THE MICHIGA14 DAMNY . . G. H. Wild Colupally Our Spring 198 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSj Is now ready. It includes all the latest Ntelites, Shades and UptoDate Pattern in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Company 311 South State Street Bargains in Recent Fiction Books that have sole for $1.20 we are offering at Half a Roue Mtfaralh fain 1o lo i/h-~ Lion and the Nyb5- ft! is Garden of Allah Ili~le usf tner v of Graustark slliOutiusu 1Itee-o a Thousand (candlas Nilmlwus Went Patby \Wont t Collegey Fjparts ad '4 sk 11~rol Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores ~e ~ A. G. _____ °SPALDI1NGf 'p t' ~y~i & BROS. sn The Largest Manufacturers in the World ofOffical Athletic Sopplies Base Ball, Foot Bal, Glolf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Implteto o Tach ad Field Sports Uniform for all Sport. Saldig' Handsomely Ilustrated Cataloue of all sportsotaisss- mrossuaggestons. Snd for it.--Itsfre. A. . SPALDING & BROS. Now Torc, Chcago, 5t. Lous, San Francisco, Misneapois, Denvser, Btfal, Syracuse, Piuts- hure,' Phladeipha, Boso,Cincnnati, Balti- more, Wasislg ton, Kansas City, Ceeianda, Now Orleans, Orrot, Montreal, Canada. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ,Manaogiong ljdior-ARCHtER F. RIrTtHI. Business Maager-C. E. WNSTAD. EDITOS Nes...........Hiram S. Cody kibhleils........Lee A White Erxcltange.... . H. John Wamboll Mtusic and Drama.....Roy D. Welch Women's Editor... Looise Vat Voorhis EDITORIAL STAF J. W. McCandless Eimer C. Adams Russell McFarland NIGHlT EDITOS George 11. Hobart IL. C. Reid Chauncey Boucher B. . R. Williams' Raytntd Vissher NI. B. Mel-fugh J. H. Prescott A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier' Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney' \Valter K. Tossera Louis Kraft' Lewis T. Kniskern Robert Moreland' Patl (Greer Samel H. Morris: Otto ugel Fred E. Gooding 'Iheron P. Cooper BUSINES STAFF '. John F. Wre Carl H. Adam H-aroled . Gould. Address: MCnIGAN DALY, Press Bldg,' Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : -2 p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 96o" SIUNIAY, hlARCIIIa. ao. 7lite a'tue 4 nofstdetscand facly iale tlio!TIheic Michia Daily ntisce' a ~rs eatly la iced it Uiesity dHal, the I~ihratt -asd the XVas Enigieerig ilaldn tt.11c t / UliTa cst~Ynesc, ti- tis o., cig te a ba piced in thloxes adurinag the day. atd iwill be 411CI/a Iaofat5-30 act eetig. Sit- -c-Oolsas t ne slaorieuswill b- ace- corn. .11 az~crisg ater, howeveer, musthe bough tothe ula e as ie-t- I I l avaaaaag llterally thl hIar Iata .sat wellic-setl datlso tsilligly besossed ontaltthse otsavehat atinaita all t do itht the Itroductiton. tf Miehi- genthe lre is sae Organiationa whse Iart in itsscec-s- tmust alos-call not beafrgoatt.Te rpra tis een firs an eta Nilatgai-Utnttot procluctiotn, written fotr it.potedtlt, ttanaged, ade 1 lned y i, adti t slou t te Uin it cattlt ever Itha e ttnenconetceiet. tattaileIs-ca-rridth lroughtto successli compttiletiont. I1till ntela comaforable susttftr teUnitnandttaevceryoane hope thtatI stttnswill lte a lage ot. Butt ltar Uttittt's rimary iturttse iiringitg oatt Nlich~igena wattas ntctoittakeatltataay 'lharfact thtt t atnomoy sas spareto t stag"/tiat rry, provaes tat. Its objct wras tat gire Michiganth ~e es is be hasd atttthe lirbest that Micligata talet cutla prdue;atad that object sas gloriously accomplished. Tf eser. then, additioal prootf is taeeeadf waat to Uiot a is adotae ad tmay do, may seent poitt sita conftidetnce 1o this ottof tmany achieetments the sotrtist atclbot, ad say owih pride, "Thec Union nakes such Michigatn triumphs as Michignda pos- sible'? COSPLINIrNTSOFo tHOtSASON. Nose see the smug pedestian As draswing near a group of oys, I-t blandly smiles, and smiles again, ike otno in lore swith sinter's joys. '-ehattmy ais! Fine spirt!" he cries, 'Te stiosw packs ssell today, I see," Thon, passitng, slyly trns his eyes, uAld groaans, "'lTat one may be for me" tat vasinasitfriendly warmth le glows- It cuts tat ice-ittasectsnot!I $Swift throuag the ar a soswball goes Andttliakes htmin ttthe tnek-kersa! R. M. C. MUuic anb RMrama A.D0Ai0ON'SKTRInO. The Chotral Unioitannaatountces its last attacton of thec presotnt series of ot- crrls Ieftrt- the May Fesival, a tmusi- aalcits the Adatmowski Trio, on Mo- lay evenaing. 'Tis orgatiation, cot- sistinag of yHic. Suoswska, Timotee Adaamtowrski. andt Josef Adamowski, has aNonlatering recognition, not otly in the Uited Saes ada Canada, bit it Europie as atll, havaig appearedIefore ithe czar atd his court in 897. The tlhreeartiss are of the samte nationality, tf thec saeticemperameintt, and te'fact tialt teylavts-cplayedt ogter for the last lten a-ars gises themtanatectviale repuatonii t heatIlcmiusical world. Their lrogratmfr Ittooraow evning follows: i.Trioa( Itni taemory- of Nicholas Rbit- stein)--------Tschaikows'ky 'trnccgiacorra iietcoat variazioti; fi/nale uettlda. 2.'Cellta sols: a. Romtanaac-........-----.Areasky . 'Tarantelle ............-ssttaaat . P'ianaossoloss: a. Noctuettr C sartp tmnr. Chopint i. ttde F 'major,-.....hopint c. Rhapsody Na. 6----------1,isl 4. Violitn solos: at- bMeloice-----------I.'Pderetz'ski I. La Rotide des Lttits-S..azite 5. Ananate andalStero frotn Trio.. -~Goldmrok Minae. Antoinette Sumtowska sas graduteda fromthle college at Warsass switlhigt hotors, uasteritng the Englist, Frencsel, 'rmn, Russiat atd. Polisl lagagesAlthtou gh se had studedl tmutsic from an early ag, she hgan seriously to take tp her profession after lae gradutatiotn frotm college. After studsyitng for several years titdr Prof. Srobel at Warsassatd Alexander Mih- alowasski, she weett to Paris, where sh attratcted the atention of Padrewski. Oate year's training under the grat piaistis filted ir to play itt public,-p- pearitig ini Paris, Lodotn, ad in tf95 itt America. 'I-inotee Adatmowsski, although orn itt Warsasw, sittee 1879 has played ext tetnsiv-ely at the Utited State. As a solo violitnist lie has played with nutner- ous orchestras bolt inth lis country atid. thte ttusical ceters of Europe. Itn 19o7 to swas .hionored by Ite New Englandl Conservatory of Music swith the profes- sorship of the graduated violin depart- ment.. W~ile playing withi the trio be- tot's .the czar, he waa prenratseted with ,a diamond- ring, the receivring of wahich is considered one of the greatest honors the czar can bestow. Josef Adamowski, also horn in War- sane, began the study of his profession at his home town. After receiving nu- merous honors at Moscow, where he spent six years studying under Fitzen- Haagett, and Tschtaikowsky, he hogan to give concerts itt Poland, Galicia, Ritssia, atnd Germnty. In t1f89 lie joitned the Bfoston Syttphtony orcestra atnd the strintg qutartet fotttded by his brother. I-e Itas hold the instructorship of the violoncello-atnd the ensemble class at the Nest Englanid Cottservatory of Mtusic sitter M92._lHe shtared seitht Iis brother the high htottars given bny te imptierial ruler osf Rttssia. tatsmtIcss IN ANN.ARDOR. Jan Kubelick, the world rottownedl vie- Iitnist, will appear at dhe Now Whitney on March 28. Word to this effect was received late yesterday by Mattager A. C. Abbott. The opportuntity of hearinag artists of Kitlalick's ability and reputa- lion has heretofore been afforded only to menmhers of ite Choral Untion. sTIt a GIRL.WHOt aOKS .ttct atE. Katryn Ostermntandas lAttna Btlmhont pleasedl a swell-filled toutse last nigltt at thte Whitney in their exceedingly hiuttor- oats contedy, "Thte Girl Who Looks Like _Nle" 'The play, thtoagh light-or per- tails ontthlat accounti-woas productive of atn exceptionally large nutmtber tof lautghs. All Ite nietolters of ite cast took iteir parts acceptably. 1)1. C..1It. JOHNSTON WILL SPEAK TO PEDAGOGUES A regutlar nteotitig of ite Educationtal' clubl seill be told its Roome 6, Taplpati I-all,. Tuesday, Marcht 3, at 8 p. m. 'T'he featutre of this tieeting will be ott ad-; dress by. Dr. Chtarles Huhitles Johntont ont "Pessitmistttattd OptittismtittEdit- cation." Dr. Johniston is a regular con- tributtor to the leaditig educatiotnal joure oats atnd, is att authtority in thte special foeld of esthtetic editcatiot. He is pro-' fessor of itephtilosophty of educaatiotti int te editcatiottal departmnt. 'Te club is ati orgatizatiott of Itose interested itt the theory or practice of education, atid all: wlto are -intgrested are welcotne at is-meetings. j Fountaint Pons Repaired-glod as new -at 5kinner's. Regular customers may charge Mlichi- genda mutsic at Root's antI have it mailed to frietnds direct from the shore. 1It-13 Mlaadie Miller Bissell-Voice placitng antd song ittterpretation. if Thte Cui- tittg. b otltphtones 428. sat-i'f Since i858 we- have ma4,g Waftch Re- pairig one of our, shroogeat feattures. Haller's Jewelry Store, 2t6 S. Wfn street. ' 6-- No w Ready TEXT- BOOKS Far all itspartments at the Unversty, We have a Isege sto'k of SECOND HAND BOOKS tat Or Pricesson Drafting Instrulments and Supplies All kinds of SecondHand Books taken in exchange for cash.. WAHR'S University Bookstore SOME NEW CREATIONS IN PILLOW COVERS AND BANNERS (The neatest thing ever put nti LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER EBAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAST' LIBERTY STREET A LONG FELT WANT FILLED For yearn pat all breakages of eye. glass and spectacle lenses nEcessitated sending to a city to 1'are the lens replaced causing, a delay tof two days. An outfit for grindingg lenses has been installed in the opical deparment of Arnold's Jewelry Store 220 South Main street- Enablinag them to give quick ser- 'Vice. Surely this will be appre' ;.,ated by tudents. {; - PLAY BAL L NATIONAL Not League Bt Note Covers and Fillers At Almost Half Price Co-Op Store Special Courses IN l lFOR' UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of M'Sic: MAYNARD STREET Cbe $tubents' lecture Resociatf on Season of, 19078 Mar. I3, Opie Reed Mar. 20, Oratorical Contest Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Matthews April 30, HON. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Governor of Minnesota. TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Michigan State Telephone, University Exchange 68 V.+ ,. 121 Wash1Ington E. The Randall Studio, Randall &.,Pack, Props. Phon ;