THE MICHIGAN bA~t I . ... . ..... - -- .... ... - ------- ------ G. . 'Wild Company Imported and Domestic Is now ready 1,includsial thc latest No's lie, hatds and Up-to1DatecPtternsin t Moose Brown, Caribou 'an, Leather Shade, Gfrays and Fancy Blues. Your pattonae ;rsetully soicited. G. H. Wild Collpally 311 suth State Steet D~O YOU KNOW T1HAT The New IGame. Mcphis tol 14 thc ii 0t fascinating )lictltl ls'or t forindo ous or out that has yt C cii its i _euI Juist ousit is tti icrazc the worldl uveci.\«\echa've iJst recccts ci shipuic it aniwlscll gladlys showctiemt 75c, $100, $1.50, $2.00 Al Sheehan &Co. Student Bookstores A. G. / SSPALIJNGt~ & BRO. yte Lrget' Manufacturers in the World iii Official Athletic Supplies ~Base Ball, Foot Bal, Golf, Lawn :Tennis, basket Ball, Hockey ,Official tIfo .I, rTack adcilid Spots! Uciors trad iiSprt. b'adicet Hadudunly' Ilustrated Cataogefa t Iipot ctinsatet a atraiitattgttctiicl. Sendirt.-itsre. A. (.SPALINO & Bros. New ai.i tics.Louas aclt'aat's, Misasiiti.. lasac.tatt. trata.seis - bAr, P.Lhiiaiptia ta . t 'iiiici i, iati mre, Wahing-cu's1, Knsas City, tleveland, New Oreaso, "I ecrtl,3ireai. Canada, THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Melltita i" itle it ii ~RF RTCin.u Bl'at es Mnatgr-C.,P INSWTErA. its...........Hirat S. Coup, \uAt)clc ire . . .,ac A whititS t',cliti c... '. 7:1. Jo WA-anhoict xi, -isisitDraa..... ROY D. Welch "nic Clitor. . otise Vats Vooris EarTOaIAL STAF 1. W. MCandles lier C. Adansa Rtussell MFarlatnd NIGtHTy EDITORS Chauncey Boucher; B. G. R. Wiliansa R-aymntd Vseter l..lcllt h J. 11 Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountefer howell J. Carr Donald L. Kiney' Watr K. Tlowtsr Loheas Kraft! Litwis '.Ktiscrii Robert Morelarnd Pau Grer Samutel H. Morris! Otto lagel rect . Goodig 'ITeroni P. Cooper BUSINESS STAFF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam' Hiaroldl P. Gocld Address: MCHIGAN DALY, res Bldg., Maynard Street. Msanageras Hours: I- p. m., 7-B p. ED. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96o l\'1DltNISI/i'. \l RCHt d. 198.5 is ulh'dto 7ae icitDaily nticeit tO" ~tlt liiacd itl.'iuttcstylll, i/it 1biar ad t . //tis'gicritg bulit, Iit /t itls Uilt eity tiooze, tiC- lwcs f nretir~s, tc.,11 ty be plced itt i/ib~csrigt h a iy, att il'tl be ;0stiou as to titwstsic till be ' it i irutb aht t h fica-cl eto '111 lS:Y i) Ot'' lii' c The hliel'has ccl i i/c ssittin sicrt /it iithei'ttttiititic'titteltd itth ,i 'mekin" ad tat he nquritit r eIt d: o c i 'is i titi tthe l t' ith to theticot ilicitit'whoiirrittithcte imstgtiint'csour-selvtys.ieeta lc'tti.,tmtdi' the ibasis itt the -inestiga tiia :~~i tt0-l'etaliy f the tproceetings. wta i'rsotcinitetgrit ail fittes"o S A, Watintts atitirM. Vtdder screlaer giiici byit'attiofithetlir csttt esiac atllt' los. ihttier or ntitciteaetig itif lttki v ragititrly ,tale ti.kifitarlly dc Itt'. thtttheaili lo tti rhdbeifn'w csat Jlfr -tioclitcka tntthe cdny 'preceding' t' lc'ttiti. atitdtus temactictrs' Iba' sincrely hIthattu teishotle mt-ct iiter ill batr italicfruit in tesa' tf tnt /fingt.ha ctas ot tikeeter sense ofI itiir r'espottnsibilitie i rgtardto t 'lTARtYlTHOU'ttSAND COPIES OF \iICl TGIt;NI)A M.SKC SOLD1 N1 ligenalits'c't'. but its tmtsic is ,,m et'ery' iianoi. iThree totsant ctpis of te muttsic aveu beenilsol aitililtthe weet itWhilidsNight Fils ear" is te tieader ip lityn .waithi"IttCllg" 'icondtiadtLoIvis's Gifts" tirt. Ihr lit ascli eentcttaisteady ideiuadtu t ottlt fort lhtcc sttgs metiticedtlt tt for " IttcAwfully Plasedtit to e Popct la, tMksNit Differaen ViWhat tite DaisvSaes, an tll thit'rest.tOrters 'it-' coinlltg itnmihs far away a tPenn-t syvah a tit andtt i natli jobesar ie begin tingtigoiscnd iotrters. Sttictnts asedting tesoigslbratidi ctst tiverliii'ctuttry. Of foiritilinlg ttlits ticdlqcitetaat rtittdotitfrot the iatEtilkinits' Tutesctui, oie wasaidi dresseditoLtexinlgton,:K., tne to Bit- ht. Altis., cie tSeattle, Wiah., attd one i ti'theUper Peninsulat. ihe idemantdtIfor the imutsic htis bet' so greatthilacRetick & Co. hae ben trcedto de llac putbllictionitof te' botunid volme of sontgs This suiiveir ciitifto till g ohnsaie aottiSatrday. Sitty prchatsers itt-ic tiretidy'registered jor "opi/saticBioi's. "'Il/"ACtt'S FIRST'DUTY S I)r. t'harlcsitHuges Jhnltstoin, rf~O- stir ofiliiiphiloitsophty cf edtcatini, sik~te befrthe lii tttlcatiittai clutbtlast es-cit tt on"esms itd ptimistiltt-,( iso.Heiwet ciesiecilly uithe~~li necssity(if aidcideitdatetperaatthtllti ~boltheris opittmistic or pssitistic, i a ieacheliTio qtei his talk itt part: "'iThete tie tttnyttypelas of optitaistt ati lpes'imism.iTheatype itio wicti it is est to fali ll is the sperficial.-4i1e tilethat iisittntecieatd, Iopeletslst downheited isiitilteviry liaedisectr ag.metittndittithe oiler, 'tliased c-itt a-isttic'.ticklued swithi tistraw.' 'Wae alt. icrha pass'.15 trcughi tistage, ut it lino e tefinial ct-iaif ae arc to'cdo inth intg. For a tatieta especially it It aessentil tothava tidecidedltte eapty'i. Thris tarni iic god itt both optintisn itt pessiimhitm, atittis-cmust we-igt etcti 'tit ftriourseves.-. A teachers firstdity is ittoltd teteraiteit,.-btt to do that bt' utiaveis c-i-tiwel-groundiei. /.tSom 'nir eitioni of Micigetda sotgs litilitd iith l aaitographa four-page itt'. sert. t IRolt's abott Thursday. Price, $aoto. 1ditiontimtnite; ontleced copies reservetd for citlswho sin te book -at I \\%7:1'K v;I( tM/LADDtRtLSS :AFT ' rPtlhtLCAN CUIB ope'pfttingand freet a tilokelltoigtit at 8 oclock.:itt Nichols al. Fery re- ptlit3'so t Dran..tbg {utiT hrtjt t is..4i5 yiftvel. "}dge It. Vi. Nsciirk awi1lte tie pe'tleu of the eeting. Mc. V. I' n'er'itn a-il 'aso'u/spealk. - \Vb1'tilt ls atarae y-geaertaltf'thiiii. sall dti't ret addrais 'it te uat patn metinttgonMitarcht 25. NASSIKIP ILL-GIRLS GIVE PAIRTY FOR WINNING TEAMS' IThe grs, of the frehaatatcd sohlo' titre -iaskettail teams etertainedethie setiior at-ittjuiior teams, ac a datcitg party itt Baroirgymnaasitto tailnigt. Tttti.ditinigrootowacs decoratedwinh te bantaer aand clors of the ciamtitoat' sipiteIamt.'T'etchctairmna of te cmut tiittes scre the captaitts of tietwos teaits. biss I arris ad Miss bWiessuer. NC'. A. Kett,"i'aprominttutasti tutit Iss, twil ciachithett Haskelttl 'i's est Staidsntlsat te Uttiversty of bWs- ingtontte ats.sist'iang tttte contsruction ofi a lta itch tiits forthit icresiutiacit jMUusic anta ]Drama 'L~itts Jtthnnty Jotes,"'whenisu t is sen itis cutity tte NtsWhitney, btutu' ttiy; bMircht 9, awitie lpesetitcat btya sttetultt selected ca-ttf sigrs, iatar andt coteatniis, acoapatiettby Its'tta:of the Itrgeit atdetiteldrilleidchotruss init Afitiss, ttittalltumbtaeritgtseei'ti 1hti, peiuple. The slae tassie nt olestetit scenicie irdcaltiont as sratt forctwetayic act/as ittNess'York andt ai stuuer-Dat Chicigo'iwil hat'Se ett. It is te itg' gast atdtmot exsatie attractiont~tiu ilil be seat tre' tts seasiut, adias its ht fattianatthreputtationutavtaeatreceded t'i, a crtwtedthIouse is aready asuret. 'See Henning & Kochs ew full linta of' Michigan, fobs, pinsatnatd sponas. 1 13 East Liberty Sc. ' oll See our complete line of Michigan pins, fobs and souvenirs Haler's Jewelry Sore, 26 S. Main street. od Micbigendta songs played on the piattot at Root's are maiking the greatest hti of the seasot. Tiuere is maore tottan words atdaccomntitaent. T-1t;t FOR SALE-Fox typwriter, cheap. JC.Wat,31RLietSt -1See.. our- complete ;lne of Michigan pins,- fobs and souveatirs Hallero Jewelry..Sore 26S..Main street. od -Regular .castoeasnmay cagc hicti getada-natsic ptRoo s'ad have it ailed to frietuds direct frotm the stae. 11-13 N~o"w Ready TEXT- BOOK-.. tb'H a ol dpri mtpt iced, i ,1it a I/tAO p SECOND HAND BOIk Get lOsrPrcs oala i Drafting Instruments; and Supplies All kinds of Secondland Books' taken in exchange for cash. WAHR' S, University Bookstore' SOME NEW CREATION'S IN P I L L O W., .C V R $ AND BANNERS (The neatest th~ng ever put tue PHOTOGRAPHER [BAILEY & EDMUNDSj Zporttnn. $oot'e 121 EAS ' LIBERTY STREET [Y[6[ASS[S 1i11, asces ave uluat. aaidh a acessiar'y saauaawithat adaata atf iate thait tey walit ueircan ateye- glass it t s autufoutrad sricte. 1a.Iaytala wr; dan. at AKNOLO'S aithull'w flGi ' E liS- turtltuuy cuit ctaralt'eawre ls: ( icku hRepair. ,Lutnsts ttrt~sad. EMIL H, ARNOLD Op~iticl stiwiaist with WM. ARNOLD, ,Jge-er-' wothO ialSlianStreet. 4 Roott's blusic House. 1a-za4 PL m BALL Not Leagxie 1Btx* ndteFillers At Alm-ost Half Price CoOp SP ore.. ---..... Special Courses IN flusic, FOR UNIVERSITY, STUDENTS, sah~ood of M~zato MAYNARD STRUiT _ ' - -_ Zbe '$tnbent0'2lecture Issociatfon Season. of 1907-8 Mar. 13, Opie Reed . Mar. -20, Oratorical Contest Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Maitthews - April '30, HON. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Governor of Minnesota. ' TICKETS: FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED, TO - - $2,00 MIchigan State Telephone, University Exchainge 0-_ ...... . 121 Wasp ngton f. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Prps Phone 598