THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burclhfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifiel & Coe EAST HURON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 12(0 E. Liberty St. A LA RniCLOCKS $1.00 $1.50 $1.75 All the lest miakes-anod tauit t ia eii. MICHIGAN PINS ANI) FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Watch Inspector for the Antn Arbor- Rairoad J. L. CHAPMAN 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch: 304 S. State St. Cigarettes Turkish and Egyptain ALL THE L 2A)IN0i BRANDS CASH PRICES 15c Pkg. _ = 2 for 25c 25c Pkg. =- =5 for :1.00 K. E. JOLLY MRS...iR. IROJANOWSKl FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER! Hair Goods, Hlairdressing, Shampooing Manicuring, Face Massage a Specialty. 322S. State St. (up Sair) Bell Phone 359 01110 STATE MAY SEND RELAY TEAM Basketball Games Will Begin Earlier-Varsity Tennis Team May Meet Cornell. ne xt 'i'itesiaevtenintg. Owing itoit willlllittave t eplyedithitfolloinjg vv ek. Imm ediatelisatler that gameilthit lctii alt uwill iitgiin. 'Ttefolowing is lie stiitdiilitforthlitretiainiiig preitimii- :MoindayI chPt. 4-1901)lit'; iS. 1910 19011S tiig egilttts vsi 19i11.tenginers. Th 1111ii-.iw innr ftesegms 9iiwitil tlak part i i i teseiilsi and iwilltbelei - ManagerSiimai tllsiihiigedtiihit imie o liiiuoogamesSfrtill7 :195lto 7 ni. i iiskltiisiieartitan last. 'Tut c S of lt th itii I etil 1 im e i the 1inals tik p lace.ii a ii-i ii COPVs liii N . liili uii ta l ii i iiiiiig 11' lVtiii ui ii t iliiiiiiiil iiseem t oo f( t\iic iii D irec t li ri c i sii open-iiii ir i-tist-ii liiA- u ili cr oft si il arli tl on hoit he indoor itlac luseaion.iii Ils ii ii n fte m s c ak (:.d ing t il inli 4:211 3-5. Wichii i he l incic i nterclilt e it rcr i c will undoubedly beionesof till.m p:'I1-tutunis-at London. Illcase i t iImpoi sil to getil s F itatick s 1 will sheduleait onesti e-.l i -v ei- lii i i "l i ils I ioiivcr- iR atlev ichi ii Oliio ate til] verii htsoben ask par in heiii / I liof lhei usti-sl ii - si1\ ac pt the elatei ufii u-il by .lichiiii MICIGA ii . s i iii I TOlii iil-;rrI N N5 . V. awli- i arrngeksutlit tutu. i is-li wiill liiYi if heii n goodiii coniion 'I'itill(, ma ageiitii hais.i t hrhil ,I r.i p-aiduhutrillst iniitIleseight-potundishot- pill. ('crrels is ati presen1titmiloyedii li thet'no S iiii I iio 11 Ra 9111 li i p n tln is engaged-i in seial test niorl at Nilss Ohio. iOw ingetotheliii cultyis ftr S iait- silule111ha1tihe iwill iiio t 1111ab leito -accit thii iniain, made for ithespi-lg tilis u-otrl. u-ltch wi ll ibigini alit oii asit miiaiii iw alte- Ns-gmuiatiun- si ire iini-iriwiy Sura liii h w111iittodl. T i ilpoal Alay Ifposslil othr m1 csl willit-e arran liifor hitmttilaytll witileSoil Ic i t isteari-ltiI it-illc litaitLidyii .itasli nu eru i ite to- a en a- al sprint- itourament i ll heI hediii i - aielolvn prn aain :A11 lC Ii ii -iiil - lOR l-Iiiiii iii ~ ~ F RS il >i iiult li iilsi ii- it N (i onin e fr ii-.Pa i k ii ii ii pr 1li i-idto h r ieific 1iiii li ns i Sihe meiciialichol ii. N ol l essentii ili niai k tt n and ind laiil i 'ist hor-. (mgh Isis ti iiibahis.siihis is i ven dur- curricuu b lh e i s Prtiossor ilti ii li ~ llivy ii~e n Lombrd who iii i n hi ies o ot hav fetsei- pee isiS i llaitWbe theirscie tifi disoveres, nd s itho- GREAT INVENTORY SA LE Underwear, Shirts, (Gloves, Trousers, Hose and Hats 20 per cent off. Suits, Over= coats, and Raincoats at 25 per cent off. Some old Suits atone half off A Money Saving Opportunity Staebler 0(, uerth *OUTOP"'STYIUX of shoe fashion. Every de- sirable feature that fashion dictates or fancy desires can he found in shoes and the other essentials of satisfactory shoes, comfort and service, are contain- shoes. i ~THEiACMELOF EASB Walk-wOver Shoe Co. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREE£=T i 1 111(11 liii a ticijlatei. AS tiiii-al ilsil lil~lilll Tis ii - i lil-l beheteel ,(i-l -iiis- - i llCo- l 51 tu-irt S l -111 011 -oh- 1by Alu-n.l, Miii S1. 5Iii Hart, Schaffner & Marx FULL DRESS SUITS T Propos.........r.d'U T ProperlThTailother, BANKS IllE FARME!RS AND MECHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HSURON STREETS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,000 General Banking Business- 3 per(tent paidl on Time and Savings Denposits. Safety iDe- posit Boxes to rent at st.nt and upwards R. KEMPFr Pres. W. C. STEVNSss Vice-Pres F. B. BELSER, Cash. iS. A. WILeiaMsl Asst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitai stock, $50,000. Surplus, $200,000n Resources, $E,t00,000 A General Banking BasinessTrnsacted OFFICnRS: Chas. E. Hilscock, Fees.; W. D. Barriman, Vice Fees.: M. i. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehian Wmn. Arnold D~r. V. C. Vaughan Tan. B. Wade E. P. Mutlst John Baarer Tno. Roth Prof. B. S. Carhiart iHenry Wi. iDouglas Christian Martin Dan P. Zimniermn FIRST NATIONAL BANK Os ArNN AnBOR, MIcB. t. D. RINNE, iRARIiSO~N SthtIE. Prets. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capitai, $i00,000. Surplus und Profits, §i50,000. German American Savings Bank Comram eroin la.i sd '" Saavngs Cot-. Mala- .sd Liber-ty Streeta r- Spring Hats The Newest Shades and Styles At Wadhamns (QCo. 121=123 S. MAIN ST. i THE PalaisRoa 200 F.Li, berty St. U. Of M. PILLOWS AND PENNANTS A SPEFCIALTY CURIOS and BR ASS Froim Every Criiiitry ISee Our Show Window 0. V!.MarillFUNERALYoac gt Hot ,Lunch vesiilenc~e 302 S.5th Ave. Phone 3i4 ivtetyurshittt-tu as c k du sIa t tl' 338S. Stat. j AMBULANCE ON CALL pieceeof the dress goodus when seniding order.I I TBE BELTCRAFT CO., BOSTON, MASS: r STUDIO-RENTSCULER, 319 Last Huron Street