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March 04, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-04

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The Michigan Dail
VY,,z wt ANN ARIdH? a V[ I AN, WEDXRSDAY, MARCH 4, 590& N. i

They Win Place in Finals by a
Scr of 31 to 16 in Most Excit-
ing Dame of Series.
The junior'engineers hung another
anchor on the basketball championship
title last night when they defeated the
fresh lits in the first of the semi-finals.
Until the middle of the second half of
the game honors were even and either
team rhight have been picked for a win-
ner, but the freshmen weakened toward
the end and the engineers piled up
enough baskets to nearly double the score
of teW oppoents.' The final score was
3t to 16. West, who starred for the
juifiors in the preliminary game, was not
in tegame. The winners of tonight's
gane between the pharmics and the fesh
aws will 'pla the .engineers -for the
championsip the _-8th of this month.
Both of the teams competing last night
entered the game somewhat cautiously,
guarding'well and taking no spectaculr
chances throwing baskets. The jumiiors
led off in the scoring and ran up six
before the lits got a start, ,when- the
young ones cut loose, however, they
quickly pulled the figures to a tie, andI
from that time till near the end of the
game the difference between the scores,
of the contestants was not to exceed
two te thre'e pointi. Af th luose of
the first half the former champions led
by two points, the score being ta to o.
The freshmen entered the second part
of the game considerably the wos for
the gruelling pace set toward the last
of the preceding half, whereas the en-
Oneers were in better form than before.
W the time the score had tied 'at six-
gee, the' lits were all in and se game
as inikh as' wots for their opponents.
But evet at this stage had the freshman
forwards displayed the class shown by
thleir gards throuhout the game, they
mightie won.
Especially brilliant was the game play-
esi by Hayes, the' little freshman guard.
A nutniber of times he and his team-
mse,. Eastburn, gave the ball to the
forwards who failed to realize the op-
pottmtifesto score.
Frr ht'e uperclassmen, Tylei-, center,
andsiintamore, forward, starred. Capt.
Wasmnd played an excellent gaie at
f,' and dribbled the ball down to
slio':forards time after tine in a man-
Otrthat took the crowd off its feet; but
t ils frequtently caught fouling, caus-
ing his team to be penalized. Tyler shot
for, of the five fouls 'scored for his
team and made five baskets as ' well.
Bythe onddleo f the second half h had
worn out Webster, his opponent at cen-
ter, and had things quite to himself,
We?4t.plyed well in the early part of
the gase, but lacked'the staying qualities
5Qessential ,to his position. Dunsmore
Iwr4f a t'ant'mrer of spectaeulat bakets,
and worked the ball through his oppo-
gp i a brilliant manner.
'A gettf'r the gain was one of the
most exciting of the series, the fresh-
men playing better ball than at any pre-
vious time this season. The superior
reaet work of the engineers told, how-
ever, even though West was absent from
the five. Clark, who took his place,
played a good game. The lineups were:
Jusorengineer-Fo-fw s Dtlns-
mpee ad} Clark; ceter, Tyler; guds,
%mta1e ll b'4 , mpnt
Fresh lts,-Forwards, Everett, Brook-
Water and Madison; center, Webster;

gufrds, Eastburn and Hayes.
Stimmtries; Baskets--Dunsmore 6,
tyler s, Clark, Wasmund, Webster a,
Blrookwater 2, Hayes, Eastburn, Ever-
.v :Free throws--Tyler 4, Wasmund,
webster a. Inal score-31 to '6. ief-
eree-Corneal. Tim'ekeepers-Dual and
Wiidei . Seorer-Treat:

t i . "y

Tryouts for the quarter-milt relay
team which will meet the 0. S. . quar-
tet at the fresh-soph meet next Saturday
night will take place this afternoon from
4 tillS o'clock on the track in'Water-
man gym. The tryout is open to all
eligible athletes, and will' be coduc ted
by Director Fitzpatrick.
All entries for the fresh-soph meet
must be made at the office before 6
o'clock Thursday afternoon. Any ath-
lete not regularly enrolled for the meet
will not be permitted 'to enter the con-
All suspicions that Michigan is looked
upon with any disfavor it the Eastern
Intercollegiate were dispelled b the
action of the represntatives to that or-
gaization, last Saurday, when 'they
elected Harry Hill to the vice-presidency
of the association. The position is in a
degree honorarytand will not nezessi-
tate his attendance at executive meet-
ings. Likewise the report that Pemisyl-,
vania was in danger of being frozen out
was given the lie by the vote to hold
the next meet at 'Frankin field. Five
colleges were suspended for nonpartici-
pation in the meets, but four were rei-
stated before the meeting in New York
adjourned. Harry Hill returned from
New York yesterday.
The new rule regarding the cross
country meet is somewhat complicated.
Under the old rules the colleges were
required to be represented at both the
track and crosg country meets, but the
new rule provides that attendance at
either of -these meets once in two years
enables a college to remain in good
It is the plan aof the executive comn-
uittee to recommend that the winners
of first or second places at the meet to
be held at Pennsylvania, May 30, shall
be sent to participate in the Olyipic
games in England. Inasmuch as the
rules of the Olympic will not bar col-
leges from sending freshman representa-
tives, a lively movement has been set on
foot to permit freshmen to enter the
meet at Pennsy this spring.. There is
no law, other than- unwritten, debarring
first-year men from the eastern meet,
bt tuless the majority of the mebers
vote for the entrance of the freshmes,
none will compete.
A motion to contribute- $fiooo to the
Olympic games fund was passed uani-
mously, as was one to appropriate $250
for a cup for the intercollegiate cross
country championship, to be presented
to the college winning first five times,
exclusive of ties. Flags will also be pre-
sented to the winning college for ach
successive victory.
The motion to hold the next meet at
Pennsylvania was carried 'by a vote of
9 to 7. The motion was welllobbied
before the opening of the meeting and
requited little disusion despite th fact
tlsgt the executive committee recom-
mended that the next meet should gotol
Harry Hill is in receipt of a letter
from Haskins, Pennsylvania's great
miler, in which he announces his will-
ingness to meet Coe in a i,oo yards
srunat the varsity meet on the 14th.
Haskins will probably reach Ann Arbor
a few days before the meet in order to
accustom himself to the tragk before the
contest tak'ti pIhee; This race prer"ises
to.be one of the biggest events Of the

"Buddy" Hull won the finals in the
Ton-yard dash at .Oxford last Monday.
He covered the distance in io a2.ssec-
onds, the same time he made in the
prelirtinaries 'of the event last week.
Che beat' his nearest opponent by about
thee yards.

Members of the Graduating Lit-
erary Class Divided as to the
Nature of Their Parting Gift.
What is to be the memorial which
will carry the name of the tso8 lit class
down to posterity, is the question which
has aroused the most lively discussion
of the year among the senior lits. It
was brought to a focus yesterday in a
largely attended class meeting.
A great variety of opinions as to the
nature of the memorial was expressed
in the debate which followed the report
of the memorial comnittee. The gather-
ing found it impossible to reach any
definite conclusion on the subject, so
further consideration was postponed until
aext Wednesday afternoon, when the
matter will again be brought before the
The good will between the girls and
men of the class was a decided contrast
to the attitude of last year when senior
men forced the giving of the memorial
to the Union despite tihe opposition of
the class girls. The men of this year's
senior class are determined to use no
such measures, and although they
strongly favor a contribution to the
Union, they will defer to the girls' wishes
in the matter.
The girls themselves seem divided on
the matter, some expressing their desire
that the fund be given to the Union.
They felt that as the Union is for the
greatest good of the whole University, it
should be kept moving until completed,
now that it has been begun. The girls
of the class will hold a meeting in Bar-
bour gymnasium this afternoon to de-
cide upon their policy in the matter.
A combination with the other senior
classes for a Union donation, the giving
of a class memorial to the Union, the
devoting of the fuid to a memorial for
the University as a whole, or the division
of the fund, are the general plans under
consideration. It was suggested that tile
senior classes combine and leave a fund
in trust to provide for the erection of a
fireplace in the new Union clubhouse of
the future. A piano for the Union, to
replace the rented one now there, was
also. suggested as a combined memorial.
A handsome bandstand for the campuss
was another combination idea. If the
class is to make an individual donation
to the Union, it is likely that it will
take the form of a punch bowl or a
silver service set. The matter of a mem-
orial for the entire University was more
fully considered. A clock to be placed
in the reading room of the library, books
for the Red Star collection, a senior
bench which freshmen will not be al-
lowed to monopolize, or a stained gass
memorial window for the library, were
'among the suggestions.
Many objected to the idea of a memo-
orial without: permanency. A donation
of furniture to the Unionor improve-
ments on the temporary building were
opposed on these grounds. A donation
to the Union was deemed unfair to all
the class, by some, as nearly one-half
of the members can have no direct in-
terest in the clubhouse. There seemed
to be a strong sentiment in favor of. a
memorial combining utility stith per-
manency. It is possible that the fund
will be divided, part being devoted to
a campus memorial, the remainder going
to the Union'
The memorial committee came to the
conclusion that the majority of the class
does not favor a, combination with the
other classes, or a solid donation to the

Union. They explained that this does
not indicate lack of loyalty to the Union,
but a general feeling that the memorial
should be for the University in general.
The meeting itself:developed the feeling
that, should the Union need some specific

object on which all classes csWtd com-
ine, the senior lia would be glad to
enter into the arrangement, reserving
a small portion of their fund for as
individual memorial.
The proposition of the senior engineers
to hold a conbination dance was favored.
The affar will be held at Granger's it
.the near future, the arrangements being
left in the hands of a committee. Re-
ports of various committees were re-
ceived, but no action taken. A class
smoker was decided upon.
According to the usual custom, the
notice of a handball tournament has been
posted in Waterman gymansium by Dr.
Mtlay, assistant physical director. Entries
for this tournament must be it by Fri-
day, Msarch 6. The tournament will be-
gis Monday, March 9.
Last year's . tournament was one of
considerable interest and developed some
very good material. Handball has al-
ways been a popular game here, and it
is not probable that this year's interest
will fall below the average. There seems
to be some hesitancy, however, upon the
part of the underclassmen to sign tp.
Both doubles and singles will be played
and during the tournament contestants
will be given the preference over prac-
tice players on-the courts.
Dr. May has also been instrumental
in a sort of combinationaindoor tenis
and squash game. Several of the mem-
bers of the faculty have become devotees
of the game and declare it of inmense
value for those who wish to get in trio
for the spring tennis season. A num-
ber of the candidates for varsity tens
lonors have also taken tp the game, anal
all agree that, while it lacks the qualitiesl
pecuihar to isdoor tenis, it nevertheless
fills a long felt want.
Most of the larger iviiversities have
indoor courts, and the eastern tennisi
candidates have already been called out
for workouts. Michigan has never hatt
an indoor court and the introduction of
this new game will mean much to tennis
The new game is played on the hand-
ball court and is easily learned. Dr.
May is entirely willing to explain the
points of the game to any who wish to
hearn it.
Joe Horner, star weight thrower,
lhrdler and pole vaulter, hurt is last
Saturday's preliminary meet, will prob-
ably be unable to compete in the coming
fresh-soph contest. His elbow, whicta
was badly strained and bruised while
vaulting, is still swollen, but improviag
rapidly under constant treatment.
His loss will be a severe blow to the
freshmen, who were expecting great
things from him in all the floor events.
Fitzpatrick will take no chances, as Hor-
ier's services will be needed in the First
Regiment meet March 2.
The Barristers, the honorary law so-
ciety, held an informal banquet at the
Michigan Union clubhouse last evening.
After a few short toasts, the following
members of the faculty were admitted
as honorary members: Professors Stin-
ker, Bates, Holbrook and Drake. These
also spoke briefly when called upon by
the toastmaster, Stephen Downey.
The following were present: Downey,
Boose, Stoner, Butterfield, H. W. Clark,
H. A. Clark, Keeny, Gould, Gleason,
Diver, Ellison, Barbour, See, Strom,
DeWitt, Starr, Woodbury, Uhl, Fox,
Friedman, Helsell, and Moore.
James A. Bryce, the famous writer

and present British ambassador, recently
had the degree of LL.D, bestowed upon
him by McGill university.

It will be Divided Between Mrs.
Hofmann and Woman'sLeague
-Union will Receive a uift.a
A statement as to the financial success
of "The School for Scandal" was se-
cured last night from Miss Olive Bucks.
The play netted $2oo. This amount is
to be divided between Mrs. Hofmann
and the Woman's League. Mrs. I-f-
mans feels that she play was very suc-
cessful considering the number of ama-
teur productions that have been holding
thie boards. A commiittee will be ap-
pointed at the end of the week to decide
on a gift for the Union. A list has
been secured from Prof. Bates, of the
law department, and an effort will be
made to select as practical a gift as
The dates for the hrst series of Ferry
lectures for oiW8 have been derided upon.
-William T. Ellis was unable"to come
upon the dates formerly announced, but
will be in Ann Arbor from March th to
15 inclusive, and will give a lectre each
As has been noted before, Mr. Ellis
comes to deliver lectures on foreign mis-
sions. He has spent considerable time
in the Orient in an effort to determine
for his own satisfaction the success or
failure of the missionary propaganda,
with the determination to give to the
public the results of his investigation
upon his return to America. He did
this at his ow' expense. During his
stay in the Orient he was special cerre-
spondent for a large newspaper syndi-
cate including the Philadelphia Press,
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, and other
papers of equal prominence. Since his
return he has been writing copiously for
several magazines including Harper's
Weekly, the Outlok, the Independent,
and others.
Mr. Ellis comes to Ann Arbor with
a wealth of material and with many in-
stittiots aisd organizations lamoring
for dates. His strenuous work made it
necessary for hint so take a much needed
rest and his engagement with the St-
dents' Christian Association as Ferry
lecturer is his first work since his en-
forced withdrawal from the public plat-
Mr. lillis has been for several years
editorial ;writer ot the Philadelphia
Press,. ansl is now connected in the same
capacity with the Philadelphia Evening
Bulletin. This series therefore will be
a rare opportunity for students and
others to hear an unprejudiced account
of the work in the Orient. The general
subject of the series is "America's In-
ternational Religious Obligation front a
Journalist's Viewpoint." Further an-
siouncements as to time and place of
lectures will be made later.
Both the girls' and men's sections of
the Junior Deutscher Verein are plan-
ning to present German farces this
spring. The casts and plays for the
productions will be announced within a
few days.
The chairman of the general arrange-
ments committee of the County Fair
would like to meet a representative from
each fraternity, club, or other oranisa-
tion desiring to take part in the County
Fair, to discuss plans for the coming
fair. The meeting will be held at the

Michigan Union, Thursday, March 5, at
7 p. m. sharp. It is desired to have
every organization represented. If

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