The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -TC1IJGA-V, \\'I)NJE.SIAY. , Fi3l' RY 26, i908. No+r.. JUNIOR ENGINEERS' DEFEAT FRESIIIMEN Tie at End of First Half-Final Score 38 to 29-Dunsmore Stars for Winners. Before ait enthusiastic crowd that com- pletely packedi the gym track, the junior engineers uefeateui the fresh engineers hy tim score of ;38 to 29. The game was fast antI furiots, oth teams shosig remarkable accuracy in asket tossing ad passing. The play swas rough at humes, due to the overexcitement of te players as the game swaxed close, tang- den, te fast Knox colege o, was hrt during the second half, finally hav- ing to retire fronm tee ame. Benrook and West also drotpedI titt during the latter period. The freshimens started out witht a rush as soont as the selistle sounded and scoredi repeatedly tefore the tpperclassmeni got togeter. Raiss, the Detroit Eastern higt oy, who playeti cetter, starret for te freshmes. lie sas all ster the floor, throwig as- kets fromsneery ange, atd stowig teonderfuli steaditess ott free throws. 't'heni the jtstior camte hchtPlaing withs the same seeds that casractried theie ply inthie vicorioss camptt~iot siip srusggle of last year, tse grduatslly brousght the score tos14 to 14 at the end tf te first half. The teamisplay of te icors sas remsarable cearly oucltass- ingtiatsosf te freshmsen. istic after tite te junsior gurssdsribblledl the tbsll te wehole lengths of le flosr feedig thseir, torwardets immedttiaels-raisser the freshtmiant basket. Dusmssorc e sis te shinintsg light for the jutitior,, tressed clisely ty isii teasisisste. Wet Early intheli secondal laf these twitiss0ss git, tim-sitfromithe soppos sigg urdsatnd fairlsyrinedshossts isto t onentis'es basktsc. The fresthment, hlweeis es.s-rc gsamesc.nsuintsthe fac f sefeatshowsieds Ilshsessf seedsthatis ctttheir rotrs iint spaismtscf joy. A ttses ldritg thse secondilitf,sismwsiningrally looked sure, onsly to le soppiedl sdelysbyh the strong juioisr garis. Cataii OCon- nsr, Itoughsseldomscii oesrisg himseilf. plasydl sisliftissame sait gvec Riss mantiy chanitces tssosre. tig lsBesntk plasyinig guard for te'resmiensplaysel isel,lprteve itg tissuea 'askettby Iis quticknessin garsitig. (Ofiten le tcre te blstl fromssthesarmssof Iis sopptoet andtl luytmaisi strensgths tosse ill)si sttsie te cuir. In le Ipreliminitary gugeicthe res lawst rounicedl the seirs 20 toi . IDuring the first althe ly)10stas rg- ged, hut asithie gamise senit os there was more teaitmorknst fasteir pay the~isr intl Dutke soredl nearly all the poists for their resecivecteasms. The cormier shioweds excellent forimiosi fousl sooting, while the ltiler featured the gamse y his quick, accurate throwsesfrons short range. Comtparaivelty little itterest test shoswn by the crowdin i this gmue. The linesps are as folowses Fresh cengitieers: Forwards, Liselee, OContnor; center, Esaiss; gurs, ten- brook-Berram, Langdlen. J unior egineers: Forwards, \West, Duitnsmore; center, 'Tyler; garss, Was- isssuc, Campbtel. Btaskets-Lovelee 2, Raiss 4, Bebrook, taugiles 3, Wasimstnd , West 2, Dns- more 7, 'yler 2, Canmpell. Free throws -Raits 8, West 8, Diusmore 2, OCon- Fresh law: Forwards, Emil, Luther; center, H-fodson ; guards, Spading, Ely Senior laws : Forwards, Spier, Eam- erman; center, Wolin; guards, Duke, D~avis. Baskets-Luther , Emil , Hodson, Ely, Duke 5, Davis, Emerman. Free thirows-Luther 8, Duke a. Final score -Fresh 2o, Seniors 16. Referee-Corneal. Time keepers- Schuliz and Wendell. Scorer-Treat. CORNIt.,, ASKS FOR 5 U tIiLII AY A O T A A ECo r ns e ll wea ts to p la y fo o th a ll n wi thls ; A~cia.A telegram asking for ai 1 EB j READY'' glisie for Nov. I4 reachesi the associa- tions office yesterday atndseas forw-ardedicied sFrtPrf ma e ho 'Massager Btairdl it KasssCity.FThe Mcied' is efrac dale suggestetd is sot opesn, Pennisy beisig Tonight-Success of the Opera sceduhiledstoit plisy osn Ferry fielsd thast Now Depends on Cast. slay.- - - Coinsidering that, without haivinig askedl tsh' usfess suse hsuts tillthle curetains for a gamie, Michigant nas iseetngivn-ctrssii lcls ieieiusco \il optiosts on gaines snills Corsnell, Catrlisle, Drossn, Dartmouhn, Syracuse, Asnnapolis ugcttsci t ter tricks sif ulnnistng,udritt- annothisner colleges of lenses- note, thin sgrehecarsinig, tithoerusready fesars of the lpro-Conferesncites Inane 'Th e wsrsets citpsc ion pracstiltly fotiund little sublstasntiation. enedc wismtshithc sress rehesa i l :ondthay It is isnirobualethnt iMnager Baird ight. 'There twill btic brcethastsmuork~- snitt hbe ahle to nrramnge a dlate withntinesut this aftcrnoonus usto-keep thingsi- lion- hthnacsss. Non-.7 is tine osnlyopein date ltierced upt u sit thu ewrk5 i of i geItstcluing upointt Michigasn's schedule, anti Cornell readset overi i. C suiiiitteus, lirets, couhldscuarcelyise iplayed hetweens tinecostumusers. tituds nelItsIIlii tattheycsanuu Vanditerbilt anti Feinnsygamsne. Cornell dii, sait hnowii'su u 1toth suci sits sun plsays Fensnsylvnia on Thnnnksgivisng day it thecast thesevesurt makeuit thssiturut nnt wousldhue usnlikely to desire a heavy a success. Diheseussr thseceeninsit tper gamsne sit the 21st. tformasncues tashsuitsusmatitueeslieadI si s-uiu-s-mm-~seuwyoc~scus u-ettuncsthet, andsitu tall i)f thseusthitsusill Iase Ah mnost unsexpectesd compiuicahittion hs crowd5sedihuss-. tututhcmstheitecsIc,1is esntered its tine Cosnferesnce situsatiosn as ytiti ne Cnthis sisivntltni the result (if Northwnsestern's revocation Pitlis iii sionspayluhldthsistesrest cut th s emes-gie sciheule. 'Whesn tulnlagguttuinnit tr ih' controviuersy- ws wrnssrs Northnwnestern havsascifiicedlfursever da fo stodh mit hiichigant in ste sdemsand lfonr wsmuI w ithstlihusmtha t ii inasuiood thic- extsededschiedutle, autnd -hulethe hto intos beshisahtblt stae licshi~nd remversal of Puruue asIlinois froststh succ-ss ci cr.,n ie tobessi. itneir stndssmlfor time gamss nt tohss-Is i sts his ave idt st ip rtu tiwel tosthes extectedl. femw-if stany iaticipuatedlthutsmutrsofsitthiritis g suit hII ise cosner-ativ-e actiossupotuhue partsit timethisac Chuicagos college. As a resuslt of the PP suteu c itd. ntt wtu soisis- r us e --games tse linral miteye- lii \liiliaisis mrit ite Coisferenee reeis-esits 'sitdiiMi cidtss todfr ii- hesttlowsm - seufifnciesntsnumstermelast- ian inig fus e s hosrt scele t o khlhany Nowm prualctcis oe.\ 8ioihut attempnit hischasnsge. lthe cushrt si i rsuindtshcss sasouts mmill thue Coniferensce s-iles huso-ide that six tlettiiithe mk P ihi si-a- success,-t Sterens sill bh ueit froms Detroist ho se howJthinsIgo." KEY ER LECTURE Wed-netsday, 'T'hsursdaty,Cs inygy usnd Sssuusuhsus, the lay-s of Mliclttgeuttd,th M THscI Mhiss-aUnowilbopntldes sut e is sout Sustinas stud Wesues- 11, soles stllhuesineessary ts alter the dramausstics, sit itis in-us itske. tutu suise t les., -tush siths tr ec-c -untsgest, 5155 iiw il-" (','1I tl pl 11this 5 5 i t s0 Chicago.i 'uPsusuuso ms t ndNirilmnetteit, Wsus ha t i evevnis scsitone ill dsclareds against thue sevn-c-s ia ie, onuly, mitso seie it sues us PP Iitusssthinusks thie 'big sight'snill havue to struggle "W'e iredu-sush [leicrtiPgos iln s lucid thisymarethiseswills uscuss- til tonht:i stiied lelilstithesic. lss usitehssis madea iii h~e: Its 'The PClucagso newspapuuers camne siu ut lthie woitksilt itt iiiittes of tilts- yest-rdaus siths thc ipeennial cry- list sisuusl siresc-tirs, sitthus its itllii its sim-c Coc isueis nzoses Shtagg -ould hprobabsly- cc-hit--itlutitestmeeytos-rive ublusicIsyht sign s in ur5esult tnf this rebuuff ts its iiiltht .\iichsi r cantstgsnspr lihuecus iescm Ihiss times, howumever, there 5 suefully' - Nitonesuitssth tsIwhit unity tieususuiltrIstsuithue ceporsh. It hassss at-hedthusdils 5 lifrms-e siensou smuewnhat apaudhetic toward- eekms-c agoues:histhi s slt ii its. sit athiletic auffairs since time seneranuce of weu-lt-td sirens re-hear sslI ott \i uissis rel-atiossnstwithihcigans. Itehe ash tlsunetnighit. It it-lits s iuthlutg. tue>,tu haisut this yearu tItake situsomue cadterntcut1- \'he. Scanlanuific-t enttuo ugh tush suse its hugs- hun brigitluens uphis nschdule, suitIhis inlhunosaty PP s-us isusuix lWOtswuslt hue Chiss-io fattiiwa s-unitsistenut initsdisy-s beftore-thstie ist proiaie tusandtfur thus-reformu, noeti hisslyholspe itigmithuuiiitsfsile sh huts- in thss actiolls ofthue oilseiscollieges. tiltsuiittiitinctuut haIve ibIteu-it adesuto freuetillissstaundlmohsnst conustsanht Wituthis s-such, sissis onsuitestssthli ntervosus trubutle lseave ampnhes-ediis cos-t-heatter.i Nitsettee lass I'sut uhhsits ii duict sitfte thletic affairs of time iii- lust the mutitic susilhis solin t utsn, uesch vtesity. 'Phe tacit teausm, it old timse tituse cotiing thus-pliHisthedt~sons lit unie, hissbeen permuittedi todwsindlie its shet fosrin. Theisssies still sill fussltso strenugththurouughsack of is personal douslars eauch. attentionu. these tinmgs, nelen cosupletd AnniArbor tutu suitttus-us people siths te discoutragimng constriciomns upon hnuts-aukenta usntyuto tshtspniecial Saurt- athlestics, mnighut well cause him to snt-il atsymanishee. Yisitutiii enspeialyhaitts diraw efrosts Iis position at Chicago. conictohuntis-fruititllsasdeluegation sor Staugg is st presenmt itsFlorida foe tinshswo. sAmng th iersn y-sterdany- nusouie hteaultandthais not gin-en out stng state- order-nuof us stuxfuse a partyofsineveun. unmeut asnto Iis intenmtiosns. I~nsthus u-srlythue sutccessiofthescseat MSlits Dt-tsTICL't S ELAYm Se. salehe utaistinre ltiastlifiedl thus isdoltst Omit huindiredIansi twenty-fivecaundi- of the massagementcusinus susranginug foe dlates fuse class relay tentms tiurnsetioat ihe msatines-. yesterdiagyafternoon for thneir tryouts. The fcte seasisleft sithue eveninug Direcour Fitipacick was limiing tine buunch. perfourmnuces arcc gosing raipidily. 'fle While noiing phesnomnenal in the way dollar seasissmere closedl oust hutng ago, of spriunters has shton up, quite a nuni- and there are tot manisy sit the setventy- her are dhoimig the hap under foureteenss ec- five and fifty cesit seats remuaisning. onods. Tlie bst unsurk for thne dsay was Finanscially, huichigetnu sa ltready won ,13 1-5. a tewe points. 'Tonighit it will try for All entries by irack managers musit somne unore. hue ini Director Fitzpatrick's hnds by "Aunytthitng hi snay bseforee tile gatue?' Thuirsdasyg sighnt. Scasnlon seas ansetd lastsight-. "N'othing," Inc laugincd. '"Just tell tim STUETe couCt, ADJOURNS. the chorus girls are all i fine condition 'T'Ie pubilicity conmmittee of the Stu- except .one meho dislocatedi her, weig in tent Council reports that at the first signal practice the otlier, night. The meeting of the Council last night the Carping Critics smoust he one-twto-three roll was called and the meeting was for uts, foe we'll sloths their kicking adjourned. . game every tinne. Yes, I thinks Mr. tg his takss-friensto tin uner anudthtten ts thelty, tillmuosoubt fidithis a wselcomue dearture fromnthtie ruese. I,AN NI:IAN AND IOWNET 'WILL RE'PRESENT SENIOR PLAWS A. M\. tandlmn andautep~henttowntey- steresselectedulasst ight Ico reitresenuttie oS lustsclass us the Uivssesty oratorical constes. ''husmtnarked htie last of the prelimuinary contests tefores-tleinl, wmhit is set fuse ainumbuer suithe tis u- d uents' Lecture Ansssciinseries. Landmantt womm-unton "Omuslty thuthe Situix," uandtDoweyncy "Ctie tts-nosi tuve yea-urs'expeieneam-onigustthuheI ian suitpleaedeulouencuty fisthits"'sas- qutishedansuimpoivuserstshuntracet"usotug showedsibowsuf-rfnciedc atisanisiputisa tusean hyaity u us ityliiin itilist- fuse hue(,hrts-thit itsutes riglt ?sa hn oo issssanudh PPltutu It. hists- suitstiet fusdeucs s withus Il us-u irish teacee," n Te1hun(ist andthes Nat it" s thler rcspectiuve subhecs. hdtinunulJ. Foote suspoe 5555"Iutrilis Dye-moucrascy,'andulJohnituR. Craetteonut 'Thut-PhMisiotiof this Press." htPrsfessos Knowisltn. Drakle tutu IaIis iwsente the itt ski: t; P \I SyhONAPI IS WIL1,1SiP1 K APh'°P. PPC. A. P lectiurecourse su itutsssu-uu-y suis- sets, thu-im-rest by peoesinwi tctul experiensucein i sstinarty hoditts in t ti-iis it Nemwbier- Ii tlt unders th us-it irensitf thus Y. PPf. CP China.dhursdammiii igis t 7 5 shuiunsisi this : _ suit Jousephi iineI situ Ii usi sll mit s-hu shut yedutr uisnsaitnsuit Chitsa; IDr. Sihbcz a Persians physitisn, mwlhoiis susi suying lieu-i-MrPt eriises ltuhformerlu-y oftIhikit. Japan; BiPss utitP sui,situ tional stcr'tutu-it t heY PW . tush thi stushsunut oluter mvemt;ti Re%.It Clarki. us tmisstiaryfromutfPitcuau;andts I. 'anuit, formeruc . P.At. A . uer- ties its Japanu. Philishissaete trestedus sillIhtu turdiailily- nwtlcomedus. F'NINXhN 11ff I)S ISCUSS INI)UC'htyN . MOTORS Thssetutf tuheindsuucionotouits tt a su no m-snchronsus nrtrwsdsrb ed uatIlengtihugy C.A. IDais, 'ote, t te mein-hg tnt thus Miciganum branuctosithe PAmericantustusitute of hElecicial hiugi- uss, en lasst ight. 55auh Pi. Phitivtytoolspastnuntie dicsin wshhssui',lnedth ie lecture A short Ii-uis;sessiosn cosedl te seeinr. NOTIiCE. Not sittings foe the ihicligaitensinu etiher indiividusal or groupus, an tic-tki sulen Saturdsay, Ccli. 29. lTe sesios smho haven-coutyet mae out their recordth blanksaninthdeiosites thuemmwsih their eeparutment eitor of slureIMichiganetusitn or iiite box iite general librry, are urgedl to tdo so this mmeek asu the final collection wil be mte iSatutrdauy, and complete records for eeryosne arcudesired. All reading nmaterial foe organuiatons, chus ofiers, auth class athletic teams miusthe semnt toth ~e Michiganensiant sffice, Roonm , Anin Arbor Press bsuild ing, Maynard street, during the present seek. This is official notice, and it is imperative thins all concerned see that their maerial is in tie hands of the seunigers by the time mentioned. I Michiganensiasm Board of Control. Bell Phone 2.4-T Relations of the Science to Psy- chology and Theology Consid- ered by Columbia Professor. 3rf(' . Ifeysee of Columbia uni- versity uaddriessedh a large autdiene ii he Tappan IHlll lecture roomi last ight tut thur subject of "Mathnemuatcs." I-in lettr etshwiths mtheatics is its re- ltsisiots thus realmus of psychology, phil- osopthiy- tus religiosn, emphslasizing espe- cial. the it-fallaioisus ies concening te ntissue-wshch lutit- sisy becomne tras- Speaktinug sitthes-c-xtst tush satue of imathticut.s, esaid: " Thur sope of mteai suin theimatcnsticl actiity in itseyonds te cr utehencsion of ay issueotlonug stieitiisits iticacis Stichtesrnasl siguss alonue as tie vast coninensts ofsdoti u iltt upiby the this u of the us-ususuis: sinit:frusm hihgrs n lto toI, Hilbert, Fi-e, anduti isisr crustsdIthureueno ieoustanonal ott lt masthematssuuticaliwors tshone its tnltss etetu;itbut its trie ifiitde is suivtobhis die-eriniueued yiternal is ll stu , hu is ole geo h scitne Oinlusy uswiitsthis lst ihundured, an its estnaisitthu r uitialilogical, Prt.1 sicr tnglve aushoetuiesethm of heeyortionofthur concmeptionmuof % l r poit 'ftetus sesus frtsh i ni sh 5 s scieeis ofs ituauntmit uit tittititio" icinguh55wihinmits s nvit ii ii a itcatabcittofirase, ori situ- cIOsit 1 ircsis tciettIBut list le puut of nonit Euit ltuidiamigeometry proved-utthis definitiointu deq:hsuasste. Again iiits as isctshis time utasitthi scuience ofiissirusctu- srcliuuit uihthlimevmmi- lutio tutfs projuetiveu gusmtrehy, te detiiu- io ii55 s usa-thsrd imustrst asmitnats - maneserastalceithe sieneuof p0i- -t iand nattude "To' dcic t roadiy, itsis mithur sciece wich drwsi necesstitsary coculusions. As suh -aI itsfmiaio n s ul dentssi- cal stitsymsbilic.loic."u irf. Kiser t ithh et tomelesghs tutu svtill guset emhiutus upon mtie pops- tutu fallaieis pusoposundedIsby HuIuxey Sir PPilliassm aii uustasnit Smihopenss-mhauer. I hxleylPof. eyse sackowlegd, huts a sfair-m itd tpoenlimt te ts'o ltelits-culltshsieliesstn falsiies std his-rtrcs sitthiswossthe Iiy claimiuedl t qute. is hlitsjudghmencts itt ltauniluusu tutu Srihtilisthauerstil lutreign on-rithunt- susofmtntsundtuuyet both seecigor- sntudof thur sujedtthey petneito detis.' 'hheeture ciosedh nith a lbrief on- sidierutioi ntfthur relationm of smatiematics to psycholoiugy ndl theology. To quote, '"Mathematutis is tutuinexaustble quarry si tesisriasi fus exuploration lug scholars its sy chloigy ,uphiosopshy auththeology li eeurumotoiesof mathemasntcs are itoteit ithmil those of art anit religion I belicveth ladt mathematcs is the science essenmtially quaifed to assist in the c- storatuiouoftheluogy the fisrmer queen ofi thur sciences. "le mauthematicalu mind is not a mere syllogistic. nll; it is characterizedl by thue supsreume qualities of invetion and consructiion, just as esentinly as by thur fasultuy of ratiocination" trus. Keyser is being entertained dur- ing his slay mum Ano Arbor by Prof Markley. A banqueut is his honor was gus-ems last snight so the Michigan Union lug te Mathematical soiety and tie Phlsossphical club. T'he junior class of Oberlin college will present on Feb 29, 'Eastward Hoe," a comedy of contemporary manners.