T~HE MICHIGSANDATLY - r-- . v _.. T . _ _ _ Cut Right Made Right pi yta ts ci e it S jee That's why OUR_ Made to Order Suits at $15.00 and up attract so much favorable attention. Priced Right C.ALEND7AR. xR A C rke.21-lKattn'at5state clubi ii ittli IN Y o Febt. 12t Lecture bttEl.U. I)Rtttt T IL Mrcani chtaplaini ottJackson state trison, tTapapait FURNISHE&RS I VMercadss Halt, 7:30. HATTERS ATo AE. ci Popular Prices Felt tT-"Texas;' -New \Whitney thea- ter. Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Oxar $5 Boot Felt. 2t-Senior girls' leap year party Directly North of Law Btdldhng itt Batrboutr gytettasititduititg the evenet ing. 709-711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE Felt. 2t--Settior tate Waslaigtons Blirthayttattce at Gratager'sG NU N Feb eli- Athletic earntival, lttgltscltool. tell. 22 \tiAntual fotttdet's day eveer-' iea ittmicalepiltartttet. Addrtess / S'USPENDERS ii I t le ntl Nt1, ot Zttaill atsi iyaoutlat'/e/ Prtt.Eiet ler ornietrI, prefessot of nob tlt- k odi tryasupeneras. F'elt. '4- S. S, A. Johnttt ettiple " (1t2ysya r t el-f A ,ze.t.1.chasru~. (;esii' " tiversit I.lall. AN ,, yii\ 2t d-si des i fai Je. u5't7e Cocluratue inTt"he Dltl CLPEOSHUKt ~ret e irhasaeett loitee Newt \\ Iltiey Iteatetr. o L UYoo 'aee'r EDHEt It uo C' fwet a araevr o sFell. 'I \I'teitaice," a lecttre of Quarter at t Ie e , a t ir oa =t 'etueril itteres t, y Prot, Cassias J. LET PttSCtCA. Oatt F(C. , ' t ao of 1 EIyR. R foT Keser ofti Coiltutia uivuersiti, at Satralth~t~ittte Ciaswell Atngell llt, Sti. itt. _____________________________________________ itcii i I I ThursdayiaitdlFriilay evetninugs A Vniqe e eattire Ncix Wh itnytealitier. lfs I:-'1) 1l a1oe iIi uao h F'1) 271cTet t College," aculof}iidea" tuu~p~les hat' h Illkabs1I lertli iA.Ketntat, T'apipa a l? t tlatt iroiF + i ii i:et~va'aA aguara etitir r tooim, 4ap. in.Adisttsiotn free. ~~'ll~ I~tcmotfrtwerfe t( estv et T'eli 'it I elatid T. lowers, ott S. I,. HAL F F 1D"I; i--tiiettc va fmas S. ettar 'e, Uittersity Hall. , 'HO SE 11fBs la So aebe i h ubto 'lth. ,q- 'ithieritie (lee rmtta itt'the F R E a'n ')'t ~ rtcm Girl That I c k i kSe Ste' (matittee ad atuel er tliilt). ALEWesTC os)ADR O I N M)B I RKED W. GROSS .filr. )--X rsiy bad (ance 13rbotr Lberty St.,(ur.4th Ave. Merchant cc Tailors A-MU5EMENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT ror the Erstire Week ZIE CMMENCING IIAJETC E BR'-<%UARYv '17 The foltowinig Attractions will be Presented : 1.-Overture. 2.-Elliott & West. Wi ~il, A o lt 3.-Charles Marvelle.c itiiooL C.-Signs Roberts. c,eii. i 5.-Kurtiss & Busse. \.it ii s 1 izoti. 6.-Geo. W. Stewart. t,,iia ims 7.-Nippon Troupeii.t 8.-Majestiscope. UNIVERSITY NOTICES t'e'e t viili e' a tiietttg tf the' i i(ea a t)e. i. ttd ge. RSieublei'c cu ii eti 4 atuda todayei, a t ir'e Stets Ittortefotllow- ir, Gleson, Lutes, Pretihs U. ThcCWee Neats ill ieoffttetredeto't citapbit te iii.ro itt'. A 1=. 3 1tcoi.cl ockite itle., F atntic ii ii tiic fotr Rentt-- treet. hous ui tble7.fofrtriyrC11,oi lco iler urt' Sitge a'ettetill sreet all Convtetnien es'. Tlep'tonetu'839-1,. (103 F. THE HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASS. W5 itte eat', attioe,'oif ' t h e u~ig, hciw r Ieiuti'. tututuuu ubru?:i.tt' it thisaus'hoo'l ntltthas tietey itit ianii i i tan e serhi h ai The brapcesef i iltit e rottly ii tchtguae in O.c ieSti e eti Ofite F'it hild ot- A fArRVArRD n. MI'DoI~t hlosA of r.litL tetu ehlsopyo . ine LECARN TO DIANCEC CORRECTLY. JOIN THE CLASSICS IN D A N C I N G at GCti t "'. 's tiettt.et'trttund ifttteriiattaSt reeSut. tite tutu'S tetetf i PRICES-enitie ittloo,35c;F 154- BoeSSeat,, 50c. Lit ci,30e; it icititv, 25C:tGlliry, New Whitii.sy Theatre BELL PHONE 480 HOME PHONE 200 Frid ay, Feruary 21 BRO0ADHRT.CUERRY William on'elli A TRUE STORY OF WESTERN LIFE Seat sale opens Wednesday,. Feb. 19 1prices:-25c, S50,.7S5c. $1.00 Theatoium e 119 E. LIBERTY ST. Ann Arbor's Pioneer Movilng Picture Theatre ConziInuous Performance, 2 to 10 P. in. JOE GILLARD, Prop. Webb's For High Grade Candies, Ice Creamr, Fruit tees, tPuncesee Sherbets, Frozen Liquid Favors for alt Oecasiotns. Fancy Napkinis and Doities Salted Nut Cases. Webs -Chocoates are unsurpassed. 109 S. Mali St. 1.11,51'P'cIr of niose-glasses, ion ''Tayer street bteenteiW'atshingtont street 77.5-J. or call at 203 Stitiii'Thayier. Atarti clocks earrated for one year, $t.oo. Hatter's Jewelry Store, 2x6 S. Main street. god See Hentnittg & Koch's tew (till tine if ichigant fobs, puts atid spoonas.113 Eaist Libterty St. eod See our complete tine of Michigan pins, fobs and sotuvenirs. Hatter's Jewelery Store, 216 S.. Main street. eod Bacsehbal mn : eif yoet watnt thtelatest in basebtall goods, see Spalding's lite at Cusinatg's. If Otur Clone' wilhlibe otueni Studaytsthis yecr funstile of cigars. candties, ec.,eandu BILLIARDS, aOWLINU, LUNCHES, CIGARS. CANDIES, TOBACCO. .12 S. State .- .311 Maynard MOE'S B ARBIER. SHOp 701 North Uitversiy Ave. 0. A. MQE, jWINTER JOYS comehtS otnly to those who are fortified hy abundatt heathlind vigotr.against cold and ex- 1aesure. Bodily warmth comes from (atldigestion and good food, not from -Jan~nels 11111 overcoats. Shredded Whole Wheat rthe fetod thait brings fullest enjoy- !meti at ofVtnter Wvork or play, beae use it is rtch in the heat-W Tn a k i n g, muscle-building (eleents and because it is :)eatsily digested. It gives thIr litheness and suppleness S_'lirnb thatt make the human hody a thing of power and beattt. Ci A breakfast of SHREDDED 'aWHEAT BISCUtT, with hot or' cold milk or cream, will supply the eoergy far a half dayts work. TRISCUIT is the same I as the Biscui, except that it is aopressed ino a wafer and is used as a TOAST for any meat instead of white floor bhead. tall grocers. Our new 1 ltated Cook Book is sent tree. d liwl 1TJ ALL IN THE SHREDS." 'i"'NAlURAI FOOD) CO., Niagara Falls, N. 1'. ALWAYS A" EAD IN STYLES ,L WAR DvTHE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THiINGI IN TAILORINO