Mro C I ttAN -DAILY Sam Burchifidd's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Good Sam Burchfid T 106 &X Co. EAST HURON ST. The best FOUNTAIN PEN ill the City FOR ONE DOLLAR at Brown's Drug Store 120 Ef, Liberty St. ALARfICLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the hist make- and flto taa-t~e MICHI(GAN PINS AND) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH RE2PAIRINGi *.A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector- for the Ann Ar-bort Rairoad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN Sr. Branc~h:304 S.State St. PIETHE PIPES S JOLLY'S MRS, I. R. IROJANOWSKI FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER thair floods, hairdressing; Shamtpooting Manicuriag, Face Matssage a Specialty. 322 S. State St t C- tir Bell Phoune 3591 MONTET LECTURES- ON GENEVA UNIV. Frenchman Describes Conditions and Student Life i'ntile .Swiss Institution. Prof. 1;. Sloitot, -det oifitetiheo- logical hdepartmtactiof tir Univcrsitr of Genetva. gave ani tet-ittifdtctripitiont of ita tf-.tilttio ,I ts0- fifts ands til ts- ollis ill arah aswel oAll fll fill ye- trdat-cI rioo The tilti. a1g( ve ptir lini ft iii til tli t he t di lC tp p titl y.i hadfit no- ifcti ltyint fotl lo in apprcia fitti fis rniafrilsi. oThetlec- 11(07'ifwasfthei 01)(211110. ot ilt flit f til Ceciii 1.rififttoit litra cispo, a o 1007-, andillhot ii i thu ithii It I prece det sabise.b h sireeof i list 1,\ifto-h(iii f-oft iish o tik th of t he iirce' Flans -, f oti Ile,. year. tit Thtiffiverstfity if iGineva .wasitfond- )resnt nsttutin te1cohite dt isfliut hr i d p fimets I: lwthei tutu aft ieatre Itifiti Thn k oif a ' .citiicalpeio «h tl\a oft i 1tttas in til0W 1.It-f 73 th iptt otwnthf i an ie u clYb~cnc it tee ttui-r ;itt. A fr III I t if - f~ t) noI tfihave th ldepartetsoi f f to y hi ch arei i ctu l ilt l i t sI I it-e it ofto it l iii °r iand thce i lit o e l lift cur h, thei tO fa th( 111 11 1facult ilt-. d ion titt , i h . ' f' e i s a s c a hir f i e c-i t t e h t r o t :ic I f ttlif H etu u e o f a r e fideitistflid sft1peci iaw)killr tettii- e rt hic bbma tftilt11f Idiltfiet s-.1 r il - spcil o1!:1T o aclt i i t ii t l icsao t Ie ihundred. tSomlit *.if prof .p oitc fr lfe t'cl- il ,;Ii fc 'il t . I t iltar.Ictt. t titir fre <1 t1t ei od o f i n-i W .._ Y_ t _. __.___.__._._. .._ ..__._._._ _.._ _. 1us.-to Theficla-tiimetntiotnerl'utmaiy if tomisitrcJt-ws, art- excellcttuditents an pe-ciaize, firtihetictmost tart, inifir 'trioetct-st 1d1 tmedicitie. Thetre rtc mhay yountg fatlystutttcooalto. "1 kittw someocyountg tint whtotie livtgot $20ao m otth. Thte arerage, hiotwet-r, is fritet$2o to $300 a yeatr. The uivescrsity ist abttithls o 1ine io -te dfcservintg bitttietly 'tistutstfromi ftitids tiaitiiid e sptecially for that fpurpotse. "The studentitrter feft altmost entircely wcithotutt rootri nt. Thc platc of thie friaterities'tistftldiy-thelsoctietes dtes elovs witoh ari grouptectacitrin tg ft flitiiitonafity of thifio meimtbierst. iTher t reithlirIttyot forty oiffrthese ttif .ootitif tftetitreo very tol. Eachryer itt Chistimtas timtito seir clitts fhat-e gretf ,it wrhitoh i'sf11pecitallysuitetoi is pttculiiies - oeieefqato anliyin ile. to ifr ldi, titd itistittititlt. fItnt190 twt'wiff cefreirafct te 150ff tititisrtry if theiveri--csity's fotunding. ff thic seatis if letirtniiig initte wotrld sill sendti delegaites. It is ourosiscere 'h ItUnivcrsity iiotffiiganitmais lt-tiitht f-f at thtNithAfe..t' iti rtgu hydrfitu. N. Uiii-rsits. Calf it 4107 N. loft .r-fty -1to1Ii 55 S\NiT) 'I-tritstudietits fttoisflrit ifetisura te. tood portuinity fior huistlecrs. \ddress't-DI A.ltitersont, ytj SI iffit ttfufr., IDetrotit.M\icfh. 10 If It. Litz', Alarit Clocks, $t.oti 205 blatW\atshinigton. tf Puytyoulatiotratoiry suts tifWagocr & Csottind save money. 9-t1 Ittaffdaihameredl jewelry at Fosers. KOLL~AUF, TILE TAILOR. i to P,. Hurotn St. tf-32 Strictly wtatrrproof Mcisterschaft shttes. Watgnter & Cit., Slate St. Sign if tce big white ssoc. 9-1t T'ry- Krtuspe's hotte-tiade canodies. 615 Itist \Villitm t nrt. t-iS PIANOSS 'IOllRENT at Schiaebcilc t.Suit. ffltittsirtil stppliec. Ncw to- imo tt oS. Mtaini street. tf PIA5NOlS OR RENTP-A ntiatbir of ch rc f ianttos at Root's Mlusic Ihoutse otn casy tertms.Frece tanitng. tf \Vce say you to comec down towna for tilt1- lbortitory suppl~fies. Coodycaros filth iStore- 1-12 If ytott sant the best foantaitn penitn t'ic city, gio to Cashing's, 336 Sooth :Mtelcstrect. tf IT TP 'NOTCH OF STYLE -As New Yorkers know it-is emblosdfed in... NCOlIelie Bratd !Clothes College torn, att othelr yotg men, ati o -ltuishi old mien, thnd itt Collegc Brantd the clothes tohilch are beyrondtfhe tability of nine tailotrs otf iiteni io design. Extreme itt cut, yet genteel--readly to puit on- -atndirmoderatefy ipriced.- lfr ..A. y 1.1 Y ( cjtl c~6C~ * A F'xxll Lixne of Fiuiw-ishingis, Hats, Caps arid Childr-elm's Clothilag Walk=OverShs Men andWon-en Special Styles for College Wear 'This seatosti we0.11e iroeshowing ti timitusuly large assortuuetf of Custom-Made Footwear. See Window Display fosr a Corn. plete Line of Fall rid Winter Oxfords. W(c- ace showig stotte esptecially ttew styles fiilBrowtn Cortdio-ait,luteher ct, threre soles tot heel, atild a toasvyfirass eyelet atttf large rolff reitnforcring thte topt. Aisot a large assortttteiti of black anod r ttnrttather in ceebIrated rietntch Calf - Skiit-i ttiii titroii, lhrt, plaiit Laro '-' - attd Stra cliff I ittI ckle effocts. If not acttaiitt0 I with ourclfol a-sk x IIr Fric-es, $6.00, $5.00, $4.00, $3.5( WALK-OVER SHOE CO. 115 S0OUTH MAIN SI. Hart, Schafuer & lYarx o ALL WOOL U1 CLOT ING The Clothier. C L 0 TU1H i'll TOE FlARMER~S AND 'lICIANICS lANK MAIN AND HURtiON STREEITS Captal, $50,550. Surplus and Prof its, $60,000 General OBaokingitunutss. 3i per ic-nt paid 00 Time and Savngto.Depostsl..Safety lie-I posit Boxes to rent -t $2.00 aind apeards I Ri. Iatar, Preon. W. C. SToornuS. Vtice-iPrey F. H. t, SianoCash. 0. A. WiLLIt 00 Asst The Aun Arbor Savings Bank1 Capital stock, $50000. fStiplus, 00di Resurces, $2. :0,000i A General Banking Buiniess Transacted OtFIEoanst Chan. . isioc, Pres.; W. it.j Barriman, Vice tres.:yM. I. Fi,tze.Iashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Bnoth Jno. V. Sheehdan Wma Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. it Wade E. FicMilln John Haarer Jno. Koech Prof. H. S. Carhart Henry W. ouoglas. Ohristian Martint Dan F. Lintmermuan FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANNAROR, MICHt.' S. iD. KINNE, iAR11t1StN S011. peso. Vie-pres. S .t. ARtKStOiN.'oOlie. Capital, $1i0,000. Surtplus atnd Proitst tt5oiook Ca11at 'WaT.dharnvs Q I.Co.'ForYOr ISweaters, in all colors and sizes. We have all kinds of underwear, Including the Oneita the Grand Prize, and Dr. Demiel Linen Mesh. A large assortment of Night Robes and f Pajamas. All the latest In Neckwear. U , III S-EEF The Palais Royal 200 E. Liberty St. V tor thoeLatest UtI s tii V. ofM PILLOWS IAN1D BANNERS ALSO Banners of Other. Colleges Cozy Corner FtirnishingsY in Japanese and Iindian. Goods Everythoingto in ric-a-Bran.' W ADHAMS Q CO. Fea .shion Store 121--23 S. Main St. German American Savings Bank,~ ~ Matl FUNERAL I _08,%ge 0 Comamercia l and Office 209 S. 4th Ace.Iltuoule 9. Patent Leather Belts madewitt Ii- uncIh sanRsesu ence 302 S. 5th Ave. tPhone 313 I thatch your shirt or blouse, 95c.Send usia At Tsattie's. 338 S. State AMBULANCE N CALL - Ip1ecentf the dr-ess groods when sendinig order.________________ Cov.Msa.l andLllert St-e es) MBUANC ONCAL HE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON. MASS. Will Soon, Opon MICHIGAN UNION CAFE- Watch For It