The Michigan Daily VbL. XVIII. AN N ARDOR, MICHMGAN, TITURSDA"Y, FEBRUARY 27, 1908. NO. xo&. MANY..WILLLOnIr..J1 PRELIMINARY IEET Meet Saturday Night Will Line Up Material-Chicago May Yet ~Vote for Seven Gamnes About sevenvtyfixe aspirnts for track i i s haxe aled signified their i- c s of ente ig the preiinxary i- udo w5eek to e -hetxt to:\Watermxan tsnisimnoSaturiay ecoxng, Feb. 29. To aittl apeara nces ttis imet shotlt poxve a thuge snccess axl from tte cai- er'of tha xmeo areadyrteredct, it pap- parrntthoff a fairty goodtitea cal e otaiiied as to possihle varsity omateria for boxtl this andinxt iytear's track teams. lenwhlte tclas rtlayxxork gosnerriv onixaiii Trainer Fitatritk is kept hs timiing adilicties Of tei men timedt pesterday Senxksnior engixee,xho ixgotiated .a 'in xii3 3-5seoiiit. ixaxe the. xiii timxe of theidlip the Ioaixelof Re exixi cxlthe Lnixr- sixilThf pcesexix ited troph sielt upoi wiphchire tiibeIngraxvedxxitthi ixie. of hip{Inii coox rsxxxi- *he te axxwiinxg tixi fi;xxx iet xx neii'ix :Axdtotixfurtter iayxihli ilixhiitIx inhiilx-sirk. the le'Tts. ksocixtxi hasiiioferel four i. cups Oeii 10 le tpresetedlto exch x ththetxx'0 engieer team ot of thea xx}', tlecrace st r~i .trh+-eqxeaclose oxe' -xi l these rewa ris arc of sfficiext value ttcaxept -itt runnxers 'of xabilt. ;ecxert ixlfix xxiik,",is pegessixg f rIri itixlp omttlc ie i xxx 1'all h es llns xxrho a-tscnmexei x i ix Ioixts lst strfiigx hitxr'iteilslic xxs doigig eSnxstixt xx ok xx axcsi 5tiIiis iii rllis stput xandl ho vauil; Ixhelatter ceent ic xs itlry xdone tel fit a&c ie lxhlxxxomitsb-iccixoutixlshotixtiixxc ill tl xxx itmlxxlulsxthis -sooiiiAlter; dgits dxoiig eeexn fete cisistemtli ait soxxiuld beailexxtkeia cxxof this e ,eit. llx ,:ltanc.i iii9 'qixare ll lige ail the .txitxiiiiixtip uirit xxiii lxiiiing1 rli someinewxxvii xxxiai tl. \1x xxho ~on'ble miiex cuet xxx lst yis freh 9pttineet. is-elxig rwa orae rssI ,il] 4bdahv ma Ill~4eiau llhxustl fox \Txctxhj1 maxnsi foixi ixltireyt-p le-'ni a ylict- 1 ttenitt:,to eiplox xc fox lhexi stlx x:o;! Iivetie xx txe liampitxoxstxxtxof A t- eica at tt1 eiiisp ti di'll ttxap fi Of tixr4)V, eix ixin xxthe, -lxff Bexry 13 trlxe, lSti fmtt'itI at lixtet eem ltz,tfie ticlottcxlicri teilt-x ie ran i is lit xi ic i ihili 11' exr fr lxviil lxi, 1fi1ifi 'i xiies itic goixul e~iixleiinix fdx' i i l ill iithe lxesh sott ner. _- ii itilitofilx fl ixexsie r i hlie txrxl-,. Setixixr, of-1 11 ernFoest, Craig. cxlOs troll Ceiflfaxt, andxlTrrey, of fI. j. S.. re out alniost every daxy andx are gixixg iveee the sticks inxfine style. A lively race caxxi lieextecedillxiixiay lxx these exexts if theixex iitspay their usual formi. 'iThese sxne iex, xgether with Keckie anxdx Wilixaxms, are also givixg gooxl accoixit of tleixielves ox the sprixts. Warxnxer, 'cig , exgieer,aas sbivxxiivery gooxd form i iithe qaxrter aiA should ush Merritt axdt Dixian i, S' i eeit Sxturdaxy. Gdriiy Bch 'et'iie7Honer adelAr- thur re ptting the shot, adc with "Gee- maixny iii forxm, this evext will te well takenx care of. IHaxmndoiiiadi Jons haxve eenx high jixmxpixg cosisitently of ae, xnd a keen coxtest can le expecteit ini Saturday's seet. Mr. Fitzpatrick wshes to anonee that all entries for the preliminary meet mut e ii y this evening at 6 o'clock. Entry lists are iin the director's office. Men wishinxg coaching in any event are instructed to report as foltowsvi Macdles, to Hodgen and Merritt, froni, 4 to 6. Qiuarter-mite, to Dunan, from 4 to 6. IHalf-mile, to Berry, from 4 to l. Mile, to Coe, at 5. IHighi jump, to Icte aixilPatterson, 4 lix6. Sho-pxut,lxo Schulz, 4 to . Pixle ivaultto Alleextce a2:15 toi . exixetiIxNl VZcVsrs usegn:Si. Es-en the mos arentxi of footxll fauxs tll f whtomxxhavie a txste for 'dope' that is unicanniy, are having their apleties cloyedl by the flip-flop coxditioni of Co- fereixce xffair. The Ciago Tribunxie toixixts oui tihat evexi the Uiversity of Chicxago, whtoxmx we eliexedlfirmxiaxd sixcere iniietaxdvocxacy of stringet re- formxs, has showvn signsi of switciing to the tpopuxlxr seven-gamxie seidue. Mfere isi the newssx the Trihbune trixits it- Several ot the reactionary professors il) the CUniversity- f Chicago fxclty sartedl axixmovemient yesterdxay wvhic, auith tlix aid of a demonxxstrationxxbu the sudcetxnow etinig plnned, i exected to cause ax reconsideratioxi f Chicago's v igoxrxoxs stxaind for only fie footal gxxmxes ini a seasox. These professors hlixve i is xxxi too lte lxxsiigthe semuxts'for xiceven-gaxeneasxurtxxe. Oneisof le fxcltpixex, wlho hixs at- naxys taklexi a leading part in the -11-i- iiert f thei'ahlietic rotiemxs of the uniiversity, is at the Iexd of the nxxvecnc-t, tand le is baxck-illiy-severxil tf the youniiger tprofessorsxa strong fol- lxing ox f the atiuuiui, the cxolege tpaper, ixid the ruintxg mxajority of the sudetl libody I u hse xmeni, xvho re stronxg xinhiri hicheief ,thereforxixs ixmust contiinue, argue i i he quxetioxnxof five xr sexenigaxies miro mx iinor impiorance ii the Ixuxity xix viiexiitixxdthat it ioul ixake little qx 11ix difference if two ixore cotests awcie tttipexlItaxilast fxill. They-eliee 3i meacsurec grantinixg sexeu gamies should hle tpassd xonitrial. -Oxnx-iof temxdeclaredl yeserdaytiphbat hr beliex-exdP'urdue's standi, ivoig thaxt sevexi gxxexxsholumtl e triei next fall tridxlif they faitas aixexerimxet ax returni shouxl hrbeuade txthe ive- gaxmxe schedulxe isanidea comsieraiox. It is iii this pointthe leaters of te xcw ix xmxxxcnxixt hote o swig teMitfu- xxiv :,sate i itoxlixe. ~1kr'. JI. Raproft, acting athletic i- reci-,, fxv'xrs ax tial est f seexigxxxues. glxrihxisioxi of five r sexen games !is xxx: animpxtortat oe, t anyp'rate' he sail. -"It js not like the qetioni of the trinixig xqxuares, traiing tble or le playinig of graduiate sudents. It is of talim1uo1.iimporance amdI dtio not thnxk aninmc rease of to gaxmes woulduhuserve lto maxke footbaxltxagladixtrixl shtxaly str hnit is oss "k thIle xatpossibilitiy haxtIChixtago wxill reci-d erxh its sandux andulvotxe foxr sevenx gxames? Yes, I elix-e there i. mmsthlIxxxumuxhiofxx chancmee I canmo saxp b ut thure i some." _ potherumbxxhers of he faclty ex- presiedu coufiuemmee thxt there xxas more thanxuuaxdistantmulhope thxxt eoumgh ifu- emnie mgt he hbroughtbto earuxonu tle sruente xx voe for sevenx gamxes. Dr. Alonzox K. Parker, one of the leading spirits mu the senaxteudeclare that hoy waxsnxot set xagxinst sevenx games. 'he sxtents re planxnig a denon- shexaionm to showv their xattiudxe to the COUNCIL REFUSES TO SAl' 'a} tT REPRESENTAiIVR:S lie Stadent Council, it i rumaored, ax tdeclixned o pernmit J. K. Wxatkins amith1..B. Vedder, ble recexty elected represexntatives fromx the literary depart- ment, to take their ,places on the Couxn- cit. 'Tle pubmliciy conmnittee refuses to confirm or deny the report. There i sop,.ie foudationu for the sory, however, in that neiher of the mon remained at Tueuday nigt's meeting. It ls proale that the apparent irregularity of the election may he the hasils of the Coun- cil's; action. -. _ _ r RESIDENCE HALLS IIGENDA GREETED URGED FOR GIRLS',.._.,._ _ r u amw _ w ft wr WYI'1H (iIEAT OVATION Mass fleeting of Girls Will Be Held Saturday to Get Sugges- tions for Improving System. lxxnsviewv of the feeing amog ble aliumnaxe andund xmergradxuates thaxt the present spstemxu of rooxumig housue thas mxanyi' disadvxantxges andxithat smualhalxl of residhence udcer studuent governxmxent, especiallpy for lwxerchxssiueu, woxuld e fxesirxxble, thur membuhers of theux Mottr- hosed amd Seniorsocietp feel that a canva'xss of he xxomienmof hic Uivrity wxuxldl do lunchel to bindg these (utcestous iii ax defiite poxint andulxmake the Boardl xxi Regents fIs-rhetexcssiyofp' ltrvi- mg suitabxle-phares ilxxwuhihi xlx- uwoume map lie.' .This is the phex'mbiilue tx axpetition mson to he hpreenut iiti lt thuxgirlsxof ble Uuixxrsiip. 'Thex aiii.iofxsuch ai petitionx s tox gaii the girls' ra l inionxu aboxut 'AIsenxiolutgierls cmeito lookxuxhibaxc xxix college dayxs" sit a seniorm'glutyes erday, 'x"iex-ealiechlxiiifewx'cose friend- shipslt vxe lxxxixen uable io maxkhe iwithi muanyp-ftinergirs wuhom we xiknowuixof amd thur quxestionx xrisxsxhter i wouuld noc he possile to maxsthur majority of he girls Itgethelxinlhalls Here tfter iii ter sir coudlhlxxxiniformal dxnces, or .wr muight gather tarounduu;mxx openx fire- puace si-lin tutolixbusy, tud tuscome to knuois-cihx othe itimaely ithsllilittle or no effort. "Of course iwe wuuldl not like to give upi theunuxrestrxainedl lift- that we leau now andui he limxiedutotuthurol-fashioned dorxmitorpspstem.u Nonmu of uosould agree lto lxaxi fr seeferl too strongpy howxmuchuelisuch indcetedenmce lxxixtaught usx tox bextrueswomuxen. Bhiut is it oo ble- oretical toiimaineuicthaxtlthur Micihignx girls canxinxsom si-tip ln usliiie to- gxether'lin axsmauxll comunxxui, goeneh uitit hipbthurmxxixveisx andulthus restict- ig teindivxuxidhualxly wuhp en-l- suchlia thuiuxixguwoulxbeneucssarp fr thur good of thie x whole? We huxue Ifaithi that such muight he tpossilue.' Iiordelxtoxthoroughlytv iisuixs such axx matxiter a maxiss meex-cig fue ll Univer- sitpy xxomcxex will hrIheldl iiSrahuliCa- wsell iAngell HIlth tixayxat 3 ocock. Somuue Mihligani graduuaes andu M'cichiganm girls isill taddiress the xx ex-iuxa Ixwhe thur ptitionxxis tpresentedl toxthed-gils as ax wcholexit is hopuuedltoxruceie thought- ful suit canidpi ionlus uhic-h wil give de finiteuantrxue xxsiatiistics uponiuwicxhi lTiioliuPROFS~SORuSit ii'rxiiiot~. D~eanxu tchii'llins xxf thuclx ladeparxment'urx s ablsentthlixiweek due lxo thurdeixth cut is motherhin xC hicago. tic. Vauughaniu is also omt of the city, and ol eu xUixxl thur class in meical jurvispudxencxe wxill nout umelthis xwee. NOll iCt_ Nix sitings for lxxe iMichigxanensixan, eOther inuhvxua or groupus, caixe taken after Saturday, Febi. 29 The seniors who hisse uo yet made ouut their recordil blankhs amd deposited thrum withitheir udehxrlment eito of the Mxichiganxenixanuor imxheblu the generxal liraryp, tre urgedt to io so this week xxs thefinlatcolectionx uwill e nmade Saturdapy, and conmplete records for eveeyone are desired. Alt reading nmateriat for organizations, class officers, and" class athletic teams' musut he sent to ble Michigatnxslanx office Roonm , Ann Aror Press huild- ing, M'xaynard steet, ding the present week This is oficia notice, and it is iperative that alt comcerned see that thirenaterial ix in the hands of the managers y the time mentioned. Michiganensian Board of Control Belt Phone 24-J Michigan's First Attempt at Comic Opera Proves Unqualified Suc- cess-Remarkable Smoothness Characterizes Action of the Entire Production. W~ith thle xuduience standing iii the of1 thu rcxxxixsls wxhnu the principas aisles refinsing tox go homxe till thu cur- dlidtCkxxxhix linies andel not one of lxxiii Iadlrisenm fire timues onxthe finae, tlx-echoxurus hadxanxxi dc hat o io. thur frst performaxce f tMichxigendxa Last unigtl his protiieges xxiiifive ecuranx caexuuetoxaim enduatuthblurWVhitney last celsutis thelx endulof tihexhirl act. ight There tmad heenm cutainm exls andx tt hexxl ing s xwhe thur play mas in curtin umcalls all throughxthur thretacts prgross wasBertxSt. Julius iho lad f the'Union's otpera, ut mileu blu enxiicxxnic outxfom Detrit xiioxxsix howusthigs tie coxmpxanyp, filingte- stage, snxgthur s tl o.x lx x duringxthlxthirdlulact medrulepy lxxixwusaxoxxendulit, thurpele axxxiii elihat ruingxx xfinuae mhath lie arose lxxtheir sexats timd thurstormusof though oi t ,, hd sai: "Te os ude- appuxause thuau followmsedhkt the curain-erveecutcluetx1tlxisueen etirey bunucing fr thu e xet tenxuminutis.It xix xixfactory. xkut letmuir tll ypu wesi wa xs thur rendeiring of hec-xvedict: Alclx x x ' eshgdthi showxike hkisli igenda lxxhaduisucceedted. Not ax peisonux i xox lxx s hadn't ihudthelx'st ufl rightc paxsseduouxxiiitou the strexituho didc novt hexe, knowxuxthaxt; nt a upersonspostk it h Tatini thexl l y tulpkxhes pxae mum huhd notbgross'entusiastic. 'SleeplixHoloill t xhis afternoon, onx the Alid] behind thur scnessthere xxax just xcamphuus xin leot of Uniersiy itall in as muuchx ejoicinug. Afer ble stourmuofixie.leveingx. anxd in vtheutrone roamom xf apuplaause ad dieduaay-ap-tndthe urtxxx lxiiihihuxiuaxxxfewxxdayps ater. Michi- ach fallenx for thur sixth hime stinuteti dlbythvwaus the xi.utgie kingom uerves reaxed imxthu axsuap Chorcsus wherexthereuadcx-noxhrosiHow the sgirlslxxn wigsamd rougiitappedl earls stuxudnts xdet lxxx sxavcompulicatedha- oxter onutheblu ack amdble prnpcal dtirisfearfulsuxnl xxnxefullyxhparranged fairlp hutggeshd oncanothuer. 'ITicfit i x l i eodat .uytahis eiue nd tuuvlJm ie ight mvas oxver! ihigclmendah xhatt siec 'l~ 11(11mlClre at ha- ceeded! IThuep-knew itomu acerainlitty uvius to thei.facudsy deanii ts't uxuru- wxhenx MrScautnln mlxiihaildxiled themxunleixSufficeitxtoxxsupthat wms-ticmh~e forms-riks x to limt wxliiithem had donefaculx. finli lyuos i catch ip sith thur iuxxpec uponm a chxair andctstud, osssuensiigrexes itoxmakxlvAnntArboxr yiu've doneuregat mwork." as perfectxias th xulandofxi \lieg-a- Th 'cl tours caught their udiece riruht Ganerssi- tme - ee free sodxa t ble slant. The opening choxusxixfollow- foI xtxuuu nax xxxxort x in hihx xx xing the eoverture of"Thur Yellowi anuhdxxxiiof xxi Bltue" idrewianx encore. 'lhe htxls'bhu xlockxexne xxwo uh ixixhignidalx"go" caught thur fancyof blur audience and lu-i xxnight us hisfllingxx m: xxxiirecalled. After that, mwithx axxxximg Tm- thaxtccarriredseryonesith themu, laugt- xxiiJ dii- s . Wainms lug, xxxi)laudixgadmiring, lie ou uuug xx xx isiusi11.Clrke, tors plypedlthe dpera throuxghxas eey ay .Tedr ed uonexhaul hutped thuepy xwouxldclaypittou a liii i I xx s I Prtt.i magifcet inih.\is luhtexue iald A.ul Pxter- Its my xong drewv at least onexencoret 11 "WhueniNightl Falls, Dear,' at the cmii \iItx Ii xuux'ellex -DanxBhiSymonxts. cxl blufr ist act, receivedh four In thu. x rouChuxuxux e-u Exxlurxuki-Clu es- secoud act, "Whienxin1mb Ive Ththus the ter 'U. ples Wxap to iDo," ni thIlefluxale exchlie huhck J Roberuxaitulep, ceivedllxwi. Thur finalue of ble thirdulact I lxx-hery A.huxxuusehxx receivedlflue. The Genxxie~htPrankxBIKeerfe The faxulutuyimpesonations in tliisix- uirs--Ixutis S.Blxxer, hlBenjamuuinmF. and al ct set thur house roaringxu g BIndi idJr, xxLew itt.ratxns, trank othters there were clever "xtake o 'xon l!'.xBroos Jr, Alois R. Carke - ev Pruofesors WeeytDw, Taylor,'x Curoxxi J I ixuxiux O. .;t.ttFihhrWilei t Iea Davu lxis, mmmxlUncle Jinnnmui. I didsilx x 5Johnuxson, VictdorR. Juse, Jr., The pleasure of ie audencen xxas not t)urank A. Kappx Dudey R. Kennuedy, cnfinedl ixxextiressionx to applauseux -Darld ' lead, Arthur JtRissell, Reed, thud tPxttersonu andilLucius trat, lluxuxInI uShokesdLouis iB. West the leading ladies, receiv-edt loxiut "e llow,"h I ehiuxux muaut PMat- cxarnaions tauchroses. Michigenuda xtook thewR.x h-hI shu Jac I. Brookhe, Russell poussessionx of esex thbletheater attendil CI xxBurton, lIarkhW. Goutd, Gerald F. ats- tieushers aore bannmus of yellowi agerlBen Haris, AndCurew DB Jxni anducbluue. Betwveeni acts the mnusc wasi soxiIi cuxduxuxW. Kothec Walker M. for stle ini ble thirter The eghtxogs1tg xBre H.1Lenuard, IHavey bM tlhthaxve buen pubhlshed in sheet flimi 'di xl xxrhi,\[t-IISidttha11ry i.Suiim were old togeuher lxn rolls for thicl]-Joxhn R.lxSiaffordxFredxl"IStautonx, l- tis. tir J IhicnresI er A Whlite Tht credit for last night's sccess mxiist Imprusonaxtris-iWalter A Aidrsou, go not only to the hos thenselves but J ak . I. lBrookeiChalesxlx,. awson, to the coxxxnittrhs that mnagdl thec IHaroxl II. HaskisxsGlbermt J. eyfron, opera, xixil-al Stevens sodiBert St Joxhnm e xs 'A. Plou lxii V ll 'i. Johnston, msho workeedt ip the stage buusinessadJ. xxie I Lawthon, iHliii L. Melton, to W. J Scanlan, whiodirectedl thu. mc-CGvorgiLI.Niuul fi )Liuut '. Stutter, hearsals. heI ull '.5TravisItenry L. Wiartr, Two weeks ago Mr Scantantook lholu lbMerit LI WeekI KEtNYON GIVES FRENCH LECTUIRE THIS AFTERNOON H erhert A. Kexnyon will give ax talk onx Le 'Theatre an College," in Tappanx Mall leture rooni at 4 o'clock this after- noon.'The lecture which was to h-ave heren given hy Mr. Vanghian has hero postponed indefinitely. Mr. Kenyon will trace in his lecture the itemvelointuent of blue theater in the schoxols andx colleges of France. It wvas for the college stage thuat many of the greaut French muasterpieces were origin- ally written. 'the growth of dramatics inx Amxericanx colleges and universities wilt huetdescribsed hy Pin. Kenyon. When college thxeatricals declined in the nine- teenth cenutry, interest in them was tranxsferred to this country.