TheMicianDiy VOL. XVIII. ANN A}lBOR MTCS-ISGAN, Sl 'UAY, NIARCH i, ra6. VARSITY STARS WERE MISSED Soph Medic Makes Record in the Dash - Torrey Takes Three Events-Horner Is Injured. The preliminary iouoor meet which occrred last ight was somewhat less excitng than wa anticipated, largel o wing to tesenon-participatioof varsit track msen andilele asece of a number sf other athletes who were expectel t -tar. But one record sas estalishes. this beig inthle 35-yardl dash woo y MNair it for aoed one-ifth secods. Joe liforer, swho qaliied for the fial inthlis esent, dislcatedshisitelosisthe pole svault antd sas suale to fisis. His ijury is ot seriots. Torrey, 'te scn oththutrdles ad te higs jsumps sinnting tesebest ideisiduasl score. The ossl sseigt eent, te slotiittt. trssducedl a dssast comp~etitions, Ilsrer ands Benblrook of te six athletes setteres, apperigosithlet'doossr.IHosrer twonthueseestswills is sark sf 42 feet 8 -2 isches. estisrssk-seItreod aits 41feet. Msore smets etereit as itansn othler eest, eereselimiares adtwtc etsi-itssls leig r-siuires o l i isssatt for thefissals. Mce~air, le;r -raeig Hlorsner 1-eck, Crtos adit 5-Isrwsott firs its tepreiminiares. tf te-c I fsrser Craig 5McNa:ir :snsdKekel acee inth le ss-ti-finasls, asnsd stil tthe r dis istacediby te acidentsswhit occursreds to himt, MclNair, Craig an Kik sswre left t lce- inte isnals i in ts sorer namsed. Torrey. whotite x tssedstibotthte40-yard highs andsloss-husrle~s, eat it'eresolvert its othsit-ittrelimsinarsy ainlt tititte getinsg acsidtssserasle ledtioe r. is oi- poents.llosresr wonsecond-sttinit te lows husrles ands Craig ithie igt. The 440 -atrdsun redl asjstie. lT runntest-s t tracisk sf sthe umbe-r of lps they hadis to csver anssssl sit ist ise qtsi efore te edt. Fynnstkeistsjggig ands stas te ottty tmansto psites- siths sark sof :5t4-5 As is sussly tsee se te relay races proseel te fessture f te seet Te bscs timie e stsmadsse y te o lii, whos defeatesd te 'o-hs. Tey rathle foutr laps its 56 secosds flat. Tete samt is composed of Merritt, Dll, Wear ads Nlagoff'u. Ossing t acosnfusionasrising fros thle asessce of te 'oil smedic teat, thelpharmsic teamts, aganst4 womthtey were miathed, rats agaist tie'50 etgi seers. The piarssics tots frost the sedics y default, ad te 'o egieers a-Io st-rsscedsled to race te 'o08e- giseers lasItigt,sillessn at5oclsck Wednesday afterntoossistsead. The folloswing is the stmtmary o eents: 3-yard cash-McNair Craig, Keck - tine, :04 1-5. 40-yard low hurdes-Torrey Honer Craig; timse, :05 2-5. 40-yard higishsrdes-Torrey, Craig Smsit; tioe, :05 3-5 44royard rnt-Flytst; tie, :9 4-5. Sio-yard rus-Berry, Btsterfeld, Mo- gasn; tiste, a:o9 4-5. Mile ertn-Tower, See Desorest Stimea, 4:51 2-5 Slotoput-Hoeser, 42 feet 8 1-2 inches; Besrook, 41 feet. Pole atl-I beter and Allerdice, tie 50 feet 6 ichles; Wrigt, Sae, Page Ksapp atd Kerns, tie, o feet. Hight jumsp-Torrey, 5 feet 6 issches Orser and H. Ssmit, tie,5 feet 4 iches Relay wissers-'o lit, 'i li, 'op en- gineer, 'oh law, 'o lw, phsrsics y de- fatlt. The co-edt at Mbinesoa uiersiy are to vote o : Who is the most pop- lar prof? Who is the. smost unpopular prof? Who' is the handsomset mao: Degrees will lie conferred upon thse wits- ners. LANDRY BEGS ENGINEERS TO ENTER GOVERNMENT SERVICE- Captain S. M. Landry, of Detroit, spoke before te Egiseering so~iety last nigh,'itsaject eing "Experiences and Opporesnities inthle Goertient -;ersvice" -Tie spoke particularly of the United ;ats revense serice, its which le has served all Iis life, asd made an appeal for stniversity graduates to ester te service. "We has-c reached a period in our govrotsest service," he said, "when the tudenetsa reached such a height that the Usited States goes to eniersities ,ithsousstretcheed hads" Th'le first part of Captain Landry's -ll awrsas takentip uills isteresting per- otal experiences ott oard a revesue .;utter. A hrief istory of ele revenuee autter service thess followed, its wics rat poissed ot ele imeprtasst part the ervice hsa played its tises of peace as yell as war. Ixassisaioss for cadetship and the engineerinsg corps inthle reenuee se- ire swilile iedinitDetroitithesenear futuire. C'fIt NCI-i, CoVIIT''lil - I \V'1TItA'FIS8 ElECtION Its stiltsltst'st itp te sittinttin regardltoth le se tssg of tesesly elect: edirt e c ssslt t 5fromstheseliterary de- ate st h onclpbict issedlele folsinsssg statenent 'At tes last'niselsg (sf le ousis le setings of.Itrto ssesbers elected ty te juiorltesary cs sesseferred ,eliiglte relsistof a cmmssittee ap- ,)sitcdtt thatitsite sssto sstetigae tels, - tii tr litsissists I' le Ltstsssil toustght It stes-sie t itsssle'siselass issestiga- fitiobecasie iftr ie appatret dissstis- mostion ws it tett-isi le eletiot stat conductsed. "'116 eigibility.iii ts siessreuresed lir tfie 'tsylie's wsinessers questionsed lit tis'ucitss lits its faitritstto them asd, ?oits felt ie truth sit falsity of charges t-hol e slet-s-sititei.- t"The lctioti of officers asse other bsin-sess itta stspstponed isntil tall new t tttestisrssf te Cossicil woelel le ale is patiipaiste. 'A secil sMeetisg of tels Comisici till ie Iscdl huoday evesigigt: -heIr the eosssssittees r-epor.' It is 'undeerstood that "tiecontmittec itt eleetionsswtill reort that nothing ir- regular- intlse' electi'oss.has 'heenn found - asisi eite"J KWakistsandBI i.,B.Ved- sli'rill lie Seated sit out fusthr cots test. . alti ties tliis 5tSt iltS ANt., 'Te chief feature of the Alpha.Na risrgeastsfat last eenig was a talk on "Csrporte' Charges asd'Their -Effect tipudo ithe Oppostuities of a" Young - ts" r PofIHarrison S. Smalley, tiistestorin ispioltitcal eosony. Prof. Smsalet-ae first a rief resume of .itdtstrtl tes elopissnt l-eetreeded thess to disscuss tes effect of this cosdi-- tions spons ele yonsgsat about to enter bisisess. --- "It is in oesay pretty depressin, btst is another sosderfully inspiring:- -d eepressing because at present .a young mass has jute about as mich chance of, gaitning apesiioss of independent auth- ority as a last scssol gradusate has of becomng a supreme court justice. He may gaits assatractive asd responsible position, lit nevertheless a little group -of misn in New York will always have an assabsolute veto over anythisgle may do" Speiartl autograph edition of published IMliciigentcn music, having special cover -asd containing short articles by Welch, Scaslas,tLockwood, Clarke asd Merritt, will go ottstle Tusdssay at Rooto music ystore. Special price to mesisers of the -Mielsigessea cosmpasny, $t; to others, $2. rColpies uill be soled by nusmber and pros- ? pective purchasers should register at -- Root's! at onceT to receive copies. The esdition- is linited. -, MIUSICAL COMEDY NETS OVER $2000 Director Scanlan Speaks at Finald Performance-Miss Osterman Praises Plot. Thse gros receipts frmt the four per-r forsuasses f "Ntieligetsslt' iamonit ts $4,015.35. 'lhe esimatei exenses, items- ied belos, are $,7-netliPstfits t t Unios, $2,36.35.1 A sdeailesdsttemtett still be pbilise thse latter lirt of this see, wiestll 'ills ave ects le sabsve igures, howevrer, tre atsal asi to grsss1 receipts ands closely estimatstedl as 1o0tes -xpenditure. 'CTe later till be aot is follows s Costumises- - - --.........$55.0 Rentfthfieser- - --.......375.00 Directinig- - - --..........300.00 Advertisinsg (set)- - - 5.0 Special lDetroit ran......, .8oo Watsrrobstendsesas...s---..65.0s Wigs sanI sakes...i.- - -.... 63.0 Shoess(-- -0t.0s Gleves asditscksinitgs.......... to Orchestratsion - - - 40.0i Properies- - - 35.00 Electricians- - - 20.00 All incidetals ... ........- ..- 22.00 Tue est hose, fs. rst it nacii alsish stnd- toinis.-ts tha~tiof ysterdasy.Wehitnsit ing roomss iswrtths $93 hestisit flesat tse "'Mieiigetiia' setle isf iries. Yes- terday afternoonsthiere swere 384 setea- tis itste glery aissl oh to o uk standinisg' Wedesdayitt igts t galilert- ssid ssitiing romtrisisisssgis $31.50, 'isThustit $1.40, -sitd triayt $1256sfi Yestiertays hsest'"extasts amsoutsiedh tos$09.I5. trest sts aut "dbeadssossd' s unsoilisets sre Iesre, mst ste ttictesd t otithie et re stlts. ,.11ihiiseiiiis's "edwsoosdi" swottl nsiflsifetots burnt te set stuts. cuss-: t.s t "axs-:ssss ne Michigendast twis pItchdfist proablyti tls last titie yesterdasy safteroons at the - WhitnteyIt wsatgisens asrisig fre- well. The saue cstlsssisssstast arI greeted the oert all alosg was rampanssst agaiss attesefisal ipefomtanstie. It ul- 'misnted :tthe end in as strmsof al- plaitse asidd essuss fitr sliecesles, to awhirls.uteassthsir, Rust Welch, first re- spotdedthankingteseaittiene. 'ThIen Ws'iliamt J. iSanlans, tes tirctors st-io sas h slippeth le lyito sithaspe itwso wesks, wstscstledfrI isanfiintallt dragged from ihiig it esewt-ugs. lHe msodestly gave sll te crdit.tit -te fellows. "Thley osly ad to be tol things oe" e std, asd-sstistitses they edid better whes thsey ssereC'C d ttst stall." I'Ihi farewell house wsa a corker. Es-ry et sas -takess ansd peotle were sanding ie dccei t te rear of te theater. It sas it larger ouse tian that at Frisday night, sehihs had surpassed eitereof te preedigtwso. Earls pe- fortuassce drew a larger hotse thass the one before it. The litiit of the theater teas reachse at ele Saurda matise. Matny ot of twnvt pespe were present at this timae. Miss Kathryn Ostermnas and her sis- ter, Mitt Belmosst, stho were to play its "The Girl Who ooks ike Me" in the evening, arivetd aboute the middle of tes seconsulat ansuswtiwele rest sit the per- fornance. "I ave been enjoying it imsesely," sal Miss Ostermsan betweess acts. "They have been sdoing splendidly, especially the boy wo plays 'Sroghear,' and the clog dasscer. Ins so sorry our train front Battle Creek was late anti that we had I to miss the first part. 'Tce play was all written by studessts, wasn't it? I think the plotstholly Iss'so glad it's such Isuccess I hope it will encourage the toys o keep on like this." Thesre is uo doubt of Mihigeda' ticcess. Thec tresmendous oaions ih rewded hostsate giset it, the mian-t see in whirls it hsa beets receised by se- esits and town-tspeoplei, hisss all questists f is stccess oet of smind. It listsmadse toot. As M. Welch sal -Fitay ngit. i as shownitat tl"Michiganuscatsl tis somsehig"-ande there is snot a Micigns nan who does not ktow it, fel is glsrt ti it. Tie spletndid sii tf eeryoutu onnsectedb withs it mteanss somuehling. i'Tse whto thisk tat te sirit sof the Univrsity was ot behiside it, shousld ave sects owtesefelowsetienights uter night, snow sue nsiosw, tu rehsesue als, shsouldub hae hearute os of this srcestra pactising ightl aftr ights earntinsg the sette. Tlheastrss dessees every it tof ue creuit thast ihs be-ti giset-hiemss; bsiutanswhilei, perhapuls, thu studuent orchesra las blic e -sis rooskd sussuesehat. 'Tessusiciuanss dessts-stau muchsstisetoittheir Issuesas lidte theris r ts thisis, tutusiruquitteud themssels a hansoelsyi. 'ble orcestra ass t-tsadeul itp as followss : Leadter, \tiilnhsstgi 1).I Boustghtontt; itlins, 'Wvilliuiam htlitchitt iracdLsties- l( llisgtutu-,'cll, fi- dopE' ushu la ionss et. \\illianl sIf. uite; flitte,'55 thus R. Srliie-ccorsets, s 'le u-sIt. Newm-an t ndtTarrysue I. Watrd; trmbne hasrles A. Steele;: basu;,Ounst tilte Swansonti; teass, Frederick G(. (Vbit tinigtonss;upiso, \Villoutgihy I. ioughton lttle lusre thanstwo-s sseekssagt Mrl. Scanlantusstok catrge sit'this rharl.ui IHis jobit stsit utsthforihie-ursniest a ussical uc ultdy itssesessteends-its Cssssssitees suitsubh-commssuites lutis clearedtawayse ny ofti t hif huetim-inattr details;:thits-ciit-isrus h itt-cut taught t lisg btts siw shast hthuso. iBut the pless ciplsha snt belcsl e~titsy slcted;s thit chute s wsilt sitfullt; inosstages- ness tuah hs-snu'wosrkedscup.sTs 'he sit's sgainst timse endedlsi 1'idayi itnight--Ssss- ass wishul IichigessltsIatdiwosnsiu twitsil a-da ito spartte Ifussw steli this' I lii sit mnddhuhsitwortk, es-ry ight of Michi ged etu uttevcideunt. lT'e prinsciupals ad their hrts sdowsn lut.' The ots acquittedlisthmsless as girls msost admtiraby,bstilssprfiips tus hortsuuss. anse'impelrcsonastrs bro'utgtt lusntheholuuse. 'Fle insole cast desersetreduit fr puttinig sore real life itos thusdisltosgu thatn sne usuaslly sees outside- thusp- s fessionsal ranks. James Watkinius pltyeds 'Insis," teseveer-reaudy aevise, itti way thast raptusredl the audience. HasroldlIat tersonus plaed tesduifficut arisf 'Miss Chatieone"tet. At'"Algy," the sud Suitedt freshmsuan, thester Statlesslut ex ccletswork. Thesc musiablfindutof thus showur wtss J. Robet Bazuety. -. Ic,' sthouse siugisg of "Whetni Night hFals Dtear," at ele end tfte first at, di not a little o muake thast sung the it of ue bply. 'Mieligeuda is alt iglt-I wsat it, of course," wsatWenley's praise. "It silt go downutisto history," criedi "Artie" Cross and Dow in unisos. '"Ust us," grutedl Hamsilton. "Fite, eenIthoughi it dit lave fiteess thou- sandises of Greek its i, ad just torus tioned msy 'IHistory of Botany.'" "But," begass Freddy Taylor, "tat it- strumsuent of operatic idustrt, Mihi- genda, was not subject to the law of diminishing returns, but to sthat f it- creasinsg returss, tr the extenditure on the part of its muembers resulteed itsa nmore poportiosate reurnssfronm uhe audience. It shows wat a systems of 'laissez faire' by ele faculty cast eo itt studesnt production." Anud ot to leave out "Jimmsuy".: "I liked it pretty good. 'That fellow lookee a good bit like m in the back." Qusoths Drake, "My cosclusions are that ele play was good." IIth~e words of "Algy," Michigenda "nuatde a hit," and there was no question whly it is "so popu-lar." "Wisest the curtails falls, shear, I think of Michigenda." NO set,1 EASTERN MEET GOES TO PENNSY New Rules Adopted for Cross Country Races- Prof. de Nan- crede Named for Committee. Nest-rtuebi. a.-(Stteriah to 'Tis anuha )'hesistt rckhe tet of the asteels luts'rolltegiate-uillbehelucd at enstil vai ttit. lusy 3. 'lii>s matte wss lecidedulitite sssocittion scnsferece in Vcu rk esrrtrdayu. 'thle canuge in the )ltacusof mteting fromusCtambiridg to 'tiladtlpitiswsatsumausst un uexected, nst utle- lelie-uitsg it us his seurly sitsre Isue-i tuhle'IHtarvtushdstisu, bitt the ballt isun sg thue msuetoPh'tiadl- hiii. ITe dulegaessti ue cnenctiont arirunc tes thtuall msemusbessatthu isoititnussutes-uit(cI-s st ts' ass- TheIst its-rutIntsercolgiate whose pouits tititsiiistitleis itthe-Issueroti- situ Asttia itionsof \Amastsu Aibsetes )f Aius-usus compr~sing tugelt 'iy difernst ;cilol,, ncluing ifthe lead-tig cut- 'is; o ithe ca5' st ul o ich is chignt "s a mmhui lutd tus annuuautl muetig at tin Fiftht\viensuits-hssetdays~. the ncctng a, ocu usd isis thureetion f suicesr suitsnsieationt f various imnmns ole costtitutioinui, aushettu ,electionsiofiia plc-Isor the oscurece ifthus-nualsutrackmeet s-is-il tcollege-s tsought teli I sssof suit utwere tesutngst claitmantts. IOhu s halottset w en s ut utosennsylvanuiau its-I]usill h ld t hiladielpsthia. Theu lat 4e set fuss Stituriii, My 30. licofte fiv5e cllsgettmakinig thin 'ifs s-csinthletpreviosuss auual us suits situ stilts-ie'memb suitnthus uacsl sut uusussstie Fotius-this ,poi~titont 11cin n s =dce he aponm t 1 prtpos-I a-usus snt ts the euussti- tint ~ue croutsl of the Inteu- ils seCross Counsttry Asstciation, usn to sit cmeanyussoiiciate college to be tutuesitseitbyu aiteamstof ot less ta is m55n55at lests itci r et- tso years ait te asuas itrass cotutry rus to be willini Nois-u-strIsisieachrysi-u, swas tliw i, erhapit-its tsmost itrsting lecisionsuithle suisnferencec fromussa local stnin t5. Michuganits crss county earn, are extraostrsdiaily strng as a its Iand mights toist.a strongtae fuse hi- easternes. IDirecterlitepati5 i very etusias- ic mer illhe i-tulsuut. IeIcsi,"lhist criuusly-ouisght tos excite iterest in te Iruss counsstries. 'se ihave't had tuch roublein t gettitg gooed-siedubsuads to ouute itt thuses clevnuts, ut the prs- untssof aits easternst ript rilhrig a ot shie ernsius'ut. ii ssiTBIJ,51.5, u.a Ituc latt of the preimintaries of the askethusit series silthe played Monuday it 7 :30 by the 1510 utedis and tle phasr- uics. 'Ihuc smsifials utitt begin 'Tues- list suentug st 7_3155,5wle the ocu- ,incrstill meuet thur spit its. The econdut tihe semsi-finals will be played Wcdsdsatyeening by the-wiuser of MIonsdssr's gamsu sel the 11 aes. 'The -tunaltsri ie plyed ott Marchs 28. u Js-nis usWILtrus, 'u.suutsATasnl.v tDrI-) C. lFtumer, a msenser of last .ear's senor smeduic class, has ects ap- )insitetd assistant in antmsy to Dr. H. F. tPrentiss at ele Uniersity of Iowa t osta City. Wshilie ii the Untiversiy, ti. Fuemse dish special sork in anatomy undue Prof. Mcl~hurirtt I s xrruutCsururxs, sSe E'uErTS. 'bTs' gyncolougical staff hluul its regular usseetisng last tight sit ste1101e of Prof. tReubentu Peterson.