THE MrYC~tleAN DAILY _ _ G. N. Wild Company The Largest Stock in the City of #i Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Geutlemfeu's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoa to, Faoey Vestingsand T rouoeriogs, and of high class fabrics aod special stylis Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. I Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street nega THE MICIIAN DAILY. Alaiaging JEditslo-I'U SchsoiviMows a. Buitsiness AMiioogre-C. E. NkN"seress. News...... ,,A. F. Ritchsie N~lileies . WlliamF. Gradlph~l Sporting......"Clareiice R Eldidoge Exchansge. ....li1i1 Jhn amoldd Muic anduo Drama... .... Roy D. IWerch NiVnw' Eii. i.1ditoir . ..oisoe N~ai Voorhiis EDIORIAL ii 510F J. NVs. NieCunillis Finmer C. Adanis- Julio F. NWere Robierit..(laicy HiramsiS. Codv George -l. lHobart (lioooeev Bl}oicher IB. IG, R.Williamis L. C. IRid Lee A While Rayimond Vissclier 't. IB. MelHigh . L. Illoline lRobert NI ouaiir BUSINESS STAFF JohniiF, XX orz Carl 11. dami Xddre s- .:.N IC iris c DILYirsPress ldg.. NlaioirilStreet. Mnaoeger's I:o1r-S: 1-2 p. Mi., 7-8i p. Ini. da ily, except Sudty.lBothiphoes ogo. oddy hliiisl tss e~ipct b ioodie- of Bien tried to rush eacelisiller off itieir leet. It iiighit iiiiiatiaourrale, for t1e sileoif disscipiline, toi le ,a imelee in which isis dvantgeis i-agaisi liie oldrie.l. 11 u. new r.lesirae lieeii wighe bsinithle blansuce a'nd fiiieel saot- 0ig. 'siiii l elyxt-siesr lie slier iee mustbere-sitor-u to lh-ir righitfiliplae li'. lie iggres-sirs. 'Ih ap s tois -lsbesjiing les siand Ies -asfearsilele aceisorsitheihlinsg iof liiese-oess. It isso reeticted,. the ironisrailinges costantslyssladduliedil onsgithe isll rl-sendser it dangei'roiis and 1incseiss- the lerxtremie, anduitiiis lie t souest -plsaie ini the worlid fromiithie spesctaor'"s poiuni Iofvieiw. IHessto i I 'cii -sliofii1907is (Wer and IWe eel- isomisi 19151i lii il-s lplaii-e iliithe Cs ise-i-- siy.Wihall dil sindicsriiy. w silsd. fir .\lui Iilaer's salvi. mayit in dueii tltimeiecome the greatiesticlssthiasihas s-srerlul ii- its god famiiiei inaNicielli Thele ii-sof -I ii'/1ii 555iglltIswell mci-- - s ill' tiheistluenter body lie si N vd \'il liiXX'tIuti Wlhiog.iarie r lli' deiros o f uiseing.e t lies li-sli raliittiie ieer iidiii car ried n a ittle m 'o se sothlysieacI \uilieu'.iuinnual ru~sh iha '55 . s mi t lco iiiii hicloise'iof lie fiiiibillse-sii one. 'iliri' irre-sis llcs 's has li-i-i soniicriici smis ion lihe iigligs'iice iof somaii intite iifo th frst desgrei'os ii i ne ilio poid lig for Coneed II~vstt-iet of iuiv('rii "life.Poal cl ier -ii-allthr l i li i seis osl a d Is- (n il i i ils orifthes' sandsil rriiug i s. 5 iiiii. ' llcii icso ou se Suhiri . . e- ti- I I I I I c i I I i I l 1 N0il 5 COLLENGE WOMIEN PREPARE FOR TEACHING Oser niine-enhss f te sossien i use Unisiversity rome oessllege iin rier to preplier foreuehiniig, acording lto a satleilentl smiase yestrrday by Prof. Wh~iitiey. I lst yr's graduat~insg class ltere iere i1-s46 -sissess, sinsd of thitiumhsiier 135 regiseredsitsh stue sp- pintmssoentsoeittisiiee, ismioiIst temsnose 'linbigteachesrepossiion. Inludig sudeiiis hain-ig aiersegres. the entire numbesier ioi sipilieints enoie wi-ilsthes-appoii nmenti ssisimitee iwais 177.rise regular lsses is peagg re tilledsithsillaisiei, it oie of Prof. \sliueis ceusres in -scisoliadiniliisr- tionsiisrcomiposedi entirely ofi le. Staist-sis dslshwta itere sre tsres tisses isisr- swoisei than misenstecheris in isthis siutry andsin th ue- higischsei le prioports'oin is imueb lurgs-.tProf. Whitnliey uttritsisthisiet10lls-proser- ru cnitioni ofi ithle ounitry- andl ilis lack ifia'ygreatsinaciasiri fit'slin th ue ped-agiiogial rsfessios. :.INPiiS WILLIiSCSS iiRISIiIENTII. C.NIiiI XilS TelAdeNlsphisisoieiey nill giss le flus- lowing p rogram Itlit s imeeig tonsigt: CurrntuEveint-is-trfieli. Presidiaiiil Psibiliies-Abotsi. NIusi-M Narqisurdt Fre-smansiReminsiscecesee-Scot. Xii is- sillTrining ii LitersryS- S IitesEan olistier. Debaste: Affiratie Kells- Clark. Black;ri egutive, iBeeer, .ge,-iulle. isisM NI iiilANiF-AT RR. Ani alissiiiiassoceiaiionuwisssreesnl orsgaiedsat1Eriesdirig a anqsuet- hl-hifr bNiceigau sgruiouis.Tesenri- roilmiseiitiofitie sorgnizaeton nubsils-i nearly lineshun rud andi ai lsrge numiiberi if itihes personis epietat slendthle NIielhigan- Ps-si iis iisini fooitasll giiie. Thue folloin ig osicier-s-i-er-eletisi P-res in. Daid siiA. Suesirevies-plres-s udntFlore-ise F. IBurioi;seetrysis ;MaudsslA. IWillis;resuirise, IWillis S Blilis ille cliis psinningtoinvt rs idenit Xngllitiousnother hanuetsstoliihe ienin eseass- futtur eei re Wasler 11.- Ietesrill. te faossUnlsi- ierlsi f Chieagoiuarerbk andsno foothlloielitr f ueCisiesgs isiribue- aceempniedsiisbIy NMr. Kilistrika relse sentatilses-of Sialilig's sosrig goidsl hosis s naintg albrief ltoursf ws'susr-s clessls-i-.geiniig sa ise o heiifooitlli iouilooik. Nex week Ite"esitr" iill i-i M s lichigani, XXW~isiiin isni Niisse -sua, oasdhisobsberi-tions sehile o te Itri i-ill le eimbodiedl in footbasl srtiles hi lie lishedslsin i115sper dusriig Ills coiniig iwee. Twis osslriisires youi gint all loise by ire. Geo. JI-Hller & Co. Reasi tates andi Isurnces 26 Sotb NMsinustsreet. f For Labouratorys Supplies, buy nhere yoursir ofessors sdo. Goodyear's Drg Shirer 1-2 Books Why pay full prices? GET THE DISCOUNT We aloiw 20 ier eeot dicount on Drafting Supplies. t0 per cent discount on Drafting Instrumieis. 10 per ces-t discoun on Univer- sity Text Books. We bougt a lasge stock of Second-hand Law Books and wil ell at undeuprices Writing Paper by the Pound 20C 25C 35C Wahir's Special Fountain Pen, $1.00. Nvery one is ,uaanted.d Makeoursitorsyouitlieoli its- Wahr's Book Stores Seeondiinid isoi- 5 ogt ads odi G. [. BARIB[EU Law Medical Dental Books New and Second-hand Largest Stock In Michigan Text= Books Dictionaries Quiz Compends C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. Sate St. Arnold'siJcwelry Storc Alarm Clocks, $1.00 Wasrrnis ut-d neyru MICHIGAN PINS . 25c Up Alli i Si-s e MICHIGAN FOBS. - 25 Up Mst patten,to s i siifiromiii ii uiti s iss uus rii u'Ii ?s ii o1 ' jewelry -o ii'iiii. I "- . Wa ns Th. P- i eal 5 is. i Fo Zen i,# IAT Slheelhall & Co. Student Bookstores SPALDING'S - OFICIAL FOOTBIALL GIDE~~l CoUntainings the New tules With fall siage explanatory picures. hEdiitd byiiWaster -Camiiip. Theirgmest "Foot- hallbsiiGuido i-er publ~ihed. Fhuof footiball iiforatiion,. review-. hfreeast.sced-ules. eaptainls, ru- treds. pictures ofiover 4,000playesrs. Price 1tile A. G. SPALODINO & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Luis ansFancico Mnea polls, tenve-.Butfao. Syracsuse. Pitts- bur;,P'hiadlphiahtBostonuicinntiBlati- miore. . -Sendlyouriname ad-ertasfree copy of the Spalding Fall aiid in/itr Sports Catalogue. contaniing pictures and p rices of alt the nw ssoaletrhletic oodiis. hae h ie or f her fis rs, i ins a scit10 suhoslly csall i'for uand ari ay,51 hescod stickensiifIomu Myi profIiered isytutisgutidedscorspondenstsiilius. reos . d s tieuhiofsthei hosn- i el lisle'.'.thinsgsdhis tsh. we is'havie engge lis i a tr ll hasman sai, a sill'go of 5jst 5'. thesy shuld i '.stuslciuts-- IiIsiur s a e tus uts usuihuseen at sithe. ig gs sit'. It wouuld sesll its iasltr M c nt he iii s'.iis thien ithesbetter lust if isissssu hio ssmake ily le o ti s ntu ii lts al the nec 'ssary i'uiigctien5 t s itne Is.'-ail en itiis s u' is a raled n rd topev-i i' ss s l es'st ailty ei sorss ro us s t~io s buinss s ht h iltsr ons IxtLt'lust ushis rul, t te m n egaed n i. t i is repc~si lustfor ileadinug Slurcheserngt ony s n pprcasma adspectato u pon tauuu is'le ieils l e 0 lslts sis imiuseli' tha oe al enoyit ral umr. 1hsat oncsuuii'iiligsusarootinss est isis i-ushi r~pc usf oIe si ss' i.siice iscar-ii's' ati will doit lsellficireditsn s'lo . (M. ful rla 'ltin lost. ils primaryli place iii Theliii ioni itis fai'. till suppose.iu will the' 5 isds ills ill lpreparedit for's'rush i utm (y ln uhe ansnisul nsiisi ofi i - nih ; a d te m s-llaneusl. tilillg, i'itrd d" lls-i 55in U n iverssitu Iall. forh.ow hae115he 5 u i sis 55i51, thus Wil I us i i tant hlls oils's' Mis fte ~nn i~lt scmea tthttig js itihtt i theii s i i ube, fo i h ls h uh is I s couaigtu o s lIeiain ut thus si py an oelyi fouithe pupose5 f Y. .'C.., h sublisc- usirily givell ts'shingits he fle' its's1isisits istslity andsha5thus 1andula5place sAit'reearsiisail a t h t lrpr rg r ust tis' rightl'.of hi. iss hand . is preparing.e to 5mak1 its el se lkrs. nditheiturisdithms t'. he iistusl eetie. si'issca s nteus usissuus ode. (sn x e is'se hias.shi 55 that promises iiin imane iwaysI ii lbe'theleg'st- i s isih li itissod fo h ll a d 5vey5 pp r- st in ou fotal iii si'tory's. If it clt clsna iladits tshatsh ehis 5gsld ihe .o sill sithu ut isis if thurssi iis