THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE NEWEST IN TOWN Made as you'd make them yourself. Different from the candies that yotu have been buying and better. A new shipment Jusst i. E. E. CALK INS, Druggist. 324 South Statei Street. AMU5EMENT S ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT For the Enstire Week .. COMMENCING TEATRE 2 The following Attraciions will be Presented: I.-Overture. 2.-W'eona.. ft)Francis Ws gates t uersies's 3.-Emnx'.alyrn Lackaye. Pima DonaComedienne. 4.-Dona t~ Mae Gordona Trio. Comedy Novtelty Cyc lists. 5.-Vaimnore. intru e i itmc 6.-The Dancxing Deffixth..Cr ut ~~it hir liatters 7.-The Hayden Famrily. Sestonalt ght WireAtists. 8.-Majestiscope. PKICES:-Eveins c . a,3oc,35e. BoxSeaits 30e. Xlitinaes Wednestday atid ludys t :l. Sdissio Adts 25c, Childritt 13 . New Whitney Theatre Saturday, F ebruary 29 I KATHRYN OSTERLYANI Supported by ANNA BELMONT and a special company of players in "Ihe 6irI Who Looks Like me" Seats oni sale Thiursday Prices:-$.00. 75c, 50c, 25c Thhnhnium 119 E. LIBERTY ST. A.. Arbr's Pioneer Movng Plictre Theatre Coniuauefrac,2t 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. CALENDAR. Feb. 29-Special " Miclgenda" mati- tee, New Whitney theater. teb. 29-Womiaot League leap year party, 8:30, -Barbor gymnasium. Feb. -2--Catherine Oterman in "The Gfirl That Looks Like-Me.' Mar. 2-Soph lit dance, Barbor gym. Mar 2-Belah Point in "Lena Riv- Mar. g land sale, 2 to 6 o'clock, at Newberry H1l1. Mara6-Varsty band dance, Barbor gyminasumn. Mat. at-Ben Greet ctmtpnty ii "Tl- tat Caesar"2:30 p. n.; "She Stoops to Cotnquer,"8:is It in., University Iall. Mlar. 23-B3en Gret cotpany it "Ro- UNIVERSITY NOTICES lU'niotn dittier comttiittee tmeets for tictre at Randall's today at Ii 30. Michigeda cast will please report t sage etranace of teater at 12:3 today. Prof. A. 1t. Lloyt will give at ad- tress ott "The Relation of Rigteoutess to Brtte Facts," i te Uitariana chtrd, Stnday, Maccit1, at 7:30 P. in. All 'tdentis are cordills invited. Intotcollegiate Notes. Crnell oss has 4,640 'tudeini-. 'The ftotball tproceeds for Clordtot's 'easoti terre $,87. T'he University of Cicagt is erect- tng ai $30,0o auditortumt. Aniattemtt is baeingmaise at Drake tt alolisli secret societies. Track work atoteed at Califtria withltwso hutndsred cattidates. Swetdishi is sooni to be added to the tittierti langtages taught at Nebraska. T'he tudets at the Uiversity of Mlit- tesota are tytting tiganite a stttent theater. Htarvey, Nebraska's gtard atd etd ott last fall's team, has beeti elected captaiti for t90. Purdue utniversity held a tig-of-war as a pireliminary to the Cicag-Purdete basketalh game 'Te University of Wasintgoni is to tree a full four yers cotrse in ortal- ittmthe ttny oae in the ctotuntry. 'Te chaptter of Sigmtat i, the tnatiotal sciettifc society, at Cliftrnia has start- edcittmpatttignt agaist rats in Ierkeley. M\intnesot ttiversity acd a cottest recenttly ttt decide who was the prettiest co-etd, the mtost pouilar professor, atit the maetiest trofessor. Of all te colleges ii the Utited States te per capita edowtment of Le- landt Statnford ratks first. Michigat standes twettyfirst othea list. A Colutnbia student has beena suspend- ed from gymnasiumt privileges for te rest of the year because he shared his tcker with Leach Cross, a local pugilist, witotsedthela gyttasittit for two hours' traittitag daily. Every fashionable effect, (eve-ry color of the season. CAPS CAPS CA PS The nattiest and most approved fash- ion, faultless in finish, reson able and seasonable. Stein-R io kC oting, Every Garment azf,. ,pae THlE ACME OF- StLE Styles here not to be found elsewhere LINDENSCH'MITI, "RFEL 17CO. HATS Ro- I ! -3 n3 The ji is Cary. Its fiat-tile olRly alru- 111tely I] fit clast> -garter is the Iiri'lltoli. M1111- oils of melt know this-iny n them and wear thern. The Wear r t..' is there, and they cost o111Y a