THE MICHIGAN DAILY /Iar ~a E bet'b THE NEWEST IN TOWN Made as you'd mtike them yourself. D~iffereut from the candies that you0lha-ve Oeeu buying and lbetter. A new sl%!prxerxt Just ini. E. E. CALKI NS, Druggist. 324 South State Strnet. AMUSEMENTS YAILI CALENDAR. Feb. 27-hLe Teatre 2l0 College," a talk by Hlerbert A. Kenon, Tappan Hall ].tuelreoitm, 4 p. m. Admisionti free. Feb. 2--Leland T. Powers, on S. L. A. course, Litniversity flal. Feb. 9-Special "Mihigenda" matai- tee, New Whitney theater. Feb. n2-Catherine Ostermain in "The Girl That Looks ike Me." Mar. 2---Belab.Point ii "ens Rhv- Mar. to--Varsity hantl(lance, Barour gyiittasiuttt. M~ar. 7-"Catnsg Ott Ptrty" at Nessleriy Hill, in the esetiig UNIVERSITY NOTICES Imp~ortantmetitng of ttttscal cltbs at 4:5 totay, Rooms C. Sterlig, Mgr. Jttnio lass tractteo report at gymt lfron 4 t 5 :5. Testis sill lie tcked. The Ciis cli will methitt the Altiha Ntt roomts tonight at 5 o'clock. Prepar- atioin for Jessupts lecttre.- Ees, Pres. A teciatl eetitg of te Newv York club Sattrtday eenitg. Nest mets with le initiated. Everetotdy out. X. J. Duppcert, Itrs. .t thte fresh engineers' class mteetisg yest eday afternoon anitaditing com- mittee ws'ap tponsted.R. L. Lesisi. clss'. tresitett, has .transerel to te dental tearttett aitd it is tproable tat a ntw, pesident swill lbe electedlsooot. LEARN TO DANCE. Join the classes at Gratger's 'Teday or 'T'hirsday eeninig ext seek, atd carns to dacte. Situsle dress is prefer- able, any shoe swill do as log as cleat; conme jttst as yoti go to oter classes- 'tis strictly a shool. 'lwselve lessoiss will te givetn betseet't ioss alfirst cii May, the shitotl closig t that tite. IDo ntlit it oil; dacitg is easily leartie if protperly' taught. A' the les- soins start promtply at 7 o'clock, ietas lies of te classes tre extected to be ott hattdat that Itourt. Positively n vsitrs wil le amttittetduititg class itotut, 7 Io 8 o'clock. Office atdolaciss roomtit.gritnd flnit, 30-t: aynlarl street.8-c) Mlielitteitinsngs t Roott's Music lotte. Comite intild iher thehils plalydcil iithe pianot. Sluilitg tites say le addriessedt,.stattisidilantd timailet it the FOR RENT-Desirable suite one block frost campiitoel ecice lights; rat' reasonuabtlle. 97 SMotnro street. -ti 'ilueligeista tickets are nutmtiberel as fltloiws: 13, Wedniesay ight; 14, Yountg's hlat-tnotie eter miahe" Srnug sates oni sale by Allei, Malts street. 5-o Baselall msens: if you wait the latest its baseball gods, see Spaldig's lue at Cnshitg's.t k"Looptheloopretrts are te latest tiprove ment in bowling alleys They stop speed of ball 'nd leae it neaest the onlet. BILLIARDS, BOWLIN. L UNCHES, CIGARS. CANI-BS, TOBACCO. =12 S. Stt. - 311 Maynard MOE'S 'BARBER SHOD" 7" NoellaUaverp5ty AvR. O.A. MOE. HATS HATS HATS Every fashionable effect, every color of the season. CAPS CAPS CAPS. The nattiest and most approved fash- ion, faultless in finish, reasonable and seasonable. Stein-BlockClothing Every Garment a fashion plate THE ACME OF STYLE Styles here not to be found elsewhere LINDENSCHIMIT, APFEL & CO.' For a limited time we offer a good stem wind and stem set Warranted entirely J ~ satisfactory. 'OA'S IOf[ SIIPItY JOR BRIGHTONI Fiat Clasp Garters for solid comfort The newest shades, and desgs of one piece, pure silk 4 l ALL web All metal parts heavy nickel- FSIAK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASP SL all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENOER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia' WINTER JOYS come only to those who are fortified by abuindanit health and vigor against cold and ex- posure. Bodily warmth comes from good digestion and good food, not from flannels and overcoats. Shredded Whole Wheat is the food that brings fullest enjoy- ment of Winter Work or play, because it is rich in the heat- ma k i n g, muscle-building Pelements and because it is so easly digested. It gives the litheness and suppleness of limb that make the human body a thing of power and beauty. A breaktast ot SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT; with hot or cold milk or cream, will supply the eergy for a halt day'. j work. TRISCUIT in the same a the Biscuit, except that it is compressed into a waer and i uaed an a TOAST tor any meal inntead of white flour bread. At all grocers. Our new illustrated Cook Book is sent free. ~'t "IT' ALL IN THE SHREDS." THE NATURAL FOOD) CO., Niagara Falls, N. Y. New Whitney Theatre Saturday, February 29 KATHRYN OST-ERLYANI Supported by ANNA BELMONT and a special company of players in "T1he Girl Who Looks Like Me" Seats orn sale Thirsday Prlces:-$1O.00 75c. 50c, 25c bnMMn .m 119 E . L IB E R T Y ST . Ann Arbor's Pioneer Movag Picturre Theatre Continuous Performance, 2 to 10 p. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop. W b 's For High GradeC nd s Ice Cream, Fcott Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for all Occasions. Faney Napkins and Doilies Salted Nut Cases. Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 s. MainmSft. a. ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR TIHE BEST OF AVERY TIlIINU IN TAILORINO