OUR PRICES 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 'o40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to40 15 to40 15 to'4D 15 to 40 15to 40 15 to 40 15 t40 YYja -_a}15 to 40 ~~~15 to 4015 4 15 to 40 F_ r ;15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15 to40 AMU5EMENTIN ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT Far the Ezmtlre Week COMMENCINGx MAJESTIC M a, r cK The following Attractions will be Presented : I.-Overture. 2.-Weniozen. +«L Francis Worlds gretes t rifle shots. 3.-Eimnalyin. Laokaye. 'ritia thutna C antriene. 4.--Dort CAl Mae Gordon. Trio. tCtwedy Nov elty C'ycli-ts. 5.-Valmore. In-truenetal i tii.. 6.-The Danicing DeMnths. Crotesqoce Whirlwind lancers. 7.-The Haydten.Famxily. 5 at tnalI iht; W ire Artists. 8.-Majestiscope. PKWICES:-Ev enings I~c. 25c, 3Ocn, 35c. Box Seats 50c. IMatinees Wednesday and Saturdays a .Adtmi-ssion Adtls 25e. Childrten I50. THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... CALENDAR. Mar. 2-Atiittoiwiski Trio, on Coral CUniifn series. Miar. 2-Soilt lit dance, Barbour gym. Mar. 2--Beulah Pint in tens Riv- ers. Mar. 4- Taft Republican lub smoker, Nichols all, 8 p. in. Mar. -Readings from Racine's "An- dronstaque," by Prof. Andre Beziat de Bordes, auspices of Cerle Dramatique Franenais, Tappanp'IHall lecture room, 4 p. n. Admission free. Mar. 5-Candy sale, 2 to 6 o'clock, at Newberry Hall. Mar. 6-Varsity band dance, Barbour gynnasitum. Mar. 7-Fresha-Sotpb teet. Mar. 7-"The College Widow" coai- nee and nigt. Ma. q-"Little Jobtnny Jones." Mar. te-Lecture by Bliss Knapp, itt Newberry Hall, utnder Uiersity Cris- ts Science society aitspices. Mar. tJ-Stetsitt's "Ucasle Tott's Cabin.' M4ar. 4-Varsity aeet. Mar. 14-Illini sttoker is Michigatt Uniion clubhotuse. Mar. 2o-Ralphl Stuart in "Strotg heart." Mar. .o-'De Paris attx Pyrenees," a lecture by Prof. Louis Loiseatx, of C- lutatia university, atsices of Ceree cratitatitlte ratcais, 8 p. mt. Miar. 21-irst Regimaet of Iliois mteet. Mar. 23-lien Greet compay in "Ro- meo tatilJtliet." UNIVERSITY NOTICES Section 3, jutnor Dettscler Verett, wit tteet in Rooma C, Uiersty Hll, Mlotttay, 5 :30. Wite. Regtlar muntaly meeting at :MMillatt hallthttis eettig at :30. Prof. J. B." tavitsill sieak ioa "Failtres." 'Te social cmttttittee of te Illiti wisit to attotuce a staoker at the Mich-. gatt Ctiost on te eenitg of Marht4 Partictlars will le giet later. Miehigatn casdy mtadte by Mihigats irs for, lietigatt- sttdets wiltte ott ale at Neswberry IHall text 'Ttturstay frott 2 to r 6,ti. Tt 'ea atd coffee wilt be servetd utter te directiotn of Mrs. it'Ooge atti Mrs. etsat. ire for the Sotvetnir Atograpt Editiott of thte sotgs, and the Micligaeasian, at Lytdos at t2 sharp today. Great taste htperatie-all comtttitteetmen wo cotte get sottsenir ook at special price. Putblicity Cottatittee. Souvenir editiott of Mictigeida songs biotttd witht aattographs four-page ita sert, at Root's about Tursday. Price,' $.uo. Editiott limtied; nuntbered copies reserseid fob all swho sign the book at Root's Mfusic House. 11-4 Etgiteers' Petns sharpened atd re- paired at Skinter's. VACATION ABROAD. Darsa your way. Openitg for five good iten; seniors or those who can stay five months preferred. For information see R. E. Church, 2t9 S. Thayer St. t-ta Fraternity House for Rent-Large htouse suitable for fraternity or club, on North Division street; inspection invit- ed. Dr. A. J. Hal, Laurence Bldg., corner Fourtta avenue and Ann street. Bell phone 758. eod Let "Hank" cook you a d SHORT ORDER. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. .12 S. Stae 3t51 MaYnard 7@S-NewlUnIverslly Ave. o. A. MOE. HENRY (Q Co.o TAILORS *To]M/j HiMerchanise FURNISHERS mu lvi m HATTERS AP LII opular Prices Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See 0xzr $5 Boot Directly North of Law Btnilditxg 709-711 NORTH UNIVEKSITY AVENUE Piro% 1 I I + I VI 0 III "l f \. AN CLUPECO SHRUNK C O Y.I..ARZ.. Quarter Sizes, xsc each, a for asc. C4UETT, PEABODY & CO., Makers of Ctuett and Momirch Shirty. 61 INE pp- 1 , GUYOT willnasifza .ly +z.r-flasf ':t TV pail , c r nvar i. F_ i y -,sl s - s Iwc fist i I ,- t i i,:-" ..air 1c35 naiiie . :y* goad Fop Paid- 1u01 uL .,, ,, PYiLADZLPAZA. 11, To YOUR CONSIDERATION 'We offer our new litne of wooletts for Spitity ititl ',ttstr~sc, 1908, cotsisting of a complete assortat l of thiettatay shades of browan tones, modes antd tans--thte very latest itt patterta. We invite your early attention to these chtoice fabtics, althtought your selections can be made up later at ytiur pleasture. To ottr regular customers we express our thanks for eotistatut patronage, and to new friends we promnise fit, fabric and price ott maade-to-maeasure garments that will satisfy absolutely. Very truly ytors, FRED W. GROSS ala3 E. LIBERITY ST. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. Watht the cnomptetiunno.tht~ e nwitildinns, tilictwire ti tic t i tiSeti itti. 3tI Sit thin schootlnnwhasfaellitit's atnd eqitmcet. for tercai iiiOttesettith ie cvari- os brancttes'of medicitte protbttly uneua~ntlrtdint, iit, it. O five btild lags, toune are devotted entirety to labo~rtattri teatiitnand2eer.Nmru htosptats attord abuatdant noptortunities fr litr nic-alin t-tcti inmiin tt surgery COURSE FOR THlE DEGREE OF '41. it. Aftuar' yearn coarseutprn totbactheltirs of art. liiiera ture1. itt: y rscene and to personsnofeqtutvalent standitig.lestrotitt do i iiintofiNit.It.riteettles tf the fturetthyear are whttlly eective; thry iiiincuelt I~thtt witsihts.elsri medicine, general aurgery and tttespecial cliniical brtchest. T Iw net chotolttyt'tr extetnds frmOctber 1. tt1W, t Jane ,,ttltth The diploma of the Univ-ernity of t'liehigan in accepted tar adm~ission. Ftic i dti-ed antounnementt'atnd ataltigue, addtrests HARVARD MEDICAL SCHtOOL, Botn M iass. s' LER ODNECORCL ONni iA 5I - ERN-OD ANCNCRRC.JI N T LG SSI at Orng,,er'sAcadem,vgroudforMa i.( . ,, .o State Strat .r ts. Tuit ti aabi)a tkiw $3 0t ff ht tessns. No enthrasacttent.st osaentamt1d uiLrlsor. I New Whitney Theatre WINTER JOYS come only to those. who are fortified by -abunidatit health and vigor against cold and ex- posure. Bodily warmth comes from good digestion and good food, not froms flannels and overcoats. Shredded Whole Wheat is the food that brings fullest enjoy- ment of Winter Work or play, because it is rich in the heat- I m a k i n g, muscle-building elements eind because it is so easily digested. It gives the litheness and suppleness of limb that make the human body a thing of power and beauty. I. Theatrlum 119 E. LIBERTY ST. Ann Arbors Pioere Movng Picture Theatre Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Webb's For ilighl Grade Candies Ice Cream, Fruit Iceen, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors f or all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 s. MaIi t. WHEAT BISCUIT, with hot or cold milk or cream, will supply the energy for a half day's work. TRISCUIT is the- same as the Biscuit, 'except that it is compressed into a wafer and is used as a TOAST for any meal instead of white flour bread. At all grocers. Our new illustrated Cook Book is sent free.__ " IT'S ALL IN THE SHREDS." THE NATURAL FOOD CO., 1 di{li 1 11 11 VIVO I Niagara Falls, N . Y . 1 1 , f( .,. LLWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE:TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THiING IN -TAILORINO