TfE MICHI NDAL c OUR PRICES- 15X415o00 5X40 15to040 15X05.to40 151o40 15 4l5t4 5!°40 15 to40 15to540 151to40 15 t040 15 to40 15to40 15to40 1540150to40 15 to40 : .15 to40 15to40 15to40 5to40+615t4o40 1I5to 40 15 to40t40 150406 40Ulto40 151040 15to40 151o40 150o40 151040 15 to40 15 to40 15 to40 15 t 40 15 t 40 15 to40 E ' UNIVER~SITY NOTICES , anld rtils a Itoitight .at..7 o'clock. shorp iebiilot Hall:.:.Fischler,, leader. T'1 s C.._f .sioctll Car for Jackson c w i leav e thte itterurtbant statioo at 1t:t5 to- (ietag of.the:tr Cosmtopolitan Clib Satutrilayevecinig at 8 oclock. Prof -cuorlt icc. ipets-c-inifront of Law tutili ig. tIt jo'clock this ciorning for clas icetare. _ c\itt, t irs. .lectutoeo11t ltov~elly ;aid A2Nlxxxxit °.$t Micel,". illxisti itcd Ic ystereopticont cie xxwill bec "wr i w tHxiss ixint of tilt (dr-xctiiig departmxxent to te tmemxers of ii l-aPhlttndittlicir:frienisat1 e'lse1 Satiltday, in the itllxscixinlecture Joe (ill ix x'o0-'07. lawt, itaitager ofj the I leatot icttt lias secured rightts tci featutre tieixmusic iif )liclifgeida, he- rointg ,ott .Nloixday inx't. Thec musir wcitt iiotlie.pitt-otnthis sweck hecatusc of, tile dIsire to heltp out thic Ution ini its {irist coiperca. W Nb , t P Student ioiwcrk for is-i ni Lxll e tti, 6o8 E. Liberty- St. L(1 1 blt 13, aticrcifinose glasses hicss exi t ofboxMonroe strcet. aidtdhescV. ofi 1i. lsistal, :ritte, alongt12lt street thtroulghx campusxi. Iiinder tlease phoine 402 3. bittvanice tylesxiticoattshirtsf(stpriing on, site by Alien, 3Muli St. 5 -tO .LEARN TO 1DANCE. Joiii te classex it Graige's Titesdaty or lTxurxduy evenintginxt eek, ,utid lerto danx iutce. Simiple dress is tprefer- able, ay shoesill diii as lxiigx ascleants iie ut cxxxiyou to ottier lsses- tisi strity a sctool. f'c ie Iclesonts 'vl e ticen bteenix towsutd first of Mayc lie schoioxl cliisintg at thtttitie. IDo tot tint it off; daitncig is easily heirntedt itftprotperly taught. -Asthte leo- suits stt tpromtlyl'a-t 7 o0clocktient- 1)ec, ofithe -classscrteexpected to be oft i hut it txitlhouiti I iiels Ito0 visxitors xciiiitie ixdititted.clitiring class touu 7lxi 8 it'elosc.Office andilclus rooimt, grixtix lotorxi ti-ta 'ltictc streeti S-9 t'Se cc our complete line of Michigan plus, fobs and souveinirs.. H aller's Jewelry Store, 216 S.; Main street. end liciini'lt aiongs attRoot's -Music 1Iolxtse:. Coxmte itt antd Ihear the tilts pxlayedilxiitciithian. Matilitg tithes iltyj tie addrxessedl.stamp~edlanut ittilexd at the counter.8-9p } C O * R TK 11/IHigh Class EVRNI HERS ii v ~fl Merchandise HATTERS 1U1vI Popular Prices .a est -Styes-Regal1 Shoes--See'Oxxr $5 Boot I) r ct y North of ~aw Bwuildizng 709-7T11 NORTH UNI-V RSITY AVENUE . x GENUINE SUSPEDR 0 cyc pai o ] fit t u vari ngthiit a n N. f aj .,O S T 5 jv!eI M R iu R e O ltH S \( \ W\VeP ofe:txnwln fwoei o gixi paiiiiha siitme l 1i.'ron aan o acomleeass pasxtoftofeeiray shadeshof t~rntones, uxdes od tte eiflats itt patternd.W > asit ur eo arly aetin o tre c ExIcefuRi,utlOuTH yrS bile~tsssc andbe ade ltra t ~iit_ ;yot01cpleasTur.ToSTE ourP'- elParA {ulo erW e :fexpores urtnkfpoolnstfort1)t patr oage, and tor :. ew. frierds iwe promtise fit, fabrcic andelptiice ott uacde-to-mteasure ..garments tlhat wil11 satisfy abisoltutely- -. FRED W. GROSS 123 It. LIBSERTY 51'. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL -BOSTON, MASS. Wiitiie-iciip~nt itriot e ti cxx ixuiiitis. ii di c x Iiwere ii i clii xlSepto'iii hi- di. 11115 oux brafithec ii~iei pole- chclilyl l i n iithu icit111 Of thei i veiii uic- tlit- l tigs. mite ars dai t edi- tie-iy t>ltax iuiiu teiaty i-i {i' anditcl-cla-rih-ti eou hosixptals afftordt abxufdani tiptities for tc-lxiinicitr-ucioinx mieditinean surgery COUREsiFOR THEt DERolE OF M' . D. Adto s ns o euiales } , api cxiiiiiii - ledsi t ci. dici=1 of. D.ii Tii st udit i es i ofi' ite fourt year itritcii l eti5 1i12 d'iive:th 'u-i,-f. cu s ubje.t',eneralcit tbeic iuii-tiie ls-C Cccictoi cli-uiixcilict iio - itran'°isi,ii c cunextuschool year~ extecids irn)t fitober . }- x. oIJxiii t14.11111. The dipthof ithe-Unit eruity ofci lchigan isacceopted foxia-misionti. Fi-itil ed acnounceenict andcataiiiue, address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, lBuos t as. - LEARN TO DANCERC I OR - lLY OIN !THL LAPSES IN stteSret trk. Tsitiiipayabeiic dn ce $3 00i 51 i xciii twele 10s ns. -m aseiix-t. vxisiiiic-a:t"ei-iiui t lc ii-utii111gBashus -A+TI T. 'EAT . .r New 'Whitney TIEea tre Saturday, February 29- jKATIIRYN O^STEMN Supported by ANNA BELMONT and a special company of players in "Ihe ONr Who Looks Like M1e" Seats on sale Th ursaday Prices:-$1.00. 75oc, 50c, 25-c FtORf RI3N-I)esii ble euite ouxe blctfout eaisupis; electric liglhts;rtite reasonabitle. 907 Moniroxe street.. S pc Flib ~nm 11 . LIBERTY ST. 1 IIUdW I1-UIII Ann Arbors Pioneer Meving Piclure Theatre ..Continuous Performance, 2 to i0 p. nM. JOE GILLARD, Prop.. Webb's Forlligli GradeCade Ice Cream, coil leIes, Punches, SherbetsIFroaen Liquid Favors for all Occasiono. Faney Napkins and Doiltes Salted Nut Cases. Webb's C-bocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 5. Mal -sit. icbetigensda tickets are numbered as follows: 13,NbWednesday night; t4, 1ITucetay ntght; 15, Friday tnight. tf Sice our complete line of Michi an pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haller's Jecwelry:. Store, 216 S. Main street eod Young'- hats-"noene~ better made" Sprins shaps'ocx sale by - Alleut, Main strccet. 5-to Baseball tmen : if you want the latest its biusebsall goods, see Splilding's line at Cushing' Players are particular about cues. We have good criex; sti fq le , laid what~ stuoleboyto spit. in~edwhdt yo ieand xec rescrve it. for youl in -privai5. te'drawer, with- oxut ebarge."'a -, BILLIARD)S, BOWLING, LUNCHES, -CIO A RS, CAN DIES, TOBACCO. -1I S. State .31M nr MOESBARBER 5SHOP tfos No dS University Ave. O. A. MOE. 'WINTER JOYS come onily to_ those' who are fortified Isy abundatt health arid vigor ' against _cold and ex- posure. Bodily' warmth comes frosm gotsd. digestion and good, food, not frotm flaninels ands overcoats,..- - Shredded Whole Wheat., is the food that brings fullest etijoy-_ tnent 'pf Winter Work or play, because .jt is ric~h in the heat- m a k i n g ,,muscle-building elemtnts and because it is so eastly digested. It gives th~e jithe ess and suppleness of limb that make the human body a thing -of power and beauty:. A breakfast of SHREDDED WHIEAT BISCUIT, with hot or ;old milk or cream, will supply the energy foir a half day's work. ' TRISCUIT; is the. same as the Biscuit, except thatist is compressedunto a wafer and, isx osed as a TOAST for any meal -l . instead of white floor bread. -At -all. grocers. "9tr flew . illustrated Cook'- Book is tent free. -. ~ IT'S ;ALL IN THE 'SHREDS." THE NATURAL FOOl) CO., Niagara. Falls, N.N'. i . f _ r i . ALWAYS AHEAD IN S TYLE S MIL WARtD, T- H.ILO THE BEST OF E VIRY THING IN TAILO3RING