TE fMf tf9!iASI A8L THE MICIGAN G, H. Wild Comfpany t~a17, ~lt'-AeFE Biness MVanage-C.E Our Spring 1905 line of fine EDIORS Imported and Domestic ...id.... I DAILY. tF. RITetate. WINSrEAD. iram S . Cody 'cce -A \White :Ito Wamibold, Dy D. Welcli Van Voorhis Is now ready. It tncludItsall the latest Nosveltes, Shade and Up-to-Date Patterns to Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectftully solicited. G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street Track Shoes Gymr J erseys and ex-erytiitg that a track maortieds in his equipmoent can lie htad here. Outr goods all hear the famous Spaldiog trade mark which guar- antees the quaaity anid cor - recttness of contstrtiction. Basket-Ball Goods can be had at Sheehan & Co. i Mutsic al Ilraina. .JR \N' on' ". ICitor. ...onise EDITORIALSAF J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams Rnssell McFarland* I NtIGtT EDITORS ChIancey Bdoucher B. G. R. Williams Raymond Visseher REPORTERS Ni. la. N1linugS J.tT. Prescott l A. L. Hainline Robert Montsier Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney Watlte r K. 'lowers. Lnuis Kraft IcisT''. I~nisternl Robert Moreland I'a Greer Samuel IH. Morris 0Itt Ttigel Fred E. Gooding BUSINESS STAFF Johtt F. Ware Carl H. Adam Ilaroldl P. Gould Addlress: MICHtGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Mantager's Mours: I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. tinily, except Sutnday. Beth phones 96o" !uin I i cee ttttt. tl it'.It' 2 , 10 8 'Itt t w )ith tt tt ttltittetn"tttttttf itt deI -11ci tle jut10 it th lcan'i~ ii citiicll, the 111,11)twllttiathM 1 lltiia ,1}: her llttll- i, i ' it an ititr iii ifihi ;.; 1 iii iii toil ("I) ew t twitI( c~tIfc s kan ( 'uteri i kti iitrltlc. ,al t la iii c l () ii t u 11 i r l hut f.ttit'f i11i 1(ra iii Iti ti ii tit .Ii trisl i et thatii' th Vies t)tcbuyron itftafaitri-t ''uptittake .ttttote ) h et alienoes' mensli r ii l tft hehir de ids nd 'iii' tel it 1111 11,1; fir 111111s thy i t'tiihtrd « ' liii. nthe sugtoucatit itetof the iititi risti tt lrg mosi oth Ie-iisii ti hsoy.i ill lie tisthisisiirt o ot gret ris- heifnretttiteatettiee. tgeta ingto i ie' le ciiof tthe'sRtrvistitt in tee ond of 'tetwo tt.ltgr et cthesl oft.e iittartistitohonthe taltte dayifItheI.' ofItt(' RevoIN lutonb le its' h te tankfulithI atcuthseI I li tetli a icstill tt ttur t ad'ing'. wiSt and rlleve'renciie'forinolemn hood.t ii studenii Its andfautyioit'l he ii iietli- Ca i departmetartpett'doigtirt ton ight i arboutirtgimit'.success.triSet it'1otitn cli~ ae lco the ' p itogr tmt'for ivoca litele tilts Ini n-'. t l''timetiti si c.t't'ttiF isc ey is orc ler wlirnite Sdancetim.ici.i tit I~r .rdcItk. I ttttitprofessort'leof lacer'ioytill.petrlattion C"thetii ofite Fettr ititI..Pithee.ter, itdtrot Ncly n i eigt' a ptirs ttian tas N e. as atgmanttioi gresttatmeica ettning, did Iach t isbuiltlit he'. rt c r i.ntroution.tfItoi.weliii'. I.thatfirstof Unitd ;ttotter on'clteiteoltil t' lteeo daesiedby ricer Itiai iirepor.c cr v'IIII.ETiCS :CR11 GIVEN1 iCt'niued traim Page eOne.) te ecicerti tfoe the atututalvarstity--alttt- iii gamte. Novut',a.t'e Situtrdayiefolloinitieli tilivrereii'sitics ithitg iit i eet Michiiga.t. St. Unti'.itiersity' asks'.for a gamoe'at. St. Louti's;: Catrlisle'itotuldtlklutoiimeel isttnNest'YNrk; :Nerask'ttwotuldt.sche- ict's.if a a m i nttt esitirtdlithlithteiiifori tt toa NI flithi.nC sitd Nitipr Niente.ae o iiihome clsestitthe itnderb iltiand Oct- ilit\.A.C t l i e' i st. 40.SeUlttotnbs l t. itts 3 -V n e lt t l i liii Ilor. COACH Ititti't l T _liti l SPRINGlt' R:\Cttit ti Ca chtlii FeatisItin il iW ilt'nd is ii cnt i agedtitt'gtitiilitia tew1sstem oft1 c sittliitie. Rchttottte \arity nI has till plltlaceidl i refasudf ;ie ]tl, to het'trainintg i'of iw 'iih'ihel dcI dail'yt inifthe ciiti. t li' "Iii 1aitlrad thaeitltll. fifi t ttlntul tli Now Ready,..-. T]EXT- BOOKS We a alas I ,e stotco SECOND HAND BOOKS GtOu titeso Drafting Instruments and Supplies All kinds of Second-=Hand Books taken in exchange for cash. WAHR'S University Bookstore Co [. BARIB[LL Law and Medical .Books Tfreves Axtotiy, New Eldition,. (jusnt received.) Stinisoits Fracitiresanit lhIslttatioits,New Edit- ott. Morris Anolotiy. 3rd Eid. half leathier, $2.50,It a lIf moirorcto ' $3.00. These are new books and only a few left. Ca-it or exchainge your I~aiw, Mtetdical aitti Dental Books. C. E. BARTHELL Tel 161. 326 S. Stale St. A LON'G FELT WANT FILLED F svtats past all breakages of A. G. T1wC tm SPALDI1NG 'c~>a ' R V&BROS. e q iThe Largest Manufacturers in the World of Official Athletic Supplies Base Ball, Foot Ball, Glf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey Official Implaments fir Teatk and Field Sports Usifonrsfor all Sports. Spalding's Handscomely Illustrated Catalogeeof alltsorts cotnnat~inu macrous suggestions. Ied fee it. --I'sfree. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicaga. St. Louis,. Stil I"ruiteio'it. Mneapolis, Denere, Buaai, yi'Re, Pitts- bore, Philadelphia, Bostn,.ic inni i, alnti- more, SNahneton, RKansOCty, lirteltnd, New Orleans, Detroit, Montreal, Canada. - - eeorg'.'.iatid spectacle lenises lhe itorte rtacktsceule ui aitfl-i iecessitatedl Sendintg to a city to lows:u have thae lens replaced causing, a tacit, at)Prelimtinatrics.heLN, rof itwo days. An ouitfit for Nhue pStutui-fresth "WhOt'. rniin og lenses itas been installedl litar. i4-Vtarity ltucc. illthe toptic'altiepitarmnttof N~u. t irs Riiitr llllIlliiil . Arnold 's Jewelry Store lue u2g-II. '. 5. is. Fres.h. 220 Sooth Mat. Street _____________-- lEnabhlinig thena to give quick sen- Nlatiule M~iller Bissell-Votice Placidigvice. Sorely this will lie appre- 6iae 'Thie Cututinig;aotlh hones 428. st- i t ed by sindentls. Look By Hook Or Crook 5c -FOUR 5c1 Special Courses IN Fusic FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS School of Mrzsic MAYNARDI STREET Cbe 55tuacnts' 9lecture 1ssoci ation Season of 1907-8 Feb. 24, John Temple Graves Feb. 28, Leland T. Powers Mar. 13, Opie Reed Mar. 20, Oratorical Contest Apr. 6, Dr. Brander Matthews April 30, HION. JOHN A. JOHNSON, Governor of Minnesota. TICKETS FOR COURSE INCLUDING RESERVATION RE- DUCED TO - - $2.00 Michigan State Telephone, University Exchange 68 'il Fancy Postal Card ANY FOUR CoOpStore __________________________________ ml 1211 Washington F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598