THE, MICHIGAN AL Suits and Overcoats to Measure UIEST OIE HENRY ( COO __________________TAkLOR.S High Class IlTe exeutttve boatd of tie Taft club FURNISHERS Nl oua~erchaudie $1300io h0.0sitlihlda meeting at 12 today. HATTERS T ~ oua Prices Miss Harris will speak to University W ~E expect to gain many new and firm friends girls tt 6:30, Sndsay, Newberry Hall. Latst Styles-Regal SKde-fee Or $5 Boot - -Bean Jordlan will give a reception for with our autumn and winter display of frestman girls today at hfarbotr gym- fashionaibly correct woolens. UIWe pledge you nsitim fronm fourto six. Directly North of Law Buildizng the finest fabrics, the most emphatic style, the tnptrttntmeetitig of Chess anti 709-711 NORTH UNIVERWSITY AVENVE Checkers clbith ttMcMillan HaPll at5 mdt skilled tailoring, the widest choice and sat- p. mn. totay All ness men sutat Lane isfaction absolute and complete or you needn 't lThe seitior lit class will rinet its Room EVERYBODY WELCOME AT C' totay at 4 p. itt, to(notinaitte atti-i take the garments. dates for the Stdent CottiliBisbiee T i1 . ic ~ ~ r _________________________________________________________Tiere willle atimetig of tie Ohio Tih P c w c P r o s chitt Nckel fall Sattetiay at 8 E eyhp ftebs p . it.Alltmetitbers isul e tpresett Ewur-ythe be6fthforbeat Pres. A. J.lOptigr.en h etfryu Sophdslit electissitipostitpond ntil ITes sicl, Oct. i8, at 4 .in u. l nominattions BALL RETURtNS BY INNINGM S niisi lie iatdedf tste sco ttimittee iefore 6 ps.,a. Saturday, Oct. Bell Phone 176. 707 N. University Ave. _All soptomtores mieet ii letre romsa 1S E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. sf pysis buildintg at 6:30 tonight Plais ud secret sigals for te rtstt sill b lienure t ott mmistttttee " T eitei]me:alprosSVITS aid OVER COAT Prof. Ieit sii ite l esst wishingtto take Cumrse 31 is Freich MlADE TO ORDER Victor Husg, Ifor credi, i in osis5. s , Taippas IHall, at ,o'cocskItodys $18.00 to $35.00 'Te sffier of the astditor aindicomp toler f stsdesttorganieatitsshiasibee R D tG R S temspoirarily ymseeditis Rosni19,Uttier RE\ R S city flal. Office ours re Msonday, Liberty lSt., Cor. FrourtL Ave. eniesda~y aitti Fritday, 11:5 4sts,2:t15ai.rp iaie a s Pie&e ,iim a Jayises \W . loer- Tior, ihiag. Alarmo locks nwarrated for or year, ~j .oo. Haler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. ]lMaltsstret. cod Sice158wehvemdeWac X- W eb uus For High Grade Candies' pairisg oie of our strongest features. M a sHfuler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main s~ T e tre sretod Ice Cream, Fruit Ices, Punches, Sherbets, Frozen Liquid. - - Favors for all Occasions. Fancy Napkins and Doilies Th M j stc Th a rcd jItnrsloist wanted fete church We'sCooas Salted Nut Cases. Located on Maynard street, opposite the School of Music, street. eod-8 is astneaingcomleton nd hencopleed illbe Web'sChoolaesare Unsurpassed. 109 S. it St.' is .~s ner~n copleionandwhe copleed illbe The Kemtpf Music Stashios-Piano, onte of the most attractive play houses in the state. The voice, pipe srgan, ompfosition 312 S. managemnet will present to the patrons of the theatre Diisions street od-i A V N E VA D VLESee ussr cmpleiste i1' of Mihigan Crig andBag e ADVANCED VAUDEVILLEpns. fos atd souveitits Haler Crig agg Jewery Sore, 216 . Main street oil Fr each cople tonad ram parties,1 and it i the desire t have ol first-class attactons.__________ the price wifI e $2.00. Ah okn otatfrth erhsbe ie o fesw sesirablse romsswith latest ptce' wiltheis 3cents. Ir caried t improemens, a a lo figre. 021 reao tup-stafrs. the prierwtil be 50Cents. Kaw & Erlanger which should inspire confidence in the r,. Cttherie St. 814 ,1 C~ANTAB THREE res are required in clect casts general public. This space has been contracted for by - -_ - ------- LIVaea~ adsagg ERe L aaeet teyaIf ti u ontf ouse slippers for esomfort Wagner WALKER'Sm. ~~R the mnaeen or teyerand t sou esre t oiy & C. tt t -1ate',x,zs w. H. STAhK Co., Sisie St. eUittTpeaB0ant &Cii.WATTLES' LIVERY. the public from time to time as to the advancement of --fr-he-eat kna i's li ed Mn 555~ir suetlamprtheip as tf~eattstoney in tis market. Nickel plated ., - Perfeetions stsdent lmtps, white shade, 'rraans $ . 5 e c ; d o B e l n $ 2 2 . F l li e j 1 1 9 E . L I B E R T Y S T . o f l a m p , h im isy s, sh a d e s, w ic k s a ndo l c n , b siuli y a d l w e t p i e .-RGIO Q l l Ann Arbor's Pioneer Moving Dea & Co., Ltd., 214 South Main FLAT-CLASP GARTERS NEW SEA SHt~ELL. FRONT asar pets chafing, binding and catching in the clothing. The Brighton CotnosPromne2t0P. m. JOE GILLARD, Prop.Se ot comspete lssr of Michigan CotiuFlatfrmnc,2 C 0lasp Gaeir is as fat ayone hand. Wrn by men who apie pi. " bs ais souseirs. Halers nt omfort ,and neatness. Made of pue silk elastic webing. 'All ping, -ometal parts of hrass-heavily nickeld. 25 cents s pair, all dealers or by essely Store, 2fi S. M4ain street. oilmi prepaid. For mets who prefer a cord gamter, we have perfected Pyrography goods at Fosters. II4,LCKiGRI P\ Soft wash a specialty at he Students' BRIGHTON GARTERS Lasudry on South University, on c r- While they are quickly and eily detached, yet they have the nrof Church. if firmest grip of all cod garters. The flexible rbber diamond grips with a bll dog tenacity. No wear or tear of the socks. Can't spring loose or become accidentally detached. Made of . H Lutz, Alarm Clocks, $.o. 25 finest quality webbing; all metal parts heavily nickel plated r East Washington. f brass. 25c and 50c a pair, all dealers or by mail, prepaid. PIONEER SUSPENDER 0., 718 Market St., Phladephia. Mda-r r ,faipq.Sopder. "= Biology, histology, bacteriology-path- I . L A W B O O KS ological and dissecting instruments at '__________________________________ L A O KGojersDrag Sare. 1-12 ~ ~ ~ - ~ -~ Dlt-ialo 6%ra "The Merry Widow," "The Girl Ques 5t~n~yean D~ctI~n~ariee 56th 7C~B~lion," "Flower of the Ranch, Girl p~dt 41eeMnmn I toa Quiz 1aooe Behind the Conter," "Miss Hook of Sspidt ~rl~ ~at~ AaArbr LaiMoiisy Anns Arbor Holland," "The Talk of New Trk,'Wfor,) o -fr All PupossWf CALLAG1!AN(~~~CO. and others, at Root's. tf LGT~ rWL U CliAGO "Taylor-Musdc' Chocolates ~' ' Annr Arbor Branach. Staa Street. Opposte Law Bdd. are hard o het. We carry ___________________________ a fulll nsn, always fresh. 200 Emi.'st W~qdhhrgton Stret t. Half-pounds box, 25 cents; . Lta Student hv your Laundry oid50cns Et LOYAIL EUGENE- SMITH 8 312'S. State St. For Daly Advertising Rates... I t STVUD ENT ' LAUNDRY MA NMOS ABMSIPAr~lulnsMageN.,resuiig Agiet WntTTZ{RS' L.AU~NDR, Saginaw, Mint. Soft wash nan per do.01 ' -6 6P -AdesB in s a igrNo8,rss ulig y ~795North Uuetvrtty Ave.- A ie61EBut Wildia. Street. tHome Phne, 72 Blak-o.A. MOL Subsrlptions es m tali-check, draft or money order. ,TTIIORENSCI1LE-R,319 E Hturon Street