TH E IPdIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The, Goods Sam Burclifield 1 0.6 &co. EAST HURON ST. SENIORS SPROUT SPRING STUBBLE tl1any Mepdcs- Mature Magnii cent Mustaches-=--Excel lent, Ex.- periments.. If Anil Arbor-mWere a- senior irnedic colony, ie. ibarbsers scnsulstarve-through the sectod= semnestei' of 'each college 'erm. rhe glorious year of spoSK is no k'xeptiosn, for, follow ing the :examrple -of hose' gonbefore, the itresent' seniot' besoth ill .udical class lhasbeuteanalcl t or sthose iplantsswhinch neetd neither °: 11Shillse'nor rali for their "ripening- hie mstsache ad-tilte beard. Tic 'taitsswho foiuded the stgric uI- aural. station- at Aino Arbor-'is Jansfos ts , ho began the cxperimseitls 'Ito'b ccars agtt. So successful has been filis ,orb, sisal the Ms. A. C. has offered to 'ttcrs'asc his salary if he isill gts to 'Lah- :inas lbotany- prof. It was not until latst autumn, itosreser, IliatIsis work a-s aippreciated bscallsy. Whentsilte eyes h) lis classmates were once opened, dis- cples flocked front all 'sides-the poison' . ulha lotits* fisriser attractions. tic faithful susffered -social ostracism,; titther thtantipermsit the eairly' harsest'of .J61 eirlovtetd vegetattioni ly the sickle 4thc (teal. Thse~.-ere dues of mar- it!1sta,thtie itaiti'critevic, anti tttt'ssR1I 'tetirs fell* its'saminstpo BROWIV.S Drug Store 1201E.' Liberty St. a li' tle ; londecyeltrots n ithIis itpti lipi sich'Js lie sitetst citer. The rest ifthc class tre itessitsts. Blarrowishs fa d stc ssvistliinformssat it- tessits. tKsrsitttr has accepted iassits- tense servicc' of'.isa years, 'tnd so vines sot fid', rriiiistachc accessary so a tis~eli- isooti: Yaffe says, "wts-i'," sasi Bailey says "cant't." _Krtuegerlihascwasted Isis 'energy nsfI is cranital crop, asnd Camp- sell refus t o-be isnters-ictsci. Ander- cots swhisks tff. sliest sisskers sire iim- Iterisoti. are colttic atitaisg sidlleburs. ('tVIC CLIUBtPLAi'NS "10 .-BANQUI.iL'i'Cl AS. B.J IStit 'The Citvicscluishis planintg ttotisn- quet-Charles iAt inesis shout itarcis1sa Mr. Jesup is a 0Nw 'York bsinnssstats and is nowtisontt ourttssof westencot- tege.s it thimntrnst ttfthe Istnrntsltnbsatn ,Civic Leaguen of wisich thec'Michsigana Civ'in cisb is a ciislttr.'\tr.Jnsup'p spin 1erestilt "it Shoutlditnis Gsanusasi fasx ito Posltttitcs'" li sudests sin snt rited tProtfessors itein' ie, Va t sits. tisti Sismatin is t i i" -(t lt iiintibnirof tse A ficieaticiiapters of °ihe-ittaguc Thle clonb-eleetedtitim follitwig scm ssscssbcs plrainig the pastncemnester t:cHowaisdtiRot- I, e,- Prcy\i.ihts. Dit tin kaiss" AgI stews, std Issi iittitit hafe. 'sos'evrsii s.: It ti tts.ttt" 55Cc cibyitt es iciens tti~ses et' tt'it t twtttvittfpupsc' tt tiscis s:tue sittttisti~tttott natt itl m intt- tics. _; ns tlsse thereiscis iiiltbec on n'ttiiuiat Ness ''msk, -stti the' ftsoiitssit tls ;y te-dtre gsttsfrthsis:thevaistuii- s ersisy clisswsiltlIc'ecceived at \Vasti s', Spseeri.''ttsttsi, l aee- lWrsiticttiitirbssstss titnd Ijutstict' at iniigs'tt tissrtiellttstreticar 'de.\ts- sisy. Pthoteicj T.[-1 F~OR SAkI'. Asttit ie isof tdentasl its- sfi'itttisits gooth n'lttttttitt. Iisicit A11 iKnuith, imictigsstt iis. tT-T See our complete line of Michigan plms, fobs and souvensirs. Bailer's jewelry Store, as6 S. Main street. end See Heissg & Kocih's tiess fislhine of Msichigais fohs, pitnsstnd sptoons. 113 East Libserty Si. eotd Alarm clocks warransied for onn year, $i;0o. -Hailer's jidweiry Store,. ar6 S5' Mlain' street. co ed Baseball messt if yotwant the ltesi its basebali goods,' see Spaldling's hine at Cusllituig's. ' cf See our complete line of 'Michigan pins, fohs and souvenirs. HIaller's jewaelry Store, as6S. Main street. end Ton't overtook a oo6 tbing We think we are safe in say=_ ing that there is no Clothing selling in this town at the sam e 'pi e ,t ati5n ay t l s materials or workmanship, equal Society or College Brand Clothes. They're in a class by themselves. Also call and see our Spring Hats, Caps and Furnishings Staebiler QWuerth Co. " OUT OF STYLE o< The man who buys 91Wa4~-Ovae, shoes each season is never out of style because 'M4e~zlcer shoes keep abreast of shoe fashion. Every de- sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can ________________________________ :IVtceartranedtsIt'lo.testeihosnope as' esitts'tI ititsreesilissig Hsandithe nr tti iwodpttm i is tiptilisp id LA ~ i f1 CLOCKS nrt'ttc ti Fcetsstr."' iusiig use e eoftht t etcetltss eris c i'I cy; ' $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 'taftec. 'mstiltelli stisils'liaiis I'iseir .5th the itist msatses asid fullti3 stissetuts t,'t'tt. s vatt'tts titti t ear'csrfor thnis atshest MICHIIGAN PINS ANI) FO.S "'11itc tst cnvtcet seas 1)adiey,'iut "1 o; 25c up to $5.00 te grass thtI eiscls ts tin muonssit FINE WATCHI REPAIRING ;tCstictItoi Votsi te f.tttes'c sof "iteisgisg its tih intsCs,' A SPECIALTY. I'St wIa-s Cttltledl'tagaint to carsyttis Watch lnspector fur the Atn Artso' Rairoad Is5e\ttn. ttiti tttsststetl' J. L. CHiAP1VAN t it itseitegissisisigtf, th1e secotid 206 S. MAIN ST. 21ctr iwvr:tes aebcic, Branch: 304 S. StiatS. , tt 'ttcc thmits.'licysemo is isuothiy*, so' rt Wf,' -Aissgansts, Meteger, Masck, t le]11t0'CsisCeimssetss. nAs a resut C ig a re te g' he:1iciats'ttsisiti vstinmg, stallfifcs tlcc'oVwredcitdetd.Sitice esichtsisaim Turkish and Egyptain oedfo itself,' it wcas dilcilt to de-' AJl.THE LEADING BRANDS -naite hot \-istsitIstile iistisestInans mm CASH PICES-s classs. 1'11Vtr ilinttiomisas referred in 15 Pkg _ 2 for2.5c i'( usie ssfor vs 'fintal' seittremh,asias 25c Pkg. _ - . 5 for .$1.00 m irl~sutatusttl-cstesaii~ _ ga ts . t i s m g rlcttmmir'alist. Btit 1R.. E,. JOLLY' din s st'iissg-i r's its imoveum - migistiem' it308 AI I.S mthtic plow, sothiat- a"Wihat 'shall lime ''te stsi1ne 'is still ;a s tsessioss ,ithie - ------ 1 is i of stne experismenter. MRS. J. f~." IROJANOWSKI Vit ic n ieied a coffee strainer; its is s tosothbrumshswemnt ho the bad, FASHIONABLE_ HAIRDRESSER s. iteitrsshsrert se-oiimit appmar like a HalreGoods, Hairdressing," Stanpaning - Sisacksfor amnyhing. Morgab- 'woisilfain Manicuring, Face Massage aSpecialty. lie dignifiediiliie attemidimig the niedical 322 :S. State St. (il)s Stirls}-Bell Phone 3s9 Jsesistiec'mtciset, ant dvimnimmds has be found in shoes and the other essentials- of satisfactory shoes, comfort and service, are contain- rQ THE ACMEs OF EASE WalkwOvei'Shoe Co. 11 SUTH Mk IN STREET Hart, Schaffner & Mlau FULL DRESS SiVUTZ 'The Clothier z Properly T$.11Bred .:* BA N'K'S THE F'ARMERS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital, 550,000, Surpluan ad rofits, $65,000 General Banking Easiness. 3 per cent paid onoTtise and Savings Depsilts. Safety De- pasita Boxes to rent at $2.00 and upwards IH. Kxaus, Prets. W. 0. STEVENeS, Vice-Pres P. H. Hu'sEi, Cash. H. A. WNImLIsAnS Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tiapital stack, $50,00u. Sarplas, $200,000 Resources, $2,20un00 A 0eneral Banking Business Trannacted Ornwxcim: Chas. E. Biscoek, Pres.sW. 0. Earriman, Vice Pres.:s M. J. Fritz, Cashier 'STATE SAVINGS BANK W. 2. Booth Jo. V. Sheetsn Win. Arnold Dr. V. 0. Vaaghan Tan. B. Wade E. F. sMlls John Idaaree Jno. Kueh j Pent. H. 5, Carhart Henry W. Douaglas Christan Martin Dan F~.imnmerman ]FIRST NATIONAL BANK S Or ANN ARBOR, MICH. t. ci' KINNE, IARIuSON SO~T;LE, Pre.Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARSON, Cashier. tCapital, $100,000. Surplus sn ofitits,.§150,0d0.! 1 I ' .Spring Hat The.Newest Shades and Styles _ ~At; Wadhamns Co 1i21-123 S.. MAIN ST.' See Our Show Wind . i J THE Pal ais Royal. 209 E. Liberty St. U. of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPECIALTY CURIOS and BRASS From Every Country German American Savings Bank 01 . artin DIRETAR. -Yogsna~ {te Commralek lsmtd Offie2Q09S. 4th-Avo. Phone 98. Patent. LeWlir Belts % d at bhk otLuo .S,.~gs -Resi.dene 502 5.5th At.e . Pj opt 314 is~teyour skirt ur, blouse, 25c. Send us -t At Tr%&ttla'L%, 338 S. State - ANtLAl C ()N'CALL plee of the dress goods wlieniorder.d ________________ I ""~ anE: BELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS. Cot.1R'M 4a~do ,erlanty,8Steeta -,w '--'-'a. , , s r',-,. _. R I ST UDI.i-2 U~E,39East Huron Street