ished production.
The cast is taken entirely from mem-
bers of the Deutscher Verein. The roles
are taken by the following persons:
Major von Telheim...,...Carl Grawn
Minna von Barnhelm....lfrieda Weitz
Graf von Bruchsall.......Henry Church
Frascziska.............Grace Baker
Just..............IJ. Fred Woodruff
Paul Werner..........Ben R. Eggeman
Der Wirt............Stoddard More
Riccaut de la Marliniere...E. W. Bowen
.Eine Dame in Traer.........
All of these people have had consid-
erable experience in dramatics, most of
. them having been in plays in the Univer-
city. Each individual will have individ-
ual coaching. Thus private coaching
combined with daily rehearsals will as-
esure a play which will be well worth
s Negotiations are now being carried one
with Herr Andrew Fueger, of St. Louis.
The collecting of costumes of all styles
is a pastime of Herr Fueger, so that the
- Verein is well assured of costumes cor-
rect in every detail. An effort is also
- being made to have HerrFueger secure
f the scenery ie order to have the proper
t setting for a German inn of the
e eighteenth century.
The stage management is reducing the
- waits between acts to a minimum. The
- play, as arranged by Dr. Hildner, will
g not last lontger than two hours. The
committee in charge consists of Ben R.
e Eggenan, Florence Baker, Dr. J. A. C.
, Hildner, and Prof. John Dieterle. The
, business part of the performance will
- be placed in the hands of a capable ex-
e ecutive staff.

A Cosmopolitan club was organized
at Harvard last week,

Many Requests Are Received for
Dates-Idea of a Trip Proves'
Popular with Faculty.
Michigenda's fame has not been con-u
fined to Ann Arbor. The possibility of
a trip to nearby cities has aroused much
interest throughout the state. Requestst
for bookings have been numerous. ihee
situation is now as follows:
Grand Rapids-SStuart . Knappes, an
officer of the alumni association, writes
that a committee of twenty has already
been appointed to take complete charge
of the performance. A geuarantee of
$5oo is offered. Ihis is apportioned ic
amounts not exceeding ten dollars frosmc
each alunmus, "so as to diffuse interest
as far as possible."
Battle Creek-Manager tl Battle
Creek opera house wishes to book the
play for next week, saying that if Mield-
genda will coce there he will promise
a packed house. Several Battle Creek
alunci, who saw the play here, are an-
xious to lend their aid i making neces-
sary arrangements.
Toledo-Manager of Valentine's thea-
ter, over long distance, expresses his
desire to book the play. Feels assured
of a large audience. Wishes to be noti-
fied as soon as the question is decided
and offers to sook performance on either
percentage or flat rental basis.
Detroit--Mr. St. John, general mana--
ger for Mr. Whitney's theaters, wishes
to book.
Saginaw-Alumi have, on their own
responsibility, secured an option on an
lpera house for next week, hoping thatl
trip will be made.
Ypsilanti-Manager of opera house
asks for date and is sure that the house
will be tilled. Offers to play ouseither
a percentage or flat rental basis.
The desire to have other cities see
Michigan's first comic opera seems to
be general among the faculty.
Prof. Robert M. Wecley-"I would
like to see them take a trip, especially
for the sake of the alum . I would like
to see Michigenda played in Detroit,
Toledo and Grand Rapids. Of course
this matter is now in the hands of a
committee of the faculty, but personally
I am heartily in favor of a trip."
Prof. C. H. Van Tyne-"It seems to
me that, if there ever was a suitable
-occasion to make an exception to the
rule that men who have conditions be
allowed to participate in performances
out of town, the present is the time to
show such leniency. I even think that
it might not be out of place for the
University senate to take such action.
Michigenda should not necessarily be
governed by the same rules as the musi-
cal clubs, for it is a performance whichs
it is not contemplated to give every
year. The show was fine, especially as
there was no coarseness nor vulgarity.
The impersonations were funny, but
could hurt no one. It shows what the
fellows are capable of doing."
Prof. H. M. Bates-"The music and
the stage pictures of Michigenda are so
good that I think it would undoubtedly
win appreciation out of town. I hope
that it will be possible to arrange it so
that a short trip can be made. It was
in my opinion extremely successful. The
meusic was good and the play was well
staged. I was especially pleased that
there was not the slightest suggestion of
coarseness or vulgarity. I think that an
out of town performance would help
the University with the people of the
Prof. E. C. Goddard-"Our non-ath-
letic committee has considered the mat-
ter of Michigenda's taking a trip, and

has acted favorably." ~
Prof. W. W. Flrer-"I haven't given'
the scater much consideration; but as

I am always heartily in favor of college
organizations, I see no reason why
Michigenda should not take a trip, pro.
viding every man's work is up."
Prof. Martin ,. D'Ooge-" think the
performance of Michigenda was very
creditable indeed. I enjoyed it very
much, spending a delightful evening i
seeing it. 'lhe fun continuing through-
out was entirely harmless and contained
nothing offensive. Michigenda was quit
a jolly and characteristic student per.
formance. I think it would be a mistak
to present it outside of Ann Arbor or
account of its local hits, which might
not bee appreciated. It would take up
more of the time of the men in the cast.'
Prof. Max Winkler-"Two or three
performances, if they would not inter-
fere with the students' work, would be
very creditable indeed and would cer
tainly be enjoyed by Michigan alumni is
the adjoining towns. Too many per
formances away might endanger the suc-
cess of the play in that the players woul'
become worn out."
R. R. Kirk-"As a member and direc
tor of the Union, I would be very glas
to see Michigenda go to Detroit al
Prof. George Pattersos-"T'o go t
Detroit would be worth while, but I
would not tour the state with it. I woulc
not go anywhere without a guarantee.
Most of the hits would not be appre.
ciated except by an Ann Arbor audiencee
The boys must have broken into their
college work about all they want to."
Dr. W. J. Hale-"In Saginaw, Detroit
and Toledo, nearby cities in which the
local conditions of Ann Arbor are better
known than elsewhere, one or two per
formances would seem highly desirable.
They would doubtless be well received
and reflect in none but the most favor-
abe way upon the University."
Prof. R. . Bunker-"I was not for-
tunate enough to see any of the per-
formances of Michigenda, having beet
called out of town on Saturday when
I intended to go. So far as I know,
'it would be all right to have Michigenda
played in other cities. Barring the local
hits, I have heard it said that it would
undoubtedly be well received."
Dr. Waldron-"The boys have done
a satisfactory jot-to date, but, except
among the more recent alumni, the opera
would not be appreciated as it is here.
It would be too bad to go out and have
it fail. It would be a good thing for the
boys and would make money. If the
fellows. who have worked want to go,
it should be left to them to decide."
Prof. J. A. C. Hiildner-"I feel that
Michigenda is so local that it would not
be appreciated outside as it was here
in Ann Arbor. If permission were given
for the presentation of Michigenda out-
side of Ann Arbor, it would set a prece-
dent whose effect would be bad. Other
organizations would necessarily have to
be allowed to take trips. Refusal to
them would constitute unjust discrimna-
tion. For this very reason the commit-
tee on musical clubs has refused to al-
low the Glee club to take a trip."
University men and women hungering
for real home-made cake and good candy
can have their cravings satisfied at the
sale at Newberry Hallfrom a to 6 today.
The candy will be sold both in boxes
and bags. Most of the cake has been
made by faculty women. No other re-
ommendation is needed.
Both the cake and candy will be sold
at the regular prices. As a social fea-
ture, Mrs. DOoge and Mrs. Beman have
consented to serve tea and cookies. The
girls are planning a big sale in order to
raise some money which they have
pledged for special work.

Pat Dwyer, Pennsylvania's football
center, has decided not to return to col-
lege next falla He will accept the offer
to coach the Alabama Polytechnic team.

Successfully Passes Scholaship
Examinations-Candidate fAs
Good Chance for Appointment.
James K. Watkins successfully passed
the qualifying examinations for the
Rhodes scholarship and is eligible to ap-
pointment by the state committee.
in his letter announcing the results,
President Angell stated that lee wasglad
to inform Mr. Watkins that both he
and Mr. Hoffman, of Hope college, the
other contestant, had successfully passed
the examination and were eligible for
the scholarship appointment. Besides
tthese two, W. T. Barbour, 'n6, 'o8 law,
who passed the examination in 9o5, and
another student from Kalamazoo college
are eligible.
The appointment involves a three-
year scholarship at Oxford, beginning
next October. The scholarship has an
annual value of O300. The appointment
commnittee, of which President Angell
is chairman, will make its selection in
accordance with the wish expressed by
the late Cecil Rhodes. In the election
of a student to this scholarship attention
is paid to: "()A literary and scholastic
attainments; (a) fondness for and-suc-
cess in many outdoor sports, such as
cricket, baseball and football; (3) the
quality of manhood, truth, courage, de-
votion to duty, sympathy for and pro-
tection of the weak, kindness and fel-
lowship; and (4) his exhibition during
his school days of moral force of char-
acter and of instincts to lead and to
take an interest in his scoolmates."
Scholars who are candidates must be
unmarried and citizens of the United
States. Any person is eligible who has
passed his nineteenth birthday but is not
over twenty-five on the Oct. t preceding
the date of appointment. It is requested
that all candciiates sall save reached
at least the sophomore year ic some re-
cognized degree-grantisg uiversity ic
elis coutry before going into residence
at Oxford.
James K. Watkis has always taken a
proinent part in athletic, class, and
University affairs. In his sophomore
year ie was president of his class. He
has taken a part in football since com-
ing to the University, making the all-
freshteam his first year and winning
his '" cas varsity fulback last fall. He
was just elected vice-president of the
Stsdent Council. In Michigenda he
played one of the principal roles. He is
a Sphinx and a member of the Trigon
Preparations for a s9o8f lit-engineer
dlance, backed by the seniors of the two
departments, are now in full swing. The
isea of a combination dance of this kind
is a new venture and after receiving the
assent of the two classes is being en-
thusiastically supported by the fourth-
year men. Two social committees are
at work and claim that the dance will
be a unique success.
Tihe event will take place at Granger's
Thursday, March is. Tickets will be
placed o sale today in both depart-
ments. Special music and a number of
other features are promised.
The chairman of the general arrange
menats committee of fke Coanty Pair
would like to meet a representative from

each fraternity, club, or other orge
tion desiring to take part in the County
Fair, to discuss plans for the coming
fair. The meeting will be heldo at the
Michigan Union, Thursday, March 5, as
7 p. m. sharp. It is desired to have
. every organization represented if

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