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March 04, 1908 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-03-04

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Ma r. 4-Taft Republican club smoker,
Nichols hall, 8 p. m. T I O S )E.L h ihgs
seHb$15.00 15.00 d t cdig rm aie n VRNSUUERS i .1Cl-MTcaWAs
TOI sFa~cai, Tappanit all lest ertt Latest Styles-Regal Sh@.oe- Se Or $3 fot'
y ' far,5-Candy sale 2 tos 6 oclok at Directly North ,of Law 131411ltl g
v, D~ewberry Hall.- -
1 Mar. o-Varsity band dance Barour "9-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVEN JE
$40.00 $40.00 gmaim
~IPAf ~UI[SAfIP[Mar. 7-Fresh-Soph meet
ILII5 UJL itlMar. 7-"Tbe College Wi dos," coati
ee and ight. SUPENDE.R
MIar. g-"Little Johnny Jones"--a wil pstitrey east
TH T- E PS S M E Mar. to-Lecture by Bliss Ktnapp, in the pisof °
Sarah Casswell Angell Halltnder Uni- rdnrsuspenders
ersity Cristian Science society aus0-Wet..a nmablen.0
pcers. ADDISON Bitinahle ndedstetli 1
Mar. 13-Dr. W. W. Florers lecture N E.yn ,ri a ~~ilde.i
ltfore the lDeutscher Verein Sarah Cas W . Cli fttYOT rhsTAMPHE5
set1 Angell all. Recption and dance !l 4 cOLLAR¢ . Se.
Mar. 3-Stetsons "Uncle Tom's M:ade of Clupe o Shrunk Fabrics e.'; dr.wa
Cahn.,,0 eeia 2or a25cw O asSrxTIOEIMeR BROTHasatS
118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM prop. Cbn" ° 8 sr~IE R~~~
Mar. 4-Varsity nmeet.
unioss clubhouse. FOR. YOUR CONSIDERATION
Mar. no--University oratorical cntest
4,it S. . A. course. We offer our new line of woolens for Sring adou Sssisi
S ar. o-Engineering society banqut '1908 consisting of a complete assortment of the itany shades of
A M U S 3 M E N T S icligait Ciints clubhouse.. rown tones, modes and tans--the very latet iii pattern. We
Mar. _o-De Paris aux Pyrenees," a invite your early attention to thee choice fabrics, although yor
lcture by Prof. Louis Loiseaux, of Co- selections can be made tp later at your pleasure. To our regular
lusmblia university, auspices of Cercie lcustomers we express our thanks for constant patronage, and to
lraiuatiqtse Fr tcais, 8 p. in. new friends we promise fit, -fabric and price on made-o-nesure
Mfar. 2-Ralph Stuart its "Strong- garments that will satisfy absolutely.
21-First Regimsent of Illinois rRED W. GROSS
Miar. ._ ;:a123E. LIBERfTY 5S.
For the Entire -week sieet.
COMMENCING Mar. 1-lien Greet conpany in "Jl-
M r h its Caesar," 2:30 p. in.; "She Stoos to
M AJS. r Confier," :5 p. i.,-University Dal. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL
Mar. 23-BenGre companyin"o BOSTON, MASS.
mseo and Juliet." wIth teeoiupetlosf the new uildng, whch were dedicated Sepebe kt
T HEATRE 2 n eerhi h ai
11 r. 25Address by Attorney-Gen- . this scholnew as facittes and euiment fr tesacing tdeeeht h ai
a 2 -Adres by y- ous brancies of medicine prohbably uequaed in sis contry. - ftfi u ve Stlid
The following Atractiiois will1 be oral Wade Ellis, tnder auspice of Taft lnesfour are devoted entirety to taortory teaching and research. Nuerawa,
Presnted Reptlilcaithospitals afford abudat opportunities for cliical instructiotn in usdiine an
Prsne eulcnclub, S p n. .surery COUSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D.
Mar. 26-ltenrietta Crosma in "The A four' yearn course, open to bahselori of art, literatre. pilshsph or siee.
1.-vetue.Loin.'and ta pesof euvalent standing, eds to the degree of M. D. T e utde of
Mar. 28-Jan ut elick, violinist, New m eie, generatesugery and the speelat inletit branches. Te et choes year
$. W to a.t ~ a ~ s Worlds tgreatest ie stnt, extends from Octoetl.I , to -.Tne isacepdin1a90h0.e.Fie-etst
.Whitney theater. The diploma of the.~university ohIlchiganisacpefoad sin.Frdtl
3.-Wemrraee.. ( ay. PiaDo a Comediitenynt. ter.anounemet and atague, address
3.Em aynLcky. 'litaUisnCsssieis _________________' -- HARVARD-*EDICAL SCHOOL, Bste.. Mana
4.-Don (!A. Mae Gordon Trio. Cmtsedy Noety tyeists. w^
S.-Vaimoro.Iuntrumetat Mittc. U' V
G.-The Dancing De~iuths. Croiotette Wiltwiid iDancer' s.RITNTCS LEARN TO DANCE CORRECTLY. JOIN THE LASSES IN
7.-The Hayden Family. Snstatiotal'LigitlyieArtists. D A N C I M.G0
Bantud mieet at MMillani Ilal tonigt at Grangers Academy, ground one Maynard Stieet one hIo'h west of
FischersisLeader Sare StetnsS-ore. Tution payabl tadoance $3 00 term of twelve
8.- a~e tlo ois.at 7 o cock sharptrackhmir, epoert, i l eson;. N embareanmeevIsiitore are not aditted dring class heurn
PRICL~rSf-Pvettn[. 25a. a.38cn 55wBusSeats ffO. AMtiaes -ytIt every day at 4:15. Report to
wvoduesay ad Satuday., it a t.:3.Admissin Adult, 25a. Cildrenti1I°. Kiiskeru.,-
Baanjotscdis practice totight at 7 o'clocky
atl Triangle rooms, over Cakiis'. Britng '761.1 Cannot Get Strength fron
al old nmusic. Cuslman.
A meeting of all :seior girls will be
yeld it arbour gyniasium tdayat 4
Ne htny ''~ete oclock, to discuss the seeior memorial. B 0 jW LIN ' G
N ew W itney T _ 'rieTe senior lit nemorial comnmittee will
meet itt Room C, University Hall T'hurs- uless you suppiy ma-
day at 5noclok. Bowman, Chairman.,
Sat-a rdaoziy, Mar. 9 adh ;M r.0 1ihigai candy nmade by Miciiganitte ria l for r e p a iri n
Saturdaryiciga Mar.ns w7 M d o
Matilnee anid Night The Greatest -Musical Hit grsfrMctgnstdn~wl i muscular waste-for-
sale at Nrsberry tHall h'tlursday from
2 - ,,to 6 1), i,.Tea and coffee will be repleihigth neg
G_____________ -Geo.S serve tinutder th iectionf of Mrs. Be lnsigteeeg
N yvV. SAAGE.man anti Mrs. D Ooge. expended. 1Th4 human
HEAR THE MICHiGENDA HITS Oem s have fuel, -
[IIIL[ee t heThaoru Ms
J IN VLi ety St. J. Rt. Gihard, Prop. 127 :Istrength Comes from
N . FOg SALH -rombone, cheap. J. C. a nitrogenous food.
J ONES Watts, 33 E. Liberty St. 1214 that is easily digested1.
_____________FFraternity House for Rent-Large SHREDDED WHOLE WVHEAT
-.j 'v CEYO£. AD 0£ - S 0 N 6 S hous eitable for fraternity or club, o~
,,, M Ui S 1 C North Diviasio street; inspection invit- is rich 'in the proteids that repair the
t~ffl~l ~ ~,R e DrA . HI, Laurence Bldg.,
Cohan s 61 R L S e.D.A corner Fourth avenue and Ann street. daily Waste of tissue ani nerve firce.
Matinee--25c, 50c, 75C, $1.00N0 1 t BeII Phne 758. .. eiad It eptains all the body-building el-
N'ighlt--35c, 50C, 75C, $1.00, $1.50 Prices- 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $I~fo. . ' nte hlewet ri, md
e digestible by steam-cooking, Aired-
All our billiard tabhgs are on.

one floor am ~tall iool tabes ding and aigI
on a separate floor You will No proces hss ever dbett devis d ht wil mae
find this arrangement on iat or corn as nutritious or as Foasily 6Aegested as
veolust ud dsirbleWi,.islc 0o- the food of he bunait agfufr
W e bsFor High Grade Candies- /"4 w1djhntc P er e l; '°w" .it
Ica Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbeta, Frozen Liquid u.h~d's. TOST f*uny mcci. Instead of
Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted ,~~~~srtR.AeIeO~./
NutGaes,02S. Stats a lt iMrs"
Nu Cse. xhe naturalFood (Co.I
Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 1095S. Mat g St. MO!7 BARE SIt lOAve.!IAGARA FALLS, f. , .ITS ALL IN TH SHW'03

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