fife Mt fl4ttA~t 1~AttO~ -~ ----- G. H. Wild Companly The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles i WOOLENS- For Gentlemen's Wear Everything required for Suit,, Overcoats Fancy Vetings, and 'reouserings, and of fithlsIs i-- fabrics andi speciat styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 3f1 South Stafe Street School oneefdga you inslistsi AT Sheehan & Co. Student Bookstores SPADIN'S - OFICIAL FOOTBALL GUID[ Containing the New Rles -With fl age e p asaory piciturs. E dited by Wler camp. Te largest Fiot- ballOtoiepltbsd. Bulieof football iformatio, reiews, forecast, schedules, cataiiis, ri-- ordS, pictures of aer,ipiyes. Price to. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chtcago, St. Liuit. Sncaesc Minneapolis, Dener, Bulalo. Syracoe, iii burg, Phiiadephia, Bsso, Cininti.ti- oy mor. . -Send your snime adgst trfeet copy of the Spading nill ansin tr ss- Catalogue, containing pitures ad prises ot all the new seasonable thetie god. THE MIC~iI JAN DAILY. Manaitging FEditr PAUL 'SCOttt I Mttsiti Bttttnes sMottge-C i. ii s-oc st. lot 05-i evs ..... ........A. FEtRitise) Athlticts. \VWiialm F. Grtiloph Spostittg...Clar-ene IiE. Edritge Excanige....I Jht Wtmtolt 5,1 stic atid Drauto. Ett-Roy . SWelh N'stolteif- Etdittr.... LotieVnso Ntohi Jf. NW.'iMcCantdless Eter C Au-its JotiFsWrz oet I lac listrisi S. Cttdy Geotrge II. loart Chasuttcey 1Iuhtler BI3. 1NR. iiins- L. C. iReitdLe A White 11-t-iitttiti Siss-iler M, l. I uillhgh A. L.I Maitline RobsletMti ittt-, BtUSINESS5 STAFF Joh ttlstt ur Catr tlii I. -nltt Ni-iytt-iid Srses-i Mn g r 11t 0111 : i-iit 1 2 P. its 78 f l. tily, excepsttitStttlayt.Bo tth stihtnes U111 N lttlII5FR I -si iftttls srro~~ t ict ii -'tn The slite hash t fot he1 eles-its ns regaring te cl s 5 t tlec I t iosyi p ll sl1i-s i iii td lis- ollt i its fledged-and tutits lmeberofth i~iosil-iut-ti etsk; itros n actilte i t ist ithe ct f it situticlmItsbecIservstudI stilestits carein lid pon he est rai s stiltsn t~n . nd he l ists m iait -it list- its a lis tit i si i s -sit he urd liso t t -it it-i- day isthereal-isisii itt wllis of ittmitttlttssi s in a lit-y a sptilsit I ts titii1,1 c ll fora t5,iat ypo t5 of ilm5n. itsali sts-idsest afiri1 s i oti rety cn factily ybctt - slt-i -iostrl-t r what svits-fisntis lsde sf r thi. itl m ist dttil ft al lite-a bonali-ii dess who fist nteest -iet-i-itelistew ter. sit sits-it t hal t. iisss-si - n s tha t e usti th iih h s t-isis a)st not s l e 1-i sli ti lts silts-i tsusi-gis blitst siti thet- isuly sTs hati viteis 5 smewhatisidet-si sits lal ti t is -. i-t s-t-i-ithen lgila- tiltis-inecessary iteshilll Ietalu tosi sialy elts lt-isisoniluho as gaitmis iit s euaitsn Isisr btrtsd-mindiitdiss.s -sunits itl t i titegrity, sitd fiait-sis. ft -temtssimsita wa-s-tit if litte to miietoseitqualitiestemtainldiiir thesisi is itlis-bviius. Net persol prefer- -et-tnc si-e-iis-alaysworinig, anturequires tlts-is aiitare-ful ~ss iitiii. (Osicbe-il friessds-stettItfrisien fol-itsvirtsie if ti-i genislity, Is candior, or issdeesd in ne sot-f te tratsinamsteudabttve, is sits isetessarilyavsitolaliestuff fort-iht-i hsiuswets-lusldianistly iniqusireI -is-t-ierlits-ms-gh ltsot poesti- sdsead lete itl thiplsit, iflstsisotanctuasldibs- si -sli to itseslf siun llsithwhis- toilyof s-unillos-t- \sndinsi-ios- Northwsiternt,siffiria-. tng list Nicilgtii-stabot totsresiise activ reiaisistllsthte Westerns Cint f--i-ie sis O(s-nr~ t rersntt hnts-- shngaoti,blist hut s-sit-ms tithae sits-iifftttit-it Itisi- li-tiy ill d asti-e, tosasy te isis-s. fismiit-ttiepeettiveoisa sito its -Nothwttestseitnlswh ich issevershadsli aitsi siistsi lthlli zn o t t tiounletd prs-n si-st suort afotballsss itlIeseli t "b tt its-ld tll ns-ihis t is e5 are5 goinig to, do sits-s-ill arri-it a fti all s ch -le- sie orthelistfii ls lists.sits itias aiii, bee iitst-istilh is a.Thesmaisit sitos-i . lis tl itsi- theC frne ieetsesoes tl ae ist )t et .ito itieus lls sll it-is lits yanutrsimmssinssg i ts omplete, Mitt igsss is~isbIss-t ofsi gretatrssariety si-i-ar -sit s-i-alsi -tyls-is-i ' Iits c msiiti- itsitsan silloter i veit sit y iss iarth. Wh s~-iete Stssds-stCo11111cil lis-imadeis 'a ifn -i-iatsi iiisi fort onittight'-i ttush, weiwsusli sgos- ltatt-eirisit-iises froms t-iilsitnI Slis lit-b pridedwtithsll thisadfae MUusic ant ID rama FACULTY CONERT. Samuel P. Loickssoodl, violinist, se- cureed at onceeandsiperinseistlysteest- thsisastiicappros-al of" his auiliestce in IHIighs School I-lll la-it evening. He ap- peored for te fir-it lime is Anit Arbsor as shei-itlsiial coiseeri of this yesar's series of Faieuisy coitcerts. At ti-icot- set 1is-iecure tliaistutcarefull iterpre- lotion estab~lisbedh1s-iabilisy in tbe tecb- sical dlemand~ss of Iis wsork. It is, how- ever,stelsharacteri-itic qiuietines-i aisd digitiyssf his play-iug ais th ie clearsness andl firmnis-s of lil toltte, whsicrelins-s, partlasrly.,stefav-sr ofi Iis atudiestce. Iii teb1stitsensetthere is nstinspct- tiesslar ini Iis layinsg, isistithrotugh msictiian-shipiaitureserve it gaussslit in- tinsacy sshiich iseaiss, ini mssice, ssarmths -if feelinigs, aaipasito lte starer, us-it bty dzinsiltg,lists by- pleasinig tint. W~illiamt Ilistslandl siua n lbserst Ls- Woodsl s-itapipeared. Mr.IHosits-di assii- seens hesard inilittler vosice thanisslti iighst, bisisp ~iteof thisifiltly Iis singinsgswasmasrtedtwius-itssiusual spirit sindi fautssii o ntsisrol. Intshlist Kinig Charle-i ofiBroinu-ssg, wtllsa setting by Nisita \'stlerie While,lie hs asisonug whsich displauys ihis hssto1ne55rindtihis dramtic iesity. Alserstsokwoisod uwas ill poisitiontos5 show hiis cleairnsessatshe recisionisof is techiuei lsinte charmsiiig Gluckl- Saino-Saenus caprice. siTe IRide of slit Vaikyries"receit-ed a terformaiuce listle sortofelftraosrdlinarr-. M1r l.ockwsuits-ii technsique lusts Ills-great udiffiulties of te sit-e- tieisei. NOiTICE TO FRESHMAN (titUS. The coinract for gy-nuasiumnsuits 5has heent itseit iack & Cii. Out-ng to ste deirehsfo~r iuiformuity itisnIeces-satry- sial all girls sccure fli-r suis-thert-. Books Why pay lull prices? GET THE DISCOUNT We alow -211tire cent discount on Drafting Supplies. 10 per cent discount on Drafting Itnstruments. 10 per cent discount on Univer- site'ret Book-. We bougnt a lotge stock of, Second-hand Law Books and will rell at undetprice-. Writing Paper by the Pound 20c 25 35c Wahres Speial Fountain Pen $1.00. E very ofle in gatanteed Maketurosiyou bodssuers Wahr's Book Stores Settotd-hand books 5bosghtland sold LYNDON 719* NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. litAEQI ARIES NFOR Koda ks Cameras m~nd photo Supplies AMTURS DINUI'iNt AND PInNTING5 A iPEcf\,T1 BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporttno &09 121 EAST' LIBERTY STREET GET STARTED RIGHT Anidibecomuse uintsd w li tely irstle -lass JEWELRY STORE Everything in Cllege Pin, Far, Jewnlry, Et, We originated thmnall.1 WM. ARNOLD '."fU 1lain ti. X11itligati sttleitt t-itics s-susieourtsuport. It soutsre ntmmeru-i ofsls teNAthletic borge sute and sisgie room with ol asst~iatii), jin.uoderts conveniences. 504 S. State. 9-0 Te iunit-is l-iisn - t s az twoi-ickth s us On l-t iktisIas flollIItt -i Preidiitt CNVi- . I--i-iter hi secrtr -is R.-T.sAtkin.- NNke - I Isiste f Nsl :Prsient lit- Ns i-rsis ener L Sep-se h r : se ta - , l.- I;. Mass ter Pus itreus- to-e-i . 11Il is-iuis Studtenits-i i-sintu-oliisi-ll tCssueal Uniont sout Milo Fetival -cosniert tickslses -isill asUivsisti5tSh-i-is-i l ut-ic .11-sralIcomnisshiisuu