THEcMICHIGAN. DAILY Sam Burchfield's. F n : ;:T r a d e. Can :D e liv er h Goods Sam Burchifield & U.EAST HURON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 120 E. Liberty St. BEN ,GREET PLAYERS ARE APPRECIATED The Boston. Trq nscrip Prai-es Performance of-"$he Stoopsto Conquer." lThlseni Greet compansy off Shakes- Iseareass players Kshilt will appear Iin Ann Arbor tisas mniltIis at prefe inertia5 with a greal deal of scers an& aplreciatiota in BIs i, .Pht elphalan other eastern cities. One of the tisree plays which wvIll be Ipreseittedd its Ann Arbor is Goldsmif 's "She Stoops tor Conquer", of which ti Bosston Tranascrittwsrata as follows after it sailbhens preseitted there : 'Ti watch the Ben Greet'paiforinane of. 'She Stoops to Conquer' is to realize the sitality of Goldlsmith's sprighilyr.oin- cdv. '1he snap aistl spirit mnay .have har~s cue partly toithte careful and elatsorate' stage maniagemntt, thse ctinning with swhichslines weere toutched tp. with comi- (at or illuminatiitg actioin; it. may' also Iake beets partly its the excellent en- enibtlcss-isrk of l ar >cotniaisy. "fitr, Greet himsself, makes rallier a esatitre Irsiny I,anpkii, but isssize sloes' rot interfere witsrte ilusiots..,.4-sos-- bowiles. If anything, niece bplk adlds to the chsaracter of the ovsergaronyoant, ;sid wsiths every grimace, every freak of imalice act tsiscliief. the jdea :was. clabo- eated,.lin the scentes iwills Consltnce, teasiisg, pinschsing, kickinigtier shsins stir- reptitiouisly undster the tabsle, and insally sdashsinsg osi. ssitts aiflip ofIis paigatl ,wig, ss a-s-surelydtinsg cserstinsg itthis stever ts discostrage sh&-tetnder passson. Ttse care antd diseritiatiqa ssv itli whichlthle stlitle perforinattre wsas cworkedl out ssas as evidenin to i notr dletais as ints tistisiag of: thie ,lritirilsal s 'jlIse taverts scesnesotisided a uRsa. .ote; stisuiswithsout:ibeitig dull, icos sithiout hing -itig sstelligilsle, asd vul gpg sithsout soarseness-it expre:ssed exactly' -hlat it se-as swrittens ltexpress, porerly of'issel lees ad tisi slssscec of ainatti~il''1iis Unslike oilier. taversn scenes of old*, is _ fish coedsssy, Ils re is 'intesideel to be less vit andsisisore noisc. This paropaounsted asldiffii 1"trsstilesssi' ispreslaattn, 0th' 'Is-citby Mr. Greet is givig Iis sasdI- ee hlfia sdozenissgtres whsichi might,' iin costussme.sdelsortmtesit anid-counitenanstce, hs-ve slttsed outtcof the fraies of old' engravinsgs of the period. They, rejoiced,, they inssasdcnerry, ibey istre glad.. They, sillesd ate sll over- ttettselses stud earls ether. Tlshev sas gloriously outi of tunse' ansd stanced to nottsiig 'its.tparticsslar. 'Agatis, its Squiire Hasrdcaste's istruic- tiosi to 'his sers-aists (ususallv a siiso: sc--si, 'if isttni),-ecare,;issighit asid a sise itseiligesnce miade the episode sote oft tirmost realiistic andstthe msost oinsi- eIt. Mr. Greet, or somsebody, had stir- eeded its differesntiatintg four separate idio cies. hEssets yokel wsas abssurd its a isighisi ivisuassa ys, nt withstilshasnds or stllstettslsit, t lsinthlistitler ists bsecilily of look .andsdturalse..Alter the faintuos speecIsosithle '5 (oses it)thetuetn roist gisveinsswits liaibe aut whicssas s 5 sis 5tallt the hiusetbsokc sit its io iaiss ii iii tutu iit sithtes inore aisisst for bingise e-isked *by 'the coatibiss-tion if a5itrar y=sllbsioni 'ad a pycof tsitls e-fCit acsster -set ints 'its stae blaitkiji lists igrrtin5 ~'fch-a coil- vijitiots'thas t t ffsesstit I3 illbus.-'isso bitt' highly issivtis ili~ced figulre s 'i- ii its;elf sossetsifis( sif aitriumpsssis.espieciaslly whtess suitof the jousr t(ts- susie osithe left whoi affIted'i kissie:kniiees) ciii, stittiiisthuse., oflterees and sas tts alonse, extiress tse is stilt-raisge sifsmen- talI sactacyt ":Tue sviuesofthelitierfiiriissiie swere zllisat s is ssin itshtsiclean eiseunisi- tisn. oftess tlises its -of us)lsstisitils hluel soi itti iosuitasit' isis four- syllaiste inous. Weuare suit if the sissy sof thtinsksing titsuchtwoits iwsill carer' suss the stage ;isis shatter is' a staceate of monsla bles11 ih Th le 6'id spsteecihes stetc gis-enswsthlla-gradset'of icistiosn, a seuse(if tuteit hthm, pauise, ee-itsiel- odisy, isite usii n itdtheiss ssgsatiusss as-nhu di-stee-nsic-itsgist. they, soundedls sartificsilit busuit but1bec-asenwesir- isist ,intshlstislitbit of i-heimig ' isspcetalik stcl TOgusI Englishth le iore theity.- stil this stels sit list-Tieustoriuas, bist l:,ilsertv St. J..IR, Qittarsi. Prsop. 12-17 1KiHC'7 \(Il) At tIF '-heiiprsoni that exchsangediilmuffslbyi-msistake t asGrani- get-s aaet'iseiSaturidiay nit, stitt tieases'retusrnsst-e siets- isss-s-suitrecite thrirsswn propterty.-- 13 igeisiss ,salsis largs-st -liie' -Iti tuk-suitd uhtsuppssilies--ustexiii~l at iiLiii ii tis. Csmie i sintnd lst-cussto. Since 1858 we tiara made(: WathRe- pairing onr of oar stranfgest features. i-aller's Jeswelry Store, ash6 S. Main 'Street. e- od ' Souvsessir Sonsg ITetionsof£'ticigs-siia &itoion iltlt4Ciii- ssiiitthssue wtoisisg-s liii' ,bole,, ,islsirsiersof iii in 2_3 Alarnm clocks swarrasnted for ose year, $tao. Hailer 's jewtelry Stsre,216 S. tlain street. a^d Baseball tmesn : if ioiswsnsit lItest its bsaseball gonsds, see hpalisin he at -'OT)fIG IT) 5( 15 's(I/?"/"RIS. -ie [fc - rriers' tints l is jstbet e ,ceied..4sAy-e reesse ii ifs i 15 ii isths b:,,, s-s'Jsnlssfat oSts' oii (le- zis is sit fi cei Is 'tt'sett i isisif 2 . miteci s s sy' ills :PIeslira fin iitis tu11,tu 555' ~oitocvertoohk~- a Ooo6 tbu 'i- We think we are safe in say= - ing that there is no Cfothing selling in this town at the same.- prices, that in any way, styles, ' materials or work ma ns h ip, equal Society or College Brand Clothes. They're in a class by themselves. Also call and see our Spring Hats, Caps and Furnishings Staebler (Q Wuerth Co. OUT OF STYLE The man who buys 2IW/-Covsee shoes each season is never out of style because 2('a1r shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- ALARTI CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 Aul lisa liest msakes site fully guaanteed. MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS -- 25c up to $5.00 INNE WATCH REPAIRING ---sA SPECIALTY. W alsh, inspector for the Ann Arbor Railroad J.,-L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. " Braoch: 304S.State St. CigL'arettoes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THE LEADING BRANDS CASH PRICES SI~c Pkg. -- 2 for 25c 25c Pkg. .-. 5 for $100 -R. E.' JOLLY 30h s. "TAE ST. MRS. J. R. IROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER flair Goodo, Hlairdressing, Shampooing Manicurist, Face Massage a Specialty. 322 S. State St. hits tates) Belt Phone 359 _BANKS THE FARME!RS AND M~EHANICS BANK MAIN AND.HURON. STREETS Capital,. $5O.595,rpios and Profits, $65,000 uteneeft Booking Business.- par east paid us Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Bases, to rent atO.0 and upwards RK msP,;Pres. W. 0. ProvoNst Vice-Pros F. H-. SL.R;Cash. H. A. WILLIAs Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank capital stocks, $50,000. Surplus, $200,t00 B. esources, $2,200,000 A0eneral Banking Business Transacted Oc3VR~is :Chas. E. miscock, Preas. ; W. D. Htarelltan, Vice Pretot M. J. Frilo,,Csier SSTATE SAVINGS BANK DITnORSa : W. J. Booth , PSno. V. Sheehan Wet. Arnold '"Dr. V. C. Vaughian Tos. H, Wade E. F. Bills John HBaarer Juo. Koch Peaf. B. S. Carhat Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. immerman sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can be found in r shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort° . and service, are contain- c6 shoes.. TilE ACME OF EASE WalkOverShxoe Co. 115 SOUTH- MAIN STREEAT Hart,' Schaffner & Maix FULL DRESS SVTS ' he Clothier Piroperly Tedlored g a 1i rr' spring Hats. The Newest Shades and Styles At WadhamYs (8. CO. 121-123 S. MAIN ST. fee Our Show Window i c i THE PlisRoal 209 E. Liberty St. U.of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From Every Country FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 Or ANN AsseR, Micet. P. D. KINNE, HARIl SON SOUJLE, Pret. Vine-Preas. S..W. CLARKESONS, Cashier. Capital, $1O,000 Surplus and Profits, 1-,00. , ier nOn -American Savings Bank Cozrc eroces..l aseo 00r.. Maass&end 1Liberty Streets Il do.i. Martin FUNRAL -R Office 20S. 4th Ave. Phone 98. Patent Leather Be Its n i l nV H t u c Residene 302 5. 5th Ave. Phone 31 4rE ouraskirt or tblause 5' en ek A t Tttle,s.38S tt AMBULANCE ON' CALL -P O the dres;ocs-goodsw a rder. e.388Stt 'TO AL1~FT co aO$ AS i _..... ,, eis Street