TI{ cICH AN flA Tt ______._ SS. . G. g. 'Wild Compally Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready It itcludes 11l the latest Notcties hah des and UptoDte Pterns in Moose Brown Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, (frays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respettfuly solicited. G. . Wild Comfpany 3I1 South State Street Bargains in Recent Fiction Books that have sole for $1.20 we are offering at 50C Half a Roge Ie6Peraii Pain ITc leu Lion and the Motse J0,ihi Garden of Allah flii/s<<:< Seneryof Gratstark ltlC('tc o Reuse of a Thotsand Cadeles Went Patisy Went itoitilege Hearts aid Masts tHlv Sheehan & Co., Student Bookstores ". A. G. tl ~ S PAL DI N G(SKi 1o &BROS. L^ The Largest Manufacturers in the Word of 'Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Impemet fo Trck ad Fid Sports Uniforms for alt Spots. Spadigcs Hdsomey Illstated Cataogue of aii sports cotans nu- meos seesibns. Sed for.-Its frr. A. . SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Lous, San Fruncssco. inneapoits, Dener, Boffato, Syracuse, Pits br, Phltadephia, Boston, Cininnati, Bati- smore, Washinioto, Kansas City, Cerrand, New Orleans, Detrot, Montra, Canada. [I THE MICHIGAN DAILY t/ ..sgittgEIidtr-ARCHtER F.RICI. Business Manager-C. E.-WrNo'EeA. \ces..s ......Hiram .S. Cody .ticis. .::....tee A White FExctruge...... H. John Wambold' Nlusic sod Dratna...Roy D. Welch Wiomen's Editor. ...Louise Van Vooris EDITORIAL STAF J. W. McCandless "Elmer C. Adams Russell M~arandi NIGTtoED ITORS George I. IHobatio LI. C. Reid Chauncry Boucer B. G. R. Williams Raymosd Vischer. REPORTERS \M. 1. M~ctigth J. H. Prescott A. tL. Hainline Robert Mountier Lowetl J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Wutlter.. K. Towers,. Louis Kraft Lewis T. Ktilern. Robert Moreland Pitt Greer Samuel H. Morris Otto iEget Fred E. Goodiig Theront P. Coper BUINES STAFF John F. Wre Carl H. Adam tarott P. (God Adtress: MICBIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. MCanger's Hours:; I- p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Boils phones ft lllSt) 'Y, Pt;tiRtiAti's27, io. I., tetriying anticptiois of te is -Io-e sogottenti"irt inigtt" thave come tan ..ne plrasie ~tyr,,in te frtcoic pera eersetadgedt ty 'Micii - t todetLAnd teoeevcnt mrrsks aIe tel i sinr Ithitiryr- fr nt its ydos it coke 'c;t iitisid y of gu ttett our "ilicge 5urat odyts ps~esses-ut more impo turtant titl', it dit.ttistr-ieste tht scioi ttt te ewer. -Mictign sprrt hit c gen tct that tentrit tie wayof dt- .c urn' i ldus fo ts ari tis sui lin oppota its or uits etltiatoii 11 t. 5ii hetsidas of te ttetic or til5ttii wits stit iithte success of tte olwr: is due tlany secil gotdt forttie E iisii chites wtoetti ie tttttcto "tak 1 t.m, nr cni iitc, it, as of t. C. s-it. 1 cirsusiiitc Vereir tat ihetltnll is repsible ttcfor murcr of it meit. t 'rillerutaas 5c oiptose- Ibth ns atndtsores-by und'cergradtuates the ft.tt rersetties, are udeigh- iltiitititi, te ies fttt bron witt tttt-amus t, anit ttt et the prmtonnatiss tatu estersrgers Avere ipte..'Asidtefromuthetrechttiicl ar- rtgnis itoftge, tritinesssaitdte ike, At jetigerritti5slicht~igt,andt s iletineiitg "cetih" to te "fe- whot~se terts, ttaticee nitwiting til he etiertsotloytty ievoicit to It wouldttt tot trueseers sitglrrnor i i I I II 1 i I f II E { f f I 1 1 f } f untexprectedt, if in iis, "or" first pro- dttittr, tere ttadi teetinmay costly sitis, tlostcres, awkward thats, ad iuny embattrrssmetnts-andt it is tie mrore a surrprise anti deligitta tie wheitiatff air should ave gone off so smoothiy. The miusic sas striinig, via- cious. typicat of -coege life, and of extraordinary, qaliiy; the costumes were sworthry of a "frt-rate" company the impersonations of campus celebritie simrply deicious;sd te.audience more eitiftsiastif! than setrve seen for meany aday. f the chrus 'girlsswere not trp to tie highest starrard of piqrani bieatty or their voices a bit husky, who wili say theyrdid sot make tie most of their taientis, sord lay ldefcierncies to ack of pomade. 'fie University oes a debt of grai- tude to Messrs. Wec,Haires ard e- rtt, to tie cast anticomnmitteeneio ut trove labioredt so liing anti so success- fulliy. ',\ictigertta" is-s provers itself a fi- anco io asei as social anti artistic strc- cess, san that it sill ie the forerunnier tf mtany strci producrtionrsithtie frtre, is a foregorne corelisior. M1cICGNPLEADoS "NOT GUITY' Te injusry ardiisrepute stfered b librtaries thrrughrtieitrge proportion f incomrte senit osrbildsinirgs is te stb- ject of tie ledig eitoril in "Public i res" for this rmot. Isstaces, of sohitch thibranriy of tinstrsrity is ntl one-are citedi soere t.irS securing of a nessbilinirg htoobees a positie dettriert, tiere-sger iaran of tie reenurr iing divrered to tieest strrctrre. ITestinstrrces gr to prove" srtes iihe eitor, osirati oe roe saidi tay timres htir ib iirary buriinirg is ofter tihe tery 1ast trig a lirary boarisould 'ptroierirress lie icome of tie library is srufficient to proside first ,for the es- sentialis ittlibrary setvse namely, a goondlirarian, a goodi sppy of books, arrd anreqipmirrent necessary to isribute daily tie ooks nil to omeet .tie oter wvaits of the iser sf tie ibrbary" Ho mov ranyof these essentas is i- bratry service" soe-iorr ownsiibr-ry pos- sess ? Ittao at its ieadi augoon lbrrian, tundser whtose direton it irs grossnr con- sidieratlyin iitie past fewt years A good sutppliy of books isowrotownedi by the Usivrersity, tit to ie at sit progressive alarge tnurirber rrmust e tiraddeicor- statlyt. /Howrever, if any- sore booiks tre to ire- addedtC ti thery, it is quite eletre tirtittiore space miurst soot ire atddedi fse tieiroer storingtof tie touts. Othrwise tietolley- of tryg to steet tie eeds of ssdetrs in seurig est tosksmisrt ie'giensip;sr itce Jsly [s-909, tie begirning of te librarian' s. foscal year, over tes t tiorrasutr teeed volmsies trve tbeesnaddres. 'Tis sieats trattsie lirary is grosing twice as fast, as it sas four years ago,swhet foo vostrmes were secesredi its a'year. To anyone wtho goe trorghs tie stacks ansd sees truks piledi on tieflotrrel ist eaes. stut tbetwecensinows~s,tie een of large aprpropriatiorns for adritiorrs or a. nest busiinisg is sef-evidentr. As to lie third essential, tie library iobiullakn inaeqimnnecessary to lie proper distribtssions of tie brooks that are caledi for. Tie Daily ias received comrrmuniations wincs com- piis of tire por service at tir erleivery ricok. Sudentrs are oftens compelled to swait sri ureasonable esgthn of time to secure tire voiunes saned. Withost presumuisug to piace tietblme for tis utrsatisfaciory condiion, we wold urge sht something be dos-icto facilitate he distribution. of tbooks ar the deivery rdesk. Dean Reetd spent a week or-i his tour of western c-toileges. -Nosy he's going-to. spend three weeks in the east. Odds counds / What hare the ates in store this trime? A chorus of Phi Beta Kappa elects, rio-cing to the tune of "just Look in thc Book and See" wouid doubtless rove a liii if saged in Michigeitua. Coutnty fair committee will meet at Randall's today at r ociock. Picture for Micliganetsisr. Winsrtead. . AL, COMMITTEES ARE BUSY ON COUNTY FAIR Bour gyimniasiumsiae leen secured for Che couty- fair and~ carnival to be turin on MayIr sand z. Tie commrittee its chiarge of tie affair et irs the Uions clubhdourse yeserdiay afternoo. Tie principa busiress of tie mieetigwass tire adopiton of ruilts to gotern tie fai. On Thutrsrday of next week tie cots uitee till nmeet repreesnttsies of te carionts fraternities, state cubts, std tiher organizatiotrs, the purpose beig to ouutline toIthemurtie geeral paris of tire affair. Every- sidesowstatraction wtil hoe t tse giveir before somre umember of tie comuitriteesind ie approedt by 1s m. Thie orsder of tooths silt be coseiy lot. lire, Coun~ty Clarion, ue rd vspaper 'whichr was a feature of tie fair three years ago, till be publied ihisi year in three rventing editions. it swiil miss no one withs its "grindts" and yet it wil aiti to ruake its way itro tie gooti graces of ol. It is beig piisned to muake tie stive- sr progratms, cotaiing official p rcr earn, etc., rel souvetnirs. tie coer design is tnos e hig workedI iponand.su tire resuit proimises to le sultrurtig artistic. "I.. r' creslt NTRArNS. Tire F. I. clbls of Ann Arbor' arid iDetrfit arc invuitedrtotuattendri arrecepions gisets by te cublt,:sCYpsiiani, Friday everiiig, ut tireMaccbees hac irn that _r city. It is exipected hta a large-rnber fromrsArsir Arbor sill attenit,Is thei- vitation riltes all sudtentus stN04al oe timie atrteirder tie Ferris ltstiitts whuether ihey Itave ecoure direcly con- nrecedu withlthelire iversity F. . luhi o rot. A returrtsry will be gu en_ by tire clubt of tis city inu hbr near future. ssCsneSrrASLAScs. All seas for toright's iperforisrance of Michigetssa are rowos uale t re Wihit- iey theatter box offic. Sets fr toimor- row righutd Sarturndauy mtineret'oursaleti at }Vairs', itoCr, iuthatite teater boa office durig ta. Phoe ell 8rr 'for tiheat'r. Atatuce styles in coat s hints fr sring oin sate by Alien, Mainu S. 5-so Now IReady TEXT-1BOQJKS Nor ah epstmonts of tur iiirsrty _ _Vehaceahar,, tortot SECOND HAND BOOKS Oct Otte Pres o Drafting Instrumaets and Supplies All kinds of Second-Hand Boo taken in exchange for cash. WAR' University 'Book>store Law and Medical Books1; Treves Anatomy.i*ew Edition, (justreceived. ) Stitmsons Fracturesaid ion., Dtorris ,4no, 3rd Ed. half, l tier,. $2.50, h a lf ti,cco $3.00. --- These are new boks qpd only a few left Ca-i or exchange your Law, Medical and Dental Boks C. E. BARTHLR Tel 7'61. 326 S. Sate St. A LOG FELT 'WANT FILLED For years past allbheeakages of eye gl~ss. and spect ale lenses peeiitated sending. to a city to 1 ye tie lensi replaced causing, a delay tn.t two days. An nutft for grinding. lenses has been-, nstaled in the opticaldeptarnent f Arnold's Jewelry Store 220 Souh Main st rut lnaidbling them to give quick ser- +'i Surely this wilhe appre I) by students. Look By Hook Or- Crook 5c FOUR .. 5c .... w ... Special Courses IN f'nsic UNIVERSI'TY' STUDENTS school of MI li MAYNARD STRIEETI' A. Zb tbns lecture tssociatfmi Season of 1907-8 Feb. 28, Lei'and T. Powers Mar. 13, Opie Reed Mar. 20; Oratorical Contest Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Matthews. April 30,.'HON. JOHN A .-JOHNSON, Governor of Minnesota. TICKETS FOR COUR~SE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED IT,. - - $2.00 Michigan State Telephsone, University Exchange 68 Fancy- Postal Card ANY FOURA Como~p Store I:I Washington E. The Randa11 Studio, Ran dall & Pacek, Props.. w how fF